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SG 94: Unfocused NBA Talk, Nintendo Direct, & Elimination Chamber | SPORTS GOOFS

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SG 94: Unfocused NBA Talk, Nintendo Direct, & Elimination Chamber | SPORTS GOOFS

00:00:33 - 00:05:01

Okay what's up. People sports gives number ninety four equal throw francisco. Joined by my bud charles here. We're or the duo today. Anju went through a horrendous ordeal again. And he's not. I think he's he's still got a pulse because we did receive a message from him at least that he is still alive. But i don't think he's coming in for this week. Oh be back. He'll be back next week. It'd be one hundred percent again. It'd be able to his life unless he's going to go on that gigantic world tour that he was planning not sure and to give ideas world tour is what central florida. Yeah so were. We'll see maybe he can call in while he's sitting sitting Poolside someplace with a Of virgin strawberry or something you know. He doesn't drink alcohol so as he's outside looking at the. Ucf knights stadium drawing a heart shaped his finger. Because you know he thought so we can attack the orlando fan base a little bit for another week at least oh he's gonna come back with vengeance against this terrible. He's been hearing this for the last three weeks. So that's going to be great all right sports over the last week. What did we watch at. I gotta tell you told charles already everybody else i was. I was lazy with record so watching sports out real easy. I didn't even watch the panthers. That's how lazy i was. I was looking at the score from my phone while watching wells rewatching community. Because i haven't really watched the show forever. Or i haven't yeah so the episodes a semi fresh to me now like oh man lives all jokes. Hit me again. So that's what i've been doing. I won't i only saw really one. Nba game the heat versus the warriors which supremely disappointed us. That was the one that we both watching charles. It was one of those labor so asking and so happy. Yeah happens yeah you sleep. Yeah this is. A good night's sleep wake up. He sends the message. I'm a. I'm a hit the band right okay and i just stood up. And then like yeah. You set the text like what happened. I'm like same thing that always happens. The heat fail to close at the end. This is why. I hate west coast games back. How people who could be literally fans of anything when you think of it for if you're on the east coast living east coast west coast fan because here. I am all happy. And then i go to bed. I'm like we lost and these games are matter now folks. I would feel like the kid who was like oh my hamsters all good. I wake up the next day like my hamsters dead. You know what the fuck what the hell. Good week for the heat though. Don't ask couple of games but we could have yeah. Ono that wounds that was in the bag. They beat the lakers. That i saw the end of that game and is he the rest like the i saw the last last really two minutes of that game and i watched all nameless blew that one too. So yeah well. I don't know. I mean it was partly lebron doing lebron things with that that steal but it was closed. That was that was one of those like Here we go again. They're going gonna send it to overtime and then we lose because we're gas by that point thankfully. No anthony davis but yeah. Yeah yeah no no. Anthony davis will he keep losing the teams that are not one hundred percent which also concerns me a bit a bit a bit. We're not necessarily hundred percent. I know yeah. Yeah i'm still. I'm still trying to get into the panic twitter. He twitter's just ridiculous. People are always the pan buck and firestone fires photos. That's that's always the one you can never fire spo.

00:05:01 - 00:10:01

If ric carlo gets absolution he gets absolution. Let's let's so unrealistic. I'm looking at i'm john. I just opened up the nba operate. Now i did not know that there was going to be a play in round for the play offs between the seven through ten teams though. We still suck. Yeah and it's a beautiful happen at the moment. It's the heat at number tan. Which is i mean god man. That's the fourteen. Fourteenth seventeen played a lot of games then the hornets at number nine the bulls at eight knicks at seven. There's not a lot. I mean the the thing is like we're panicking. But the he could just go on a run and it's not and they will instantly be the number four seed because but we d- the pacers are fifteen and fourteen and sorry brandon. The heat win like three games in a row on the pacers stumble bit also in their fourth in the in the conference. Okay it's not that really panic time. You know i mean we're also full health either so i feel like we don't have that potential to actually know how good bad of a team we are. Because it's look larry rotating we'll have a guy they're playing one game and then they're not they'll tyler gorin and then there's sunday's a gave vincent max and mma heartbreaking here because i kind of feel like if you're like that big climactic battle war and you don't know you have. Your boys are on their own thing. You just get some peasants and you're like all right. You never held a sword before people. Let's do it. And some of them are working. Strauss's bring like three for twelve last night but that happens because when it's all you have that's all you have But i i wasn't so much concern about Actually think that he was great despite close blowing it because there's a difference between blowing it and then you know coming close blowing but you still get the win because at still as well put team. They don't have any anthony davis but were different. Do i don't care right but you still have lebron. You still better teams. You saw better players on that team. That what i think we face the finals and a hold to that because dennis schroder is still leagues ahead of john rondo and they were going against each other. A cruise most crucial dares. He's not great but he's still very good in my eyes so it was an impressive win but the problem is is that what team you want to be you want to be. The team can exhaust everybody installers or do you want to be the teammates gonna 'cause i know what about about the now. There's subtraction of releases in trades. I guess we're going to eat for a second of. Let's talk about it last month. So let's let's go with it it so let's go with the. There's boogie cousins. He's out there now. You know people have been showing videos of of Jimmy butler talking about how much. He likes boogie. Cousins stuffing they got the sink tap of attitude in some sense. But but of course is the injury history you know. And that's told you he's gonna pop his knees. The mini comes on and he's actually played decently behind crocheting woods. He's averaging about nine points a game. Just play as a reserve. And i get that but you have to also be healthy in order to get more play time and why you went to houston's because you're rotate contract and you could actually bring some fan base because they're so people who have traction for being a book guy yeah well if he could come to the The he also have some pretty good. Medical staff may be the they find a way to to work them in their at. Greg oden was here. If we resurrect that man for a little bit a little bit but think on this if you placed him you know him and bam could play. They couldn't play big mess together. Because i think there's still a small thing. But i have no problem with bowie replacing. Kelly olynyk because i've been tracking it and everytime all nick is just shooting those wide threes. They shouldn't be shooting at. It goes four of eleven. We lose the guy. Seven foot is he's not. They're very athletic. Tall man whereas boogie is so. That's were if you're gonna start if you're gonna start you're starting five to have possibly bogey replace all and then they could just interchange bring back because sometimes only again band do you play well and then sometimes there's a lack of reliable shooters so and i i just kind of want see what the law would be. I wanna see what we can do. Goran just kicking out to boogie.

00:10:01 - 00:15:03

Who has still decent mid-stroke man. Osceola happens of it. Yeah i mean. Kelly hasn't been doing so hot this year. He's been on and off he's been some people have been now. They're really honing in on. What the heck is wrong with him. And some nights and think we'll mansell was talking about how it seems like when kelly's doing bad he's fading away on his shots whereas when he's just kinda has a nice straight jump nice full Follow through there. He he seems to land is shots after that so it may just be some bad habit. That's turned up a bit. That if they can just kind of was always kinda. He was always kind of like that in boston. And mind you. I think kelly is a perfect second unit guy. But he's got to be one of those stars team. That doesn't really fully play starring minutes and you've seen ads just time to adapt to it. I would say twenty twenty five minutes shirt especially if you get i mean i still want you know griffin because for some reason it just one of those things where i know. He's shooting like thirty six percent. I know he's not in the best fantastic shape anymore to be doing lobs. But it just feels at jeremy. Tash one of our guys not every four Follows podcasts finishes jerry tash. He's doing stuff for fox sports. Great guy we love him and reading stuff I think he would agree with me. A word it's just you feel if you put him in the right change of scenery. Kind like randy moss from oakland to new england. It's different kind of culture feeling and maybe something comes up. Granted placed while playbill's big adult minutes right and navy. But i feel like if he but he's not gonna take salaries action. Yeah that's it depends. If he's willing that's part of the thing with the miami kinda have to be willing to to be a part of the culture. They can convince them. I'm sure once he gets in there because he's gonna come here and he's he's gonna know it's his team you know it's it's jimmy jimmy butler and and ends gorenstein yet. Jimmy loves on the reason goran came back. So it's it's a culture thing it's it's jimmy seaman and even not really jimmy team because he doesn't have to be the guy but he's obviously the kind of spiritual a spiritual leader because he embalming today it slows team. Yeah yeah. I think. I'm gonna put it down like that because there has never been a player whose identity is bigger than spo. Even the big three of the state right now lebron par payroll is like no no at an s. Only because i can only name three coaches. I think that are bigger than our team and they both happened to come from. I would say. I would definitely say carlisle is bigger than by. He's got like twelve years on that team. And lucas gonna be there for a while. For next year i they. It's fair to say and then popovich of courses the He is the seminal bigger name and spo and pop come from the same mindset of culture. You it's so weird because it's tough to kind of set like in football definitely. Does i guess baseball football. You definitely know that people from the learning branch. Other coaches andy. Reid and that. Peterson peterson learning. All these other coaches. Go on duke. Things anybody from. Jim wall cher for the forty niners cat. We actually know such sports looking at that. And how they had those bill parcells and how the people follow up on in bass light really. Don't buy find it amusing that you have spoken pop Still the same thing can a good vets hard defense smart place. No turnovers shots. I don't think they learned nature or slow definitely learn was always pack had had a very different dynamic teaching yet. Dan pablo. Who's actually doing pretty good this year on that team the spurs. I mean. they're not going to be a bad team. So anybody that team. Murray and the mark the rosen. He's still there is. The rosenfield already is underrated. I will say that At thirty two. I just always feel bad for him but he was a guy that i would. I'd if the price is right to the problem is he doesn't have that closure mentality and i know it's hard that's not a step statistic. That's a really follow that could be proven but Kosgei support look how it turned around. Toronto by getting one guy will on paper quiet and almost the same person except for the defensive -bility and the shots election.

00:15:03 - 00:20:02

Yeah heat buys pop pop steams. It's really a maybe Shirt hate miami. You have milk cared. There's no way no no pops pops gonna retire in san antonio i. I don't know what's supposed aspirations are with regards to. I don't know if he wants to be like pat riley and have his hands both in the executive suite and down on the floor. But i don't think he's as personal free agents. The way pack was the past the guy that you came in he to show you the rings you get it. He'll winning teams on all spectrums. And it's such night and day with as executive We don't count the first time. I won't count. Because he made the moves he fired standing on and was and now we look at how he was able to bring in. That first wave the championship appearances with the big three because everybody was bros. Capitalize says we're not Dixie error compared to what you're doing cleveland. What you were dealing. Toronto ended the second championship appearance of the That wasn't what the degree was last year. it was just a bunch of dudes a bunch of us. We want them to be here to be here. And if you earn your paycheck you get rewarded when that one time contract. Look at gowran you look at jimmy you look at bam himself in three years of playtime so it was like a different measurement. Tally i go with more flash. The second goal is more dedication to asi but I don't think that's in unspoken. Sposa got you wanna workforce sposa guys not a guy that you want to On chill around right. yeah. And i don't personally probably actually great in. He seems very involved. He doesn't seem like a he doesn't seem fake. I think i want to say that. Because there's some coaches and i'll give because we mentioned jimmy brett brown of the semi sue. Also you right now. I think he should have coaching opportunity. Because we actually had a realty built to succeed and we're not going to count last year seventy sixers team because different. He was able to do something great with it. But why was it. He e cross jimmy on the runway. Because it was jimmy butler james butler and anybody who started this show. When i call him. James is it's kind of like i jab to brett brown at the seventy sixers. Why because the one thing you know about my as is i'm petty always jabots sixers But i think if anything spo be that guy who is more like scouting. I think he will be perfect for that as like some not like a scout scout. Whoever overseas that portion of front office. He knows how to play minutes hands down. No one who've max strauss was sousa. Is duncan robinson was a couple years back right and it might have been heat. Familiarity in the passages get a vet who is of Out a little bit and just give him an opportunity not some guy who was undrafted in his first full year as a pro kind of doing things going through the g. league and end Roberts who's probably going to get paid handsomely. Probably a little overpaid. But i don't think england agents we want to get the most amount of money for clients. I think they kind of know where he stands. 'cause i you think doug arrives. It will be starting anywhere else. I maybe named like two teams. He he'll definitely be a second unit guy and that's what sometimes happens but spo being something scouring advisor or even at jerry westwood white. Whatever the hell. Jerry did to be an adviser follows laker championships and golden state. And i think he was probably player personnel. Yeah yeah i mean jerry. Yeah jerry west. Basically is a consultant on talent. He seems to be just as an eye for it. So that's that's probably yeah. I could see spo doing that and not really well. Shane body is still the heat so think he was one of those guys. I was up there because he was in player development. I don't seem like he was more up there. I see so there with the heat. But i don't think so is more from what i don't know i'm not sure but it seems like he's just like a special adviser type of guy Would follow john. The idea of trying to go take their chances in college basketball. Which is a sport. That's very open to getting former players as coaches compared to the nca football aspect of it. i just see it because you have to think about this way Even though you get a lot of former players as coaches point guards.

