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SG 96: Just Say The F Word Instead | SPORTS GOOFS

Writer's picture: Sports GoofsSports Goofs

00:00:00 - 00:05:05

This episode of sports use is brought to you by popcorn. We've been using pod corn for a few months now what we enjoy. Most is the large amount of potential sponsors. They offer and the easy user interface that allows to pitch proposals and collaborate to meet the sponsors expectations. Popcorn is a marketplace connecting. Its podcasters to amazing podcast. Sponsorship opportunities such as host read ads interview segments topical discussions and more with popcorn. There is no middleman. Podcasters of all sizes can browse and choose opportunities. Right on the platform set their own rates and collaborate with brands directly without any exclusive vs. You never give up any rights here. Podcast and pod corners here to support you at every step and show you're protected and compensated for the work that you do for brands. The marketplace mission is to give podcasters transparency creative freedom and full control of how and when we monetize click the lincoln our show notes a sign up to popcorn and start browsing sponsorship opportunities. Thank you popcorn. And now let's get to goofs. Let's let's lower that music down. Hey everybody welcome sports goose number ninety six. Yes indeed selenium now. Nineteen ninety-six goodyear for redoing ninety six. I was probably playing. Sonic three d blast on my saturn. That's probably what i was doing arranging rocco on the tv their ads. Probably what. I was doing one of the other one or the other and yet the panthers are doing well that year and they're doing well tonight already winning. I'm not used to the panthers being good it. It eases me in a way. I'm always waiting for the downfall. What's gonna go wrong. What is going to go. A long season can't get the hopes up for you. Also your might not be able to be pessimistic. Just yet no no. I'm i'm happy. I'm i'm writing the gravy train right now. I'm really good. I'm gonna go with that. Oh yeah by the francisco. That's charles andrew may or may not join us is currently on his world tour. he's he's currently. Ah trying to avoid the cops talk on his way back. You're saying it. So he's on the lam at the moment. That's that's what's going down for angela. And he went on his awesome world tour. And i think he might be smuggling a few things that's probably what he was doing. He's got some he's got a side side business. There is probably the whole ucf loving. I bet it's a front to front like the sopranos. he's not really in waste management. That's what right maybe. Ucf is a front for something else. Tell him that well he's gonna listen. Was i think i think you listen to it. Maybe whatever anyways we're we're sponsored again by pod corn guys. Check that out. Check out the website. If you're a streamer podcast. You're looking for someone to sponsor you while there's people are looking to sponsor you as well talk about their services and products and then put out a good word and people to know about certain things know about you as well so check out popcorn for that in the podcast version. It'll be in lincoln description. Act even the veto version. Probably pop it in there as well. Thank you the popcorn for sponsoring the goose for a second time. Thank you hard core they. They approved of our last episode. So you know. I forgot what was the offensive thing that we talked about last episode. I don't know if we talked about it was calloway was hand. It was there. There's more oh the unpaid internships and yeah. Yeah on my statement but still. That's a well. Then we had controversial topics that unlike other people in different media industry. Espn or you know sports. We will tackle it. Had on as opposed to cherry picking or put it under the rug. Yeah oh yeah yeah. It's well well let's do. Let's let's let's see what what would you do. What did we watch over the last week. I knew what to sporting events. I did not watch the nba. All star game or anything in be related vomit wildwood.

00:05:05 - 00:10:02

You good. i wouldn't. I have video games. I played video game. I played like that counts. What we're talking about how to do it does not here. We can kind of go a little more in depth on our gaming endeavors but yeah ono. Doug watched the all-star stuff. And i tweeted out of him like dude. This what you watch again. This is what you get for watching it. Let's start with like why we chose. Not the most jail sergei okay. Why didn't matter so. Yeah it kinda understand because on the show you and i are the nba guys. We had an nba guy. Last week. With brennan all you know twitter. Brennan brennan's roy exports plea roared scores sports. There you go. we love you brendan. Yes indeed probably out. I don't know the pacers aren't playing so he's probably playing thieves right now. That's what he's doing what he's doing. Okay yeah well okay. Only to sporting events i watched a washington capitals versus the boston bruins which is also pertinent to what's one of my topics for the nhl. Stuff that i'm going to mention that i'm going to present. He guys today. And which ended was here so i could get his his take on the things that i'm presenting but that game was partner because something went down in that game. It was a good game. Great hockey game. Great great hockey game between good teams. Yeah something went down in that game. And then the panthers versus the predators the first game of that series and the panthers one and lie. Yeah like i said not used to the panthers being good it is unnerving unnerving. Yeah okay so yeah. Let's let's let's just pop into the nba stuff at because there is gender baby betrayed. Yeah there there is some news. There is some news Let me find it on my my show. She gosh during the where is this. I feel like too. Many things have happened with an all sports we have. I don't think people realize it's hard and rare for us to anything and a low behold as we plan stuff boom goes. Yeah yes stuff holy crap yeah all right so nba so yeah. Let's go blue. Ginger baby blake. Griffin's baby ginger baby heads on over to brooklyn he's on there. What the one year veterans minimum. He's gonna wear number two because the other two numbers he's worn career are retired in brooklyn. I'm gonna say jersey but brooklyn that he was placed on waivers by the pistons after they bought them out after after they bought out six. Three point eight million dollars. That's how much they are paying him not to be there in detroit and right at that is a ton of money to to not be in a city. I wish i could be paid that much to not be anywhere. But yeah the pistons will be paying him and yeah. This is kind of like a little trial for him with with brooklyn. He's he's If he does well the nets consign them to maximum five point. Four million dollars. That's as much as they can give him especially giving their their cap situation. But let's he's still going to get paid by the pistons. Twenty eight twenty nine point eight million dollars so it really benefits. He's he's gonna get paid next year. It doesn't matter where he goes so he might as well just get the pick of what he where he wants to play. Somebody who's competitive. Why wouldn't he. Why would he go off to like sacramento or something like that you know. I think there was bad. Blood between him. Doc because like collect pieces that work with him and even though he is definitely not. The same player was re. I started out with doc. Philly could definitely use that kind of power forward backup center because you have behind b but power which we knows not sufficient at all and when you think about it docks. The guy who made blake into who he is as Spot up shooter. Because before them vinny del negro was all like oh just dunk it as much as you can and every other person i was there. So do you think there's bad blood like see. I'm just right now saying so it doesn't bite us in the ass. I'm speculating. Speculation is bad but dammit sometimes it's one thing he he has a little bit that you know that king petty and have to be like you got no philadelphia how to be asking for him right hands on what happened when he was when he was available to be a free agent because he did not stick around with clippers he went off to detroit traded l. let's year impact competitor but was was docked because doc rivers still the gm or was he stripped of his duties at that point.

00:10:02 - 00:15:09

That's what mars because if garlic the nba pool is so strong. That a coach doesn't necessarily have to be jacob. I think he was. I think what would that's the thing he if rivers was the gi and and he made the move then. Yeah i think there's some there's some tiny bit of beef there but if not then it wasn't his call because we was the one who lost the gm duties. So i wouldn't think that that he would probably wouldn't be a thing. But i don't know an macron depends on elliott. Yeah what. What was his options in this mini agency. That was was brooklyn was vaguely holland. The ever team a yeast. That wasn't you know. I a low tier team. I know his specifications was they wanna consider. Can we just say this right now. How bad of management are like i know. Full rebuilds and i know full blowing it up but The way that detroit is just screwing. I won't say their fans over. But they're making the former saint hanky for the philadelphia. Seventy sixers he's kind of jealous or the way they're just blowing it up because man man oh man they're doing all this up to not get anything out of it. They add drummond. he's over in cleveland. How he's going to be heading out. But those teams that even do anything when they had those guys. Maybe we don't like oh. This is not going anywhere. And we're paying these guys a ton of money to just sit here. Mas well i just let them go and start over at the big giant resentment of because if not going to be middling in the middle get possibly in eighth seed every couple years and then get ousted in in the first round like a sweep or five games. And what's that gonna lanjia in the draft exactly so and in the end as like major league baseball. You can draft a good guy in the casino. It's such a crapshoot. Is everything with the nhl for the most part to and even the nfl usually just position. You're missing but basketball you. You have to land on some guys and it's harder to make that is when you're in the middle. I'm really sad that i it just weren't even though i think they only made it once or twice especially the standing shame. Yeah yeah. I'm very your baby. All connersville pari understanding. Gundy thing didn't work out the yes signing blake griffin. Didn't work out. None of that worked out for detroit. Then they moved into a new arena and their detroit. Sports is in dire straits. I talk to my my boss. He's he's from detroit. And i asked him he was here. I talked to him like you guys are not doing so hot over there as like. Yeah it's been the trash for quite a while for all the teams wild. The red wings are your biggest hope. Yeah and even then. There's still the worst team in the league. So there are there are a long way away from rebuilding. Just you have a little more confidence. Because they have steve yzerman at the helm and he did that for tampa bay so and he's probably got a big like soon as that team is ready to go. He's going to have a big budget because the redwings owners of been good in spending. So it's just a matter of time for them and even the even the tigers the same thing you know 'cause same ownership so they'll they'll be ready to go but detroit the pistons and the lions. That's not much on rear plan. Yeah you have to have to help detroit. Somebody like a superstar or they can find a way to to finagle a a chauncey tae schon ben wallace who has a rip hamilton type of team again. But even then he's not gonna be doing that. It's just not the way. Nba played anymore. So what's concerning about any upcoming draft. I leave at this. Detroit is that You really don't know what the player talent is. I have not watched a single bit of college basketball whatsoever. I had kind of man. I love college basketball to watch this march madness back office. You don't care because of everything that's going on. Yeah that's next week. Next week is the was the selection. Whatever and then we'll get the plan round. So yeah that's gonna be interesting but Yeah i haven't seen a single college men's basketball gain. I only saw one women's basketball game and that was it. I have not paid attention whatsoever. Even though the seminoles are having a good season so it's just a matter of just my tastes and the backlog calls to me as well and the panthers doing well.

00:15:09 - 00:20:07

So i'm watching them instead is making me happy. You know certainly has done better nets. So that's that's that's a nice miracle this season and yeah. This is stuff taken away from my attention from and i am basketball. I watched the he even though they've been really inconsistent. I've been watching them so and some nba game. Some games aside from that all right but yeah blake griffin. He's going to go over there you know. Hopefully if he's healthy going to be good it was good a couple of seasons ago and then he started falling apart is knees went out his back went out. His big toll went out. his ankle. went out in arthroscopic surgery left knee. You know that. That all that stuff he. He turned thirty something. I think it turned like thirty and everything fell apart the moment you hit thirty just like every human being in the world except for tom brady lebron at the but the question i would have to. You is essentially this. Was it the spicy sauce. Whenever ray lewis is that antler dear. Dear alvin steroids. How dare you make a suggestion. That a man like the seven looks like hammer you and be a professional wrestler but really this feels now or never for the nets and it shouldn't feel like that in this first year of the core things but that salary because even though you don't really have the play pay blake anything after the fact you still have to contemplate what you're doing with hearted into years. Give him an early extension. You still have kyrie's contract you still have contract. You still have deondraye jordan's albatross contract. In my opinion you guys get paid. What four years. Eight hundred million plus for rebounding. That's the reason why they had to get like the thing is his defensive skills are diminishing because the ought to and i think the now that i think about the connection the android was probably the bigger push because they were locked sitting together for some time the other part of the reason he signed there and it didn't domino right now. Because that's how he'd significant claire. Andre jordan has become but people need to realize that guy was the top defensive center for. I would say four or five years. His offensive game was never gonna be amazing but he was even the best spurn romance story or soap opera in the nba. When he spurned the mavs and then duck and blake go home the plane they pull a brett farve minnesota vikings. You need to come here. We need you. But i mean i'm obviously disappointed. Granted i was in a very very small minority believing that he would help out. But it's the idea of not him. I would never say that. He was missing piece of the puzzle. I viewed as a puzzle cannot be complete without all the pieces in place. That's how i viewed it and also. I'm very anti kelly olympic especially when there's a certain another center slash power for now made up on the team and we'll see four and oh boy and light on it. Oh and i don't want anything to honor drummond. Just i'll just say that right now that contrary to want that a young. But i don't want that contra. I need a big with an offense touched because i'm envisioning the second unit. That's all i heard your germans a. He's he's pretty efficient at what he does but he's not gonna give you a lot of points. He's good at everything else. he's a really great player. He's gonna give you a ten points twelve points tonight. Maybe maybe depending if you're playing team has a small really playing a power four center. Maybe you get forty percent. Because he can't shoot the free at the three and he can't shoot free throws there's my list kicking in their advil now But it's not there he is basic. I don't poor andrea's jordan because both are All star players granted. I don't think drummond with all obvious reasons. Or they had to gender definitely shadow of himself. But sometimes when you're looking. When i wish andrew was here so we can kinda learn goof on him a little bit but if he's listening we can kinda explain to them this for anybody who doesn't follow basketball they're centers that you want to just the board Just box out the defenders you get the rebounds and then do the backs and then there's the centers that i envisioned because sometimes i got a starting caliber point guard. I want a guy who can initiate the office and also score and go. I always think my colleague. Chris paul the those guys. I have wet dreams for as a point guard. This same kind of goes for a center on the bench who take over certain things who kinda shoot the ball very well or and mind you.

