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SG 91: EA Sports College Football Announced; WWE Royal Rumble 2021; Honoring Hank Aaron

Writer's picture: Sports GoofsSports Goofs

00:00:33 - 00:05:03

Okay welcome everybody to the ninety first episode of sports gifts i am francisco. Joined by a good buddy charles here. Andrew has got his eye on the prize for later on this month so he will be absent today but we will of course acknowledge him and have extra non sponsors in his honor. What's up charles much. I'm good where we're doing the fifty fifty bed of whether night be able to be understandable. 'cause just had the fillings. Yeah and so. They're like oh we'll get some gel in there. And then like i do some vocal at a sesia so this woman by dense nice lady sweet puts these big ass needles in my mouth. And i'm like okay. What the hell in fact. I've only been to the dentist a few times of my life. And i don't think i've ever had my jaw open so long at all that i literally feel Bad tennessee serious situations and over like this to where i'll make myself laugh and try hard not to laugh so as she's like an i'm already had like my mouth in one filling put in or attempt to like everything they put. Neal's i have my mouth wide open. And i just had this virtual image or the visual image of jim carey in the mask when he sees candy as yeah his jaw just drops and for some reason. I just kept thinking that situation. And i almost laughing as my dentist is like filleting my teeth for all intents and purposes so. That's where i'm at so. I'm disappointed that i'm not slurred up here. So we can make the rumor star on that. I'm a drinking drink guy. But i i promise. I'm all anesthesia Also interchanges mind. He's jumping in these publicly denied the passion. He's he's coming back. Oh yeah you see we. It's called a bait and switch just like the nineties a lot of ninety one kids ages. You ain't that sarah okay charles. The new edges coming in all right. That's cool that's cool. It's like a royal rumble surprise entrant. Yeah oh nice the. That's that's the thing for today andrew. Hey what happened you you you. You need to rest your mind before. He went insane for for today's of insanity. Yeah okay yeah take a break especially if you've been going at it all day take a couple hours sir to talk sports and whatnot but some preliminary stuff as we. We've started the episode. It's it's valentine's season folks so the goose nest gift shop soon. We'll be having valentine's themed merge that will become an here are stores already ready to go regards to that. But i will start putting up some stuff so you guys show the love. The goose and possibly will be destroying a lot of couples. This valentine's day season the that. That'll be fun to listen to. That'd be fun to tear all feel if you gotta henry handy shirt about today. Thank something yeah isn't it. Like obligate isn't the implication. I don't know see for for for the girl guy out there that you love get them a fire thighs t shirt. That's that's the real showing of loving commitment right there or yours. Year significant others big fan of the university of central florida. The mark do merch. Yeah it's not central florida. What is it andrew. Ucf or university of central florida mouth ago and other preliminaries here well. This episode is brought to you by our listeners. A sports on part hero. If you like this podcast and wants to support the work we do. Please just take a few minutes. Supporters in part hero. not only. Can you support this podcast. But you could provide ongoing support for all of your favorite podcast with a single five dollar and ninety nine cents per month subscription to answer your question.

00:05:03 - 00:10:05

Yes we're using pod here to support our favorite podcasts. To and for a limited time partying will donate additional five dollars to our show on your behalf when you join. Just make sure you use the lincoln our show notes. Thanks for your support I guess some personal preliminary for me yet. I've sold out completely guys of sold out completely. I i now am sponsored by epic games. Which kind of. I don't know how to feel about it. I kind of feel guilty. Like if the the whole deal is if if you go to the game store or you get something on fortnight or rocket league and when you check out there you can enter a little code f. Joe girardi and i'll get a little bit of that. That's sweet epic games. Cash some of those v bucks. It's awful. I'm gonna have to die my hair. Pink and purple and joan yard triple x sixty nine by gaining chair but a gigantic gaming showed like forty thousand. Led's on it. I have a gaming. Share is quite comfy. Yeah i was thinking. I might cherries hotter hundred hundred fifty bucks while worth. Ooh get that lumbar support. Yeah be us here as well be. You is yours. Well and what games did you guys see over the past week. I'll tell you mine i. I unfortunately watched the heat game against the hornets last night. That was bad. I was playing. Mgm five. i'm like hey view. The last fourth quarter hornets given nice go there. But the heat with a nice lead with twenty three seconds left and then the absolutely blew it and fell apart in overtime Don't wanna hit the panic button. But i have concerns over for later. When i'm having a good week as a hockey fan florida panthers best start. In franchise history sarajevo brodsky is still kind of iffy from me. But regardless i watched them against the blue jackets i watched them against the both wins the detroit red wings and and then i saw a non panther's game but it's in our division blue jackets versus the chicago blackhawks. So i saw that game as well thing that. The hawks won that game if i remember correctly. So that's what. I watched a row last week. And this pre super bowl show. That's this coming weekend so probably won't be what we'll talk about next week. How about you guys. Would you guys see if he saw anything. Aside from the big events that happened. This sunday auditing but the big events. Well i caught a little bit of the the the lightning panther's game last night not panthers sorry predators as about sailing. Whoa what this. They're they're both teams in the south and they're both predatory feline animals so i was close and now they're in the same division so and in the same division for for one year. Only watch the of that. I don't follow the nba. Senate really watch Really just just talking in terms of live sports okay. You didn't you know on the magic bandwagon andrew. Not yet. I want to sell my. I know they're eight and thirteen but you guys are doing better than the he don't want to sound like a bandwagon of her was i am and i am not a steak right now. So you're helping them. Maybe maybe andrew if you become a hardcore magic fan that'll y- that will rub off on harker. Ucf n they win hardcore lightning fan. They win eck even raise even the raise their their frugal means and yet some other still good. So maybe maybe you're you're the key to the mating and i. If we have time i ever ran on the ray later on. That's only if we if we have tired of it in the news about the race. Is that why saying. I'm not no do not know about the thing about the race causing rents isn't oh chris. Archer yeah i just wanted to get your between one. And that's that's kind of weird. They they still have. I saw the tweet though the the guys they traded for for chris archer from pirates. Those guys are still on the team and now they have krousar back so the pirates definitely lost that trade.