00:20:02 - 00:25:01

And that's how you got like doc rivers involved alvin gentry a few other people but patrick ewing couldn't get a job for life of a gun to your head as you're an owner. They went high apache for whatever reason he was the assistant. Coach orlando a foul steinbeck. They went to georgetown day. Let's see sorry. I just want to see what is official. Capacity of the heat is the director of basketball development analytics numbers guy scouting for all intents that can that still translates. Gm especially if you want to go into the the future of analytics and stuff like that. And he's played the game too so he's like that as a step some of them. You know almost v. owner and everything else that sometimes osh feasible for players who are very smart who have high us by q. Because i would say that if you have high basketball. Iq you can translate to coaching. Well you can translate into front office. Possibly that it's a big question right because of your is wrong. Contract negotiation sometimes really reserved for liam vice president. If the president itself it depends on west fine there well. Let's see i mean well. Let's let's see. We've got jason kidd. Who's who coached and he's still on a system with the lakers. That's massive high. Iq yeah got gotta ring last last year with with the lakers. So he's on the frank vogel. 's that was one of those like oh lebron you know wanna leave vogel fires instantly have a backup right there and jason kidd. I forgot because vogel everybody. And this is the one who at the age eighty people forget. How good coaches can't be. You cannot count. I definitely say you should not count a frank. Vogel is running orlando. Because i was far. She's team was just churning out alford pay said that is not he. Yes some coaches really. Some coaches aren't meant to develop. They're just not enter the not meant to develop players but the thing is it's also what was he given was even crap developed because he had his his state within the anna and there was a young paul. George he had Roy hubbard ever ever. Yeah then you had for a while land stevenson. Obviously the and but that was when those guys were young and then the old guy was what pushed hard our. And then danny granger. Those are the old heads. I guess on those players right there. Oh yeah and yeah green pop up in miami for like how many games at the very young. So so yeah you got some guys. With high cues of steve nash. Now is a coach. Of course this he's a guy with high q. Of course he got the job right away but the thing is they're all what position point guards yet make sense. Yeah it's like catchers in baseball you guys who have to kind of see everything in order to understand everything catchers in baseball point guards in basketball make sense and yeah so let's see but shame batty was always known as having high q. Was a great defensive player that makes sense fringe want because coaching offenses. I never get drawing a specific thing and coaching offense on it. And that sets a lesser talking about That final play which is a key. Or you're just gonna come out over three. Coaching defense is what i really say is the the biggest right there. Because it's just something that you don't get often and it matters that's where who was it that was hired as the defensive coach there. It you see that sometimes in basketball work. Certain coaches like. I suck at this. Oh this person's to be higher hasna visor to it. But they didn't call like the assistant coach. i remember. I remember when we have when you have brendan on the show. Pacers writer when he was on the show and he was talking about nate mcmillan and coach. Defense he just couldn't get a decent offense out of the pacers. So you have coaches are the opposite who can have the guys who run gun. Like by mike. D'antoni knows you know that the coach offense. That's for sure but defense and defenses when it matters in the playoffs but yeah make nate mcmillan's one of those guys that can coach offense. He was rating great.

00:25:01 - 00:30:05

Defensive teams for the pacers. Young pacers seem to worry. I was looking up. We're way far off into we were going into the nba. That's that's that's that was the the whole point of starting with that. We just kind of shifted from the intro into the actual segment their nba talk so taking a peek at odd taking a peek at stat leaders. As you're looking at some self hazard some names if you told me bradley. Bill was leading. I knew he was gonna score a lot because he really is your only guy and you know russ just likes to do a little bit of everything but thirty two point nine points. A game is frigging ridiculous. Man that's high level. I knew he jordan for most consecutive twenty five points or tie the record but man get him the hell out of washington even with bad contract. He at least showing that production. What else can you do. Because he's leading over on other people and if it wasn't for him looking at in beat at thirty and listen gonna dvd tonight seventy sixers of the fraud. Because i've been holding on this for two weeks they're frauds. You wanna why frauds. Because they have a fraud coach. They have an excellent coach. Doc rivers at. He is excellent from start to finish in the regular season. The man is impeccable. The man is literally a if you had to get paint from home depot and it was the color like that you need specifically for your. He is that guy. Oh you want brown you up use. You want offset white you sky-blue. It is exactly what you imagine. He is the imaginary to the reality. He becomes a distortion and a knockoff walmart. Pay the minute goes in the playoffs. And i won't say he wasted the careers of deondraye jordan. Chris paul blake griffin. Everybody else his kid. I won't say he wasted in the playoffs. All i'm saying is they got to go to cancun beyond the banana boat little bit earlier than expected. And that was something. When steve bomber who invested more than what the market price quivers was because it was the highest perches at the time is still might be for a sports team when he invested a thick them host to a billion. Maybe the mets just past that right. Now what stephen possible that one. Mile away yeah. We're we're talking billions here. And he he. Doc rivers is a great leader. He dealt with the doll sterling situation impeccably. Well he was able to be eight later for young men but he couldn't necessarily get the production after the only memorable win. I recall his entire coverage of being a coach for the la clippers. One when chris paul basically died or didn't die but lost a frigging lake trying to be the san i in the first round was twenty. Thirteen point fourteen. Yes i'm on. I have to go seven years back for members of thinks that says something. Oh i know what you're gonna say charles. It's gotta be a ring okay. Why people do but in the nba. Great coaches are qualified by multiple multiple. Yeah i there was a well put together. Celtics team remember cagey going for his his best shot of his life. The best shot of his life at an nba ring. So you have to factor that into his into. What happened. That year henry allen and paul pierce alter guys toiling alone and then they finally get it together as i okay this week but they have a window. They pooped the bed in twenty ten on the rematch against the lakers. They were they had. It was game. Seven seven games. They had the lead and there was this arabic money on it was to them pooped it. No because i think they want two thousand seven. We'll here's just put. The name was when they won. Tons of two thousand. Eight is was the window between eight and twenty twelve with that or twenty thirteen with that saying what he really do anything against us even their hard contested games and they should be harkin us games but you know who only talks about how hard thirteen played and they lost the families of the losing team. Plain simple strata. And you know what you're getting so it is expected of a doc rivers team to be leading. This is the inevitable compla- off time. All i mean but here's what i'm up the most they on paper looking at the standings and listen.

00:30:06 - 00:35:07

I am wrong. The humble pie is coming. Because i remember the things i said at the beginning of the season i said. Toronto looked in the water. There now. placing fifth is said. Phoenix was gonna be a trash. Because i don't believe in them booker and they're twenty and ten at the four going to eat that humble pie kids. Don't why because sometimes you want eat week sometimes you get your veggies. Because they're good for you a little bit of humble pie. Good for me. And i still believe that booker. Because he's got but whatever fine acknowledge it but there's a strong possibility at though seventy sixers are going to go to the finals. If things play out and i still believe their list. Because it's you have at the top and it's not just the word i could. This is this is just me dipping back into nba history. I could see them at number one. I can see the heat toiling right now. Not on your memphis. Fives ore no. i'm talking about. He versus knicks nine when the next minute made the finals and ninety nine th that run in the knicks were number eight seed and they faced off against the heat. We were number one. Even though the knicks talent wise wasn't a number eight seed but they're only number acres. There were with injuries and things like that and then they kind of got healthy at the right time healthy at the right time and just kind of they beat the heat and then they made the finals and then lost spurs like see the heat doing that exceeded he kinda like okay. Let's let's just you know weighed in the waters for now flow fuller about a little bit. Maybe maybe but with the tournament maybe not. I'm not sure. Because i see the heat finishing at a from a realistic standpoint but it but it's too early to even talk about five through ten because it all within arm's reach you know or not. Yeah i mean 'cause the pacers are fifteen and fourteen and there are only two games ahead of the heat we're not even and even then even the let's see the number one seeds the heat only six games back of the sixers and they're playing seventy two games. That's not even a one. One mediocre run for the sixers which can happen especially with dr racine and the heat on a little run for like a couple of weeks and suddenly their radio. Her one mediocre thing for not just seventy sixers walkie. Milwaukee does not good like they got eighteen thirteen but this was the team that was just god case right. So i i want to shift gears. But i'm with you on that too. It had the day. Mba's about matchups we. you do. Get some upsets like hockey. But it can happen or is the team that you don't want to play right. Yeah so interesting that matches up well against you and right now i say now. Everybody's concerns a fan boy isn't You guys have also understand. We can be both critical of our teams end objective. But i don't think there's the biggest gap of talent between embiid and bam at this point because bam you know that they're still going to be some production to develop three years old so we've not the this isn't even his final form like a dragon malls villain for embiid. Even though he's thirty points and eleven rebounds. There's nothing really elsie can do. Because not like he's going to line up to shoot a lot of those three pointers. He's only going for three game. Bam sogo so if it's a few points more than it goes down to defensive players. Here's you got no about great defensive players. The best defensive players who just doesn't get out so if we switch that game to having bambi more Posts not getting a bead Lacombe now we're talking about mental development because listen bam south supposed to be thirty point per game guy right now. He's averaging nearly thirteen points. Ray how i'm seeing and some people are saying we'll charles. You're telling me that beat us. Thirty nineteen eleven point differential. And i get it but one was the first thing we know people play harder to tell us. That's the first thing. So that's why you see a lot of deflation number And then two. You're gonna compare eleven points a game between two teams. Been max contract. Value is right. It is not as if we're doing a playoff comparison of Point guards matching. Keep it to the west. Is the first thing that how to mind a steph curry versus a lonzo ball. That is a skill set that vastly different offensive skills vastly different I'll say while better distributor plan simple but also is part of talent that's better rebounder.