00:20:07 - 00:25:03

It's nba so with interchangeable. When i'm saying i don't know being powerful because they're really just close as an interest but oftentimes days nba. There's really not pure position. But i'm looking at that big man on the second unit who's gonna play fifteen and twenty minutes a game possibly to rebound well to get the puck back. Also you know stand up and shoot to at least be able to be a three point quality threat and for anybody who wants to they charles. What is that miami. Look like comparison for you. Is chris andersen. Obviously not the child porn. Not but what. I say why it is. That team became not in day. Because we're still going through the movements. They were going through. The gripes stood the way he kind of played out and today's game. I'm sure there's other former people. But that's what i mean by that when you're looking at that second unit you don't want the same quality caliber person starting in the second unit to that degree. So you don't want somebody who's like your bam will. It really will lick because bama and him should really be sharing the same core but whatever. You gotta work with what you got. But it's like you want the opposite to a degree. Olympic is on your second unit so because of divas concerned us get to their fourth quarter. We know that. But i don't know out there to kind of take a chance to fix our big situation because i think it's we don't have a good defensive big who can score off the bat and we're not gonna give precious time and i'm just like just my precious right and now with the Meyers leonard controversy. He he's they're not be lucky. That opens up some things you know. Maybe maybe we'll see all the g. League fourth not looking for new talent and what team knows. Best how to get talent from the g. league pat riley right. But let's just call but you didn't watch the all star game. I know i just have the little tidbits here. Lebron team lebron one again for straight seasons S won the. They did name the the trophy. After kobe bryant. We did talk about that when when passed away so that they the trophy is named after him. Now kyrie's push about reaching from jerry west not being logo. Oh yeah we talked about. It doesn't have that same effect. But i can get it requires comfort but the problem is is that there's been so many great players in this generation of thirty. And if you're going to change the logo a from jerry west anybody. I would think it'd be michael jordan. Got it but of course. His most iconic symbol is for a company. So that's the thing i mean. I know that sounds terrible bombings as to. If you don't do player you should coach. And the only coach. I would make sense. Since phil jackson and then matters just phil jackson with his faintness his arms crossed. And just like You can like the little silhouette of glasses or something. But with the most. If you're listening out the best of the best in basketball. I understand in but he played. Yeah he played. Yeah no actually no if you if you want the full the full it because pat riley play he coached and he as an executive he so he's got three rings in all three fashions right there. If it's not pat. And that's how miami went to new york and that was fun. The the only person i can think of. If you don't wanna go that far would be one man who's actually twenty twenty one Now been finalised at a coach. It is bill russell. Bill did coach true. Yeah back back. When player coaches back. So i mean if we had a switch it because the problem the last twenty thirty years to fame but different but the the interviews but jerry west also fits the bill for for because he played visor. All the reason he didn't win more rings is because bill russell. The celtics were in the way but then he makes the great transition into like the ultimate executives slash consultant for several Especially teams out west several teams. You know whenever. You're struggling a mega the pisses. That's what they should do is get jerry west on the line. Like we'll pay you whatever you want. I'll give you little caesars every day and you fix our team you tell us out affects anti you you get you get our pizza.

00:25:03 - 00:30:04

That has no sauce except for a one byte that you take it get ago that hot and ready so i know doug watson follow dougie on twitter you. I'll just item xbox series x. Maybe we'll get him to do the goof gaining one day with us But can't we just say. I'm sick of the no names for some of these contests and i'm say right now. I know sounds vitual and all that it's not but the dump contest. Which has every anthony simon's of the portland trailers travel trailers. Trailblazers won the dunk contest. I don't i don't know who this man is gonna invite people. That aren't the only person i know is name. Anfernee was penny hardaway and the reason. His name was penny hardaway. Because i i'm just saying. I can understand rising stars versus current but the whole thing was that you're still trying to get people to view their because these i don't wanna call. They meant to the pros. We have submitted starting out. Baba's relative to the the the real all stars is the equivalent of washing and one dunk contest on youtube. Just saying there is. No i think the last few dunk contest job him. I didn't intend or is it a good idea and won the top dunkers versus nba top. Dunkers why not all specialty show. Yeah because half those guys amateurs quote unquote are better than the pros. I think you would agree with me. On this. some a pros who are whittingham dunk. Contests really good dunkers. And the game. Thank you notice the most iconic of the dunk contests have all been the superstar. Guys that have been correct. Because that's the reason they're superstars. That's all stars right. You have jordan raanan and then of course vince carter because they were guys. Everybody knew they were guys. Were just absolutely famous and just really really great. At just being athletes and these guys are great athletes but the superstars are are just another level another level blake griffin jumped over kia. Yeah they probably like the last one. I remember you know. Tell you that. Gordon and zach levine. We're supposed to be these great things like they're done just. I think they're done probably high scores because everybody gives a high score now. So i don't know how you re a dunk contest. Because i'm gonna tell you right now. I'm five seven out a buck forty five. I couldn't touch her and so every dog is a phenomenal handed jam when he won was that's the reason he won. Because god this guy is tiny baby. Yeah and he's up there flying but but yeah. I forgot which player was watching it. That wasn't an all star but was watching and ends like this guy. That's the reason. I i'll never be dunk contest because of the judging because there was a whole dwayne wade controversy with the that guy in the magic. There was controversy when when he didn't give a high enough score and instead it went to boy at miami heat but still you know was a dare jones junior there you go. Yeah airplane mode but still like it's all it's so subjective. I wish i don't know what you can do. If there's an ai that you can create or something like that to to make better but but it's not really you know one of the. Nobody watched the pro bowl. All right so i can't tell you any of the events there but like the really the only equivalent is at the. Nhl has their all star game. But it's all just like the extraneous stuff is like the skills competitions and and maybe the hardest shot is there or fastest skater. But there's nothing in nhl that's equivalent to the dunk contest. But the probably the only equivalent to the home run derby and the home run. Derby is exciting because most of the big guys go do it most of the big boppers that you wanna see. Do it do it so in you. You get memorable home run derbies. They changed the format every few years. Just you know spice it up so it does get boring but like the nba double contest only so much. The human body can deal before you start bringing the props. And having the guys wear throwback jerseys and stuff like that of other players that they're not even on that they can play for their team.

00:30:05 - 00:35:00

But there's only so much you can do. I think the only thing you could do. And i'm not really a fan of real stuff in their sap some. I'm not against controlling it through thorough. I won't be too ball to throw throw dodgeball. At the guy's face will trying to dunk and see if if you land a head and he still fishes the dumb if you end up getting hit in the face like okay. You're in. I think the only thing you do is just a fan voting and i'm really gets for half the stuff but who else who's the fan like. Oh my god. I know i know. Somebody's the whoever uses the to to buy the. Ps five and the xbox series x is like the moment they be used second they come out probably going to do that to vote for some scrub the sacramento kings. Because it's the only time the kings will win anything. So i mean i'm dunking on the kings this episode or no. It was after that the worthy hope that last game that i saw. That's the reason. I'm talking on them. All right sorry sorry fox. I'm sorry so no. I'm apologizing specifically to him but yeah the only relevant player. That's true for poor buddy healed i. I don't see something. The problem is you have. Luke walton and luke walton. Luke walton sat this man on the bench for then he was like. You're a six now so that goes to show how you can be a good leader. Places are in place and then when you have to build your own team's concern I don't know but it's just weird and be. I'd never had the interest in watching the. I haven't watched an actual all star game since probably two thousand times because when when something's meaningless to me i don't care two ways rose. This was the most burmese leader of the all star games. Because there's no fans. And latino where fans was like the like a small tiny group like they do here in florida but even if there were maybe journalists yeah or family members maybe but regardless even if even f there was like i don't know what they allow like three thousand people into that arena. It still paltry. It's still not the same. The whole point of the all star games the spectacle of the damn thing with a huge crowd even if the game itself is meaningless even if they're kind of going through the motions at some points and they kind of are at the end just to to win but the the lack of that fervor really hinders this thing. The reason all star gazes created is just for fan so that was the reason the the first baseball game was made is. Hey let's get these guys together and they're all wearing their home uniforms or real uniforms and stuff was kinda got a call to see but now it's just like i'm you might as well have been watching some guy playing nba two k. On twitch we might as well just been watching that. Are you disappointed that donovan. Mitchell just didn't go up in punch lebron his face. I was hoping that that is a weird like a few go on jazz. They can't afford to lose the man he would have had to punch lebron so hard it would have concussed them and kept them out. Sidney crosby sta call him. There's some people call soft but he's what twenty four. I think that's twenty five. Yeah i get where. He's i also get where lebron don't get me wrong but it's one of those things where i like the fact that we fell in love him last year in the bubble and the playoffs. No you. I always always a decent talent but now i'm kinda like bra like the fact. Is you saying. I can only. He's not making excuses for asean but all he's asking for is a little rsp. And i think 'cause we'll broad has a little bit of a Of a little bit of zen master since we mentioned him because he can mess with your mind games. Time a little better pacifica's that he's not. He's not mr twitter fingers like kevin durant. Sorry kevin but you do have like you have more burners than man's cheating on his fiancee. Just does the backhanded compliments. Yeah and so for who is a perfect personality for you. It's just straight up. I don't give a crap about this guy. Say all this trash that trash and fm. That's really happening all young valid. But the thing is. I united talked about this And brandon brandon.

00:35:00 - 00:40:02

If he was on and we got to the west coast. We would have gone to this. We don't view the clippers as a threat to lebron's legacy we view the jazz for this year. Because right now is just kind of completely mind you. They have falter little bit but that's expected well. People need to understand is the basketball. It's rare for you to be number one threat the whole process of it. I would say but take a compliment. But i kind of love this little bit of an edge because lebron for a long time and what the seventeen years that he has had playing the league never really had anybody that kinda got up in his chili bowl. This way. i'm going to koby. There was admiration. You know the there is there. Paul pierce only kevin garnet garnett. Only guys the only. It's probably just the team that has deal tom. Which is yeah the boston celtics. Because there was this paul peirce kendra just two guys who just their bulldogs right. Though the they're they. They are from the streets. Especially paul pierce. He's from south central. Okay which is probably a rough neighborhood in. Lebron is from for sure. So there those guys right there and then of course you had like the spurs the spurs. What they did it as a team. They did it quietly well but in not aba and twenty four ten. So and yeah really. Those are the guys that i can think of that lately. Done maybe even the golden state warriors but even then that was more like lebron having no no help whatsoever that to that when we say that we're talking about that jal jackie were like in your. I'm like lets you get to us even though some people might say. Don't take the bate. Sometimes you got to because what you need in the nba. Sometimes because this is what the has come to sound like a boomer and take this moment to talk about it. The nba has become too buddy buddy and i can't miss a little bit. Indies animosity viewed. The bliss young cats out there Exactly pistons the pistons and the bulls the knicks and the bulls. That he in the balls that he in the next the the jazz the sonics the rockets like those teams. When they were playing each other they hated each other. They hated each other. But there was genuine hate. You know they become buddy buddy after they're retired and things like that for the most part for some of them of course is the atomic. Never going to be michael jordan's best friend but barkley pill beer and all those guys lose and dennis rodman. Maybe you know. Just ron is a crazy man. So when he's hanging out with kim jong un but there that animosity that hate there's l. and it's really in a lot of sports maybe nfl in the nhl to nfl nhl. Because of course heading when you're smashing everybody into each other you're gonna get some animosity. The was the titans and the and the ravens. You have gotten right there all right. The anybody do the. Nhl is full of them right. We almost had the the flames and the oilers last year. Which honestly had that playoff series happen without the pandemic it probably would have been incredibly bloody and incredibly awesome and i everybody would probably wanted it to last seven games but got a rod getting thrown to the floor upon cash. Oh you're the red sox the red sox and the and the yankees thrown down as well major league baseball needs some of that some of that do cherie as well sometimes as well. That's why we put our faith in bryce harper with the topic of conversation. 'cause my race guy that that pisses people off so that's yeah all the as a possible faith old game that we do. I just watched the video. Who i just watched the channel new is growing right now. It's called baseball doesn't exist. And yet he's had some pretty good videos. And i'm i i guess because i've cheer for the marlins so it doesn't really matter but i've seen the the ways of manny machado and he's he's a dish is do you use a baseball and guess who has reported up was era. Yep and here's the thing. We feel old because iran to us in theory should have been that long ago but man shot shadow. We realized like twenty five a little bit younger like a god. He's the iran arab the dish. And it's weird. Because he came from a couple of years after the most bandou. Eight layer in all sports in casey junior. This guy this guy.

