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SG Non-Sponsors Compilation #5: My Hiney Is Shiny | SPORTS GOOFS

Writer's picture: Sports GoofsSports Goofs

00:00:00 - 00:05:03

All right folks. it's not just about the non sponsors out there sometimes. We have to give showed up to the real sponsors. That help us here at sports. Us going to tell you about this one. It is anchor. If you haven't heard about anchor is the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain first off. It's free great for you. Great for me. Great for anchor. There's creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer. I've used it on both of my computer. And my phone easy to use. I love it anchor. Distribute your podcast for you so it can be heard on spotify apple podcasts and many more for those of you. Listen to sports gives you know we're on a wide variety of platforms. We cast a wide net and anchor is one of the services that helps us do that. You can make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership. It's everything you need to make a podcast in one place. Which is why. I love it. One stop shop for everything that i need. Download the free anchor app or go to anchor dot. Fm to get started you saying the four forty point something percent which is basically the same thing. Right still insane. It's insane it's insane. Set dear lord okay worth for non sponsors guys we every week. We have something that we know and love and cherish and we kind of you know. Give them a shout out and hopefully one day. Somebody hears us and be like you know what i feel like. These guys are up my alley. And i'll donate some money to the patriots dot com slash. Sports gives so anybody was start out. Wants start out charles. You want to start out somebody something something going on. I'll started out. Everybody knows day. A little hungry. Sometimes i I saw diet because i'm close to thirty. I'm pretty much thirty on rounded up. And i'm trying to go against my better instincts trying to stop with the saggy face. Send the big ballet. But then there's always a calling and the calling this weekend was man. I want ice cream. So where i live in. Marin county doesn't really provide me with these great things. We gotta kill wins. Which isn't bad. If you're the area. I want something that was just easy to get our. You know my favorite kind of ice cream for those who've carreno cookies and cream. I got myself a little bit cold. Creamery and i got you guys you know for all the protein shakes mixed with green powder as can extend my my the young beautiful forever that one bite of cookies and cream. Just ticking away as i devoured devoured it asking. Oh celebrate father's day care that they got up here there. I'm going to buy that as an excuse for my pets to celebrate as their father june sixteenth. Go from there. And it's gonna be all mine more. Flavors got bunch of flavors suck that accounting list. You cook. He does not like the strawberry berries to basically this. If you don't want to go and get your briars ice cream if you want to get your makeshift ice creams. Only okay to get. The kind of weird makes precise combination chips. Ahoy with creating oreos shot edward rath. You want to get something even more sweet. Go ahead do coal stones. It's pretty affordable. You can get in different sizes. Have it your way in ice cream. Lay so call some creamery if you want something a little. Sweet looking at recess peanut butter ice cream cones. Yeah salary i'm gonna go get that little bit rate there. So they're my promo code tasty tasty okay. I guess although second so so guys that. I've mentioned the charles pre show i've been planning a little vacation first actual vacation of my working career So i wanted to do something really special. So i decided to invite my dad along with me on vacation and when we're doing an actual baseball road trip at something we've been discussing for years. My brother-in-law doesn't believe we're going because we've been discussing it for years like we're going to go see every ballpark in america's and even canada and he's like okay. My brother-in-law has been too. I think almost every major league baseball stadium and of course the ones that have shut down as well and he actually has one of his friends that he actually challenges him with with regards to not just going to the stadium but seeing certain events so.