00:10:06 - 00:15:04

They pulled the new york yankees with rollers. Chapin that's right that's right eventually. Got the the only thing i can hope is that i don't know there's something in the water in in saint petersburg that brings him back new old glory because if so than losing lakes now is not as big of a problem. That's a hard. That's a hard arm to replace. Its we're knocking to really be able to replace them. Snell villa butts. But if we if we get the chris archer of old that makes it a little bit easier to swallow but not much and honestly steamed how he did the past couple of years in pittsburgh. We'll see because as tree will test. Pittsburgh has a has attention for screwing up players pitchers a career renaissance like garrett cole used to be on the on the pirates right that's where he was drafted. Yeah then he was off to houston. Got a little bit of that. Sweet cheat life and then heather on over to new york and you know using substances on the baseball's allegedly allegedly and getting those coal jobs. Some charles. yes when really. I don't know what answer it provides every race pitcher but if you come to new york job gets stung just not provide anything other than my undying support of the players and the team's ownership should go fuck. Yeah i was about to say. Okay so i guess some baseball stuff. Fernando tatis junior on the cover of mlb twenty one this show and i like the trailer that came out with him on and saying you know these changing the game. I basically a big f you to the unwritten rules crowd and especially this texas rangers who probably triggered watching that. I really hope that the i know that that. Mlb is not directly tied to the game per se. I mean. I know that they had one singing all lot. And all that. But you see where i'm going right. I i'm hoping that they actually stay true to their word from a few seasons ago which is let the kids play. I mean they seem to be heading in the right direction via while the kid they hire ken griffey junior. Yeah that's right. That's right exactly what his position is a pipe image. And i mean that's a that's a hell of higher right there. He by may be in his fifty news. But still to quote the great stewart. He is still cool as the other side of the pillow. That the Always will be because remember they. They had that. Ken griffey junior documentary. A few months back and now was produced partially by with lebron james too. So that's part of the. The the effect of ken griffey junior that he still is an icon amongst other icons out there in all of sports. So hopefully m o b will join the twenty first century. How do you do fellow kids a bit out there. So there's that and twenty one this significant because it's going to be the first time that the franchise will be off a playstation console for as they announced him for the xbox series x. And i i don't know if it's going to be on the one or the ps four. They're going to go full on next gen or if they're gonna make a version for the past generation consoles and i'm still i m peeved a little bit because i have not heard any confirmation of a pc and or an antenna switch version. So i am waiting for that. If not then than. I will miss out on baseball again. I would have bought it to just as a sign of support. Hell by switch. Version just have portable. Mlb gain that'd be nice to have. I know rbi baseball on their recipes. Craft video game so now. I know this is jumping sports but while we're on the topic of video games. Yeah this this is the seasoning before the the cage. Talk the seasoning. I like that. Yeah probably the biggest news. Yeah work games in the past eight years.