00:40:02 - 00:45:20

A baseball doesn't exist. Did a video about a rod as well to give you some more context. And what would jeremy tash shea who friendly show popped on few episodes ago when he said that his a sociopath oh oh he is an incredibly right about that there are. I don't know somebody has to be doing their their phd dissertation. Somebody has to have done one on a rod because that man should be examined ban. Have good and you know. I have to love him. We want where we you know. You don't have you know they offered. He's not the awkward. Uncle thanksgiving dinners. The the oakland a.'s celebrated their one thousand nine hundred nine world series championship and they had to invite jose canseco and he was there and mark. Maguire didn't show up. You know of course. Maguire's like the hitting coach. I think the padres or something like that. So he has an excuse but of course even if the day won't even if they had a day off. I don't think he would have shown up because candidate was there. I'm sure if the yankees do a two thousand nine reunion in twenty twenty nine derek. Jeter still owns the marlins at a rods invited. I pretty damn sure gene is going to be like. Yeah the the marlins applying i to be the building. I can't just have my video at yankee stadium like saying. Hey thanks for celebrating our championship. You know so yeah okay. We went off. We're we're we're talking about. Nba all star plane. Yeah well that concludes on off there. Okay let me get a smaller segment out of the way just to just to make the transition here. They all leave the hockey stuff to the second half. So let's pop in here. So i'm good announcements for the people who listen to our or presumably our tune in fifteen We got stuff about hockey. We'll disclosed that all. Yeah yeah some stuff. i'm. I'm also kind of hoping andrew does show up so we can talk about because he is excited for everybody. We literally don't know he. Sometimes i'll just pop in the whole time during his jollies. He's like. I'm not going to be on it and we just hear the dulcet tones. excited breathing. We're like oh. God he's here so i'll candyman. I'm doing it. you go girl this time. okay. We haven't had that while it's women's history month so we we must do a you go girl. I'm hoping to do one for each episode to finish out the rest of march and this was a good one because it is recently is pertinent. And and she she did some things renee montgomery everybody so renee montgomery. Wnba drafted fourth overall in two thousand and nine when to uconn won the two thousand nine national championship because uconn women's basketball is dominant to say the least. That's an understatement. Yeah omnipotent yes indeed so she. She won the honda sports award. Which is the best women's college basketball player in the country. Her final her final year. There two thousand nine. She played two thousand and two thousand twenty. She played in wnba as well as some overseas teams as well but mainly the minnesota lynx. The connecticut sun the seattle storm and finally the atlanta dream. And keep that in mind. She won two thousand and fifteen in two thousand seventeen championship with minnesota. She made the all star team in twenty eleven. She was a sixth woman of the year. twenty twelve. She has done some broadcasting lately. Fox sports southeast studio analysis for the atlanta hawks and she has her own podcast. Take line podcast. So we don't compete with her. Obviously we're at the bottom. We're at the abyss if he would like to join up. Yeah and we appear we raisch we her in her excellent podcast with our presence and misinformation. We'd be happy indeed so but yeah late this is. This is the big power move that she's made she's now part owner of the atlanta dream. Much -gratulations so but there is a story. It's all of this. And i shall present it to you. Guy so a woman by the name of kelley law flir she was a former. Us senator and keep them keep that in mind as well from the state of georgia but she is a businesswoman and that one She co owned the atlanta dream with another person since twenty eleven now one of the things went down last year to say the least as well so weird to say that were twenty twenty.

00:45:20 - 00:50:02

But i realize we're in march and we're not even just in early aren't anymore tomorrow's double digits. Yes yes indeed. So things went down last year with regards to the virus but also with regards to social justice in the united states and so the atlanta dream players who are mainly black african american. They were openly for the cause of of the black lives matter movement after george floyd was murdered and so kelly flir the co owner of the atlanta dream. Had an issue with that now offer was at the time a us. Senator she was. She wasn't elected by the way she was appointed to that. After i get some died and so she had that seat in january of twenty twenty and man this is. This is quite a way to lose. Your senate see in less than a year should be a movie was a how to lose a guy in ten days whatever how how how cheap and ten days how to lose a team how to lose a senate seat in ten days i guess anyways kelley law flir she. I'm not gonna get into politics too much. There are a lot of reasons why she lost. But as far as the sports aspects concerned she was she had an issue with her players openly for the black lives on movement and she openly expressed that the wnba and the wnba players association shouldn't be bringing injecting politics. The sports and things like that you know. And that's the. That's the safe way that people who are against that try to do that but regardless regards when a move forward foreign time so her seat was up calm. The november elections of twenty twenty issues going off against raw file war not a reverend and the wnba players through all of their backing to this dude which was part of the spark that led to this man gaining a lot of support especially with the african american community in the state of georgia which is incredibly large atlanta. Which say mostly black city. And that bats snowballed snowballed into this woman. Kelly losing her senate seats a rafael worn ike. After the whole thing just recently after all the votes were counted and so she earned by the way the deadspin idiot of the year from there. So that's that's their version of our goon award. And so yeah that is so and now just a few weeks ago or a couple of weeks ago renee montgomery along with this other dude and some other person have bought into the atlanta dream now so i believe she may keep doing podcasts. I would assume but maybe leaving the broadcast booth for the hawks and focusing on her atlanta dream team. I think she will have like a similar position to like derek jeeter with the marlins handling the day to day operations of the team. But she's the first female owner of a wnba team. So that's been more than twenty years since the wnba was first conceived believe ninety six or ninety eight when they started some around there so it took until now but here we are so you go girl you did it. You go girl indeed l. Sitting on this one. But for the last couple of weeks. After i saw this news was like whoa. She did it okay. Let's to attain because normally even if a small percentage of it All yeah no. I mean we talked about it. We talked about what we do if like Well actually no. We talked about what if we could be like adam gates and just completely tank team. The that'd be kind of fun too. That'd be kind of fun. Yeah all right. So that's a you. Go girl. And i think i can pull out. Let's get another one not to bridge ourselves to get to the halfway point now. We started a lot later because of technical and or work difficulties for me. So this episode run a bit long but the charles his beloved taco. whenever he's got waiting can can we a tiny bit but keep going.

00:50:02 - 00:55:07

Maybe andrew camp up in. We'll see but let's go with. Oh yeah. I had a forgotten player. I've been sitting on this one for a while so players remember. Forget and i can't do this one cassandra's not here but the player that i'm remembering is terry bradshaw. I mean shocking. But you have my curiosity. It's not the one you're thinking of. Okay 'cause i was about to say granted. I don't think i could stand him now in old age but whatever right this is terry on. The screen here played in major league baseball. He looks nothing. Like the other terry bradshaw whatsoever. Presumably has hair. Maybe i'm not sure there's so terry. Bradshaw was family a pinch hitter now. Theater went to norfolk state drafted in nineteen ninety. Nine th overall in the ninth round. Sorry by the saint louis cardinals. Play for the cardinals. Not many games. Thirty four games to in ninety five ninety six hours his entire major league career on sixty two games and actually no way. Yeah that's it. That's not immediately career and only two sixty two batting average seventeen sixty five bats but his post career has gone well. He currently is the hitting coach of the kansas city royals. He's yeah there's some prospects they're doing for. Yeah i was just flip for andrew benintendi as well so that is i don't know i'm looking towards the future there but okay well. He's the hitting coach since thousand eighteen. But he's been with the royals staff since two thousand so he's been on that team for a long while he's been through periods ring and that's what i was gonna get to you. Want to ring in two thousand fifteen. He was the model hidden coach. Finally heading coordinator from twenty thirteen to two thousand seventeen so some of the guys that were on that twenty fifteen probably passed through. What are the teams that he's on during your saw him in the minor league system so he helped develop those guys and now he's up in major leagues and we'll see where his career takes them after this but they got terry bradshaw two thousand fifteen champion. Alright we remember you. Did we remember you Okay well there's only there's eight minutes and i can stretch my hatred. Sonic lost world. It's okay no andrew messages saying that. He's parting talk for a few minutes. So do we want to do the andrew cameo maybe having tells what the tour of the islands looks like available. Well whenever he wants to pop. I taught him whenever he wants he pop in him. So well anyways it's calico vampire. This is a kind of a like a non sponsor. Anti non sponsor really really. That's that's what this is about because andrew here okay. I hear you faintly. But you're there you're there so you went on your awesome grand world tour world quote unquote and you did show us some some pictures of your beloved ucf. I didn't call it a front for drugs or anything earlier in the show. no surrey. you're going to die later but oh boy so anyways and of course you got to sit down and lounge next next to the beach listening to the ocean waves crashing along the shore so much needed so you went to was you went to india atlantic right yep in the atlantic in the atlantic florida. Which for those. Who don't know florida or or kind of know low of about florida. It's right next to melbourne which up north of charles about hour or so east of orlando More or less. So all right now you went to. Ucf any sort of. I'm sure you visited a look around the facilities for your your sports but you did see a softball game. So what did you see well number twenty two.

00:55:07 - 01:00:01

Ucs face off against number two arizona the wildcats and we took him down. It was the end of a extended winning streak and even more extended uh streak of not being shut out. We took them down to zero. It was definitely. It was a very tight game. I will say that You know there's a few timely hits that well i was. I didn't see the first run because it happened as i was walking in stadium But i am under the impression that may have been due to an error because i saw There was an error on the board and there was a rut but anyway but it was. It was a tight game. I think arizona three hits three or four hits. Ucf at three or four hits it was tight but you eat it out. They got it done They pulled off what they need to do and took down number two. So that's a huge resume booster Going into conference play And they've got a nice skyline at their ballpark. Because it's got the football stadium in the background indeed Softball stadium is located southeast of the stadium Got every everywhere you look at. Ucf is very pretty And also you guys some more pictures of what i took but Some guy said the. Usf is prettier than ucf. Having seen both campuses. Try to be as unbiased as possible. there are areas that that. Usf is prettier in some regard but overall it's definitely ucf down. Okay anyway we all know it's better than you of all better than yes. Okay well well so far. We've talked nba. So you don't have to worry about that if you're going to stick around for that and we're about to hit the halfway point if you want. We could do a non sponsor early so you can leave that in just a few minutes. So i'd rather get off fight shops or i need to get off and then head off to is not leaps goons. Yep okay well. Let's let's head on over there. Then let's let's let's do it. Let's let's get it over with Meyers leonard everybody. Well our sheet will. Oh explain explain the best. That i know because i didn't really seem much of it. I just thought the act- from all me with it's it's really. It is what it is. There's not much more to explain. So i will explain this introduce you and then and then you being the the demographic of people afflicted by this will get what you need to say all right all right all right. It's unfortunately our beloved miami. He finally have given me and charles. But yeah meyers. Leonard meyers leonard. He oh man. What israel calls callscreener punch loaders of your problem when someone has to first name that. That's that's these. That's a huge tip off for. Dublin is going to be evil that they have changed. I mean god okay. So there's so many things okay. So meyers leonard was on twitch playing. Was he planning duty. Yeah yeah he was buying college park duty. Warzone was likely the royal one and as many people who play military first person shooters are want to do. He said something incredibly offensive but none defensive in the sense oh he used a curse word because you know we all use curse words. Charles is like nobody's a motherfucker like like looking until anymore. I i don't get it.