00:05:03 - 00:10:06

My brother-in-law is the only one to be at opening day of brand new ballpark. Which is the marlins park. So he's got that he was hoping he gets worn. The game of puerto rico. But he couldn't do that and you know stuff like that. Maybe you can go to the the final game at a at a closing ballpark because the rangers are are moving out this year. So but my dad. And i've been discussing this for years and we're finally doing it. Okay i can assure you finally doing it this here okay. Three cities we're heading up saint petersburg tropicana field all these years. I've yet to bend their into to have gone to a tampa bay rays game even though they play the marlins every year. So we're heading up tampa then we're going to go up by seventy five head on over to atlanta. So we're going to see suntrust park or the brand new ballpark of the braves. And then we'll not brand new but still like two seasons in and then after that we're heading on over to washington dc to see the washington nationals and then we're heading on back down ninety five to come back old but guys traveling is expensive and sometimes you need a little help from some companies that do so and one of the companies. That actually helped me out a lot. Last week is and this coming week. That's coming up from my vacation. Expedia dot com. Hey guys expedia dot com code some premio. I'll search for them right now on. Expedia dot com. Just go there. They have great deals on hotels Plane rides and cars. I've used them for every almost every single time. I've traveled for for my law firm. We book using them. They have like the rewards programs and all that crap last week. I really needed to use them because my flight out of boston was delayed due to. I think there was a storm out in washington. C. i was supposed to go from boston to charlotte. That got cancelled. And i was supposed to go to lawson see back to miami and that got cancelled so guess. What up stuck in boston for another night. Gosh darn it. And i don't wanna sleep at the airport because you know i'm a lawyer. I gotta say at least act the part of of water. So i got at least find someplace but i'm still poor so i found a nice cheap hotel for under nine bucks on expedia only like fifteen minutes up the road from the airport i booked it like admits they already had on my staff. I walked in the hotel was it was good. Okay okay. there were no roaches on the floor. No cigarette burns in the curtains. You know The toilet was functional air conditioning. It was a it was actually a really nice place to stay. If you had two hundred nine bucks man. It was good. Okay all right after. Put any black lights or anything like that Yeah exactly so Expedia thank you very much and and use them to book my trip just now so i'm not. I'm not on the streets so thank you expedia. Promo code Gosh charles didn't give us promo code. His you know one tasty tasty promo code. No black theory conscious cigarette burns. I'm actually going to keep with the travel theme here trigo back every year. I guess this can. I do like a double mount sponsor. It's it's our show has no rules for the most. Here's the improvisational officers to every year. This is unusually early. It's usually in the middle of june but every year up in orlando There's a conference call family. Cafe family cafe is an annual conference. dedicate and the right All do the tie in in a second It's an annual conference dedicated to disabilities. It's people come from all over the state actually all over the nation was as a matter of fact to go to this and it's so educational soon formative so fine family cafe. The family cafe. i've been going sense. Fitness probably two thousand four.

00:10:06 - 00:15:07

Two thousand five and this is an annual thing. So i've been going for well over a decade and in the last few years sexually since two thousand fourteen. Believe it or not. It's hard to hard real believe I've been giving seminars thing. It's it's part exhibition Various companies will will demonstrate Various mobility things adding ramps to vans. i call prosthetics. crops no Maybe in the future who knows that would actually be smart since there that the main company is based out of ucf. So i don't know why they haven't gone to that yet But i give seminars. I've been given seminars each year since two thousand fourteen So next week. I'm driving up to orlando to give my seminars. And that's where she log comes in tree. Vago helped me book hotel room for the first night that i'm there I have a hotel setup at the conference center hotel For the knights of the conference. But i needed a place to stay prior to then so i gotta hotel through them. I also got a hotel for the bar through tree. Vago nice Tree vargo is the fee expedient of hotels although i think expedient does hotels as well but it it aggregate all the different hotel deals. Sometimes you can find better ones but the sites the places they give you know. They're very low. Prices fairly reputable places ninety five percent of the time. Sometimes you'll get some kind of odd websites of get to buy from But i liked tree. Vago it's easy and simple I'm a regular user of them I don't know if he ever decided on using a hotel somewhere. I would highly recommend using vago because they're They are good So key promo code for the family cafe is grotto and the reason why is their mascot is called lidove. Believe it or not but it's not like the situation that if you look at the page again you'll see giant. One of those guys get deported from shore. Feel like one or maybe somebody from real housewives of new jersey. Somebody got deported. If you look up family Family cafe guido. You may find a but kind of an odd mascot but it's keeping in keeping with the whole theme of was that the little chef guy. There is okay. All right that's weirdo And then promo code. Four is hotel tree our favorite segment a word from our non sponsors people. Gosh i have so many that especially over the course of my trip that i really don't know which one to choose. So if you have one you can start out and i can pick one my mind once again. I don't put much thought into these some of them. Just just stick out to me I have a good one. But the hyatt regency orlando makes sense especially after your trip. So the family cafe which was the conference. I went to this past weekend. was being held in the hyatt regency hotel which is right off. It's literally steps from the orange county convention. Center off vied drive That is aside from the fact that it's just a very beautiful hotel The staff they're just so nice day. It's unbelievable how nice they are The the conference has been there for three years. Now it's it'll be its fourth next year which is unheard of for this conference where it would stay at a hotel for two years and it would show somewhere else you know.