00:35:07 - 00:40:00

But sometimes they'll sets of matter all imagine I never understood in baseball. But like oh these pictures against joke. They don't connect man. What are you talking about football unless you're the nfl but hopefully As saying the quarterback. Tom vs time homes. They're not playing each other. They don't play defense but in the three but tell me. Honestly there's a gap between bam and embiid is not a wide gap and it's not salihi. I would necessarily be concerned about at. Maybe i'm just stroke myself. Because i hate the seventy sixers but bring it back dock and i know still alive your time but it's bound to happen because you not have once or two attempts you've had three and i think what philly in the establishment once does philly really want championships or they just always want to be in the publicity because is good for team because to always be a perennial contender at least for me. East means maybe more high profile games in tnt abc Espn those commercials those from a justification standpoint. They have to be competitive because they went through. All those years of the process decisively without franchise they have to have a competitive team in order to justify all of that losing and they desperately want a championship because then it would be the ultimate justification like. Oh you see. The last decade was all worth it and you need a money mover because even minnesota which rightfully firearms brian centers. I didn't think he was hired. Is guy but there was an attitude. all-round too. i like the fact. They already knew the guy that get in financial. His name is i. Don't blame the for just throwing away the season. Just get your staff. But it's kind of tough to fire somebody bring new boss the director or the assistant job but having the assistance there tell town. The following is a little awkward. But i can tell you though. Take it what it is for the timber. Wolves you have the face of the franchise khazni taps. I don't think the angeles franchise great player closed a great player but The bathroom too much that no one's hold onto a wooden teams. Yeah yeah but eight so even for the team that's going to have and dental bad for years like last wanstead elected was out. But you knew the face the franchise west because you need a face franchise move the merge and what was the face of the franchise in the seventy sixers car williams house for two years and he was out and then at everybody only really played real. Time suffered three years when you think about it because he definitely those first two years. And then ben simmons you know my feelings i. I like ben. Simmons style of being a distributor a callback. But ben simmons is a handicap in a in a negative way. Your team if he no he can't take the last shot alive is of his straight to a drive. And here's the thing about playoffs. People learn how to plant their feet intake charge. It happens so much you said it and sometimes there's also those no calls either gonna put him on the free throw line and he has not made. The gradual improvements is at times like i said with all honesty. Ben simmons is probably the final form of dhaka. Andre last name dammit. you don't talk about right. Which one is big Point on me. I made this comparison the other day. you went on the wizards. He was on the denver. Nuggets uelmen andre something. No no not over back over More of a six player andrea miller Okay yeah that that's a callback. I feel like we're going to some deep knowledge of some things Basketball wise but great distributor sometimes in kind scored some points but not with the junk shot. But benson's right now at twenty four is fifteen points. Twenty one rebounds seven point nine assistant we care too much about pr which is basically the war equivalent of baseball and if that andrea milia it's been it's been a while since i've heard this name. Let's play remember. Forget right you'd be a pseudo. Let's let's let's legalize andre miller. I'm looking at it right. Now he's Played for looking at all these scenes. Yeah bounced around a lot cleveland. La clippers philadelphia portland denver washington sacramento minnesota and san antonio. You know your career is not going on you have to make a stop in sacramento and own instant interesting tidbit for andrea miller. I guess we'll we'll look at him right now.

00:40:02 - 00:45:02

Basketball ref one of my favorite older guys. Watch fred especially playing that utah. Especially when he was with the denver nuggets hanover ninety nine nba draft first round eighth overall. By cleveland so two thousand one. A one two assistant champion assis- champion not assistant champion and then all rookie team first year. And he is the nba player to have at least sixteen thousand career points. Eight thousand assists and fifteen hundred steals without making an all star game interesting. So there's there's andrea miller blast from the past right there. I remember forget. So that's the twelve point five points per game for career. Three point seven total rebounds six and a half assists thirteen hundred games. There you go and six percent field. Goal percentage eighty percent free throw and twenty one percent from three so benn catch three ball so the kind of might match up there around always stick around lee with his style. Play just shows it so for philly you know this year. They had a kind of put the team around it because they let radic walk. They let their other shoes walk. And i like a tobias harris live. But he's like he's not even a one be really is like a to be offensive bias. Please follow us on twitter at joe. Dr charleston troop temporarily lists sports. Goose cat says for our. You know our guest last week command to. I'm thinking too quickly. I forgot his name. Johnny there we go And few other people but doesn't work as well. That's why they had to put a let the other curry brother in there and a few other stuff so bring it all back dock you. What's up doc. You got some kind of build upon so aside from them. The other question. I have is and this is the. I guess we could talk about a west basketball as well. If you want to really talk basketball in a bit do you feel that. Atlanta should be better than what they are. Because i've seen some of their games. And i i don't know how i should feel about young. I like me some click capella. I can't talk about i i. I haven't been paying attention. That's why i was like. I was the type of the episode of waiting for the nba to get good. I'm not sure it's not like nothing's compelled me to walk of the west games. I've been compelled to watch the east not so much you know the some teams out west that do compel me utah and basically the underdogs anybody but the the lakers utah. Dallas dallas dow's intrigues me. The fourteen and fifteen but they still intrigue me the the the sons. The sons also intrigue me as well and of course our our lovely lovely man out there dame lillard in reluctant. Yeah literally gonna make me the second team. Because he's doing it without western conference player of the week over the last week. So there you go for for dame lillard and at the. He was the western conference point of the week and think james harden was the eastern conference player of the week. So there you go those are the two dudes that ended up with those for the nba. But yeah dame lillard doing thing just. It's it sucks that he's hasn't i mean people know about him. He's on funding on the cover of video game and stuff like that. But gosh darn a man he. He's just want him to have one opportunity. One opportunity while he kinda sorta got it when we went to the western conference final but still. That team was kind of erased. It was yeah it was a reach swept. Yeah they were sputtering by the end of the just giving it all they could Couldn't keep up. So there's there's no way at that point where he's basically the john henry. Steel of trying to beat the machine dies at the end. There is no big victory there. But i will always love me though. Wash a lot. More western games too. Because it's an bedtime for charles usually like eleven thirty twelve but there are nice if i'm not exercising or i needed Watch games out there because it was just so interesting. And i've seen some of these games when it's the heat i have not actually watched non he games. That's for the eastern conference the western conference.

00:45:02 - 00:50:01

Utah get you know. I got that love for dyke essential and pelling matchups in teams are better. And it's just better basketball. It's just so good. And i i watch in. Here's the thing the teams. I talk crap about i watch it. That's how invested. I am humble pie. I think any the same way with green bay on the nfl would do entire season francisco. I cried on rogers rogers hard. I watched all the available packer games. I wanted to because i have A masochist safest. After this take it you know. I might as well just say that my my soulmate should be petty hill. Because he's peggy me when it comes to teams have to The same. I walked some phoenix games. Press like i'm sorry i am. I know you haven't really watched because we're not there yet. And this is why francisco on i andrew. I don't think ever say like short hockey season. But you and i will say shorten any long seasons because we know now that there's the meaningless games are involved but i would say in about a month host april mid-march. That's our if this nba season was shorter. I probably paying more attention to it. Because there's gravity. Teach game progressively teach. Whitman says with me with the virus. Boy this is that the delay of game like five games. So it's prolonging a season email. They reduced it to prevent it from being long season. It's it's counterintuitive when you book into the nhl had their struggles with a gardener. They're constantly changing up the schedule. Rescheduling things moving things around when something happens to one team or the other. But they're still only fifty six games so they can they can afford to spread it out and you know they they spread it out in that way and and once again you only facing your own division. So you're not even the nba's doing four or not a full season. But it's basically a full season seventy. They cut off ten games. What now that's not even and then they're like. Oh let's let's split in half and see how things go from there They added doing a bowl. Yeah the play in round and stuff like that. Yeah and they're doing all star game which the brunt aided that they're even doing that doesn't make. I think they did to find it. Funny that lebron hayes in deer and fox as from sacramento because you have old beads new. Because you would think for a lot of younger players me reaching. But i have to reach sometimes. Is that the employer will want to be the all star games because they're in the beginning of their career. I'll think the older players lebron's thirty five going on thirty six men. They don't care because they made so many times but they really value the health at risk. There's been some reports. This is the only gotcha news ever really gonna bring fuss. There is some of them who don't even feel like advocating for the vaccine. That's out there. I don't necessarily boy them to because remember it was easier to compel them to finish the season because it was stopped so close in comparison to now where i think there was and we talked about with reference with you feel about kyri essentially very. I think he's actually super intelligent. Twitter is just a cesspool of negativity just not liking people who who fight against the conformity of norms. Carrot sometimes has put. His foot is now but a lot of south was just not wanting to do. Certain things but risky understands is nine their best interests in comparison and to bring together. I think there was a lot more hesitation to play this season. Because you're talking about the full seventy two. You're no are in the bubble. You're on the road you might be concerned about contracting stuff. And then you had a star player who not only contracted it but lost family on on brushing correctly talents and i don't wanna make him into a symbol or martyred. The man has suffered and his absolutely terrible. But i think players would look onto would he has dirt hardship that e. I'll get myself boxer. Now that is hardship that really. There's no boy left in that man because that is something that has that has gone through. And i wouldn't want to put my family. Says the reason why people opted out and on a man but the nba has been interesting. Because i will say this. Sports is escapism movies. Escapism so the fact that you and i can talk about basketball. We even talk about heat basketball. Which is kinda tough heat. Basketball is like the equivalent of wrestling with bill. Goldberg comes out of time in russell's but you're kind of enjoying a little bit or stain comes out of wrestling and you see struggle but pull some news but you enjoy but they've lease kind of accomplish that goal.

00:50:02 - 00:55:01

I think the line that might be drawn is going to permit people from coming into your rina's do all that stuff on ready for that about you. The hater or you know the i mean they've let people in already but now they're going to expand and go to like the panthers already let people and they're going to basically do the same thing in the so. How are the players you feel about that. And i know there's no fan interaction but then what happens if they go more lax with the media because it happens because now that ours do locker rooms because it's dip provide if you watch the media press conferences. The same they'll let them in. Lock him at this point and they can do everything with zoom and all that stuff sits fine. The surprised the nba production thing for me more production quality family. Why aren't these these zoom calls and also of this is like in ten eighty p sixty frames per second with so bad clarity of the microphone. All of you do it for radio. They differ and yet like i. I listened to these after whatever. I get some people with their own computers. A lot of people were probably like on their laptops. Whatever the media people probably on the laptops It works it. Does what i need to do has microsoft word so it does what i need to do with regards to that. I don't need no fancy. Microphone that stuff but you know like if he ever let me into the the zoom call make sure voices listenclear eight charter seventy five here headphones and jim on one january. One jimmy to be impressed with my voice. He won't mean. I'm you know i could buy a a webcam. Nice nice webcam that displays at ten eighty p so he can get a good look at me. We can hang out afterwards. My man crush though of this is wishful thinking me might bar. Jimmy's a cool dude. Come on now. Jim is on coffee brown. Just basically making it in the bubble. Yeah makes an bubble menlo cook man you know. He's he's a man of the people. We first came to miami playing dominoes at the park which people got realize if you don't live one of my favorite things about living in miami just to give them some insight because we can kind of since it's now out. I know that through the podcasts. Go go watch him. Go listen to go. I mean but you know it's like i liked viewing step siblings. Younger still don't know what i see it as well. I even he guys over group chat like somebody's got to be at the bottom of the ocean. Let's own it. Let's own the bottom of the ocean. Let's be the angler at the bomb. The ocean colossus gold. Our parcells. exactly. We we are. What a have chase. I should make that. I should be that. Should that should be our mascot. These colossal squid before the seattle crack had come in and sue us but for for taking it will screw them to bring it to bring that jimmy. Just doing that living miami. What my favorite. Things was single via host outside the little liquor. Domino's is that culture that you bite into what they do in portland. I feel like that might be a secretary. T because have you know. Watched port ports portlandia. Okay i have. And yes. I like it i like it. I mean look if you for anybody who says they don't like portland yet but the office they're full of crap because it almost the same here but just different developed. I say my problem is don't assume it will. It's there it's not. It's a comedy zombie. I would i would venture just the feeling of it. It's been a while. But i would agree with you on that what i would say though is. I don't know if i like the main character. There's some comedians who which i never get to the guy. Yeah yeah for. He's also on l. spooky on atrial number. The loves that. I can get into it. Because it's something what he does. I can't break from its the same way. How about rob cordery. Every time i see rod cordray. I want i want to say smack. Casey listen to follow us on twitter. But i have to change the channel. I also felt the same way about. Joel drug leo until i watched him brooklyn nine charles. And maybe it's because my namesake sake but you also have the same kind of last name as the if you really white up my last name. So maybe i just look at him.