00:15:04 - 00:20:03

Yeah probably since or ports will everyone. There hasn't been an official me unless you count. Forget what's called. Doug flutie's a little kind of game but actually not. Even that wasn't even officially licensed by colleges. This is the first licensed college football game in eight years. Well her benign could be ten. They haven't announced an official star official release date yet other than will not be in twenty twenty one but the interwebs absolutely exploded with this nurse. Yeah so so. Let's get into this because this is this was the second biggest topic i want to talk about today. So yeah this is huge for sports video games fans out there but i am a pessimist with regards to sports video games because there are only two companies out there making those that are the officially licensed stuff there are indeed developers out there making some good stuff. So if you if you're looking for real legit awesome sports video games with less glitches and things like that. And and lindsey rotor little microtransactions. There are other options out there for you folks but as far as the simulation stuff there's two k games and ea so who the well pick your nineties you make the psi stuff. Yeah they only do soccer. i think. Yeah yeah that's right but konami getting less and less than two video games as the years go like pachinko yeah ching-kuo get that old people money we all we all know that but yet yays scott that and my concern of course is one microtransactions up the up. The wazoo for these and people are sheep and they buy these regardless and and the most vocal of people with regards. His games are a minority to. It's being made by. Ea sports and people have concerns that it will just be a re skin madden with all with all the glitches that come from that madden engine and there are plenty of youtubers out there that have shown the just how awful that engine that they currently make madden with is and how nfl or all all pro. Football two k eight have lots of improvements that were in those games. Two generations ago. now that are better than what. Ea's churning out nowadays and three just for me personally ea doesn't like me at all. Because i made nintendo fan and a pc master race person and they tend to not release on those. I think they've released last few madden's on pc at the very least yes as well but that's been hard to play. Yeah and that fee for game is basically a court. It's it's basically a rescan. Whatever the last game was on. Ps three. that's what it is. So i get that because of the switch but you know it's not even it they literally tell you that this is basically last year's game or last couple years games but with the roster update. That's something that easily could just be an online download but they'll they'll charge sixty bucks for every year so i don't like this at all butts and why folks like youtube gentlemen who by current gen consoles are going to be happy so that's me that's my little rant their concerns i certainly am customers means seeing how madden his continuously It's been like game. Stop sock for the past couple for the past day. It's just been continuous down trend. Just weird for all these years. I've been so vocal. We need we. We we need a ncwa. Football back. So much has changed. I'm biased for ucf. But how much has changed in our stadium in our uniforms In the past eight years. I mean it would. It would basically need to re or remodel our stadium. So much has changed. And that's something that you can't really get from. Cfp revamps which you know. I love those guys for for what they've done to re skin. Nc double fourteen. It is beautiful what they've done if you haven't checked them out.

00:20:03 - 00:25:02

I highly recommend it. But i don't know there's something to be said about you. Know you can only grease skin so much with that game you can change the uniforms. You can change the fields. You can chat. You can change a lot but for some reason for me this stuff you can change. It would essentially be making a brand new video game from scratch at the wanted to models and things like that and and do new programming to fix glitches. And which you can you can mods fix stuff but eventually you just have to make a new game right and you know. I'm certainly concerned about how it'll be made. Because like i said if it is just a re skin madden than fuck learned. Trouble i would. I would much rather shell out. The i would rather shell out six hundred fifty the about one hundred fifty dollars. You get a new three sixty really. I think if he together a three sixty one hundred fifty bucks to get a three sixty out there. Yeah brand near us. I haven't even checked get an xbox series x get the game pass an old backwards compatible. So you could just like. He needs it to maud that he needs to the mod. That seamaster is yeah. And i would. I know that. I know that would work better by. I can't afford the amount of money necessary of mount. I can't afford how much it would cost to make a pc. That could run the game. So it'd just be quicker and easier if to get an get a new or he will get a new or used three sixty. Because i have one. But i'm not confident enough in modding to have it modified with the with the risk of losing all the data that i have on it. I just carry. That was looking to make a third iteration. The xbox three sixty is the lotto yet. You can get them. Yeah between one hundred and fifty bucks. Yeah you're andrew. Allison it'd be like really low like like game cube or ps two. Whenever but i mean it'd be one fifty for the console. Maybe hundred dollars for the game probably a bit more. So we'll eldest rounded up and say three hundred dollars. I would much rather spend three hundred get. Nc double a. fourteen that actually plays well than however much it would cost to just buy madden or college maddening. Or whatever yeah. I don't know it's ea sports. It's is when i see when i see. Ea mean this is the company that you remember disney had like an exclusivity right for star wars with ea making games and they cancelled that contract for the most part think sour squadrons which i heard is a good game was like the last one but now he disney is going to. I don't know if they're going to make it in house or there's gonna lacy lucas games. Yeah brought a bag. Yeah they brought that basically. They're just they're just sourcing out. Whatever the highest bidder as what it is 'cause star wars games equal instabilities or people say college. Football equals instead by free. Yeah and anyways. That's that's decide charles. What are your thoughts on the have. You was our poll. What was the last sports video games you guys bought for me. It's been a long time. Maybe even three. Yeah for me. Nhl twenty one. Oh you bought the new one. Yep okay ice. As i'll twenty for five bucks by just couldn't pull the trigger. Because i just. I don't have that time for sports game try. Do all the other stuff math on your nhl. Twenty and i twenty five bucks. I have added twenty and i have. Mba two k. Which has jaanus on it. Because i was like three bucks. Okay every game. Cheap per se at. I guess you. I've also like to the shows because i had sixteen when it came out a couple of years ago for like cheap money out. Crappy died A playbook around the background so close. But i also got an ob the show. Nineteen 'cause for me in sports games. I don't wanna play the by myself. i like. Doing franchises went friends from high school.