00:15:07 - 00:20:08

They did a while the coronado springs and disney It at a rosen hotel. I think for a little bit just kind of jumped back and forth between hotels and then they found this one and it seems to have stuck going. I'll tell you this man. The high hasn't pretty good. Let's all stayed at the one atlanta. That was so. I just by just by hearing that. I'm like yeah. That sounds like a nice place to go to it is. And like i said. More than just the niceness of the hotel itself Was fortunate enough. That i was able to stay there thankfully because i gave to seminars that weekend so it would have been real pain in the butt to have to drive from another hotel go into their parking garage and then you know walked wherever i need to go i just kinda chill-out relax and then just get dressed and then just walk down. Which by the way. I forgot how much it hurts my feet to walk inventions. When you're walking and trust shoes from no for all that sucks for thousands of yeah no i get ya And i even have a specifically told you're going to be doing a lot of walking. You should get these dress shoes that have kind of like memory foam in them. Yeah thank you very little to help. Very little suggestions. It's still dresses in the end issues. I had to put my dunked my feet in cold water in the bathtub. Yeah But getting back to the main point the people there are just so nice and You know sometimes you know. I'll be honest sometimes a little bit difficult to interact with people who have various types of disabilities. Sometimes there can be very angry or not cooperative. They can be demanding. It's it can be difficult interact with people disability sometimes Having been around them basically my whole life you know you you know how to work with them but for people that don't have as much experience with them. It can be challenge but they've stepped up to the task every time. Everyone there is so nice. They're so willing to help. I can't say enough about the. The hyatt regency orlando I don't know what are your pulled. It up nice and is a really. I go on yeah. I'm looking at it now. This is this is in the middle of the city to right. At least what do you define middle of the city. I would. Well let's see knowing orlando. I consider middle the city to be downtown. Orlando right like it is not okay so not near arena. Nothing like that. No it's it's closer to universal actually. Okay so it's on the southeast side of okay so if you're if you're gonna universal that's probably it's it's a nice place to stay pretty nearby. It's it's actually. It's part of what we referred to you. Sort of as the golden triangle. There's a plot of land between disney world universal studios me world. It's just that's kind of anything that's in. There is kind of the the high profile hotels and whatnot because you can get to anywhere any one of them from nice rooms to look nice rooms and that's actually a a realistic picture. Yeah not one that they kind of made up or whatever. That's a little bit big. That's one of their sweets. Yeah sinister jam. Nice hotel yeah So it's not in the heart of town. It's bit off of town but you can get. It's right next to the highway. I four Some of the the sub arteries lose their the five twenty. Some assuming this well this is for a wedding or whatever. But i'm pretty sure they use this for the conference rooms Has a huge expo hall that takes the entire banquet while area. And this is this massive. It's got a walkway across the river here sheesh and there's a walkway it's it's so close to the orange county convention center.

00:20:09 - 00:25:02

Well i think this is probably the hollywood time. 'cause got three screens dear lord this massive I highly recommend if you it is a bit pricey awfully. I was lucky they do vate a watery to for people to stay there. I was lucky enough that we were able to go there although even then they have discounted rates for the family cafe but it is a fairly expensive hotel but if you have the money and you're in orlando go there. It is a lovely hotel the people or even lovelier It is a fantastic place. I can't recommend it enough So heat regency orlando is my non sponsor the week and promo code. Lovely people isn't that isn't that a. It's not a song not shiny happy people. No that's a song that song nevermind mind. Okay y- yeah. I think it's called happy people. It wasn't donkey kong too. That's another reason i know that. So actually it's lovely hotel lovelier people. That's promo code k. So i think enough time off i actually i think i got a wildcard for mine. Actually because i was thinking like okay. So i had my trip and talk about it later but because it will probably take time that charles normally uses his his his wrestling news. So i was thinking okay. It could be Hotel because i stayed at four on nice hotel especially the one in tampa barrymore very nice solta wish me doug it stay there for the bar. I saw that the hotel we stayed at actually from the bar actually texts at texted him. A picture of it and it's like it's like sweet memories guys go to like apoyo after the bar. We went well. That was a pointer picasso. lynn. I i don't know where in in in west florida Along between tampa. And in naples. I forgot where but I know that poetry pekao was doug most favourite part of bowl trip really. He couldn't stop talking about it. He's like this. Is they actually cook the chicken here. We went to a marlins game just after he took the bar and that was all he talked about was that boyle and i didn't eat at the polo trophy car because i got a pops sub Just if anyone here is in florida pub all pub subs are now six dollars whole pub. Yes week yeah i. I am investing in a chicken. Tender sub tamar actually follow on twitter. The our public chicken tenders subs on sale this week accounts. And that's all they did but they actually announced that. Hey every single of is is on sale. It's a beautiful thing Actually even somewhere in the south east. It's not just florida anymore. But subs man. They're the greatest. So that's a side. That was a side one but very moral is really nice but my wild card is not a hotel. It's actually a food. It's it's munchies. Okay i don't know if you've heard of it. She's four twenty no not that much. He's no so we drove the whole trip. Me and my dad. It's a road trip right from from From west palm beach was a starting point to tampa to atlanta to to dc to pennsylvania. We went to pennsylvania. Amish country. see my aunt. Why didn't you guys go to phillies. Pirate because the phillies weren't there and pirates. Berg was way too far So and then. We stopped in richmond. Virginia for one night and then we made it all the way back to west palm beach in one night. Not in one night. No when we stayed in one night in richmond and then from that morning from richmond to to west palm made it from richmond west palm and the straight out straight. Yeah straight from ninety five twelve hours. Hopefully you guys swap some. Yes we we took a lot of rest stops. We ate and all that stuff. And and that's why this wild car came to me. I was like whoa. And it's munchies. I guess they call them chips but Its own if anyone doesn't know what i was talking about. When i said munchies four twenty there's a place over in where they make these absolutely artery clogging sandwiches was featured on man versus food.