00:55:01 - 01:00:00

Like i can't be this with remand with very side parted hair because sometimes i part myers as professional portland. Yeah i know. I know it's weird. You have the same thing like awesome text. Like austin weird awesome. That's how kind of go from there. We definitely author rails. So we're we're we're getting close to the halfway point that's why we're getting off the rails there. I'll i'll try to gear it to the two one thing. Do i want all star game. Hell no doc rivers. he's gonna that milwaukee. What is going on holiday. I told you not the trade for jrue holiday because drew. But i can't see the purpose of an all star game with no actual human beings there to watch it. I don't know why it's an atlanta. I don't know what what georgia's doing i don't know if they'd be. Let james harden their williams. That's what it's about can get the strip clubs and the chicken. I don't understand why. Why atlanta well. I guess it's somewhat warm weather for warm weather. Location getting germain decreasing welcome to atlanta with the players. Play because i would feel so much better than when aleida hosted the super bowl in have outcasts perform yeah is at least a personnel again for like the forty always other time in the sun at. I'll say this about la everybody's panicking. Yes i know. They've lost four last five. You're supposed to lose basketball. Even the best teams not named the warriors from a couple years back loose you have to take into a fact that their team is injured that it they also suffer. Because it's no coincidence. Absolutely no coincidence. The two teams for the finals in the nba championship. Have the big stars are hurt us end. Because it was a shorter turnaround. There was no healing. They were playing. Enter to begin with so literally like the was negotiations. Cbs often then finally. Yeah we're going to do training camp in like two weeks what they announced those. Oh okay yeah. And then the game started gave started. Everybody merry christmas. Oh okay all right. Cool basketball's back. Everybody in my life. I wasn't ready to be. Like i was i was like we. Just we're we're still in there too. Fell right now and you know. I got the nhl when it when they came back. And my okay. It's a new year. It kind of feels like it should start right now. You know and they had the fifty six games i can do that. I can do for the six games i can do. The regular season ending in may normally ends in april. Like the nba. But i can do may. It's one month whatever. And then they'll the party goes. I'm sure they're gonna have like a like a bubble again for the playoffs. I feel that's what's going to happen. Going to go up to canada. Do edmonton and toronto again. And then from there and they're really hoping that travel restrictions come from a more lax area. But i think they also felt pressure from the nfl. Say what you will about how they mismatch everything. That was the ravens and nothing now cleveland. But he complete the entire season without a hiccup. There was hiccups. But there's like hiccups the big ups. It was no cancelled games fully. Now one went fifteen one in force tie and forfeit it picks and is a pressure like at the end of the season like that. That's really pressure. Because here's the things. Roger goodell pooped the bed completely preparation. They had the most knowledge. Coming to the hannibal six months and they still after up so it just kinda comes in with mike so i think that's the especially for the nba because it's the second most popular sport in the us right now baseball baseball. I don't know if it succeeded. Or it lost in my opinion after the ouattara season as i call it the right team want. I would feel if it's not the yankees. But so many teams got delayed now. People were invested. It was a short time frank danny bases their scheduling was cardinals but they had clinched anyways by that point so it didn't matter for them to finish their last two games. I think so. Yeah and so. Think about that you. Because a purist knowing as they can't be the compelling argument is that say even though you launched by five games. I think you still fished out. So you have an incomplete reicher and there was big concern because at least the nba did the bubble mlb. Were just going to do it. Man all these off sites and we're gonna try to make something happen here but it will be interesting. i.

01:00:01 - 01:05:12

I think we're gonna have one more season of virus blair is indicative scheduling and. I'm hoping that the nba gives us less not more unless there's bigger stakes. And how do you solve the bigger stakes. You temperate the way that the mlb did. And you just say. Hey east-west one through sixteen baby. That's what i'm going for time to experiment time. Get weird because everybody in that west Even the teams are not at the top eight. They're better there is so much better. Yeah they're ridiculously better. Even the bottom guys are better than the bucks. So i think for all sports except for obviously football i don't think. Mlb has made a determination. They're doing with their season which reduces because either pitchers that we side last major league baseball still has even decided on the d. h. Only they decided on days thing. We'll have it for this year. We'll see the as coming up so we'll see what happens there. I doubt just depends on. Tv money as they probably don't want to lose the local the local tv packages. That's what that's what they're trying to do it. You know there. There's a lot of things and opinions. About what measly. Basil should do with regards to their broadcast feature being more open no more blackouts things like that that they could use the grow the game. Hey it'd be nice to be able to see every team in some way shape or form all them west coast teams. Yeah you know it'd be nice to to. Hey they're broadcasting on youtube today late. They tried it a few times last one. I want to do that. More when She more so all right charles. Let's let's we're in the we're halfway there. Let's let's go to a word from our non sponsors people places things concepts. Where have you that. We've been enjoying over the last week. Or so. And i'll tell you i didn't really mike could say community because i've been enjoying that or last week. Great show but that could be an answer at any time at any succeeds in the movie. Yeah well rounded kids. And i think i'm gonna go with a something different something that really surprised me and i'm i'm surprised i'm mentioning this. It's an any s game. That's how that's how far deeper going and because it jazz popped up on the nintendo switch online. A newer additions to that. It's called fire. And ice thrones reference kids old replay all games so fire and ice. It was released on any as back in like nineteen ninety. Three ninety three here in the us. At least and it is a sequel to solomon's key which is also on the any s. I play already played through solomon's key in my great backlog. New year's resolution some close to beating forty games. Now so i've been. I've been really You're definitely doing much better than me pal. Once again a lot of any s gains a lot of very short game. So it's not like the the other the only long game. So far was batman arkham asylum in now and just five. which is. I'm still trying to hold myself to that. Beat it by the end of the month. So that's why. I the actual main missions than the sidewalk ops. So we'll we'll see we'll see. I still got a few days left so get five days ago. I think if i really put my head down and power through i could do it i can. I can finally get through all fifty missions samuel anyways. This is a fire and ice. I don't. I don't even know what the story is about to be honest but it's a prequel to solve really any stories attias games. There's there's a story to this one so there's a wizard named dana. Or gosh my i. I really have trouble with men named dana. I really do. It just seems like should. I say it danna because there are male da you know you got the was dana white from ufc. Whatever and i still. Every time. I see that name like i feel like he went into ufc just to prove that he's a man to everybody else has got picked on as a kid. All young girls name. I feel like that's quite men. Name ashley or terry. Terry's one of those interchangeable ones but dana seems more female days but whatever it's twenty twenty one can have whatever you name you want doesn't matter but regardless that's just my personal personal stuff anyways this is this is fire and ice podcast folks.

01:05:12 - 01:10:05

It's an puzzle platformer. I would say where you have Flames you have to eliminate all the in the level using your ice powers dana. Who has a one that turns up ice in space. You basically just gotta figure where your way out. Through through all these puzzles. I think there are ninety levels. And i'm currently i. They got beaten like fifty of them already. Some almost done with the game. Muslims the game. I think it will probably last me like four hours in total. I haven't checked how long dot com. I just played it for for like a little bit after like late at night. You know. I have my switch by my bed or my okay. Let me let me check out some of these new games that are on the the the service okay fire nice played it for like a little bit my okay then like my first play through a beat like thirty levels so hooked me instantly and it's really like i was surprised that this was an any s game from like the animation stuff and is really smooth animation. That's that's reminding me of a little bit about day job callback. Two thirty two bit. That sounds more than sixteen. I was thinking more like you know game boy. Color games game recalling. Yeah look like this those. That's that's what this reminded me of. I was like wow. This is this is smooth animation. Great sound great visuals Glinting there's no flickering anything this is and what's what's again nine nine hundred ninety three so the as was out for a while like since at this point so you know if you're making again and then you know yeah. Yeah yeah at this point. They should know how to optimize all the games and who develop this. Oh tecmo tecmo tickles. Developed as game. So yeah it's it's it's a good one. It's a good one if you have any ass or were never sure and find any s version or you got the switch. Try it out. You're you're playing. You're paying for the online service. This is a good game last year for for a weekend. you know. that's a almost like a rental from way back in the day. This would have been nice rental back and blah blah blockbuster. Today's that's for sure. So promo code ice ice baby lovett. So i'm next and it's kind of in between but might not sponsor is a little bit. Funnier your funny for me. Because i haven't had it in such a long time but when it's weekend time it boy likes to as my friend says buy at my form of vibing is essentially. If i'm not going out on essentially you know playing video games and have a little bit of the butler. So i went on recommendation. Yeah i've been on a kick so for those who are trying to figure out where we are and the scale of alcoholism. Andrew loves cheer wide francis. Though i don't know if i'd probably a decent we've never had no. We never got drinks while we were in law school. Whenever did but me. I'm like yeah but what would you say is your radar or your your rating of it. So i can kinda go for example. Like what like you partake when you partake what partake in rum. That's the thing. What a coincidence that say. May vodka kind of goes with anything kind of just of it's kind of their in kinda mix it with anything else I liked girly drinks. I like fruity drinks. That's listen. I love me some states. Yeah hats. I liked girly drinks for sure that's Basically not looking for. I'm just looking for sweets men. You know. I'm not looking for the alcohol. I know it's the byproduct of insulin. But i just like the sweets and that's why like the the the nice fruity drinks. You know the strawberry davos get yourself a get. The apple. Teeny jd from scrums. Yes so i'm with you on that one. I like things that taste good for me. It is my way of online stressful unhealthy job. I have obligations to go to. But i know how to enjoy for. We have what we eat. What i do exercise what i do in recreational activities so i went on a suggestion from one of my friends.

01:10:05 - 01:15:04

Try it you former wrong. I think i'm usually a scotch whisky guide. I don't do anything like can't eject that nasty by try. this new run called kurkin sweeney. That is outside sir. I think it tastes like it's higher and they can hear via. I'll tell you. Say kirkland signature. Emily you went to gaza young exactly at its looks like a little cannibal but it tastes like a tire like rubber literally takes good for two seconds and even through the coca cola. I had did not taste good. So as i said man. I'm needs of the sweet Act this little solid going on. So i went to publix at. I got while cherry pepsi. Because i need the sweetest sweet at mind hub sponsor. This week is while chair which i have not hide it probably ten years because of not a child but i knew i needed something to help me out because even for me to take it straight was going to be there but i was gonna join us dot this one before for the cheer wide may think no i think he did well cherry pepsi. I think well. I'm not sure. What was cherry coke. It might be the the the competitor there. I'm not sure we'll have to ask him. We will but all i can tell you that was like god said because it was just no one oh by itself but the wild cherry pepsi really helped us out because friday night. That's when i had the kurkin sweeney with the royal. Kobe game but then saturday i went and i just got to. I said i need this and it helped out. Because i'm like it's for my. I just wanna play essence crete odyssey. I wanna do some cool stuff man. And there's nothing worse than buying something The same equivalent if it's a food or if it's an alcoholic beverage where you don't wanna drink it. 'cause it's nasty answer walter. Pepsi really helped it out. Because i've had cherry coke. I like jericho too but has more of a bite. In the sweet effect this one was worse we encounter acted that little bitter sour taste tire. So you know wild cherry pepsi. You are by non sponsor. I think promo code. I have it the let's while what a while ago. Yeah okay so do we have one for andrew. So we make financial ball the fragile. I'll just shut up andrew for andrew sake because he took the bar exam. I guess it's not easy. It takes a lot of perseverance to do it. Because i would not take it yet and any of my friends who has do it again. It's here disciplined there. There's one person that i know. At least that took it the first time with me and then never again be when he didn't pass. It's it takes such a toll on you and to give people inside of what our boy went through our soldier to safely bar exam for me. It was like anybody who listens to an old show you had andrew for our propel florida bar exam which is fine. I can't do a bar but you're talking about at that. First blush that first attempt more than i would say ten hours studying. The burnout comes in the fear. Doubt concern realizing that law school scam that in all truth if the board did not require a jd. All you had to pass the exam itself. You'll be barred as attorney avraham. Lincoln abraham lincoln The high tuition and then have to go at it again and try to work. Pause your work take less of a pay so you could do better in your life. Remember when i talk about brodie lee on his tribute special that we had and how rustling and i felt i felt connected to it. It's that kind of stuff where you had a pause life to try to go for the bigger rain to try to achieve it on something that may or may not be in your we will go into the details of how you prepare everything bad in which you have to cover for. You wanna do that. Come talk to us. if you want to be. Lawyers will knock you about it but it takes so much. It is a tenacity that is brought. Into the oregon. I'll tell you right. Now i would have done again. I would not have done it. Even if i was appointed by not get being appointed under ten points next rioted. Taking that thing again i was. I was going to have like a fricken midlife crisis. If i had to take that thing again. Yeah and sometimes you're lucky because they can't show on the curve and everything like that like i pass pass and it was great but it was great because i'd have to do again. Don't want to go to prison the second time right. That's what it felt like knowing that had to do it so him and anybody else yell at this would be.