00:25:03 - 00:30:03

That's how we kind of keep the family together at sense so those things i collect do not do that with madden all that. But those are the last sports games Madden over the weekend. I'll talk about it more after polling life. Tenure what's going on with the last four games ube opera lou like with an must be awhile with an actual license on it. Because i didn't even buy stuff. On the we played some of you have Nefariously got a procured license sports games from that era. But i bought purchase the my own money and be street three. And that's not even a sin game. That's and that's only because mario's in it. So that's that's the only reason why. I'm okay mario an nba players. That's cool but now guy. Mario and bought an telling you if if mlb the show pops up on the on the switch or even the pc. I might be down for it. I might be doubt for it. I'll say this about the college football. Since i'm the only one who played matt right I guess you go watch all the youtube stuff that you want and hear people's things about a broken game or a risk it the thing about it being a risk it is. Don't be that person who buys the game annually. Quit that shit. You lose money. But i play mandatory buddies. Who do the franchise. And here's my opinion of the college football aspect of is not playing it. Because i don't really care you know. Let's the games run out there. But i've always kind of the pro thing yet we just do the like franchise or matted so i feel like it really would be the same thing for osu there i would do but me and my buddy your view and so i don't know how that would comport right. They're gonna do carbon because and please reality andrew. It's the same sport professionally in college. The weight mechanics at the hollywood. Develop it it's just. It's your opportunity if you make the game to play as you had what they want us to consumer to play as your school. I'm sure they're gonna do the story mode with it because that's what the last two madison do play disoriented sports. I don't care about that But they felt like we don't give a damn about story mode we want. Yeah muto thick well as two years row for the long shot. I think people like that. Because everything's about more bang for the buck greg. So they're gonna they're gonna include that story mode for like the similar as long shot and then they'll probably include similar a probably a has been great i think. But how are you going to is sixty people view play or however many schools to franchise right. But they'll do remote. I'm sure we'll do create a player. I actually remember what he's doing of madden two thousand five. I was running back drafted by the jets is the day and i had to screw around the setting so i can get in there. Everybody's got a different peal. And since you played more the ncw than i did like. What would you primarily play us. We did you just exhibition matches as you see. Ask like road to glory with. It's my thing they might bring that up. Gloria of itself. Isn't it just your own school franchise right however the rotatory is hugh. You play as as one player throughout their college careers. Well that's that's essentially kind of with the long shot was at matted or or that minimized it but the thing with longshot. Was they made it into this whole movie thing and they just made it overly complicated. The road to glory was just pure simple. In where your player you went through employees. They the better versions which were back on the xbox. Ps two generation They they did have a bit of story mode to it they they. Had you know you had a dorm room you i'll show you video. I'll show you footage of it someday. I remember briefly laura. I just remember renting the games from blockbuster display as the schools right in everything that they kind of made in between there. But like. I think that's the reason why actually they did. The long shot stuff for the madden games not for longevity by the testing because they knew that they were gonna bid aggressively for licensing rights for everything for college football when it cammarata get. So maybe they got that sampler to it. But i will tell you. It probably will be a carbon copy question. You have the answers. Is it bad especially for somebody if they put in the elements of what you light at to give you.