00:25:03 - 00:30:00

Yeah look it up. It's i've never been there. I have dreams of going there But i i go there. In case i don't know i go. I would say go there at your own risk. Some of the stuff is ridiculous. I've never heard of much okay so much. Cheese is a brand from american company. Frito lay's i got the wikipedia here but it's a it's a snack. Mix chip or or product. So the one that we got in the one that you can find at your local convenience stores and gas stations and supermarkets. We got the cheese fix the classic one. Okay it's a mix of nacho cheese doritos cheetos harvest cheddar sun chips and we'll pretzels all into one okay and it's labeled formerly labeled classic and it's labeled a rich no in canada so that's the version that we got. We didn't. I didn't even know they have other versions here. They got the flaming hot which is really destructive to my innards. I mean look at this. Flaming hot cheetos salsa flavored doritos. Dear lord bobby hoppy gun Flavored sun chips. I don't even know. They made that variety and roko pretzels. Because i don't know how you make pretzel really hot. So i guess they couldn't figure out either actually every single one of these has rolled gold pretzels with no change to them whatsoever. have a barbecue version which is only canadian reduced fat version which is also only canadian. Because i guess. Americans don't wanna lose weight and advocates mix so the the reason it's my wildcard is because my dad found it so we actually had a cooler and we bought a bunch of snacks for the road. Right so the cooler is filled with our our drinks. Are sodas or waters and all that stuff and of course my my peres. I couldn't by topo chico. Because they didn't have a bottle opener. and so. just use your shirt. That's wasn't gonna make my hand leads during the trip so My dad found the munchies. And you we open it up and we like my dad's like this is the greatest thing ever like. He loved it and he he loved it so much and i think he loved it moore's because he founded and he picked it out so that was that was what we got and so every time we stopped that we specially stop that wa wa while i almost picked wa wa wa wa l. but orlando was the the the entry point of the wall invasion in florida. I think there's two in miami dade county right now. So i'm hoping there'll be more and there's a few further north. There's a couple in broward palm beach. Yeah there's no there's especially when west palm beach it's pretty close to my house over there. My parents house and my sister's wall near my dear lord. Okay so the munchies. Were a godsend My dad we went to. We stopped at a walmart when we were. I think were We were heading out from atlanta from atlanta to dc and we went to a walmart around somewhere around there in georgia and my dad's like looking around like i can't find the chips. Were the munchies. We're looking around learning. Sounds like my dad's a stoner. But he's not. I say that we're looking around. And i found that he's like oh. Thank god okay. We can go now. That's specific everything for. We stopped at a sheets somewhere in virginia's while well sheets is kind of like another competitor to wa wa high-end gas stations convenience stores that are out there right now and they also had the munchies. So yeah munchies Thank you so much for feeding us throughout our trip She's the official sponsor of the road trip. Right and not very good on my waistline but my gosh trying really good so Promo code is my dad's not a stoner. Okay and back now. So we've got other topics there's nba stuff. That's that's normally talk. This is this show for not not for normies according to my podcast. oh yeah. That's another announcement. I wanted to make a. We are officially part of apple. Podcasts formerly well. what's going to be formerly. Itunes trust in peace. So you can find us. And i have to put it on the The bottom portion of our screen.