01:15:04 - 01:20:01

Andrew wants anybody. Who took the florida bar exam right now. You know you guys are on sponsor because they have to do a repeat or going at first time it takes some guts. I know people who who got the jd. They were too intimidated to take the bar exam. And they're selling is being paralegals or taken that to an mba possession and government just doesn't acquirer you to expound legal knowledge you know yeah i get that completely all right. If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain. There's creation tools. Allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer anchor will distribute podcast for you so it can be heard on spotify apple podcast and many more. You can make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership. It's everything you need to make a podcast in one place. Download the free. Ankara app or go to anchor dot. Fm to get started. Well we're into the second half of our show and honestly think we should go outside the box. We should just talk about video games for the rest of the show or something. I'll talk talk. I mean okay. let's let's do. Let's nintendo direct last week because there's a fourth thing that happened last week after our show after our show and that was a big thing that went down and because i was. I didn't really watch wash pads. Bands are doing well do really well they. They're they're finally doing what i was saying. Which is putting chris. Rigor as an among goaltender sergei brodsky. Even though he knows what he's doing. Yeah you know russkies paid time. But he's not good so let's let's just go with what's working. Hopefully seattle will take him from our hands. You know we'll just help from. I dunno give up a ton of draft picks or something like that. I don't care what you know just to get rid of them may take the poison pill like the the eagles did. I'm not sure so that could happen. But regardless regardless. If that's what's going down the panthers don't well and i'm good. I'll be back next week more prepared and recently that but we'll talk a little rooms. We gave everybody an hour. Forty five minutes of hockey talk last week which was exceptionalism to research that for like a couple of days the on my weekend. So and how good was johnny. We're taking it. Live to shout to john because that's a man was dedicated. Dedicate noses until his podcast. Please listen to his podcast insight. I can't talk to you know. I'm lucky that i i was given the opportunity to cover hockey when i know next to nothing about the sport when i started like i was a new car about a guy who just learned the spores hispanic and stuff like that mean cheese man. I'm i'm i was not the normal demographic for the sport coming in so handed. But you're right pat. So i stumble upon certain stuff in my life. I just end up being where i am. Ride the roller coaster and see where it takes me. So that's but johnny. I don't know who's out there. I don't know who is out there but give them the opportunity please. The man knows this stuff. I don't know who it is twitter. The psycho somebody with money that's for psycho pagan. That's twitter. the twitter account. I i don't know if he's if streams but our good old buddy dougie slows mistreatment Yeah no. he's playing racing games. He's real he okay. There's one thing. I i'm pretty darn sure. We can probably get them to talk about. It is doug loves him some auto sports right the f. lawns on stuff. Yeah he's into all of that and he's attacked them even one of those insane gaming rigs for like the racing games. The bigeye there. I remember those days racing wheels. Ps two. i'm talking about the people that do identity. Yeah with like the gaming pc with the hydraulic so it feels like you're at a frigging like your initial whatever. I don't know if you've seen that anime. But yeah i i have not seen that one but i just have this image now of dug in some basement at is very successful life wherever he's living going to your coming off from the suit and then also just putting on a full racing gear on like a rookie.

01:20:01 - 01:25:01

Bobby will be ricky bobby. He'd be cover. That's exactly right. Yeah but italian. Italian not french italian so yeah that that would probably be doug that probably doug well yeah the guy been playing i. It's an italian name for the video game. Obviously because you know f one. I think he's been applying that and it's Looks good for sure. He's playing down. Xbox one so i mean if it's not mario kart man i can't i can't deal with that. I another car guy. Most i can do is like need for speed most. I can do is knee. Because there's some air of ridiculousness they're kind kinda like like fast and furious kind of like that. But i can't do grand juries mo- can't do it. Four is a maybe i did for. I know i have four six on my pc. I played through that. That was fun. I played to that that was because it didn't really know what it is. It doesn't require me to know everything about a car. Because i've seen those plays he cut like customize everything about it like. I don't even know what i can't even name them. That the stuff that you customize customize it he customizes. I can't do that. I can't do grand juries. That's two semi for me to seeking just trying to get your windshield wipers telling. I got to try to figure out like torg drift Con things but man asked me to be more of more than what. I am pleased. So okay Nintendo direct happened last week. And yeah ok. Let's go with the sport related. One more golf more excited. I am an you know. I haven't bought a. Mario came to be honest. Didn't buy and sixty four. Or gameboy or gamecube or and play the game one too. So yeah yeah. I know i've played the The gamecube one. When i used it when i was much younger i used to visit family in new york ed. My niece and nephews had it and we were just hours doing it. That's how i actually kind of gulf two ways that a golden tea at the bar which is a good time to mars. Only resigned knows the rules tennis. Well you know listen super golf where they call it a super rush-right whatever call it. Yeah something rush because there's like different components who at this time we have to race. It's just kinda like i e kitchen pot. Yeah i don't. Yeah maybe i don't know what's we'll see. We'll see when they have more t it's coming out june juvenile and then the couple of months later seattle worker and talk about but like they did mario tennis well. I loved aces. I have it. I popped it fifteen sixteen hours and that's a lot game that doesn't last as long as you know how many matches i play. The online component of it like their term. Is it a bit. But it's one of those games. I paid like thirty bucks because you know your boy. Does it pay full price or anything but for sports game. That's more of a novelty a deep. It was fun. So i'm excited. What i did for sixty have now thirty on a couple trades. You know all about it because it might be something that i play during the show because switch games. Sports games are perfect for the show on the office. Right out yeah you. Can you just lineup one shot. You know and then okay my shot now talk you know so but look i mean it looks good. It looks good already. Looks better than let's say a. We sports that they had done that so the graphics are great and everything like that took more golf. Game instance not going to be too complicated. We're going get a pga tour thing but it's looking just worry mode that thing. That's what compelled me. Because i probably wouldn't get this because i'm not into golf. I'm not really into golf so even like we sports golf. I played it because like mike. My dad liked stopped by generally. Play it on. its own for mild enjoyment. And obviously if i didn't get a mario gov game then it's like okay. You're not really. You're not really enjoy the sports. Same thing with mario strikers like saga. I can't do soccer. i love strikers. I was kinda hoping for that. I can't even go to the owners an ice much. Oh they have the ice flour and stuff. I did not know that until you do that too. That was pretty cool. It looks pretty cool. Okay all right so yeah. Speed gulf looks like kool. Moe that probably be pretty cool play online. I just felt like they could take the opportunity though instead of making a singular game. They should just done a sport component him the way they did a we sports.

01:25:01 - 01:30:00

And just make the mario characters. Just fused the mario gospel baseball strikers and golf itself. I may make nintendo need today chronic. Yeah why then. Why mall together. We can charge separately. Come on well. Then there's our thirty year old asses looking at we're no probably by its appoint and we accept it. We accept it because we want our video games fun. I personally wouldn't be wouldn't be on the radar if it wasn't for that like a story mode component. I don't know what. I am still on the fence with regards to it mean. It's but it's on my radar if the reviews come out and like hey you if you don't really like golf. It's still fun. You know. Then i probably will get it especially the story mode because i don't know if you've played any of the hand held mario sports games like all for tennis. Why have more tennis game boy color. And that had a story mode where you don't really create a character every play as either a boy girl and you. It's an rpg. It is a tennis rpg with the moral character. In the mario world. But you don't really interact with the characters until later on in the game when you're good enough to face one of them and you you rise to the top. That's that that compelled me. I'm like yeah man. I'm going to be so good. I can face off against mario. You know the kid. That's that's that's your dreams ultimate highlight. Yeah so. I was hoping i didn't get martinez for the switch. Even though you like it and probably would recommend it. But i i liked it. It's work it's like an eight at thirty five dollars. I probably maybe. I'll get it someday. But i'm not sure but this with the rpg components if it's really fleshed out. I hope you know if it's kinda like bare bones and you know kind of like we whatever. Okay maybe not but regardless. It's on my radar radar. So yeah that was i. I heard i would read some people sing for this kind of game but nba two k. Has story mode with their created characters. That has it. Yeah this one is least kinda cute because it's like. Hey i could. Actually mario luigi i don't care about playing may have cut out frigging story mode that was directed by spike lee. Come on now. I think the only good story. I played in a sports game was fighting. I champions which all man that was my jam back in the day. I really wish they can get back but right now means nothing but that that's because it was a little bit out there and you put it's easy to put that greediness in boxing. Then you would have with like basketball stuff like that. But i would agree with you. I big interests on super rush other game number here has got a release date that one. I'm really looking forward to i. I played probably birthday gift for charles. Yeah that's just an you already know like just the trailer right. There wasn't much there wasn't much. I put no more herpes world's on in the pierre next to each other and you switched one letter. It's heroes becomes herpes. So now my fault wall kind of my fault but still i would love video game to play. Travels down going down into the body granted. That's a that's a side story. Travis gets the dirty and then has to try to carry it out. I can release. He he just could be microscopic and he's the cure. He's in some kind of open. Kind of lab was really dark here. The movie with osmosis. Yeah there we go. Chris rock and yeah like that. Yeah yeah There's that travis touchdown regardless bizarrely looks ridiculous and they're aliens shell galions too. I feel like it's a whole module to like bayonet because if you look how they do their alien concert they look more like demons and angels. This game is a home odds to a lot of things estanislao. All those games look at look at all the all the the references. They're eight bits. Rpg's the there's some stuff like yakuza tap stuff. You do ridiculous side missions. There are some rpg elementary in there. There's like some like like final fantasy right. there was like some survival horror stuff there. This this game has everything you know travis just like the most awesome taco in the history of all tacos basically japanese deadpool. Yeah all things considered ride rails version. Yeah so this is. I can't wait. i really can't wear even play. I don't know if you've played travis strikes again but i didn't.