00:30:03 - 00:35:03

The carbon copy employer the engine of Break it because i think this will only going straight to the next job south. Not even touching the current generation. Would you be satisfied. And i guess. I'm kind of go from a devil's advocate promoted. Because i am contributing to my job will pay sixty dollars. tell you and i don't even get the new stuff like if i guess words game it's every three years so i can see real change 'cause all it is just not roster update but if they gave you something like that and gave you game play mechanics madden even if they. I don't know how they would be able to do the. I call them badges by no. That's not what they are. But there's like traits and developments x. Factors as they called the patrick oems Guy but they gave you similar carbon copy gameplay at match play madden but if it's an ncaa version. They may give you something similar to a road to glory. Is that something. That will wet your whistle a little bit. Nope out because the thing with that is what the bugs of people complain to reach the prior year. But that's expected but if you're somebody who hasn't played the game years on end and they try to give you some at remember. It's not as if for the college football. Ncaa was always made by us. Sports right so it's the same industry so if you love the ben shouldn't you love them now or is it. Just the whole idea is like i just want pair. I want multiple people. Were get into this and what they don't mad and rightfully so because they put in the chairman multi to justify a roster update or sixty dollars diet sixty anymore because he have tried to get the money. This is why he's definitely see him doing this. College football not. They have their microtransactions. Where you're trying to build your ultimate team so imagine if ucf as an example where you're trying to build your halt mid team of ucf players of college past and present right. I can see them doing that too. So the microtransactions definitely going to be there or fsu they They just bring in all way. All your guys you can do the present south charlie ward. Yeah and then you know me as a miami fan who out. Hey every defensive player trying the nfl. I don't think we have a quarterback that we won't necessarily get much created steel gibson. Yeah yeah yeah. They don't even think that because his prior my generation. That's the thing. I think you should really hate. Not so much of the fact that you're gonna get mad at. I think the fact that they are going to go balls because the wall balls to the wall. I'm bout you to the window. Not fully understand my thoughts here. I do not want microtransactions. it's inevitable. I know it. But migratory snuck. Microtransactions can go screw themselves the glitches and shed go. Screw themselves though. Lack of features can grow screw themselves even as much as i love. Nc double a. football. Which is thirteen. And i did play fourteen. It's much as i love it which i do even. They were on a decline by the time. It ended in two thousand in twenty thirteen because I i bought arguably the pinnacle of the series which cw six and that had that the tv one now christly soon noon. We're going way back here. That was Shit desmond howard. It wasn't his year because he was in the not. He was in the early nineties. Probably ninety one but it was the the road to the heisman on they had a whole new revamped play as a player system and they had training drills. They had not just the f. b. s. teams. They have all of the teams as well. They had the entire division one they had created team. They had create a stadium that game. Oh six which was on mind you original xbox and a ps two that game was infinitely more deep than nc fourteen was. I don't see going back to that because they can't even knew that shit with maddened and look at madden look what features new crossed over since two thousand six.

00:35:03 - 00:40:05

You've lost Or two thousand five. Actually 'cause that's the year the game was released but back then you had the combine. You had training drill. You had the connectivity where you could import a player from nc double into madden. He had you actually had a legitimate creative team. As opposed to the three of the relocation thing they have now they have walked so many features overly nears as did and sneak away and had continued. I know they would have been on the same panthers and it would be a piece of shit right now too on hoping praying that the team that works on madden will have nothing to do with nc with i call. Nc double a. But it's going to be college football with this college football game. And i hope that a sparked fresh realized yes. It is a need that point that it is the same court on paper but the differences between pro football college. Football are innumerable that to make it purely a re skin of madden would be doing a disservice to college football. Not just this goes beyond. Just the ridiculous. You're facing one way you throw a seventy yard bomb behind your back to which type shit. It's you've got cheerleaders you've got marching bands. You've got the oregon. yeah organs. The oregon duck writing out on motorcycle before ever again. They're in college football that you're not exist in the nfl so you wouldn't end lot of work. That's a good point santa. there's gonna be as well you get your. They'll get the that matches. It'll be much the dynamic. Because i'll tell you now over manage brightening up and charles davison. I rather hear like a cat cata while. No you're gonna get kirk herbstreet in. Who's the other guy that's usually with them. The espn people. That's what you're going to get. That's been yes it it it will be because espn is basically college football They own i think ninety something percent of the games they do game day. Espn owns college football vase. So for sure would be through. It would be some sort of a tight. Espn as it has been since the beginning of time. Going back to ncw six You had heard street brent musburger lee corso. That's that was the name of musburger all these people that would know it's espn. Sports have been tied at the hip for over decade. probably closer to two decades now Yeah we're gonna be again personalities. That's that's a given. And i'm fine with that. I'm just more worried about if they're gonna if they're gonna are. They going to be able to capture the spirit of college football in video game form like basically like the way that they were trying to do prior to especially from the. Ps two xbox and gamecube era. And maybe even going into early. Ps three three sixty around that time. Yeah it's supposedly. I mean i think right so for me. I guess if you're gonna if you wanna be optimistic about it. I i don't think i don't know maybe because there's no official announcement of a game. Just i mean. They're they've announced that they're going to make a game but no release no. It's basically. it was just logo. It was just logo that even that looks like a placeholder so there's nothing concrete as of yet the probably working out all the licensing issues and all that jazz to get going from there but then i would think this would maybe not this year.