00:30:00 - 00:35:07

There you but you can find us on apple podcasts. On the podcast app on your iphone or ipad and i think on your i tunes app on On your computer and just search for sports goofs and we're there and once we're done with this episode will upload it and we'll have the newest epa you can listen to us on the go if you're not already listening to us right now And if you are an android user you're not. you're not out of luck. Because we do have a soundcloud account just search for swertz goose again or put in soundcloud dot com slash schwartz goofs and you'll be listened to the same stuff that people on apple be listening to so You're not down now okay. We don't charge a thousand dollars for a stand. Like apple does nine ninety nine nine hundred ninety nine dollars ninety nine cents. We do not charge for a stand. I don't know if you saw a photo of the guy he had like a mac pro but instead of he didn't by the was using a co hanger. It actually works. I i guess people were were like commenting on twitter and stuff or on ready. It was on right. I saw and you're like wait a minute. The narrative here isn't that he's using a co hanger for or For a for a stanford as mac pro. It's the fact that he went to it into a cafe with a giant mac pro and nobody questioned him about that. Like that's really the the crime here. the clock. You wanna yeah. We're here and i guess we're at the halfway point. Where from our non sponsors once again. We are transitioning here. This is our new setup and we're going to work out the yeah but the next couple of working out so far and obviously we're in a different venue kind of messed things office. I think this will be working so much better right because we'd have a table tv close bides that we're doing the best we can. Yeah so who wants to go first from this one day. I'm going to go with the united states development program national team development program It's going to be quick and easy. One but hockey is so dominated by canadians. Getting sick and tired of their niceness. And they're they're well. Maybe it's on that super nice when it comes to hockey. I love canadians. I i feel. I want to visit there someday but yeah. It's time that the united states started putting up a little bit more Doing a little bit better in the realm of hockey considering our pass you know. We won the nineteen eighty when winter olympics against star. Well miracle on ice and all that jazz so it's been a while. It's been heavily dominated by the canadians But it's finally. I think about time that the united states got on board and put some effort into developing players. That's what they did. I love their logo here. I don't know if it's very classy. Well it's the reason. I love it. It's a throwback logo to the team. Usa's logo from. I think they're nineteen sixty olympic gold medal win. So it's it's really nice. I love it so yeah. The united states now Players don't have to go and plus it's all in house space clean the united states. You know americans don't have to go over to the. Oh l. or canadian hockey league any of those minor leagues you know if they want a if a player as good and they wanted to develop They can do entirely within the united states. You know you've got colleges you know those. Are you know pop class if you wanna go on through college or you can just essentially go through the closing of the. oh l. Hearing the united states it seems or at least get the same level development. Obviously you're still gonna go. I mean you have the us ahl in the us. But it's not the same as as the canadian hockey league there there needs above typically. The path is indeed and tdp ncwa right but a lot of these kids it seem. They went straight in from the n. Tdp into drive. Which i mean who knows whether that will work out or not. I feel typically that a player should develop in college markopoulo years not just for educational purpose by maturity curve kind of west. Nba was like that. To be honest. I agree. I like the college footfalls rule Does not work way.

00:35:07 - 00:40:03

You're thinking oh that's right. That is totally right because they get your rights. You can still play for college. Yeah no no. That's the nhl a bunch of ncwa players and have your rights. We just a panthers bar up there. I'm so used to denver. I'm so used to the the way that the nfl draft and the draft where you either have to sign with them or not. But i forgot how that the nhl works differently very much like that. But it's it's good though 'cause a lot of these kids they're going to be going to. They're developing entirely within the united states. They're going to be going to college in the united states. I mean i have nothing against canada but it's time that the united states kind of level the playing feel little bit against canadians. I think we have the ability to now so why not take advantage and actually put in the resources to do it for your to sign because our coach can't figure out how to balance getting the bestest i think the saint louis. Blues had a large like a ridiculously large amount of americans on their team. I think so. I think it was like half the team which is unusual. I mean you always get the argument. I'm not getting into politics here. I'm not getting into politics. I'm just stating a fact Back when justin trudeau I came into office as prime minister of canada. He and president obama were joking What's the last time. The blackhawks won the world series. Twenty fifteen well not. Yes talking fifteen. I'm stanley cup. Yeah i've kind of shaken by the fact that i'm down by By nineteen points to francisco last time. Blackhawks won the stanley. Cup was in two thousand fifteen right correct so president obama was jokingly saying that you know we have we have the stanley cup champions here in the united states to which trudeau responded but your entire but the entire team is full canadians. Yeah hopefully we can finally kind of turn that on its head anyway. We kinda have with the raptors. Okay who's next twenty thirteen twenty fifteen so yeah nice states and an tdp through the week. Promo code hashtag mirka okay. All right Charles you wanna government so usually my eye sponsors tend to be either food or food or more food voice which it up a bit because i thought this fact we're gonna use that is in every game excessively for almost every necessitate. Because i wash broke about two months ago. I tried to get a used one spare parts because your boy likes clean onto where every now then freshly washed freshly drives and then work out. So what did i go. Get a brand new washer tonight. Go on amazon. Nah walmart hell. No i've went where i had. A lot of credit might go to best buy because aside from being one of my favorite places veterans who look at high quality four k. Oh led televisions. You're salivating over some there by washington's yeah washers now plays john. It has like in the air. That's it's not there anymore. Because my i is shiny so i'm going to give a shout out the best five. I tell people as you don't know what to get me for a birthday gift card there if he's not buying a movie ventures and gains coming out just thirteen at best. Buy gift card. It'll be oppressed. They give myself go by a bunch of games. Gamers club a twenty percent off. I'll get pokemon and borderland expires. And of course it definitely dryer dies because he was my credit card at best buy. It's a dying establish fence. Post mar- movie this little shout on podcast.