01:30:00 - 01:35:01

I skipped down at when. I kinda figured out. It was just more of a side story. Sound long year if you can. I don't know if i think they released the physical version. But i don't know if it was like a limited physical versions out there. I'm seeing for like twenty five bucks. Yeah maybe if it lowers it'd be a nice. You know like a ten dollar can get through in ten bucks. Why soldier was interested. Just getting the remastered because it's been nine years if that longer at some games are worth kind of the revisit remasters. Because you don't really get to truly appreciate them. I usually mandate myself. Play remasters remakes. There's the new sequel coming in. Like i did that with the uncharted chartered's and then we've last of us. Who came out of the first one because it had been tenure. They can't do. I can't do with some people do is like instantly play new. There's been a few years from the other one time. I can't do that if it's been three years. Replay replays before. I need a good ten years. As i was very excited for super mario all stars because like holy crap it's been decades because we're always hell So for that it is expected. Mad direct was basically a bunch of games that were released some at some point between the last few years up to like like any s days being rereleased. That's what this was because you have the fricken famicom detective series like remakes of any s games. There are four blown basically brand new games in a way and first time. We're getting them so that's as a new experience for us. So there's that yet ninja guidon. They got an injury guide. Pack like the off the three d. games which intrigues me especially Replace them and airplay them. I don't know if they're if they're if they're you know. Hack and slash like bayonet a. Maybe i'd like him. I would hope. I think i liked. I played one. And i two. I didn't play three years. Were no why no but they came out with the third one. Aliyu my whole thing is it just makes more sense of you just four fun or relaunch and i would venture that nothing get them. So i think that's why they're releasing a you know we can finally play them. People like me people like me. Yeah that also makes me think re was going to be a smash character. That could be works. Desolate he s era guys. That hasn't made it in that reiger. We're not getting you don't even need. Because he signed gra ninja. That we don't really have any ninja characters that's surprising a ton of 'em samurai warriors. Five for i think basically like hey do you like her warriors. The we could play a new version like samurai warriors. Were we got it from you. Know the please please by this pleased by this please. they'll be out a fan. So that's the reason. I have roars. I don't know if i'll play samurai warriors. I don't know. I don't think i'll get to that. I'll buy the deal for our warriors. That's for sure gonna. i'm gonna play through. That already. bought it actually already pre- preordained it. So that's that's not look at another another. What twenty hours. I don't know how many hours is going to be added to that but still at play that game for like sixty hours. I love it. Legend amana that's getting remastered so once again other astor game plan for zombies. I'm not paying that star wars hunters but we don't know anything about it. Tell us exactly knockout city. Which i guess is one of those like naan jolla splatoon jet set radio inspire tap games. A sunset over. You know it's kinda like wacky multiplayer at don't it's free to play dodgeball. Which is kind of interesting jolla. I think had some success and never got around the playing it. But i like it. I know it was a good start to free to play for people. Yeah let's see apex legends coming next month. Yeah skyward sword played. That i didn't so i'm excited for it but i feel like i was so happy with breath while because it was exac johnny was like oh i hated breath of the while i love what breath a wild did so i feel like as a fallback skyward but i skipped skyward because i was not going to play as the game at forty p of zuri adamant about not doing that. But i kinda wanna see what upgrade looks like because just because you're hd touched up doesn't mean you're actually hd. I think this will do a lot better than twilight princess because it was kind of like inbetween ahead like the the art style ish of win waker mix with twyla kind of inbetween with into the so. This'll this'll do better. I mean from the looks of it. They're still kind of blurry.

01:35:01 - 01:40:00

Graphics or textures isn't tax related sexual. I'm not gonna upgrade the graphics. But i i like this game. A lot of people aren't fans don't because of the motion controls or the fact that it was more linear than others out a game. It's it's the first of the first but it's yeah from the timelines perspective. It's the original starting point for now for now at least until they adds something you but it's I like this game. I played it. I love the we motion controls. I i think if. I'm not sure if i'll double dip because sir i still have it on the we and be playing it all over it. I didn't re- by princess and only got wind waker because it was free so and i even play through it all regardless. It's hard for me to play through zelda's again to be honest just too much. Too much. dedic memorable happens with yours. Mas- georgia's probably the only one that i will actively play through again and the minhaj cap them. Nash capping was another one. That i really really like and played again for a second time. I feel i feel for me. That i've played four five zelda games i would probably get skyward at a decent price because i know missed out on it but i loved one worker personally. Speaking twilight prince's it was one of those things i was twelve years ago. I think what bothered me about twilight princess. It was one of the first longer zelda games. Because i think if i remember correctly it took the fifty plus hours by room in the first half just being kind of a dog chase or chasing your tail and then that's when everything can be for all the equipment i have no problem acquiring equipment but the one thing i've always hated any game his backtracking And it felt like that. Yeah i love again and fight at remember it and that matter so much because the one not out gave the big negative give breath wild. Is that the climate again. Fight was kind of disappointing evil. The the second component was great. The first one wasn't what the experience. I still think when waker is my favorite gannon. All around yet. Air to qualify. That was like a one on one match. And then just the way ends at the end of my god was epic. It was that big. It's a pure whole mosh. All things japanese yeah. Yeah he's he's he's laughing. He knows he's been defeated. But he's like. I'm gonna take you down with me just so fricking damn evil gotta love it now. That was a great skyward sword. It's it's coming out like the joy cons. But i don't know if i'll double dip on those i like the flicking on the motion controls to how they're going to use the right. Analog stick of this is that because the first one you had the we ramon nunchucks kind of restrict your movements. So this one you're You got way more free range. Although i don't like holding the joy cons because they're not as girthy i will say as you know. I do the same with my pro controller. That's all i care about. Well they said that you use the joystick to control. Yeah that's what i like about it. I don't know if you can move it as like just move your arms. I'm not sure. I don't know we'll see we'll see if you played the game arms. You know that the switch to account are intuitive enough. Four it but your arms are gonna be tired. If you're in the big boss battles going into it. Yeah you're basically going to have your own check way. Skyward sword project triangle. I'm not playing that. That's a that that is octopus traveler. Part to yeah. I'm not. I don't care what they tell me. I'm not doing that. I'm just. I just won't and then well let's let's let's. Let's get to the big one splatoon switzerland three that that was a surprise. I wasn't expecting at all another platoon going to be one of those like one. Proconsul type deals wasn't expecting a third. My okay we went through the the. The whole. they're redoing the the splash fast right now just repeating old ones but they already did the the octa ling deal. See my okay. The game finished inklings gotten smash their mario kart. And then we're good for this generation but then bom damn boom splatoon scream harder for a beginning trailer in your life. Because i i wasn't honestly. I was like because i mean we'll play the trailer again. I don't care. Like i saw it starting out my okay. He got the landscape. Because i was expecting like okay.

01:40:00 - 01:45:04

What what kind of nintendo game pop. What's in the desert and we all brought to the wall to well desert's usually on and i saw this what you know like. And then you see the customization like splatoon and hours. I was still expecting a third sequel. It'll be like a single player adventure mode or something you know like hey. I could see a split like a really fleshed out now like multiple like fleshed out like adventure. I still think they're going to have it in the beginning because each game has cling walking. Yeah yeah but a real. Oh yeah okay well especially was actually more than going to little mini hopes. Yeah because i played a little bit in the first one. I look like this pariah here. Yeah i could see this. I could see this party with like a single player thing. You go from here not going. You're not going to the main city like you did in the other two. This is there something. I can give you four hours. Yeah they all this they gotta be doing something with it right. I'll hope so but it also dynamic indifferent because for anybody who played this two games. It's always it's basically neon. Tokyo man was just his big little Tokyo feels like that. But it's very vibrant colorful and it's a city it's a populist and that of course is near you. Rita's like that now wasteland. And i remember like the first one's final slot fest was kinda like oh. Hey giving the hints of what would lead into the sequel by what you chose. But this won't kinda came out left you. Because i thought last couple and redoing like catcher or something like that just have them and now we just have a wasteland. Are you talking about like there's a fall or something bigger than the octa wings and the inklings village to village go far. We got a new weaponry we can get vehicles. I think that would be kinda cool. We're getting spot scape word. We're getting a little buddy. What it does. I don't know but i encourage. It is a premier franchise. It has e sports league. It has a big fan base. I i don't know how. I pass law school because when i got the first one within three months i talked to one hundred eighty hours when i played it the second one to get as much love. Because i'm an adult. But that's still seventy hours plus a multi player So that's a lot for a shooter base because don't look into the hours. Think about how many rounds played. I know you surpassed two hundred plus played smythe arounds. Like i'm taking us. Platoon to is my favorite gambler. Switch next breath wild. And i've lost which games and it's still my favorite one size breath the walls. It's this is i. i'm i'm psyched. I really wanna know what the buddies do i. I don't know if. I hope there isn't a battle royale mode i. I was talking about it with my friend. It kind of fits. But i don't need it because barrows kind of died it's gone now. I was there for. I learnt seen tunnel. Yeah that's the thing. That's that's what's happening right now. To was anthem abetter royal anthem anthem. Which is kinda like that. Freefall maker was caller duties. And the ad wars but warzone stock. Let's but it's more call duty if any other game. I don't think they would be around it. Because battlefield tried and failed call. Duty made an to a component black ops four but it didn't really get them much anywhere and then they just decided make wars for free to sue the pay but it wouldn't work out because splatoon equivalents more of equivalent. Overwatch team based objectives. Yeah that's true. Glenn simple. But i want i basically could have little vehicles new modes yeah vehicles. I could see that especially if you're utilizing it's a bigger maps because imagine this you you haven't played battlefield but you have a full three. You can have a conquest style map because you're a do let with splash zones and you do that with just turf. Wars of conquest is be captured stuff. So if you're giving you could make until once oh instead of doing battle royale just have like a big conquest of things. I would put hell because the matches themselves are short. So if you go from a five minute round too. Like a ten minute round. I needed to. I can dig it. And when people say charles francisco about the game it really makes you think you have to adapt play style f on rainmaker any day. I hate people. I've forgotten bone arrow. I'm back up like that already. Like when i saw her carrying on mike. She's archer what she's an archer and like can we instantly swords instantly like i was because i play like war frame. More firm is like a game that i play free every few months where i kind of get the h like pop in and play for like an hour and popping up but that's a lifestyle game you gotta play that for like your life.

01:45:04 - 01:50:02

You gotta commits that game because it's never ending. It's a never ending game. But i play like an archer. I'm like all and i have the most controls on the switch version. When i play that and i'm like oh i instantly thought of that like all oled with the motion controls platoon. I could so like. I can't do the sniper. I can't do the sniper sug real hard but it takes a lot if to archer is anything like war frames. Oh hell yeah. I will use the archer for sure for sure. I just want to decker to get weapons because you have the roller and you have the ink brush for now. I wanna see this archaic kinda way to give me give me something like give me a a paint-filled sword give me up both. Gimme all my. I'll take a melee weapon. Yeah yeah because you have to adapt in law and in the second one. It was almost a carbon copy. Benign some paint. See four planning on some. Yeah i wanna see it. Because if we're in a wasteland post apocalyptic weaponry right. Oh my guy. Could you imagine a mace with like swimming. Mace with ink coming in it. Just make it like a roller. I want engineering. Want vehicles dammit. I don't know how you can incorporate it could be all i got. I got something even better airstrikes air right in splatoon one what they took it from. Yeah i said back. There's some stuff in splatoon. Won the the fricken the killer whale. They took out too and that was the final okay. There's some there are some maps from from the first one that i wish had moved on over that they didn't so i'm still waiting for. Maybe they'll bring some of those back to or i. I wouldn't mind even like buying them. Dlc whatever i don't care i'll pay for some. Yeah because it's like a it's like it's literally like a glove just know ought to mariana. Trench memory. going from there was the hell. It's called that way over. I'm like oh man. That was a good one. Oh yeah give me give me real story and then i want five more more vertical. I would say not like African maure towers whatever but things that towers you need for tower control. Yeah but as the seminal tower control like play with other calorie more me how do you feel about the new launch points from the air. Yeah yeah we'll see we'll see how that works. Maybe maybe that avoids like you actually having to defend your own zone and you just focus on the map itself. But i'm not sure i don't know how they're gonna play but they may be. It's it's a map by map thing. 'cause i would also take a steph match component Because the only thing they added was clan blitz at a second one and i'm very lukewarm on Like there's i like it when we're winning. I hate it when we're losing as part of it feels a little cheap. Yeah nasally mood in a certain point when you like. You're just so down because it's like you want perry like tower control. I know i'm always rainmaker. I know it's flat zone. It depends signals spot zone. I feel good about double splash zone. It really depends not and split you. Never should have to win. If it's just you doing all the work that's the turn their turf wars. The only one where you can literally take your team when you can look pull koby and just be like yeah. I'm just gonna end this for everybody. Four is when yeah turf. War is your tuneup. It's what you get into it or if you just want to get some mindless the because really you're just doing it for the grind to get or you practice your like other weapon types and stuff but obviously creek silos works. Yeah super excited a loved it. Because i did not expect it because i know two sold well was essentially i launched. A surprise was so i was thinking i honestly like 'cause i know they're making pittman for. I know that that was that was talked about. I know metro prime floors is being made and we know zola to come now. But i didn't expect platoon. I was thinking like okay We haven't heard about a star fox. I could see starfighter zero being thrown out there as the last of the we you games. That hasn't been moved on over. Doctor would also take. I'm surprised you know th. That's that's like a downloadable thing i'm shirley so they'll make something like that soon but he lives the way they were super mario star fox to be honest eight or yeah because i could see because i didn't play zero.