00:40:05 - 00:45:05

This might release next year. That's what i think. I unless they rush something out now which i don't think they would want to do is given you a probably wants to do right. Which navy possibly but one would hope. That's my worry is that they're they're thinking of this as a cash. Grab and not as but what makes so much money. Yeah but i think that's the only sorry andrew. Let me just finish this. John you you can go so my my thing is all right. You're gonna have the negative stuff like charleston microtransactions about one would hope that they would have a solid game foundation. I'm talking about game. Engine and on top of. I'm talking about the programming. The nitty gritty glitches. And all that stuff. One would hope that moving into a new generation with the playstation five and the series x and quarks my fingers hopefully a nintendo switch pro. What have you and or pc master race. Get your rtx. Forty thousand nine hundred whenever they call it with the graphics card and all that stuff one would hope that. Hey our last engine kinda socks and chugging and maybe we should make a new one from scratch using these fancy new power that we have in these new consoles with the four k sixty frames per second like one would hope that that would be the thing we have to make a new engine from from the ground up and we can finally iron out some things and and innovates as we've seen in lots of youtube videos people pointing out the stuff. That's wrong with it so that might be the the silver lining is maybe this next generation asran a new football. Hopefully maybe maybe two k. Gains will also throw their hat in the ring how competition which of course is good for everybody because it pushes both of them to make better games. And that's my hope but i. I doubt that that's going to happen. And let me just say this. This is gonna be a bit of a hot take. I get that. But i don't care if you may if i'm talking to you now. Ea exports and probably were on base. Out of maitland Ucf is orlando's hotel team. It is also matrons hometown team because maitland iran which coincidentally is literally right across the street from the bbc sports flex which is where ucs ice hockey team plays maitland. Ron is located probably thirty minutes away from ucla. Main campus and thirty minutes of apps on the screen here. So you can look it up if you want. I'm just going. Based off of rough judgment of travel. Time i live there in the orlando area for twelve thirteen years so i would hope that i would have a rough idea of how far things are more important. Tim around is located about twenty minutes away from downtown Twenty ten twenty minutes from downtown orlando and what is the downtown orlando. Downtown orlando has the fima. Which is it's not related necessarily to ea but it. Is you see fs electronics department. Basically that's where all of their video games are made their the second best video game program in the nation or maybe even the world. I don't remember it's way up there and ucf is a pipeline of talent older into ea especially through tiburon. And if anyone is if any one. They're in a prime location to get through college. Experience can take a bus down there. You want top on a. I don't know how to get to. You can just take root thirteen or whatever up to the. Ucf gambles It's it's not that bad spend spent a game or two there and you will bounce house. You will get a glimpse of what it means to be a college football and they and this is my hot.

00:45:05 - 00:50:01

Take here. New makes his name right. Don't rock shit you came has been here for eight years. We can wait a little bit longer. Don't rush if you make this game. Well improved microtransactions if you desire. I know you've probably will. But it can do this. Game right you can have minimal microtransactions and you would blow madden out of the water and nc double a. Would instantly become your best selling series and wouldn't be close so take your i. I'm i'm speaking for myself for sure. But i'm sure majority of people would back me here. Take your time. Do it right a solid foundation for the next few years. Because if you have to keep playing catch-up you know have glitches and all the time. You have to get ready for the next game. Instead of having to having time to kind of reset take braff fix these glitches. Take your time do it right and i promise the people will come and you will have amazing you. This is such a loyal fan base for a video game. See we revamped has been in the works for at least two years and there's another group that re skin madden twenty one manned twenty twenty one. There's a group of guys who every year while we covered them in the past episode. You know who are talking. You know there guys that you mentioned earlier. They'd mod the past games in order to keep it going. This is someone else. Someone else is a group of guys do every year. I kid you not go from alabama to wyoming And drinking dude every single roster down to the kicker to hunter they put in. Everyone's name they come up with their own Some basically what you're saying is pleased. Do not let the amateurs outclass hugh in hard We'll say we'll say because there are lots of video game franchises out there. Not just the sports widow gains that amateurs outclass the people making the real thing as a sonic the hedgehog fan. I should know way my main point saying that is the nc double a fan base is infinitely more passionate about the game than that. There's something about college. Football that can never be replicated in pro football and i'm not talking video games the spirit or spirit there. Is there something about college. Football something about florida state and all that money and all my students that just makes me something your your pessimism aside there's lying let's take your beloved florida state. There's something no no i understand. I mean as soon as as soon as i go into dope cameras soon as that. That war chance starts going. It's like okay. Yes there's something about osceola and renegade morning osceola ending spear at home at midfield. Good nurturing good yeah you cannot replicate that in pro football and that. Ncwa's base is so much more passionate and dedicated some laboratories. Have your mind blown. go right ahead. you don't be too. I never been to college football game since. Okay look at law schools law school planets that when you broke because where did i go to school to local community college. F eighty do not even one the i let in free. Yeah oh wow. Wow i would you know for me. It was legitimately say fulltime work. It's like fifty five plus an fulltime school year.