00:40:03 - 00:45:03

Some stay alive for like a five years until i'm in a washer dryer accent because my clothes were flammable and i just lit up real badly so my not sponsor week is best. Buy just because besides video games and computers washer. We need to so there that promo code so fresh clean khramov. Okay all right. It's holy expecting you to do my hymie. Shiny shine is because of the so freshest clan clan. Okay all right all our all right boys. I guess i'll give a shoutout to my ons. Soon will be probably the gaylord. Palms hotel resort in orlando florida. Technically it's kissing technically. It is in the city of a kissing me or kissimmee ago. I wasn't going to correct. Yeah anyways for. You're not from florida. You would say kissing but that is incorrect. Anyways it's out there close to disneyworld Closer to the parks out there in orlando and there was a conference there for immigration lawyers. I went and i took part in the amenities of of the resorts they have. It's all endorsed. They have a very large glass ceiling. And the cool thing about it was they had these little sections in each part like the middle section was called saint augustine so they made it look like very old spanish style. Architecture in the middle of it is like a fake folks. that looks like the san markle's For out on saint augustine which is pretty cool on. They have like koi pond as well. It's it's all very very cheesy floridian but the florida and immediately loves it so this is so fun then i go down to the other side everglades section and it's made to look very forest that where they keep alligators little baby alligators there along with snakes. And what have you. And they also have an arcade and sense of photo are discord of the arcade that they had and it was. It was actually an air hockey table. A large photo of songkhla the hedgehog on it which i will now make it a mission by the end of my life to attain. I was also saying in the discord that once we become famous streamers. I i'm going to make it a mission for us to get an office that we can broadcast out of and we can buy that air hockey table and put in the office. That would be a lot of fun. It's kind of like dude. perfect okay. So they had that. And then i was sitting in my room was the key west section. The key west section had a body of water. I guess meant to be like the ocean pumped in the smell of the ocean and they had fish in there as well. I don't think they were salt. Water fish so i think they were freshwater fish but they did have fish inside of there which is pretty cool real fashion and and in the body water is a boat and the boat doubles as a restaurant which is pretty frigging 'cause well and then of course the whole thing is all connected the at the convention center itself. And if you didn't want to go outside you could get to the convention center without having to leave the building so you want to say something knowledge okay. And then finally they had to pull had a giant pool with a giant waterslide at and go down the waterside. Unfortunately my knees were stalled mess. I was in the adult section pool where they didn't allow kids to be there and stuff like that just eighteen plus x rayed non. Fortunately wasn't that much but you can get your drinks and whatnot over there anyways. Just the find a fun. Senator be at trying to bring it up here on the screen. So y'all could see at least some photos of it to have an idea that i'm just gonna do a quick story back when i was in elementary schools I was part of i. Did i was in. I did cedar quite a bit. I did a lot of plays when i was younger. Elementary middle and high school and one of the plays i.