01:50:02 - 01:55:04

I know you played it. But i thoroughly enjoyed it. The gyro controls kind of weird. But i'm sure they could find a way to kind of retro fit that to the switch you get rid of the the the the the game pat staff relocates star fox game or maybe a multiplayer aspect coop. Somebody controls whatever i don't know at that point muzzle making you star fox. To be honest i would be ingredient. Sino andrews here for my notifications creepy background. I'm not sure. I take my phone and said andrew joy call really. Maybe he's been here the whole time watching us making sure that we're not going to get sued tyler. Okay well no the. Ftc's not on us next week. Next one they they they come after us and she got the moral the moral mama jinan from us. I don't know if he's here in our bodies crafts near the end of it. Yeah so okay. Let's wrap it up. so yeah. Those are the games in the pi-rre mithra for smash which i was like. Yeah they'd really dropped. They've dropped the ball. They had so much potential when they first announced the fire collections. And i have not spent a single dollar allies. Yellow one cephas. When you got. I think i didn't even get got her on plant or product because it was guess. Offer off on paying five bucks. Let's well i love. Steve steve i. I've already made that one. I love. I love that one. Yeah i'm not liking this one. But i i know nintendo just doesn't get the sales up so hey conical sue because they remade the first one insults or the character some okay. There's a try and get the sales up as the reason bilaterals in the game to get sales of firearms them up. So i still think and this is i still feel. We're going to get master chief at the end. I feel like that. I feel like that would coincide with e. three like harvard. Do three this year. Virtually whatever because i think microsoft's still does it and like halo infinite getting like a. I don't know if they set a release date or maybe like actual definitive release. They like quit for vail often. It like hey coming out on. Pc whatever and then like in the microsoft conference you see like you know. It cuts like a smash announcement like oh. It has a trailer for that. I could see those plays anybody's the eight brandies nintendo's going to the cloud gaming you can get game pass somehow make it work and it's something that could be there. You just need the incident internet and hope to god that she had the highest feet up. I was thinking about the day. You know i want. Because they're in relation to sega. If you gave me a gym who i think would fit so in spanish he well. He's not saying character. Somebody else owns amount. But somebody had to say the tampa. Yeah while i love me some some some reason by his game series. I really want to get into. But i just haven't like have you cusack game are they are like. Rpg's right meet them up. All rpg brawl rpg where you can do some weird stuff on the side and they just released like a dragon which is stuff. 'cause like i love it like if i'm really interested in like the weird stuff is like like homer heroes type thing like i want some of that weird absurd stuff. I think the way. I do justice and this is just me touching upon. I know it takes. I know it takes a lot of hours from what i've heard is like it was. There's a lot to do especially if it as a they give it as a japanese nationals oprah. i've heard it's basically a japan simulator. Do dancing you go out with her boys. Yeah if you can get a. I'm certain that with your with your. Pc you can get them for cheap there on harambe. Let's let's look up before we go to the cage. Is last this last thing as one. Look it up. If you want to know more about our gaming efforts follow franscisco on his streaming at the. Oj are his own twitter account. Yeah yeah that's that's what i do. Think andrew also streams every once in a while like long while but he has his. Ps four you don't streamline ups though i know that now i would literally probably break under pressure stress really i i would. I would just cross i from russia. Hate me when i stream but aside from that i'm i'm good with people francisco. I have difficulty with technology. Like i spent an hour trying to compress into zip file out of the spend for that audit.

01:55:04 - 02:00:02

I couldn't even imagine what would happen if i had some kind of glitch because i'm not patient like that like i as an adult. I learned to be patient and when it comes to technology. Not i had adobe freezing freezing up on something when i was applying redaction and then i almost flung my my laptop. So that's like okay. So they do have accusa on frigging putting a random birthday on steam at sawn sale. Thirty three percent off. I think i'll wait for something to be low. Actually an okay to its price. Let's see a well only for three games in the series the third fourth and fifth one. So i don't know if it's one of those games where he have to play all of them. But i think you have to do a co-op because columbia the here's a remastered startup. Yeah yeah 'cause academies on but it's not part of this pack right here. So i guess they do have most of the games in the series zero. Okay so i think most of the games are on p. c. And i guess. I could watch whatever is missing on youtube just to get the story line. Yeah but that's the thing there's some games are cinema experience so that's why you just watch him. Sometimes you want that weird goofy stuff. Like i always want play like the persona games but i don't have one hundred our skin. I don't hate jr pg's i don't hate rpg's it's time in ajay rpg. And that's the thing that's the only thing that's keeping me away from some of them like tales. I like the tail series. But i've only played one. I've only played two of the games in the series. And i know that. I at this point in my life cannot do them i i am. I'm trying to get through him. Just five right now and that's not even an rpg some elements sort of like that. You got to build up a lot of stuff. Now that i've got but i can't do that all right up. Room perfection all right. Let's let's go. let's let's do it. We exposed to welcome everybody our weekly troop lex cage with charles or is it the chamber with charles now full disclosure and we know wrestling not fake rasco go it is scripted is a stage fight. Big fight veal is story about minimum being the holy hell of each other chasing championships chasing titles chasing glory just beating the hell out of people. They don't like because they want to make a name for himself. Look at legacy maybe to glue the finger pointing going wrestlemainia at bridge of things. 'cause i usually they boys but andrews on here so it doesn't sound proper animal. Call your boy. 'cause maybe that sounds a little bit wrong but people the world we pay per view this weekend. We had a lot of the last couple weeks. I'm kind pay-per-view fatigue take three half hours of my tie to watch these two and a half depending on who it is We have live nation chamber. And we're going to focus more on that because nothing really going on in the world like new japan takahashi. He's injure the japanese temps are very sad. He is your junior heavyweight champion. He was supposed to challenge for the tag team. Champions bushy against L. fan tease mo. And is it tai chi yet. There's so many other go into it. But now that can be changed up a little bit but i think wrestling cards. Such else really big. That would go on for new japan. Yet let's wait till eight you happens. I believe speaking of new japan this weekend should be jon. Moxley versus kenta for the gwp r. I w gp us championship. So we'll see what happens there. You know there was a cross plan that was going on over in. Did andrew messages he goes. How is was the star of the show will get the android come else you jump into the cage unsuspected. Money catcher. Who is as spoiler support. Shadowing hey w dynamites happening. I'll probably watch this weekend. I don't really recall what happened last week. it was just kind of mannheim between. Because you know they're still doing the cross branding of impact awa and new japan a little bit of nwa very big on it. Why because there's gonna be some people that are pushed out what i will say about eighty from last time we spoke about the romance between adam hangman. Page in the dark has chefs. Kiss as you know. He's gone now in a few that hardy the other hearty brother jeff so to be well. He's now big. Money matt or money matt trying to get all the cashiers t mobile private party and he's funny get hangman paged. The with them and it wasn't happening so the contract that they had it was for tag team is for him to have a match at revolution. Which i think is a week and a half from now. That will be the next week. We'll be aid episode that we talk about but basically matt hardy.

02:00:02 - 02:05:02

They're gonna have a money match. Whatever wins gets their financials for that quarter really feels like an eighties match. Which i like. Because that's what they use it. Use to fight for the purse the whole thing that ten thousand dollars because you need some incentive in money should always be central. What's it's would push us right. But matt hardy t h two part of private party which i think is isaiah was beating down. Hang my page out kim. The dark order with is that andrew. Facebook notes. You answering back going into having dark go to come out and help hang on page you boys support you anna. J we love you anna. She's hurt her shoulder. She's the she's ninety nine gets everybody's given numeric number in the dark odor but she's injured she's gonna be out of the woman terminate a women's tournament. They're doing a tournament for continuing Shida over in both the. Us japan whoever wins the woman. Certain make shot at hebrew. So we'll see what happens there on rasheeda i can never say properly suck at named. Sometimes i second my own ed guys. It's part of the business. The slow burn between the young bucks and kenny omega station. Too damn long they were getting beat down by m j off and then the good brothers took forever to come out and help them. And so Kenny the writings of the wall. This is what i hate about wrestling. I understand that you have some stories to tell. I don't need you to take with him. Forever you can make it more interesting when you have the young bucks superkick and everybody but it be how it be right. I can't control it. Let's go to wbz because that's really where the bird butter is. A loss of happens at elimination chamber. Holy crap. I don't know if i was right. I don't know if i was wrong. My mind was a little bit long. It was beam on his paper. It could have been a cpa. A certain things happened. They started with the smackdown. Men's elimination chamber match remember whoever one was going to be challenging roman of that knife of the unifil steidl. They change it up a little bit and they had a face roman immediately afterwards and this was a match i was looking forward to. I gotta tell you franscisco. I was big disappointed. Because for six men in a pod we have all those steel chains and the pods and it called for a recipe of destruction. I would think is more of a disaster. It was more of a wrestling match. Dale brian to start out and they were near the annual of gambling on the match. Yeah am i. Ju- part is because you had to chamber matches. The men's raw match was later that night as the main event. But you still want something. It felt like a wrestling match. It was good. If i had to give a rating i'll meltzer three and a half nothing higher but it wasn't really the most compelling was any really new fuse that kinda came baron. Cohen was the first eliminated in that one which was surprising I was expected to be in the finals. But i was still expecting something more to come of it. Jay kevin owens the only once i kind of made something of it because they were talking some smack because james believes the last one who got out of the pot. So you have owen. Susan staring down in the mid that pod open. He went to beat up. That i was like i love it. 'cause you need views but i felt more like six men technically wrestling. Everybody look good but if felt like it was just a little unexceptional. Says look great but it was a false. Push as i told everybody. And now he's off the feud with seth. And whether or not. It's gonna lead to mania brian and seth that mania ends as i was just going to be able to Intercontinental title match. Hopefully a ladder match up me. I would like that but it didn't necessarily accomplish were for If you can hear me right now. I love you. You're you are one of the best in the world raids here for it but people found you know i wasn't. I love that particular metric paper. Beats songwriting getting over a wrestling podcasts. They poll here. I had most of their listeners. Gave it a b. half of them. At least you got some as some season. Some people got the six percents to have their on. We're gonna get to that in something involving in aleister But i think all matches were technically sound. The triple threat match was probably the best match. Night bobby lashley. John morrison Matt riddle so originally was supposed to be job or keith lee. but he was out with injury. This is bad because he knew talent on the main roster. He keeps getting injured. Vince ain't gonna push you anymore. Charles big concern but it was a good last night. Replacement with john morrison. It was good ebbing and flowing a little different styles. Bobby lashley look very angry. He reminds me of the the vine of the angry black kid when he just shouting all the time to bobby.