00:50:01 - 00:55:07

Boy know did not have time to go into point in even fau. I think i was stuck on that. You know pro level because the best player that came out of a. When i was there was alfred morris supply. Look now they have to go down on the bills and then if you were here from law school i was not that school. Get single Contribution that was needed. So maybe that's why i employ put barrel. I'm going to say the st right now. Okay yes depending on how. The virus of horse plays out in the summer and fall. I can't talk we will get you to the game at least not you. No no no no no no no no no sure. Fau was good in all you you wanna take a trip to orlando if you're not willing to go up to gainesville for your first game which i've never been to the swamp while gets stockholm Me up there. I say the three of us only stop in gainesville to use the toilet even then you ski run past it. Stay the three of us. Go to ucf because don't get me wrong. Fau was a nice stadium. I've been there a couple of times. It really is f- are you. Has this thing That's way of putting it. They have stadium By unique you want the ballots house experience. You wanna you wanna convert us. That's what it is. This is your religion or rock stadium if you want. But that's ever you can. I can almost guarantee a sell out or a near sell-out if you go up to the balance house and that is absurd environment than a semi-packed rock stadium any day of the week All right guys well. Let's wrap up this topic. So i think i don't even know what the sentiment is. That's like still the wait and see. Yeah yeah we'll see we'll see. Yeah okay. I wanna get small segments out the way. Because i haven't gotten a chance. And i wanted to get this one because look is i'm gonna go to y'all because i told you guys like i i've been trying to beat my game backlog. And abby twenty one games over the past month which is great but man. There have been more dead hall of famers in that time. I can't keep up. I've got more of those than i do. Have beaten video games. And i need to get to this owner. We all have to get to this one bay one big one over the past week. So hank aaron guys tenri aaron. That's the big one. That is the megaton that went down. And i who the accolades he sheer amount of things that this man did in his major league career and then on top of that the stuff he did off the field the civil rights stuff all of that everything for for the atlanta georgia alabama. The south area. Can't i can't even i this. This'll be a massively long segment. I tried to put everything that this man's did in segment but at the very least i'm going to mention them here and we. We all need to pay our respects. To what i would assume. Many people believe still miss the true king of baseball so hank aaron made it to the hall of fame. Class of nineteen eighty two right fielder primarily. Most of his career went to the institute in mobile. Alabama was not drafted back then. He played originally in the negro leagues with the indianapolis clowns. A very prestigious negro league team then moved on over to and signed with the milwaukee braves with moved over to atlanta and then he ended his career by going back to milwaukee and playing for the brewers twenty-five all star teams most in major league history from one. Thousand nine hundred. Fifty five nineteen seventy-five. Hank aaron was at the all star. Game twenty five times twenty five years one thousand nine hundred fifty seven.