00:45:03 - 00:50:01

Did we get it at the gaylord palms convention center. There's the boat as you can see. It is i. I'll be on. And you know i lived there as i said in the chat. I used to go there a lot of the other cool thing each winter they do something called ice where an entire section of the hotel is brought down below freezing and they have ice. Slides is soon as. That's so cool. They they give you like a nice big parka to go in there. If you want to go in there you have to be synthetic ice rink or something. I don't think it's large enough to do that although ucf They have a real outdoor ice rink holidays. The panthers do that around the holidays as well. Then celebration has a synthetic ice rink each winter. Out on the main street of downtown. But i love going to the gaylord tomes the so fine It used to be free parking to the public so you could just go and walk around but they sense instituted a parking fee. Believe me i. I pay the parking fee. Yes they have very much instituted the park but man. If you get the chance to even just you don't even have to stay at the hotel because it's freaking expensive but just spend you know two three hours even. Just walk around inside the atrium. It is a lot of fun Grab dinner there. Go to the arcade. Whatever but if you happen to be in orlando is go there man. Sorry i'm kind of piggybacking off your non on. I'm are frigging advocate. You should get hired by them okay. So that's our non sponsors they're undergoing an expansion to i don't know what they're expanding into. I didn't see anything about that. But just the groundbreaking. Okay so maybe. I wasn't therefore but okay nice. Dig into one of those. Yeah all right so I want to go to a former cop. So bt doves were almost at the halfway point of the show did. Was that if you've never seen the show before is a word for non sponsors and the this part of the show is a segment in which we talk about places things concepts. What have you that we love and and hope to share with you guys Share the love for for those things. Also charles. I don't know if you have anything you want to start out with but i do of course all right so for those or no i typically talk about two things i do my non the two things that bring you joy video games yep every now alcohol food for to put it into what i drink that but i'll do is. I'll talk about what i eat that day. So it's friday night. The my buddy were planning a trip to new orleans saints played against the park sometime over so we decided to get some food coming into it and this was one of my favorite places when i live with on beach. And they've brought up the treasure coast area and then of course like everything in my life. I can't have the things. I love so much. They close it down but after -tunities to get lunch or dinner there. I trump on it every time in palm beach because i think they have a great collection not just regular phone wings on the swings chickens especially this awesome so mine sponsor. It's bruce room you guys we're talking about. I mean. I barely stray away. But inside like an saltergate for maybe eat them chicken wings again because i host of there and like two thousand ten twenty eleven watching all the sports play offs some extra wet hot tangy wings fingers all like second off the phone man. I didn't even think about now. It'd be a little flavor of my mouth. i get all watery salvi. They're reasonably priced. They taste good much. I think we got plethora of tv's their age what the house should be said. He just became like. Hey kids eat free. Tuesday guys a ha- sporting. I just want to get some good food and me. I got a bruise on. People are del rey. I think but definitely something you wanna try. Just like picking their their their the locations right there. Pembroke pines coconut creek deerfield beach coral springs bird row. Here miami boynton beach delray beach and royal palm beach.

00:50:03 - 00:55:00

Oh yeah just go to try yourself some. I've never been. I have never been. I've been to flanigan's. I've been duffy's been vo campers where i've never been to bruce. I mean promo code finger licking good. Oh yeah okay. Perfect all right so i guess my non sponsor this week. Let's let's reset mine so by the way We've got like it's about work at one time right now okay service. Is texting me okay. While i'm doing went on spas we. We've got the entrance set up for our a character here so we need the the stage animation. The ramp animation. The ring animation some generaux animation. So you think about your favorite wrestler. Serve a two thousand and three and see what of walk and stage and whatever you want along the way but for me. My non sponsor is a the bright line. So i don't know if anybody's ever heard of this but the bright line is a a privates public private rail services train that runs from as of now miami to west palm beach so they have three stops miami fort lauderdale and west palm beach and the beauty about this train is that it goes right into the heart of downtown of each of those cities. So you're if you wanna have a nice night out and you don't want to drive all the way out to these cities so you can hop on the bright line and and head on over there now. The bright line is actually incredibly reasonably priced. I decided to go on it this past week on fourth of july. They were open. We went with my with my girlfriend. We went to fort lauderdale beach. See the fireworks. They're wanna stick around. Miami and i decided you know what might have a couple of drinks might not be safe. Dr especially when other people are drinking as well So why not just take train. And for the first time ever ever i ever took it and i'm really glad that i did because man that that thing was the. Ac you just sit down. You're comfortable i. It's basically like it's like going to. I don't know man might be the equivalent japan with the other. Their speed bullet trains were there. Basically so fast and so it's such great service that they actually rival the airlines. And i kind of want that for down here man. And they're they're making extension down to up to orlando soon enough so that's going to be really great and they're thinking of accession after that tampa and i'm hoping maybe another extension getting back to the keys. That would be awesome. It was a half hour trip. So how far. From miami. From downtown to miami to fort lauderdale half an hour. It went by that. I we just sat down has free wifi and you sit down. You relax sued. You're again your zooming past traffic and it was the racist thing. Cheap brave ten dollars ten dollars round trip twenty dollars. Let's say twenty dollars you know and you're you're relaxed. You don't have to worry about your car. Parking garages at the station. So you don't have to worry about your car being out in the open. Whatever we arrived for lauderdale. We took a lift to downtown. And that was it. That was that man. We didn't have to stress about you. Know getting into city then parking there and then and then having to wade through all of that fourth of july traffic now no we we. We left that to the uber and lyft guys and and we relaxed ourselves on the train. So the the bright line Promo code free wifi man she she. You can't beat. That cannot be wife so yeah. It's the bright line awesome. You yeah man you gotta take it. You gotta take out at least once especially when they go up to orlando. That's that's a three hour trip driving from west palm beach your of about an hour or maybe so cut off from that trip so but you can relax training. Just hit on to disneyworld. It's charles. Were coming up at the halfway point year.