02:05:02 - 02:10:01

Just want some murder. You and i love it and i hope he becomes w champion and guesses wrestlemainia when we're talking about the second metro ends up winning the us title. Good on him. It allows him to be. He's at the top of the mid card allows bobby to elevates the main event and morrison had his timeless. I'm maybe create new viewed. The women's tag team wasn't bad. Jags and shayna baszler verses over the bought the acapella and sasha banks. We knew that wasn't really gonna be much of anything because the won the royal rumble. Sasha is the women's smackdown champion. Just see how they match but the match was structurally technically sound. I enjoyed it for what it was. And then we got the men's elimination chamber match raw. Same rules six people entering to it. Last one wins the wb championship low. Ob- sorry. i skipped something. Because i didn't even care about that much. I'm sorry. forgive me. how dare i ruin. So we talked about the smackdown match. We said the winner was gonna go and as roma mealy down by one who is one of the first guys in. He gets destroyed by roman roman. Chokes him out. Brian's like selling his knee injury the what. And i wish andrew was here for it. So what happened at that match edge comes out on spears roman straight up and he says i'm getting you wrestlemania. I saw for it because the matches. They'll probably might not be good. But the storytelling is gonna be shops kissed. You have two guys who are probably same site or different size of the same point. They do the spirit One thing but a both never lost the titles because edge had retire as wbz. Chant world heavyweight champion was a different title back then because neck injuries. Roman had you Vaca- his style because the cancer so now he got the universal championship back but he. They weren't awarded had to going. Get it too. So you can build on that story. Face of the franchise in the present versus face the franchise in the past has the table. How the table and also you can bring in christian edging christian to even count out wants to help out christian fellow canadians versus the bloodline. That is the usos. Jimmy comes back at roman reigns. Big excitement have gary forget about but it wasn't really a mash of my mind like it was like three minutes. Were ruben chokes out. Dan bryan because we know we're gonna get that eventually. I don't think robin loses to edge. I think it's a bad idea to have happened for sentimentality To kick in tug at our heartstrings. It's better to have roaming at the ultimate heat by killing edge and how the crowd really hates you got to build. That store built it like coal until fire into the furnace to have the smoke. Come out men's elimination chamber. Drew mcintyre defending against jeff hardy. Aj styles shameless. Everybody in between that was kind of. I don't remember the match itself was very good. I liked it ended up with. Aj in the last two people there. I thought it was going to be shameless and Coffee cakes i sent you. Can we talk about how funny kofi. As though by the way i would break character that look at your dies dies. You know what. I like about this match versus the other day. He wasn't sold to him but it's like he's complimenting him and it's like oh my god got a peach while they're you slithering slew of it here but what i enjoyed so much about that raw chamber match was everybody had history with each other. They all had feuded shameless end. Jeff hardy heff. You'd a couple months back. And they ended in a barroom brawl because they were attacking jeff's alcoholism the past drug use You had aj andrew who had rustled each other at the prior tlc in december which drew retained ms kashdan but it wasn't really cashing because he was the one the cash in the briefcase you had kofi and randy history when kofi was w champion range. I take it from ray. Took the title off the drew. It was all good stuff. They bring the into this one this. Why was shot but it came down to aj andrew. And i was like my my buddy charles of god not gonna win or someone named drew mcintyre winker like site because you know i have not been happy with. Drew mcintyre champion. It's has been vanilla. I have been into it the quality of challengers as been so poor so bad. And i don't like the fact that he's held the title twice within a year span. Because what does that say about you as a champion to hold it that amount of time and in the second run that you have is just even worse. Russell goldberg abc. Sorry that's terrible for the match ending was great. 'cause aj goes for the phenomenal forearm which springboard flying forearm and he gets caught with a claymore. Kick it was beautiful. Like are we going to get something weird happening because usually just go straight to the ending but jerus- going around. He's raised his arm. You're looking like he's gonna cry. Is gonna cashing.

02:10:02 - 02:15:04

Ms got the money in the bank contract of otas from summerside match. I believe where tucker betrayed of course did nothing now owed bad guy. We'll talk about that next stage. 'cause i won't see how they develop out. 'cause there's difference between on frustrated. I wanted to beat somebody. Up versus full-blown he'll turn. We can't call that exactly. But bobby lashley man who just lost his. Us title comes out. Beats the hell out. Remind you him bobby russell. Each other at it wasn't extreme rules but it was the pay per view after that. There's just too many wasn't backlash on not certain but they had russell bobby had lost a drew. But then bobby was just so angry so pissed off bring out drew and then you heard ms music come in. And he successfully cashed in the money in the bank contract and i was just like stone berry hard because he was good. You need switch. Almost twelve months drew held that title. Even if you count the randy because ready beat him hell cell. He only had it for about three weeks. Drew beat him again on raw. You have to get new blood in there and everybody hated miz. Winning loved it. Because he's a he'll he's supposed to do things he was talking to everybody. Don't talk about it about helping him out. Like yes because you and i both know the ms is not gonna be w champion for year. It's going to be a transitional position where he's going to be a placeholder for possibly bobby lashley bobby. Lashley looks like a heavyweight champion. He looks like he will destroy you and you know what yet need the new blood. You need to give it a chance. Because he's been doing some great work for hurt business. I don't know there's anybody who has had a better year booking than lashley did he's been booked better than dramatic. I think about lascaux. I'm loving it bob papa. I'm loving it. And so i'm hoping and here's the thing. Mrs have the drop in next week. Him and bobby lashley are gonna go against each other next week as bobby. Hattie solidified Win bras rahman deforming deforming universal champion technically or to universe champions of the account fiends. Six day run but it was good enough for it. So if this let's bobby have the title and him versus juliette at is perfectly fine. They had russell before they used to be boys. You can cap it off please. For love of god vets do not give me drew mcintyre winning that belt wartime media because he never got the chance to defend it in front of live crowd. Drew is thirty four years old. He probably has about six years left in his wrestling career before he has to hang up. If he wants to. You can give him the opportunity that you wanted to give them this. I run to make him a made guy but to have a belt three times the same title three times within one calendar year. A sloppy booking. It doesn't make me believe actually a credible challenger because there's difference between a guy holds a for bit is just taken away at the story for main event to go to a blood feud or gets injured or has a fake injury but for a guy who loses always come back in loses always come back it creates a hot potato situation and it affects asked the question. Why shouldn't the person who lost the title. Get another title opportunity against so it prolongs unnecessarily. Because why is it radioed has enabled to challenge drew again for this outlet. He lost right. Why isn't it that ms if he loses in a transitional position. Let's say. God forbid that's the plan but minshew be bad bunny. We already know this. I told you about that three weeks ago but just for example sakes do all agree matches. You'd better do with the idea that you can solidify fu to make it worthy but if you do this kind of little opportunity just to give you a moment. He's had not one but two moments. It's not our fault as viewers that we should suffer. Drew mcintyre one. More time as champion. Because you don't know how to book improperly. i had. No problem withdrew his first run. He went through bobby lashley. He went through dolph. Ziggler went through big show. Went to edp randy at summerslam but when he got it the second time three weeks out. He wrestled romance survivor series. In a non title match with champion vs champion and he lost. Okay but then. Who do you have the con- build with aj. Not elsie. metro was very good but midtech cashed in so it was the protect. Both guys when you think about it. And then he got goldberg so he's just getting magid now he's not getting storyline. And sometimes you have to think of wrestling what we call stage. Five francisco is yet to think of it as a little bit. Ufc at logan boxing. Ufc to me is more entertaining building into the story. Especially if someone like conor mcgregor if you have a lot of the heavyweights up day jones.

02:15:04 - 02:20:09

Even the old as his daniel thinking you don't i. I don't really follow much of europe super heavyweight. Daniel cornea i'm sorry Day of the living in john jones. John bone jumps. I merged everybody to one. But then when you're looking into boxing. Boxing doesn't have the talkers boxing. Just has you know if you talk about good old gold. Olden day boxing. It has the fighters man when your oscar de la. Hoya's manny house. Jira leonard's mike tyson's all these guys come into it so you need it to perform properly but if the feud kinda goes to matches could be fine but the storytelling is trash. No one's gonna buy your pay per view buys right any can happen. So why don't you let the main event card figure out is going to be ms. I'm very happy for him because he was a. Wb champion ten years ago so this is just another little belt. He's the he's the first two time grand slam champion meeting. He's held all the individual titles multiple times on straight through very big on it and we know he's going to get bad bunny damien pres versus him in john morrison attacked him. And that's fine because what's wb wall wrestling entertainment. Sometimes it's the w sometimes is the and i trust ms enough to actually put a good match and put people over like that bunny. I was very sports entertained. Couple of years. Going kurt angle. Who is basically retired and ronda. Rousey presser triple h and stephanie mcmahon but there are people who are crying for drew it. Why not bobby. Bobby lashley you look at that. Why can't you believably see him as a. Wwe main event heavyweight champion. You gotta give it to the new blood because if you rotate it. You're have the johnson a situation or seen as a sixteen times champion because you had no one else do if you're a six time champion that means you losses sixteen times right. I feel about drew. But i'm excited for the prospect. Because i woke up man and it felt like the day i got on the bar exam when i woke up monday right when i woke up. This monday is the same way. I felt about taking the bar exam. I woke up design. Feels more on this hour end. Bring all taylor. I saw this light birds chirping arab music. It's like literally came out with snow. White history mcintyre and. I'll take it for as many days. I can't before he gets it. I hope he does get where he's not giving just great. I don't know if i could say you. Give me great matches good matches. But no good feuds let him get his opportunity but let bobby lashley get his opportunity because half man he just basically like burly just so angry and just wanted to kill everybody as for you to speak up cage all right okay. Couple of things. I forgot that we we didn't we didn't cover gottlieb's goons wanna get this one out. Kevin better kevin mather formerly. Oh the seattle mariners. They was what their team president. Whatever so he said many many comments at a rotary. What what the hell's a rotary club. I think like a rotary phone and i think in one of those old man groups not even sure what it is but regardless he was at one of those and he said a lot of comments about foreign players both from asia and latin america japanese. Whatever and how important they went all those darn people learn english or they suck it english or the all kinds of things with regards to that which is no boy. if you're china entice players especially those foreign players who are highly talented to constantly when you have the most famous international baseball player ever playing the game. Yeah and drew and ken griffey junior as well a guy who's currently ambassador to the game now league baseball you're not you're not going to entice players who to go to seattle which is one of those places that are notoriously hard to get people to go to because players have wanted out from seattle in the past including your best player of all time and can griffey junior. He he abruptly retired because he just wanted to go home to florida to live with his family and stuff and too far away in seattle. Yeah you're a franchise that is notoriously bad. So you're gone. You're gone and we'll see he's he's gone now has gone abruptly but marriage that these guys have no filter or is the fact that they thought with their they could just do what i just don't understand how you can work in baseball and baseball and twenty twenty one and not like not.

02:20:10 - 02:23:45

I don't know be slightly more progressive. I mean gosh. Darn it man. Jackie robinson's back in nineteen forty seven. You know Roberto clemente he had to deal with people talking about how he spoke english and things like that but man. It's been years and years now and yeah players can get on a fellow. Hispanics can also get on each other for english. I've heard players like Latin players that get on each other for the way they speaking list. But it's like in a joking way of course teammates and things like that but this guy did not say it in that manner and was basically one of those guys learn english things up took. Who cares who cares. Why why you should be more worried about. Why the hell. The mariners can't get their shit together sanchez. He's there gosh man. How embarrassing was you feel as an owner. Because at the end of the day was the worst thing to have and was kind of publicity baffled today and there's nothing or that because in the state unintended pretty happy that they're not the full owners anymore whatsoever but baseball is kind of a dying score in the love of americana but it's something that's very locked internationally and so that's why he won't get prospects and players and you have somebody who says that they spout clair's necessarily want to deal with that base put desperately needs people to like to point they really do. They really need as many people and they really should go more international at this point. Yeah arbonne on. The asian countries in japan is their national sport korea to in latin america. Go hard on those but yeah no. This guy needs to get out of the sport. Now if you're if you're you're thinking that twenty twenty one you've been in baseball. I'm sure he's been baseball a while at least or at least in sports sometimes team presidents don't really have to be in the sport. Is that the be good businessmen but yeah. I don't know what his background is. I'm not sure. I didn't bother to look it up. I know he's been in baseball. If he's just the business guy that came to baseball but regardless yeah get out get get the f out. Alright so yeah. That's that's golly wanted to get out of the way. Because i didn't want to roll over onto the old news to next week. Though all right. I'll be yeah. They'll be they'll be that so let's so that's it everybody. We're we're done here. We're gonna come back next week with number ninety five. And i promise you we will be even more prepared for that. One andrew will be back to. So i'm sure he'll have a lot of pent-up sports stuff that he wants to talk about. So that'll be less cursing. We don't know because it's fast becoming the incredible hulk only did he happy with the bar exam. You'll need a deer us. Yeah attacking his namesake. Oh yeah he's going to. You'll have something else. Something so yeah. Yeah that's that's that's it folks. That's all. I got checkouts outs on everything else. Twitter's and our tiktok does pretty well. Actually i need to post more on tiktok. I need to to get get hit with fellow. Kids out there by everybody taker.

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