01:00:01 - 01:05:00

I know when i get angry. I get angry often. Either say bullshit bullshit. Bullshit like a typical person. Or i say well. Yeah so no. But meyers leonard and a lot of other people tend to go the more ratio anti religious anti is or not or know ethnic offensive anti semitic routes and meyers leonard. This time and God the excuses if that one if that excuse for uproxx even real that. He said that he claimed he didn't know what the word meant than oo boy. This man has nine years old. There is no way no way right. You went to school. good sir. University of illinois at urbana champaign. Okay well i guess it's a regular university illinois anyways. He used the racial slur or ethnic slur against a jewish people anti semitic and andrew. Your a jewish man. We always. I already saw what gabrielle. Who was on our show few weeks ago. She is also. Jewish and jeremy has tweeted a huge sigh on his and he's also jewish andrew jewish. And you have a few minutes. Please tell us what you feel. Well let me let me start off by saying that if you through that. He didn't know what that meant. I actually think that's worse than if he knew what it meant. Now explained. I can actually say the word because i've avoided it's basically the the jewish equivalent of the n. word. Let's just say that exactly first off. It's inexcusable that he said. But i'm not surprised. I don't know anything about this guy. I hadn't even knew he. I didn't even know weeks assistant before today but in white. Or what is going on politically when it's going on in the world. I'm not surprised that that word would slip out It's jews have been scapegoats for thousands of years going back to the romans. I won't del too much more into the politics and religion of it. 'cause sports goose We don't dive into heavy stuff. But i digress It's the reason. I'm not surprised. I i may be repeating myself. I'm trying to cut. I kinda gathered thoughts on the way back but Anti semitism has been there forever. Basically and over the past few years it's kinda resurface in a more with it. It's it's always been there You know you'd see the occasional firebombing of the synagogue anything like that terrorist attacks. You name it That's all the explicit stuff that you see in the news but always simmering underneath was the The shit like jewish space lasers you know Coke brothers the walk you know acts why the walk holly media runs the banks It's it's a nod so sydney dale attack against jews. And that's how it's been recent before the past few years it goes up and down. It goes up and down in terms of how explicit the anti semitism during your low periods. You've got that that You know dig knows caricature or And i don't mean to say that stuff like i into from family guy is bad. That was freaking hilarious. It's probably my favorite episode of family.

01:05:00 - 01:10:02

Guy there is a line and Kind of like supreme court said when it came to explicit material. You know it when used to be I couldn't give you a hard and fast. I mean i love blazing saddles and that was so offensive in many ways But this is not that and it does look at that nap last year. Who use the n. Word on air or not on air when he was streaming or It it it happened. It it's sucks that it happened. It shouldn't happen And the reason why. I say i'm i would be more concerned if he didn't know what what it meant is because that needs steep into the subconscious the It's becoming an accepted of more accepted way or has been thrown around so freely in the first person shooter online community that you know it's like Defend nulla dumbed people too. I'm sure yeah desensitization. That's a big problem you know. It's like the our i That is highly offensive to people with disabilities But it was thrown around so much. Hell i heard kids in middle school using that word or Black eyed peas. Let's get it started. The song was actually originally called. Let's get network People with disabilities are starting to kind of pull that term bat into it is a derogatory term. Same thing with with black people. They're starting to pull back the n. Word from being. so he sensitized. Is that you could just that white people. Just throw it around. All if mr first names doesn't know what it truly and he just thinks of it as some kind of insult like Like like you said motherfucker. Show yeah douchebag things like that. yeah it's he's throwing it around like one of those. That is a huge huge problem and that is more concerning for me. So i've said my teeth. Let me talk about what needs to happen next. I thought teeth get cut there. Not the miami he. Well i don. I don't know if you know this andrew. It's my own by micky arison. Who is jewish another thing. I was getting to talk about the mention he picked. He picked the wrong market to use that slur to miami. I've ever been to miami beach. In oklahoma city there are no jews in oklahoma utah. It's all baptised in in oklahoma city in salt lake city. That's the church of latter day saints. Now you're obviously everywhere. Obviously but when you look at okay sea or salt lake city. Then you look at southport. Other worst place would have been like new york exactly For those who don't really know democrat the demographics. What's you hit like miami beach and everything like atchurin norris or talking north miami dade county. That's all jews. They're jews everywhere you know in miami beach. You see people wearing not one synagogue. In hialeah far as i know but like in miami beach people at the first time i they're wearing kibo does They're wearing yeah saturday.

01:10:02 - 01:15:02

Everybody's walking to and fro exactly and it's prized me. The first time. I really kind of worked down there because i'm so used to not seeing that people kind of practicing in secret almost because of all the shit of antisemitism I was helping my sister with an event with israeli soldiers years ago. You had three security guards manning. The gate armed security guards and that happens everywhere when it's the high holidays that's that's the loser the big holidays for jews. That's russia a young kip or happened in september. Go by the lunar calendar So things switch around a bit to the gregorian calendar every synagogue that. I've been to has police presence in front of the synagogue during because of this anti semitism bullshit. Sorry i went on off on a tangent. I apologize The so yeah dude. Picks the wrong market to offend. And i didn't even know the owner was jewish. But there you go so teen needs to be cut immediately I mean i can. I'm all about due process and all that jazz. But i cannot imagine a scenario where he would be justified in using that. Yeah the the the whole thing and he sat there for like a couple seconds to think of a word to insult wherever he was playing against and he came up with that one and all the words out of all the offensive words. He could say he chose that one when charles like a decent human being would have used the word motherfucker decent. It's really just about. Were hate phil person and i put it in the note. I'm my two cents on a very limited basis. I know andrew as a very personal touch to it. I'm not going to give much into uproxx but you do find people who say things that they know they should say. I always find excuse to why they said it or they say i. I heard a lot. They give you the my. Lauren wrote this apology. Where they go and say my my words and people have done this tap my of people we know this. But it's one of those things i like. We tell people you even though andrew didn't know who he was we have you know not even because he plays he in portland For for him. It's just more or less. This is the staff that you have been since. We've been kind of a and i knew andrews when i go into deeper politics but the reality is this has been a politically challenge. Climate where everybody wants to say free speech and mixed in with offensive speech it makes with racist discriminatory discriminatory or anti or xenophobic. Whatever you wanna call him pancake at speech and they wanted to fencer thing so for him not to be and i understand what people can say so guy should lose his job because he said a word and i would say would happen everybody else right is great player young or that upright there for even remember it. So it's about accountability. And i can think of all the anger and all the rage. Because i i'm not perfect. No one's perfect. And when i'm insulting somebody And the words that might come out my mouth but it definitely isn't the case were in a word in atf. Word at any of that stuff that comes into it you know. I like to use the universe sort of you know. Go from there. Myemma fers but to say something like that live. Come into it is who you are is what you say the home and you have status. You have something that the three of us do not have right. Now we will be better to maybe. Hopefully jimmy butler come. our show. Please falls on twitter. of joe. Jr also sports. Because i always had. The plug is great but we the same age same age thirty one thirty three ranger school with this guy. We're ranch we're educated. We go from the stuff those words in ever gonna come out of her mouth right because that's not who we are so don't give me a bs reason and listen. He'll probably if he gets released. Someone will pick them up because the nature of the business in all sports. Because it's a very what have you done for me lately thing. And if you're a need or needed but I i to see what that backtrack is.

01:15:02 - 01:20:06

Because i feel like there's going to be people who say oh. It's not such a big deal. Especially since i was to add into this people to abby sad even more drama flare. It would kind of come in to come on at once. You have somebody trying to fend position. Who come on like. Oh wait is just what you say in between. Please tell me more. Because i do have jewish friends. I've had family members that married into religion Everybody has their own kind of touch to it. but it's not so much obey. It's the reputation of pass arms. And she like. Oh there's current issues going on right now. So i don't know so wait interject really quick go ahead of course. So i just saw nbc. Sports put out a an article talking about the and if making my blood boil when tomboy. Impressive of my blood was already simmering. Ca after. All this nbc. This is why you're losing your fricken sports division here it it quits the quote. It says the quote in bold so the quote is fucking coward. Don't fucking stephanie. Citing you blank. They censored yeah. This is every other word except the offensive. One oh my god her there we go. That's the problem here. Oh my god not. i'm not even. I was gonna. I was gonna search for it by hell. I'm not now. I'm glad i looked at on my phone anymore. Got suspended on youtube because of the nhl. I'm not going to get suspended for this. Nbc sports. you're not taking down for that again for the that i talked about the use your there again. I'm delivering journalism bath rounded. I actually talked about nine. Golding big rule in journalism is do not use to rogatory language. Word thirsty anything unless it is absolutely necessary to the quote it has to be like not a shadow of doubt winnings out. Don't use the worst. They're breaking out completely or center in some ways like yet at after after after god is acceptable but they didn't sensors the actual. They somehow think fucking more clean infuriates me somehow even worse than give asshole using the term in the first place and ultimately that is the point. Here that have been making for the past dodgers. How long it funded it to the term has been desensitized and that is scared and it takes a lot to scare me when it comes to problems in judaism. Because i'm used all the anti nepotism shit that comes out. I mean it's it's kind of hard. Can you guys imagine if you went to. What would you say is like the most holy day of christianity christmas or easter. Okay midnight mac. That's okay so much militarily. Your boy doesn't prices. So i can't tell you can imagine if going to midnight mass or easter or any other big gathering have police presence those fences. I i know all that and yet somehow i m b yawn shocked by nbc sports.

01:20:06 - 01:25:04

Just did it takes a lot of pride anymore i i. It's funny. I have a. I have team. Israel hat from the twenty seventeen world. Baseball classic is collecting dust in my room to wear that outside. And i i have to go in a minute. But i just roll. I pray to whatever god there any whether you believe it or not a pretty. I don't even try to i. Don't forget the gods here. I'm praying to the powers that he actually take a stand and don't let this go any further we. It was a great year. Your black lives matter and was amazing and so important in there is finally seems to be some positive movement toward helping at making things better for black people. Can people colors still a long way to go. And i'm not saying that we fixed everything because the pro-style but for the god clean have something like that june's right now just in the past year we had nick cannon saying that jews are the devil or whatever the hell he said and then the fuck was that philadelphia eagles. Yeah no i think. It was Stephen jackson from the nba player. That was there was someone. Get what mean said. The same fucking shit has mechanic ice tea beard that same bullshit and nothing happen. I'm hoping that maybe something will actually came. I am not holding my breath because this should have been going on. Ever since the june the jewish religion was created fifty seven hundred years old. Whenever so. i'm not holding my breath. But god i hope that there's a j. l. Move if he will. Because like i said. This term has become desensitized. And that's the beginning of the end of nipping in the bud and that starts with this asshole getting fired. No team picking them up. Make it clear that you don't stand for this ship. Make him do more than just stupid public apology. That probably his lawyer risks or road for him. Make him go to toss holocaust survivor right. That football player. I mean ray. Allen ray allen who played for the miami and i did. Let's love alan. He he would because he was so moved by the holocaust museum every time he would be on a different team. He would make it a point every time they visited. Dc face the wizards take his teammates to the museum. Thank you ray allen. You're my real. Mvp i ran into mvp from life. Saving thing to do for like julian edelman louis. Jewish took whoever that football player was took into the national jewish and a holocaust survivors. Vote to that football. There's a holocaust museum down in miami beach. Yeah it makes sense. i dunno. it's next number pitch and center. I ran lives here. It can take some people down and be like. Hey let's let's educate some folks rail and come on the show. We'd love to have you when discussing this topic and actually ship but we can talk about that miracle three point that you did in the finals while back by yeah i.