00:55:00 - 01:00:01

So you kind of know what that means right perfect so word from non sponsors so let me let me get the the graphics up we we honor people places things stuff that we just like over the past week so i don't know you want to start it off all the crap. That's a big hit right there. Who hit that. david ortiz. Big papi before he got shot. He's he's alive i can. I can make fun of it right. Now he's still alive so go ahead. If you wanna talk charles well you know my my my sponsor may not be big puffy. But i'll tell you now. He was at one point. The big guy all bringing up. Because i talk about guys talk. And my mouth gets ten drive it's kind of parched and water sometimes can do but ain't gonna public's bj's and i see a picture of a man who took a very simple concept of selling his brand his face by dismissing nixing aerobics lemonade a little bit of ice. T decree quintessential arnie palmer. I get excited. And i by as much as i can before we show. I was sipping on a cool one. With the boys of arnold palmer non sponsor the week is going to be our ice tea half lemonade great concoction. If you wanna little sugarless soda. I don't really drink a lotta soda. And i don't necessarily like a lot of juice because half the time juicer inst- contains ten percent juice. The hell does it. contain battery. Acid manger didn't even artificiality degree. It takes real to me like they're real so arnie palmer get yourself a little bit of half and half lemonade and iced tea and enjoy it. Promo code quenched. Oh yeah mean. We see of a few examples here from different companies got from arizona. You have you have spiked half-and-half now for arnold palmer that i think i just saw commercials for that. So yeah the arnold palmer is extra instructions here to make the perfect arnold palmer from chef dennis wherever the hell that is classic arlberg. Were they seeing them. Intermix a little high-octane with vodka. Perfect drink for summer and just like general said already. Yeah i do enjoy very much that drink as well charles. I can't have it much. But i don't. I don't like to drink my calories but you know sometimes you just gotta have it right all right so My my non sponsor this week. I'm going to have to give it to I've been watching a show lately. A very very out of the box show but i love it all the same. I gonna give it to a show called mike tyson mysteries for those of you who don't know former professional boxer former any s classic character who hasn't appeared in super smash brothers yet. But you know we have soccer. I could always make that change. Mike tyson has a cartoon show called mike tyson mysteries on on adult swim cartoon our. It's it's very much aac into all those hanna. Barbera seventies era cartoons in the style and pace pace. We're not not not the pacing but at least style and music is concerned. But it's it's one of it's crazy. It's mike tyson retired boxer and this he solves mystery so people send him Questions and try to get him to help in solving their mysteries by way of carrier pigeon for those of you who don't know mike. Tyson is very much a carer of pigeons so people send them through a pigeon their messages. He has a asian american daughter which he adopted in the show and he is accompanied by the ghost of the marcus. A queensberry and i had to look this up but apparently the mark is a queensberry is the guy who at least lent his name to the modern rules of boxing. So that's why he has goals following him around. So it's the guy who basically his name is the rules of boxing. The modern rules of boxing is this guy name and he's also accompanied by talking pigeon Who used to be a human being.

01:00:01 - 01:01:19

But his wife tournament to a pigeon because he was unfaithful to her and they just call them pigeon and is voiced by norm mcdonald. which makes us even funnier. And the the mark is a queensberry is voiced by by. Jim rash for those of you. Don't know he was the dean in community. Oh yeah so. That's so you got a pretty good cast here and surprisingly mike tyson is very funny. Just the fact that it's him and he pokes fun at himself. He makes you could see the other. Boxers are referencing it even references him biting evander holyfield in it as well just And the show is completely random. There's no sense whatsoever. But for some reason it's crazy enough to work. It just works the show just works. It's on its fourth season right now so the show just works and yeah i've been. I've been been watching mike tyson mysteries so that's mine on sponsor. Is this show so yeah. That's it all right so.

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