01:25:04 - 01:30:05

There's i could go on for an hour and i've already taken much more than i thought i would mean listeners. I followed is for when we say that. We're the marianas trench of of sports doubt. We mean we're talk. We'll talk stuff about white cornhole. Yeah every once in a while an oil tanker will sink down and we gotta deal with it. And i i was gonna say that i apologize for turning this paul political but i know i i'm standing up for me. I am not a semi. Turn it political. You go girl. You're so don't worry. It's kind of been the theme to start off a little bit. But i will say okay so i'm going to close this out and we can get to the halfway point him. The past that Yeah so meyers leonard. He's already lost his sponsorship for streaming which was a p. c. company that builds. Pc's stuff so he's already lost that and yeah yeah well. Gosh man okay. I've been and i just past the miles. I've been on a been on youtube for fifteen years guys not great at it prominent role at it and i've learned a lot of things over that time period. Okay i've done a lot of things we're doing this show. Just gotta thank you. Just gotta thank you on live. Tv there is a camera pointing at your face. Everybody can hear you everything gets recorded. You are literally pressing the button to do this and yet all of that happened or as much as i hate it. Sonic lost world last night. When i was playing through that once that i call. Sonic the hedgehog the k. Word okay not once. Did i do that. I didn't call the we're going to that. I just said this game is awful. I hate it. And i was done with it. The fact that this came up in your brain is awful and you learn this stuff over time but usually your learn you know from people. He grew up stuff like that. And yet kind of get that stuff out of your usually bef- before you leave high school caused by our point you need to go out in the world and deal with the human beings who are different from you. Apparently meyers leonard. Didn't and he he's been in the nba. He's twenty nine years old. he's a grown ass man. He should know this shit. He's a grown ass man. He should know this shit. Oh my god. And i once again i yeah. Let's that's it that's a. I'm hurting off a appreciate you. Wedding event I'll i'll talk to you guys more in general by trip off and pay. If anyone who's watching has any question you know my twitter handle medium whatever you know me on twitch than the a private message or whatever and i am more than willing to go into more depth with the adults with you as live from this guy to never play professional football again. I want this to be a teaching experience. A worming moment Because the more worrying moments there are more people that actually understand what is happening closer to more equality for jewish people and ultimately for everyone all right then p. a. at ios. Okay all right then that that got heavy boy. You can't darnold even though you want to write. Gosh darn modern things. You can't avoid. You could have just forgotten you on the bench and yet you did this man. Look what you did look at you. Did tour are happy. Go lucky program. Let's let's cleanse ourselves with a word from our non sponsors people places things get this guy's face out of the screen here we've been enjoying the last week all right so i guess andrew be here for this segment. Unfortunately i'm sure he would have given it to. Ucf for india atlantic or something like that or whatever hotel he was staying at whatever. We'll we'll talk. We'll hear about it next week. I would assume this charles so right you wanna start. I'll i'll start one. And i can copy another one for andrew because they're kind of like joined in and we have a secret one.

01:30:05 - 01:35:00

If you know amine. I'll talk about the secret. One is the second you know. I'm just going to start. What the our lord's kings everybody. Because i have multiple said with this one producer united. We saw each other friday. It was nice. We haven't seen each other quite some time went down. It was a good little get together as francisco. Andrew are trying to avoid finally traffic at. I'm trying to avoid getting down to miami traffic. Are we spent some time together. Bsn at our favorite spot. The taco bell the bell of tacos the champagne of mexican. Fast food industry. I i end skin anymore. Well you know. What i it's it's shots of the champagne of eateries. That's why i'm calling all right. We are since for you. Everybody knows this I you guys know the process to get my wisdom teeth out. And then why was wasn't teams that my feelings and i had to get a root canal than either crown so i have not been able to have like a hard taco in the longest time. So what did i order by. Golly i ordered a A baking club chalupa combo. I was able to get debt deliciousness. That was nice. And more for me with a baja blast which i haven't had in some time because i eat kind of healthy and then i kinda don't eat healthy. I i try to avoid the sugar drinks really. That's actually just what's been helpful of my health. And all that. But i was going to have that and then i was able to have some hard tacos guys. I haven't had a year. Why because when i had was do i would buy down it. Would it would just stab at the nurse. It was the most painful thing. I rather take sitting on the testicle versus having a piece of a hard taco stabbing me into my nerve. It's an no bueno. Boys and i absolutely andrew being there. I say boy. So you know ladies and gentlemen the world and then i had been very knowing for leftover for dinner and it was delicious so taco bell. We always love you. That's i guess. What would be the group nonstop through midi andrews sponsor as encourage it there because i have one of my own individual by law to give them a shadow because they always seem to be there. But dammit man. I don't know about you just moyer dishes. Talk about promo code champagne of fast. Food eateries okay. All right well okay. Yeah that's that's a good one. That's a good one to start with. That's right yeah kind of like a thing overall for all of us yeah mine. I'll do my nextel. Why you d years afterwards. But so i went back home to see the folks and the nephew and the niece and we did. We went to thing and the thing is of course might not sponsor this week dinosaur adventure. Go guys if anybody's been listening to show for a long time lasts almost three years now about the get to our third anniversary and nine days actually. So that's a moss on his popping up. Didn't even know that is that kind of weight on. Oh that's next. Episode is going to like the day. Before the anniversary of the ninety six almost one hundred episodes. We have a secret cashed. Yeah yeah so. Dinosaur adventure is my non sponsor and yeah guys i. If you've been listening to us three years. I loved dinosaurs. I loved dinosaurs. Drop anything and everything in this world to go see dinosaurs k. If if i ever worked to become a father and you know my baby is about to be born in san francisco. Dinosaurs outside of the hospital. I'm leaving the hospital. And i'm going to go see some dinosaurs right. My first more child does not trump dinosaurs because dinosaurs were awesome folks. I went to houston few couple years ago. Now and after i was done with court looked on yelp. I'm like what is there. What is there to do around houston Some stuff at the astros cheats wait. There's a museum museums dinosaurs and i went. There are dinosaurs. Along the way there's a there's a a wonderful place called dinosaur. Land i think between orlando and tampa just four corridor. There's around there. You see some dinosaurs. Last time i was around that area. I i had to do whatever ads do in tampa for client and then i was like even though it was out of my way. I'm like i'm gonna see me some damn dinosaurs. And that's what i did. So the data adventure they just were in west palm beach or about to hit miami. I'm i'm not one to double dip on dinosaurs.

01:35:00 - 01:40:03

But you never know what already seen what i had to see. But yeah they've they're one of these dinosaur tour things that they set up the models inside of like a convention center or something like that or and you walk around and you look at some dinosaur animatronic and thanks to the virus. They can't do the indoor thing but them and in another company. That i know cobb dinosaur quest which i think was a non sponsor beforehand. So this is my second dinosaur but they will set it up in a giant parking area of site with south florida fairgrounds. And you go and yeah. It's like a giant drive thru. You just weave your way through the cones and yeah you stop at every single dinosaur. They have an audio tour. That you as soon as you get in there so that you have like a quote unquote tour guide drastic park except you know the t. Rex is not gonna kill you unless you want it to. So yeah the there's a there are plenty of dinosaurs in and around there and the audience tour is pretty cool and they tell you to pause when you say press play when then the next stop and so it was pretty cool. The nephew and the niece loved it. I loved it. Of course. I took lots of photos of the dinosaurs i. I was going to send them to my nephew. But i've forgotten. I've kept them for myself. Which show that goes to show you who was enjoying the dinosaurs more that day. So unfortunately i couldn't visit the dino shop because it was kind of separated there and you had to get out and stuff like that and it's actually. It wasn't that hot this past weekend in in in south florida. So it's been it's been lovely wedding but yeah the the. Unfortunately you can't do any of this stuff the fossil casting The crafts the fossil. Dig anything like that. But but you can. We've around in a giant parking lot near miami. They're gonna visit little rock soon if you see one of these. It's a good nice outdoor activity that you can do while inside of your car. You can bring snacks or usually the place that you're aspect if it was like a fairgrounds they'll have fair food if you're missing fair food. I kinda wanted to get some cotton candy but decided against it for my own health reasons or is the best kind of fair food Yemen capital good corn. Dog can't be going corn dog. You know a funnel cakes too but it's just that smell that you get that waft of that of the fair food. I don't know what it is. It is intoxicating falls to you for sure and you can. You can smell it from miles away to of nachos nachos chose Some cheesy fries. Yeah there's some good old fashioned popcorn regard everything so good. It's probably horrible for your health but it's so good. Whatever chemicals they pump into it to make your your taste. Buds get those those those acids or whatever that trigger your nerves to make. Okay we're we. That's an adventure. A promo code. Hang onto your butts. Yeah sam samiullah go all right and you have one more charles for yourself or i i do kind of like a two parter. You know so. The next one will be be continued next week. Look at that. We'll give you a cliffhanger which is rare. I have hobbit feet is extremely difficult for me to buy shoes. And one of the things i have bought For my birthday boss. August was running shoes and i bought a six years. They're fine but the problem is that sometimes i feel as if my feet are shifty lately and when i as my dog parks background me because their children you know love dogs. Sometimes they're like little kids But for me i do. Some intensive exercises go between running after losing weight. I go and i wrote between three to five miles sometimes especially the weather's been kind of weird lately so it's been a little bit less but my love foot has kind of been a little bit of the pace stage and i'm like i don't wanna pay too old for pay A planner issue of my about the break in my running wrong is the shoe. Sound like all right. Maybe it's time to get another set of shoes because the exam wearing were not necessarily being sufficient to devoid of pain doesn't mean that they're bad. It just means that what they do is they're black and white so anytime you have a black or white snake that means it just gets elevated to walking.

01:40:03 - 01:45:07

She just perfect. Because i've been wearing the same old nike's forbids so i went to a specialty shoe place. My mother said hey. Why don't you go here. So i went to Fleet fee and stewart. I live and they are pretty more of an intensive hands on shoe store that will kind of take examinations of your feet to see what exactly you're sizes are very educational so they had me sit on this little On a sip of stand on this little you know it's like a tray call for but they kind of did a three evaluation my feet. They provide me with a copy of it. They told me what was wrong. Apparently i'm not a wide like i am not a wide. I used to work at payless. So my arrogant asas thinking that i was a masterful but apparently my knowledge and feed probably goes to a fetish as opposed to knowledge. I don't know we'll see but it really matters and we walk all the time and thankfully when the upside of working personally. I don't have to stand up and go to work but boy. The exercise is often so They did it. three ounces. apparently left foot is a little bit bigger than my right foot. I do have a little bit of wife. What am i right foot and a half largest which are kinda new. But chris over there and watch stephanie. Chris went over chris. You guys show but they went over. They examined my foot really patient for me and usually not shoe shopping for me takes like two hours because i try them on. I guess yeah they are. If i feel wildlife can't do it especially if it's like trust us which is the worst so he provided me with a pair of shoes. Stay tuned next week for that. Possibly but i was able to find something that fit. And i broken those shoes in and the amount of time and effortless. I've soldiers and there are some people who wanted. And i pay less for about two and a half years and there are people that you would spend all that time and they didn't find the right thing with the price wasn't right. You miss all that time that you can't get back right. It's not like that but it it is a A process so area will find me and set me up with a pair of shoes. The one thing. I have complained about running shoes. That aren't the big names is. They're all kind of fug leap but Beggars cannot be choosers. I pick the lesser of all evils. Fine a foot size. Our brand at work. I was able to become knowledgeable instead of what we did. Is we want narrow but half or like a half as is or whole size up so keep that am i records. So it's kind of what unique guys we ladies and gentleman. We walk a lot. We stand a lot. We are around a lot So getting the right kind of feet. You know disney can have. I'm cinderella animals on my own prints. I got wind that right class slipper to slide on my foot. Because if i have bad feet how am i supposed to make money to pay back my bar exam or my argues in my law school tuition. If i can't sell my doesn't matter. I'm looking at but Plea stewart Chris stephanie thank you very much for being because before i would have to by myself at like rocker shoes. Or what have your disorder and all on amazon. There's nothing worse than bad shoes. And good luck trying to return some of those because he do test runs on shoes there We can't give you anything for him. I guess so. That's my non sponsor and my promo code. Not guess this is the are rated episode. We have all the cursing from the three of us. And now there were interviewing are we are. We like just exclude. People would like feed as a sexual agenda. I hope not. You'd like toe. Jim by all means you if it listen. If you're gonna pay money to see my hair's i also My my my my decision. Okay all right. Thank you to our actual sponsor for this episode popcorn. We've been using corn for a few months now. what we enjoy most is the large amount of potential sponsors. They offer and the easy user interface that allows us to pitch up proposals and collaborate to meet the sponsors expectations. Popcorn is the marketplace connecting. Its podcast amazing. Podcast sponsorship opportunities such as host read ads interview segments topical discussions and more with popcorn. There is no middleman. Podcasts of all sizes can browse and choose opportunities. Right on the platform set their own rates and collaborate with brands directly. Without any exclusives. You never give up on any rights here. Podcast and pod corners here to support you at every step and show you're protected and compensated for the work that you do for brands. The marketplace mission is to give podcasters transparency creative freedom and full control of how and when we monetize. Click the link lincoln our show notes a sign up to popcorn and start browsing sponsorship opportunities. If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain. There's creation tools are all to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer anchor distributor podcast for you so it could be heard on spotify apple podcast and many more.

01:45:07 - 01:50:08

You can make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership. It's everything you need to make a podcast in one place. Download the free anchor app or go to anchor dot. Fm to get started. So let's let's move on here so nhl talk. Let's get this out of the way the only other thing. We'll get to to bridge ourselves on over to the cage but i just some stuff that did go down in the nhl. Indeed so Let me get one out of the way. This is kind of semi. You go girl but The end whol which last month if you guys remember they were doing the isobel cup. Which is their championship at lake. Placid and i think the moment that andrews said that they would be having it and the schedule. The virus decided to take vengeance upon everybody got cancelled but not really cancelled postponed. Well they they finally have a new date for the suspended. Play march twenty six twenty seven so later on this month but this time that we playing out of brighton massachusetts so the games will resume just later on this month. Other thing thomason guys remember earlier. I talked about me watching the boston. Bruins vs the washington capitals. Well something went down in that game. Tom wilson he got suspended because of a hit. The he made on brandon carlo during that game it was it was it was quite a serious to say the least so let me let me show that you guys here on the video version of the podcast version. I will describe it soon as i put her on here. I'm sure youtube is gonna love us posting this. And we'll see if the nhl suspends us on youtube because of the put a net nice copyright infringement strike whenever you never know i meant we get three strikes. We get three strikes when they have one. Okay we're just working the count right now. We're just working the count. And so i will type in tom wilson. Oh there's a mealy suspension hit so let's say of course advertisers virgo which is An airbnb competitor. So we've used before all right. So here's the the play. The bruins were here and the puck was thrown deep into the corners. On the bruins end of the ice brandon. Carlaw was out there. Playing the puck. And then tom wilson comes in and lays the hand on him and so it technically is a clean hits okay in technical though in the technical terms. Alright it was a clean hit he. It wasn't boarding. But he hit the guy in the head which is what the the issue is here. He wasn't assess the penalty on this play. And of course the boston bruins were pissed off. Brand carla had to go to the hospital immediately. After this i mean he was able to get him off the ice their rights he had to go to the hospital he collapsed. And as you see there and there's a hit and slow motion. And yeah. Tom watson just hit him if he hit him. Anywhere else. Would've been fine but it would've taken your your hurling up your lunch backhoe yep smashed his head along the glass there and you saw immediately grabbed his head and and of course yaacov verana. There's well being a fucking asshole cross check in the guy after he got hit I'm surprised he didn't get suspended but they're trying to get him off the ice and you see them struggling to regain his his wits there. But tom wilson has a history of this charles little learning give here he was. He is still considered one of the dirtiest players in the nhl. he has. He has been suspended since two thousand eighteen. But just because you haven't been suspended. Friday thing doesn't mean you haven't been doing little dirty things in between you know what i mean can't omit anything being drug dealer for lampe so he stole problem player and this is popped up.

01:50:08 - 01:55:08

He received a seven game suspension. Of course a lot of any fans. Alike tom wilson. So some people think it's enough and of course every single capitals fan including the capitals announcers who were calling this game. We're like oh let's just hockey. It's clean hand. Like i said technically it is technically tom. Wilson could lay the head on carlo at that time. 'cause carlo was playing the puck he still was in semi possession of the puck. It wasn't like the puck was completely out of the play. I mean you can finish your check. Whatever but hit him right on the head and he along the glass. And i don't even look like the head though i looks like a moral combat uppercut right back living so let me see i can get another look at i mean from the angle. I saw him coming at it. And it's it's because we get it but yeah that's rough. This is rough. Here's another last angle. I'm gonna show here before. The nhl gets channel band off of youtube. So there it is ad and you know he leaned into a. He shoved them and he had right there. And if he's one foot or is one less right or whatever probably doesn't hit him as hard or probably hit some on the body but just kind of hit him in the head there. You go so. I don't if arnold tom wilson was going completely for the head of me. That's why it was only for the seven game suspension. Look completely intentional. But even then you can't have somebody in the head so regardless if it's there's intent there or not and that's that's what went down there as far as nhl disciplinary stuff is concerned but the other thing does something a little lighter something little more that being andrew are happy about spn is going to be regaining the rights to broadcast nhl games so according to sources on the twitter and the media there is a seven year deal. That's going to be worked out here soon enough. We'll see how much money it'll be. Spn will be able to get streaming rights and will be broadcasting in each game the next seven seasons and get at least four stanley cup finals. Nbc sports is still not out of the picture. I think The nhl working out something with them too but nbc is also cutting back as we talked about feel besides ago cutting back on their sports division because they're getting rid of the dedicated nbc sports channel. And we'll be broadcasting stuff on nbc proper or the usa network so it's one or the way usa. Yeah because there's rumors about moving certain thinks wrestling thing. Yes the the. Nhl is probably going to be seeing a lot more play on usa. And maybe the occasional national game on the weekend maybe saturday or something on nbc with espn taking up the other stuff as much as i do not like espn analyst. The current state of the channel. A lot of normies watch. Espn and having hockey on espn can only benefit as you can see by the way wrestling is also seeing an uptake in its mainstreaming ever since. Espn fox whatever. All kind of got into the fold their inconsistency ucla tweets about wrestling. We'll see a lot more tweets about the spn and and you know. of course they're going to be people who would be like another sport and things like that and as you know but it's still broadens the appeal of the sport and more options and i don't like the quality of the way the nbc. Sports has done things over the past ten years that they've had this deal of exclusive broadcasting rights. I feel like they over rely on certain markets with regards to their broadcasting mainly the new york teams. Were just one team. The rangers the penguins the flyers the la kings as token west team. But now the vadim vegas golden knights or one of them to the chicago blackhawks. And i think that's it for the most part of those. Those are like their their main going. Oh yeah boston as well boston. So there is that even though it's not unjustified by my opinions about it because the tampa bay lightning one of the best teams at least the last half decade and they barely get coverage on nbc.

01:55:08 - 02:00:01

Sports day barely get national games. How's it possible that one of the best over this time period does it get shown a time rule of thumb is. Your champion should always get some. Tv time following season and the market look at the way the nba is marketed. Look at the way the nba's broadcast espn turner. Sports are not afraid to put on the milwaukee bucks. Because the milwaukee bucks are good marketable superstar. There you go that's all you need. Nhl teams have until but nbc. Sports was too afraid because the nontraditional markets don't get poll. they will get poll. You just gotta show them okay. We're we're tired of sony. Cerebral teams the buffalo sabres have more nationally broadcast games. Then the lightning. And they're awful. They're awful franchise the nba. They don't show the new york knicks. They do not show the new york knicks your largest market and they don't show national games for them. There's a reason why so. Hopefully we'll start getting some of that with the nhl. Okay yeah Big advocate for the southern teams dallas. La florida tampa nashville arizona. Those teams carolina. People will watch them. They got some good players they got. They got some hockey towns. Just just don't be afraid so this great news great news and then of course andras happy because it will probably mean the return of the nhl nbc thick are on abc theme or espn and his beloved. Gary thorne will probably be announcer there as well. So right. So that's that's it for me hockey stuff. And i think we're we're coming up at the end folks game. We're we're a lot later than we normally are time wise as far as when we record so let's head on over to the. Hey you're ready charles. Who i'm i'm ready and i'll tell you now. Lert it's going to be feedback feedback. Welcome everybody your weekly trip. Lexa cage with charles is where we talked about that wrestling love right that wrestling that we have are. We always put out there. Francisco couple of that. Disclaimer rustling is not fake. It scripted is a song and his dad is poetry emotion. just staged fighting stage. Brutality for fatalities is a story about men and women chasing championships. It is about minimum and just might be craft reach other minimum one to change the perception of the wrestling world. All the fan bases everything that you can think of it is it is united. It is bonding football players like wrestling. Nba players like wrestling any joe players like wrestling lawyers like wrestling and you will eventually big there was talking about. There was a baby over the weekend. W all the wrestling revolution. Ask me a lot of bread and butter. The only reason one kind of going through to get everybody to people are listening. Invested into it to gloss over a few things new japan doing their new japan or the japan cup Whoever wins i get to challenge to bucci for the now unified. Titles which is now renewed. Japan world heavyweight championship As i know matches that happened. I believe me she went against the not us and not a one There are still going through the bracket. I've watched some of it. I don't have new japan world. I might because you know. Wbz's be paying for a second but their user interfaces always tough. I'm always excited for these tournaments even though they have it there. I you know prediction because april four income. Run a lot closer. I think the finals are done around. Mid-march or the end of march. I'll just make my prediction. Now it's going to be shingo takagi. I believe the guy going to go against kenta Next they have jeff cobb versus evil which should be interesting. Evils done basically. So let's see waking of jeff. Cobb his momentum give you the tour of the islands as i say i'm a big jeff cop guy just because he looks like a bulky dude. I love it But those are always kind of good. Watch your way said you some guys. I sent you one of neuro. Zucchini being the hell out of. I don't know people say. I have hispanic thing you think i would pronounce it. I watch adamy. You think could pronounce some japanese names. You're wrong good sir. If your names. Paul brad or the editor. I am screwed with half of the people.

02:00:01 - 02:05:03

It is hooked on phonics that i am trying to go on. But you can get some good exhibition matches 'cause to give you a little bit of a differentiation. Between that american wrestling. I would say aside from the heavy hitting or the endurance test that some of these matches are it's more about the storytelling in the ring and the exhaustion like going to war. That's where the stage fight. Concept comes from my end whereas american wrestling's a little bit more of the Entertainment aspect wbz s for wrestling entertainment. All you know all elite wrestling one day calling all entertainment rustling twenty years from now under existing in a big powerhouse can assure. That's a little bit thing. I wanna talk about new japan Unfolding as they say but my nation right now she went to the. 'cause i was running about the g one climax was i not i say code i granted. I had coda sonata as the finals. I don't think it was exactly that. But i'm really good heater eye like to say i know myself i said edge was a dark horse. He won the rural. Are at this. Do we have some have my moment. Wb road wrestlemainia. Fastlane still has not defined itself some bad or lines. Bobby lashley got bad ass new entrance as the almighty began. It's all probably can be for now. And he's listening to drew mcintyre arizo mania. Because you know. Vince hates me. He just hates me. Bobby lashley look at the man. It's basically what you think of. Donald looks like he has like this little orange. Lightning coming out of entrance. He's just a bad ass he has. Mvp doing his mic work. We love it. Let the world see this man graciousness and i like the story that he went sixteen years of hardwork to finally get back to town left. The company came back in that man. Does that wb championship. Just fitting him. Doesn't it. it totally does plus him. Having the main goat makes the stable look good because cedric alexander and shelton. Benjamin have the raw tag team. Titles anything with it. My crazy about it calling prediction right now. Viking raiders. come back and take those off because not everybody can hold it out for a long time. But lord whoever's out there stash powers convince vincent kennedy mcmahon to not have this specimen that is bobby lashley lose. The dantonio drew mcintyre again. I can't deal with drew having the title three times a year german champion in my opinion. You're averaging tolerant preach four months. But you're not doing anything even though it's been longer point being don't devalue the title anymore. Look at this hulking specimen. I don't hold onto to excuse a much wash tomorrow and to watch because you have not one but two todd bowles being defended. And here's the thing about accede loaded more pay per views than hey w does but man have. They been delivering on free television. Because lot last week. I'm gonna give the shot now. Ten dollar versus roddy strong because those are all the same storyline within Pseudo led to the undisputed era breaking and colin super kicked. Everybody shout out right now. Footballer roderick strong chef's chefs. 'cause i couldn't stand out in the match was done. I was afraid i was going to poke. One of my dogs is out. It was just fantastic. Watch too great technical wrestlers who know how to strike to hold the story. Tell beautiful one at the very end. Adam cole comes out because wants tomorrow. And covert number. Three they met twice when when And cole was champion and there was some interference. And then he retained the title over from valor. Second time is when remember. there was e- We did a watch special of it whether it was the fatal four way match with the baguette title back in september and then they kind of tease just too hard and they had to be a draw between adam cole and they wrestled the next week and valley one will fence been holding onto it and even though i don't imagine out of cultural when we're getting probably the return of kyle riley from his injury screw rat colts set some things in place it's all about storytelling but guys can go. They have good chemistry. The mike work has been decent. The storytelling the. I want to beat you up kind of stuff. That's what you need. As for the glory. Adam cole destroy his whole group is stable. His boys because of the fact that he wants that gold around fifty dollars shoulder. That's beautiful man that's good storytelling. It's basically you know. Power corrupts right. Absolute power corrupts. This is how i live as and other titles being defended yoshua ri- going against tony storm for the women's nfc championship. As i talked about last takeover review you had e- overseas tony versus mercedes martinez will now. There's no mercedes in the picture. They went to a rolls royce. Kind of business. Ha carbon funny I think it should be a banger match if you give a good fifteen twenty minutes. This hit about television matches though Hopefully championships and commercials are gonna ruin one of those matches. They're going to ruin it. And i i'm hoping ruins adam versus fin for instead of e overseas.

02:05:03 - 02:10:01

Tony because i've seen adamant thin can do so. There's some points that you can kind of take a break from. Because here's the thing the not always kind of giving a heads up in the ring like oh. There's a team break earlier when picture picture so you may not just be missing. Head locks arm walks. You might be missing some real foundational stuff. Because i wanna see what. Eeo and tony can do. Because they brussel. Give each other in the may young classic. That's all fine and dandy you have new personas. You have new abilities. You have new everything to make it good moving forward. There was a pair of over the weekend. I didn't watch it. But i watched a hell of on clips on youtube and tweets. Because i poor poor. And i can't francisco justify paying fifty dollars for pay per view anymore. I don't do a boxing. I don't do it. You see fighting. I can't do in rustling altuna gaming. But i get hours of longevity and i don't even play those games fully right. I just buy them so they can collect us but with the wb network which is not where the peacock and we'll do that for a different segment because next week will be the transition. So i'll give you guys like my input on it the week after Because there's gonna be some issues. I'll say right now but i ten dollars a month i would pay for pay per view fifty dollars to our ages but there was eight every revolution and i was just streaming. That's up you for the most part in the chat about like crazy stuff that happened. So i'm gonna get from the talk to kind of do to the best ability because i did. I won't say i read. I will say. I've found ways to watch maturity of matches. I'm just gonna kinda go on. Through until i get to the big on the visited some blunts also so young bucks vs chris. Jericho m j f eight of you tag team. Championships are on the line. Pretty standard generic wrestling match wasn't bad. I would say the story line is jared. Mj beat up. Papa book as i call him as he's called everywhere really young books father and they got their revenge. Young bucks beat them clean three. That's it that's it was good. The problem awa is that what your big picture. Because if you're utilizing all this to break up the inner circle which has seven love believe now you're just left with Powerful santan ortiz. You're left with jk or you're left with jericho you're left with 'em and wardlow added join because i was a match at a different pay per view that they add on pay per view or if it was Beach bash it so many south too much wrestling. When i can't do everything at once. Remember everything guys but we're into this doing this to kind of push for a bigger story. That didn't necessarily need a title because what have been complaining about for the longest time. My whole thing is saying that we need to see with the young upstarts can do to be put over several doing this big cross invasion. That's all you've been hearing me talk about raid. I have i have some material. Go on but take mattress fine. Nothing bad because you know. Tag team royal. I like the winners park in phoenix. Doing her pack phoenix. Something to pock. Obviously you know where my roots are. Part of jeff triangle. They won the casino tag team morale with that means that they get number one contenders match. If you drink it's the auerbach's they might be surprised. Even though i think larose which is rare phoenix. His brother l. pinto zero m. Because god knows he's got so many different names. I just called penta Are actual tagging brothers. but whatever. it's fine he. He was in a different mash. That was actually pretty decent. But funny you saw the botch that. Essentially right of jungle boy eliminate evil luneau by doing her to run off. The top and evil was not in position and he ran to the The steel posted force himself to the eliminated type in e. balloon people. When i like you follow us on twitter. Because i did on here yes it was not necessarily a good luck because ideally would happen is part of these guys are the indies and in the ways kinda get stuck with u. Were if a mistake happens. You're hoping for a noticeable mistakes. I don't know if you are practical. Hey i'm watching right now. Yeah okay make it. Look good but these guys need to learn how to improvise. Because if you're looking on the screen he was in the middle of the ring compared to where the actual post was so he basically instead of just taking the bomb and look like he got hurt. Your on off into the middle of fell to get eliminated. She basically it does not connect to the movies by fully. it doesn't get the right trajectory. And he basically saying in bolts it all the way into the Post like damn man it here we go. That has a bad.

02:10:01 - 02:15:00

That is no no it. It just didn't fit. It was markle stone jungle. Boy sorry this is what the people like thompson who thinks that you're an idiot if you watch wrestling hasn't validation on and he's right no i enjoyed it. Tastes like oh van wesson peace to the people who pay fifty dollars for this. Yeah it was very looks. Lightning people is looks. Like a video game character glitched out. I wouldn't even say that it. Even though i love you i follow him on twitter. But it's not his fault right. It's it's the whole idea that we gotta train these guys become more in mind you who knows been probably doing this for decades close to it But if the whole mantra of let's not make it seem like it's children at play. Let's make it seem like its pros because that's not a good look man you. I've opened good Moving on we had he called shida versus review. Mizunami s right my here academia so remember. There was a women's eliminator tournament where you had The women's in the us meeting up going and smashes against the women. Japan meeting up going matches and wherever wins wins against russia. Who is the women's championship. I was wrong. I thought i was gonna be dinner. Rose obviously it was the thunder rosa. It was real ms nami. I don't know anything about her. I get. I know anything about her. I everything coming into the match was a little stiff and slow but in kind of build up into it and she'd one who is the woman that's gonna win this office lady. I like shida aside from Being a fighting champion their stuff. That's appealing about her. Because arresting level advanced compared to some of the other people were still green. But if it's done a roseau. Why are we delaying the inevitable. It could be because of her contract. It at for anyway is a small program. National wrestling alliance used to be a big thing in the eighties and early nineties. But if she's only contractually obligated to have shows and not actually win the main belt because maybe that is something that's in nature defend multiple titles. Then that kinda sucks but when she came into eighty w she was still holding the nwa championship. And she lost to serena deeb who used to be a former but producer or trying to read the wwe but mattress fine interested to see what they do if they keep a lot of these women that wrestle over in japan to stay to help out like rio at or macos honey. she's an interesting character I know lock people or about her. That's that's all too when you're introducing people that nobody knows. How can we help. Get the bill for these people who matter because remember. It's the personalities. It's it's if this person's great tell me why it's great because they're not you're gonna have convinced manufacturers like they're great and were events you push them but we don't know anything about them with that we can do it kind of makes me wish that you had better one sit thousand but everybody's a good speakers of you didn't like one on one interviews with them kind of like you have seen or boxing Bremmer you're playing yourself right when you're ufc. Or if you're boxing. If you're mike tyson you're like a beat you up in the back. And you're like crap no or conor mcgregor just runs. No more authentic has not playing a character that they are who they are people be people up and maybe they're criminals look at the tracker wrestler. Sometimes it's not really who they are is a persona that created. Think joker from personify. You kids were still cool so relevant. But i wanna see awa. Women's be better and not like. I'm enjoying really much about what's going on. Wb women's wrestling because aside from an exceed and io shirai oscars doing nothing. We love oskar got data. We love oscar bench. Just know the do of her part is because you know english speaking skills events do something about it help her. I don't know right on the. I can't deal hurt losing the charlotte flow time. Don't do this to me. I'll castle wrestlemainia. I promise Miro versus gives. Apr kathy killer. Next i like me. Some miro formerly known as the guy is cut. He bulk himself better. He's an animal. He loves video games. He does twist dreams. He's funny. I love me some orange cassidy. He is ryan gosling. The wrestling will love. Chuck taylor follow talks dude. And trent who is who was part of the best things kipps. Okay now like i don't care about these us. Why because you look at me row. I this man and you have a very low main event talent. I would feel in aws. I think part of the problem is because they want to. La both the tnt mid card. I call him it. Cardinal cody with punch me in the mouth for it versus The main event stuff but there has to be structure miro for all intents and purposes should not be feuding with orange cassidy and chuck taylor bureau right now. Should be feuding with Jon moxley or something of that nature to help elevate put over. He has experience tv. I understand everybody has to take everybody. Hello everybody we all love each other but at the end of the day is don't tell anybody this right cisco but you get paid for.

02:15:00 - 02:20:08

Wins and losses right. So some lose everybody can have fifty fifty booking And sometimes big behemoths of men like miro formerly known as russa can't always beat the pin. So i mean he won. They did it. You gotta wear the colosseum over the game over but parv is not even just winning the match also about Just having to be in this kind of story line. I dunno it's weird booking but anyone that's cool no one looks bad for losing batch had hanged page versus matt hardy in the big money match. What was the condition of the clause if whoever loses gets the proceeds that song. That's cool that's fine. The biggest come around from it page winds we like page. He gets hardee's first-quarter earnings. It brings the dark order an hangman page back together. You know this is a story. Line that ivan falling for a while. I've been telling you guys 'cause wrestling's kinda funny as a little bit comedy but it's also kind of romance because it is a soap opera as well so it was about the dark order trying to get hangman to join their organization because they're all buddies and they love him and he doesn't be with them. It was the most heartbreaking thing you saw credible francisco. You have a heart. Y- internet cried for it and now after the match was done. They're looking at him. John silver reynolds looking hangman. Hanging meals looking at this and they're all accepting each other. Have a little. Bit of couple of cowboy brucie's i might have leapt on ninety cry but It's a good ability. i think it helps solidifies. Dr quarters face turn especially after. They went through losing brodie lee. Which i'm still out over. That's not easy Watched the documentary. They have like a five minute snippet of hoover and what he did. But it's a good step in the next step for them. Because why not now but i feel five months from now this whole dark order helping out I guess big hangman and page. There's there's another page up. So that's why. I'm getting confused It's gonna mean something where i think. He challenges kenny omega for that. W world heavyweight tribute to face of the revolution ladder. Match whoever wins the ladder mash wins an opportunity to win. The title can't was fine. They had eaten page all ego As the secret guy coming into it he was partly impact with His taxing power josh That's why like senator josh reynolds one. There's too many wrestlers they'd be guys you guys gonna get. You mean names. I think that's Everything regardless say she is a wrestler. it was something that was a good humor so now his contract expired. The match yourself was weird because they weren't grabbing a briefcase they obviously we're not grabbing title. What were the grabbing a literal brass ring. Sonic oh gosh what exactly. So it was no doubt that the guy who had to come out with the hedgehog or possibly knuckles. Because i think he'd be fairly soon for mash but he wasn't scorpio. Sky one gay. I like scorpio sky. he will go on the faced. Darby allin had some point. I think that will be good Pinto penta did a canadian story on the cody on a letter. That was interesting. Archer didn't do anything. Really mex- scherzer On the his. I think okay. Here's the thing about me. I think everybody's good in all forms of wrestling. 'cause sometimes i feel like you might be good as a talent the ring but you might not be growing my or vice versa. There's only a few people that are legitimately by legitimately. But i'll tell you that Why solvents that's why he's the company more amongst so many other reasons but there's some people that were just not necessarily good but matt scherzer. Maybe i need more of you right now. I keep arteries agents at brass ring like a donut. The biggest surprise but it was predicted. Christian is now with all elite wrestling under christian cage which was impact wrestling name so christian came back at the royal rumble. They had that moment where he hugged. I was very you know. Sad and emotional crowd was beautiful but now he's on aws which. I kind of predict what happen because christian didn't get the proper send off and remember. Wrestling is an addiction isn't addiction. You're about it if you're wrestler. You're on the road. Do you go on. And until you can't go any. I feel like this is a a A meaningful thing for three buses. We're gonna talk about around the same thing for edge who had all those neck surgeries and was out for nine years and came back is same thing for christian who i believe suffered a concussion and it couldn't get back into it a couple of years ago and that also means for stinks was also on this paper review and when you're an addict you're always up to slip up again right but they are addicted to the thrill or data to the crowd. They're addicted to the persona is a beautiful thing that came in there. So he's back the rumor or not rumor but more verification was that he wanted russell more full-time as a part-time and that's true because vince. Wbz if you signed would have just made them a part time attraction and not just part time attraction but he would probably have my teenage of edge and not giving christian his own individual run.

02:20:08 - 02:25:08

And here's thing about christian. He is eighteen. Time world heavyweight champion for the wb granted. There might be sentimental because they gave it to him after edge retired but still means something and two. He was a good singles champion when he went to. Tna it was at tna Champion world champion. They had like five titles there. So don't quote me. Exactly what they were but he wanted a good portion of it so he has that right to kind of earn his keep show what he can do as a soloist or and i can't blame for we want to come back for maybe three matches a year. And here's the more important thing edge has won a match when he came back and singles. I cannot guarantee that crushing win a singles match. You know what i mean. Maybe one but wouldn't it be like a title fining moment or even a career defining moment so good on christian. This is almost the same thing the big show turning which i even talk about last week. It's too much happened wrestling. Brielle big show is now on all all wrestling. He's not big show anymore. He's paul white. It feels kind of dirty on that one. Because you're with the company for twenty two years and then you leave but he sees himself so competitor incensio anything for him. But really the last thing i remember that he did was put ron over. That was about it. So good for paul white. And then there was a sting darby allin versus brian cage and ricky starks matched up the street five but it was on warehouse I m cave is ridiculously strong as you see what my problem is. There's too many pages and there's too many cages right. Maybe i should change the name of the show. The page engage. Brian cages ridiculously strong. He is like wolverine of over in. Grew like 'cause in comic books will is like by three And jack we'll bring cage like hell darby allin up in a superplex going upstairs and listen you boy here. I would have a hard time. Just trying to squat. Three hundred and pull from for three hundred back the day when i went to the gym and pumps on mired so not the heaviest guy but to have the control and the pace to go up and mind you. It was prerecorded. So it's harder right that kind of thing anyway But you still have to give him props because wrestling's also stunt show right so it was interesting lease oculus things back. I think these are the only matches you really could do you see to. I can't seem doing a live match without getting too gassed or possibly hurting himself further but he was able to get the pay off of ricky starks. We're just fine. This is my thing man. I think cinematic matches should have commentary especially when this was kind of built up as a blood feud i know what you're saying charles cameras and recording when i get it. But there's something about hearing jim ross. Who who just got a gut poor guy. He's just gotta go his voice cracking in a very intense scene just commentator listening to the director's cut of a movie like the warriors old film. You guys go see the phrase kangaroo tickets soccer actually now can you dig up. Can you dig it. Second booker. t. but Ruins the effect a little bit. I think right there on that. Tweet at. Brian cages strongman. If you click on that. I'll show him like look at that. What what is this. i. I aspired to do that. My 'cause that's still like an awful good darby that works you core right. They're like he holds them and then just slams him down but this is all kind of part of my problem as a wrestling. Fan is at brian cage. When you look at that physique shouldn't necessarily be losing darby right and he has in the past so sometimes you need logical booking versus imaginary cooking. Ya gotta find that balance. Yeah find about how. Bobby lashley about him. File becoming sham. Y'all look at that. Were brian catch you. Know he's the w. t. w. f. the world champion that gave him doesn't mean anything right Moving on to last the night the most controversial match the adp championship was a line. Kenny omega versus jon. Moxley as you know. They wrestled twice prior. They had the. I think it was at double or nothing. I it's been a while. I gotta get my period is right before lifetime match. Unsanctioned moxley one. They met recently when sleep was still awa. Champion at winter is coming to which started the whole article at the buckle. Not a fan of it. The foreign door is open kind of thing or the opened door forbidden door. I call for nervous. Four promotions is open where everybody kinda comes in and subject everybody else. Talented being under the radar. So they're going against each other rematch. It's a blood feud it's an exploding barbed wire death match. That's a mouthful. Say charles exploding. Matches very popular into japan doesn't work a lot easy w tried to do a couple of times if failed balls mahoney. There's a lot of blood for for the snippets i saw. I did not mind it. I actually found that anytime there was a use of an explosion was attacking part because it just looked like stuntman pyro but the bar wire use to the bar bats kenny throwing pocket and basically del dribbling into john is here we go.

02:25:08 - 02:30:01

I loved it because case a he'll is supposed to be dirty. This is supposed to be goes. I think the russian dressing up like The willy wonka factory or mysterious great. But you look at those pyrotechnics that and listen. Wrestling is escape. The same movie theaters was you know we say was because god knows. I'm not going to be there for a while. But it's not something that makes me think too crazy. I've had like you know the of a bottle rocket doesn't really hurt. that guy. Smell like eighty block grants or black cat. But the barb wire. i don't know how i feel about death matches. How much gorge you want. Because if i say is a stage fight. I say about men and women being hating each other. This verifies it but not everybody could stand the gruesome -ness of it but if it's a fight it's a natural reaction because it's hypocritical when i think fans like oh it's not my style wrestling. I don't like it but if you watch boxing there's dudes who are bleeding from the mouth caught on the gruesome cuts to like. If you've seen the cuts come from being dragged repeatedly over and over again it is disgusting is like Like a horror movie and then. Ufc fighting you know how you see people get their nose bust up and broken so i appreciate wrestlers are willing to plead and almost for me at the end of the day the same way. I appreciate jeff. Hardy is not my favorite wrestler but jeff will die in that ring from entertainment. I will appreciate jon. Moxley for basically going crimson for me and kenny. Omega kenny wins. There was interference because there's always interference would. I will give moxie the coolest way to protect the finish of when i say protective finisher makes it. You know not kick out. It's so powerful. It's like the end all be all the final flashes ama away stuff coming into his. That kenny do the one week angel which is basically a word. I say simone driver. Yes driver on from ox. Oxen have the energy to kick outs what he did was. He put his foot on the rope. The explosion to to break the cow out. There was your ingenious coming into it. But it ends with The good brothers gals anderson coming in where they at impact core. They kennedy's former boys from new japan. Coming in interfering moxley. How's the barbed-wire bad he's hitting everybody him back to whenever and then kenny gets in exploding barbed wire back. Hits it on moxley. His in the face covers them. Kicks out then. Does the warming angel one more time and then he gets. The win came retains it and then what was the whole simulation. Kenny was like oh you have to do this. Between thirty air we go. We see any case. We always takes every week at era talented follow. Join us on her show So the whole thing was to 'cause all kenny's ideas like the ring is gonna blow up. There was a countdown on thirty minutes. And then what happened was very bad. This is tried to condense all that to like five minutes because any kingston who remember him in. Moxley had a paper match against each other for that time ways. Basics that i sold my soul for a little bit of gold to get title shot at moxley and he was unsuccessful didn't entertain goes out there pushing off the people when he was supporting. But you're in the blade. And the bunnies get the hell off me. I gotta run to help my friend. He goes in there. Doesn't know how to get marks up from the handcuffs gets on top of the. Pull your best saving private ryan. And then jesus christ francisco sparklers at the end we. We was on here earlier in the cage here but somebody's got to fix the ethnic for you with a much much more convincing explosion and from hollywood. That's the thing is that Ruins it ruin your field in the air tonight. Our lord it ruins like eddies. He'll turn in my face her. In my opinion it was just terrible. And i understand tony kahn going. Well what did you want me to do. Like below the guy up. you know. there's only so much we can do. This is when you have to learn to call an audible. This is where you have to learn to be creatively controlled as opposed to free on everybody. Interfering there's rumors that kenny omega was upset about this. 'cause kenny is an executive in the and the organization and they you know went so far as Taking off The tweets oh showing the videos like there used the digital medium millennia. Mac when. I can't say it fully because i was researching and of course i don't know i should really basically we're taking off some stuff there. But you're paying fifty bucks for this and then you get the sparkles. In what ruins is that eddie. Selling it like it's Bombs dropping off scalper other announcers. They're selling it like it's the worst and you don't even have maybe the better way to solidify like kenny's he'll ish behaviours don cows come out laughing so you're an idiot. You really thought it was going to do that. jokes on you. Something like that not a single bit of it. It just goes the end and at the very end after the match.

02:30:01 - 02:33:53

Moxley gets on the mike and says boy. I tell you You know. Kenny is a tough sob. But he sucks at blowing up a ring and the thing about marx's using me for while he understands about the whole like you know never leave them kind of on this level and then bully. Ray who is a former father ray for you know the the w rose are the dudley boyz on. There's so much Yes the vonda bubble a deadly all this because he went through a lot of different names and so. My brain is at one point like electricity. He quotes instagram twitter. And he says never leave The only vin says the only thing they remember as the finish boy were they right. Were they write this one because they're talking about the finish of the match and the finish of a card. I think about wbz's big blunder. Too big blunders And they both involve defeat. And what do i remember. Is helena sell twenty thousand nine. There was some great matches their on that card but went. Do i remember. Seth rollins winning beginning disqualified in a hell of salad mash because he used a sledgehammer. Phoenix beat fiend. So what so he loses in a no q. match same equivalent. To what do. I remember the saudi pay per view of the theme. Losing a goldberg guys. Would you remember so to have his master's very good lose on something like that or an on something like that. Hurt and also. That's how you ended your pay per view. Various split everybody out of his lame or stupid or uncreative. I think that hurts because the pay per views have not been asking matches. There's been some matches. There are good but when you pay fifty bucks a month you want top to bottom you know finesse great stuff quality like taco bell instead. What we got was the walmart bean burritos that you just pay and you know buying go. Put them in a microwave oven gas station. Read us sometimes. Okay i'm 'cause area there are good but you're talking about those one the l. taco kind of ones that you have to get walmart and she got a whole bundle for like four bucks for a pack of twenty four when you're young serving law student and you don't have money to buy real. I've been there. It fills you up but it doesn't really leave a pleasant taste in your mouth. And that's why i this very long extended revolution additional the cage from exploding barbed right okay. What are your thoughts. 'cause i was the you saw that we saw a little sizzle. Does it not make wrestling a little more comical than should be unintentionally. Yeah that looks like somebody did not have enough money when they headed over to the fireworks shop. That's all i can make. You can make you laugh. One thing them last night on raw because they continuing that with alexa being randy orton. So she had pyro. Come at the end the match. And i thought it was a great you as the end of the Like real fire probably laughing because everybody makes mistakes. I think what happened was awa. Got legitimately cautious about the first time i would say i came to a paper. Okay all right. So that's it's for us tonight. Thanks everybody get this up and running for podcast version so thanks to pod corn for sponsoring us yet again plug that into the non sponsor section before afterwards. I'm not sure we'll figure it out and yeah well that's it. We're we're done comment chairs subscribe. I have no idea to follow us on things and check out. And have a good night chow taker.

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