00:55:07 - 01:00:05

Nl mvp nine hundred fifty seven world series champion with the milwaukee braves defeated the new york yankees three time gold glove winner. I can't believe was just three times to time. And batting champion. Four time and l. homerun champion. He only led the league four times in the twenty th in all those years and all those years when you hit that i mean just a ton of home runs obviously four-time nfl rbi champion second most career home minds hundred and fifty five a career thrill five batting average. Three thousand seven hundred. Seventy one hits if you took away. All of his home runs. He would still hit three thousand number forty four retired in both milwaukee and atlanta and major league baseball records still most. Rbi's in his career most total bases most extra base hits in most all star teams got the highest civilian honor in the united states when he was awarded the medal of freedom by george w bush and he even got what is essentially the highest civilian in japan. The order of the rising sun as well. You got one of those. Two man at is hank. Aaron appeared on happy days as well in an episode made a guest appearance there. 'cause that was you know you've made it when you're unhappy It was set in milwaukee. So there there you go it will set milwaukee. Yeah so there is that. That's hank aaron guys. I don't know that that's just the career stuff that's just the career stuff to homerun king. So you guys. I would assume andrew. I know you. You believe that i would think so. I don't know man my. You're the steroid era. Yeah my heart is telling me that he is but my mind says to say that that it's it's up to interpretation. Yeah i know. I have cognitive dissonance. Because i fully. On board of the barry bonds the steroid users pre sanctions should be in the hall should be eligible for the hall of fame. Indeed to say that. And then to say that barry bonds is not the homerun. King is a bit hypocritical. Yeah i guess maybe so. My my heart is telling me one thing. Which is hank. Aaron is the home run king with dan. My mind is telling me you can't have it. Both ways bucko added something. I want to add another interesting note for our dear friend. Hank aaron here. He at one point hit cross grip. Did you know that wo- interesting. I'm he had he hasn't. He has an iconic swing does no doubt there's there's a gigantic statue of him at the Truest parker field. I don't know what they call a truce whatever and atlanta it's just massive but it is that that iconic like like just throw the barrel at the bat right there and then like i. It's a form that people were even teach and it's like and there's there's lot there are baseball coaches who tried to teach you know how to the mechanics on stuff when it was like hang. You find your batting stance you find your swing and if it works at worst people said the same thing about our lord and savior. Derek jeters swing and batting as well but guy got three thousand heads too. So i had a great little a great coach in t-ball who i you know everyone was under. You know any slightly ban you know. Legs slightly apart. But i had a real funky stamps comparatively kind of like a less severe jeff. Bagwell firefly's koppelman added. I guess for the pocket viewers out there. I'm gonna. I'm gonna put up the screen of of jeff. Bagwell stands but jeff bagwell basically look like. He was sitting down while he was an very low bench.

01:00:06 - 01:05:03

The best way. I can describe it is the the the feet with of voices allu- with the and then distance from the ground kind of like halfway between a lou bagwell and then the feet not so turned in. So yeah boy salutes pigeon toed so am i have i've basically not changed my stance since he will but and the other thing is i don't take a load step when i hit i swing. I don't lift my foot up. Initially and everyone in their mother and father. I guess would saying no. You're doing it wrong. But my t ball coach said you know you do and i was pretty decent hitter but yeah screw the rules and hank aaron hit cross pitching wyatt. Throw your weight toward the ball. You hit seven hundred fifty five home runs. You seem to know what you're doing. Yeah three oh. Three thousand three or five batting average career batting was yeah and then one other day. I'd like to add which he choked me up. A little bit was on his way to be buried. The funeral perception stopped by in drove past fulton county stadium with what was and did a brief pause at the spotted. The seven hundred fifty paul brown. Yeah the because the someone. Yeah yeah because in the parking lot with of the former turner field. Now georgia's state stadium. They still have if you look at it on a map. Look at it on a map from above you can see the outline in the parking lot of what was fulton county stadium. Which was a cookie cutter so you see the big giant circle and then they have. I guess replica of the fence and the area that that home run landed at so that is still there. I think home plate has also somewhere in that parking lot as well so you can. You can go there if you're in atlanta and recreate that moment if you want to. And yes people were over. They're paying their respects leaving flowers. There too all right guys. Well we are the halfway point so you guys know what that means right. What does it mean francisco. It is a word from our non sponsors people places things concepts. What have you that. We've been enjoying over the last week or so. And i don't know who wants to start this week wants to go. Andrew wasn't here last week or you want when. Yeah when gabrielle. He brought every l. On all right. Yeah maybe anesthesia. They're put my foot in my mouth. Start about that fellows all due respect you happen as you mentally prepared me that you wouldn't be here today so at a alternate for you dislike here. You're dulcet tones and your Your bagwell jeff bagwell. Santa's my santa's are terrible. I did softball. When i was like twenty with my ex girlfriend of that toxic. I worked with it. I kind of looked like a woodcutter. Yeah i think. I thought also onto you guys you can laugh about. It was good times at times. So boys i usually do these things. It's food the video game. But it's never what i'm watching right because i gotta get my means of entertainment to any way shape or form that i can get ray-ban killer. This will definitely not be mytalk slots but i won't go back to the jim yet. Because i don't wanna put family arrests and stuff like that at the dress by jif trusted hatred jim to kind of take up the standard states bar seriously. So i miss you know the heavyweight and things like that but it has given me excellent opportunity to catch up on some shows that in neglecting. And i'm almost done with this particular show so i bought to really solid demand child at am but i have been on the fifth and final season halfway through the file nickelodeon. Cnn tears kept the two thousand twelve. And you guys. It is just beautiful. It is wonderful is just so good per yet when all guys it's just ridiculous good. It is the cgi Now that everybody should know about me. i love me. The ninja turtles added another like the first toys.

01:05:03 - 01:10:02

I remember i in the comics as an adult. I was religious to the television show at came out mine time in like the eighties and nineties when we babes religious to that other so good i was religious movies. I always make sure to watch the first movie once a year near my birthday time. In fact i have watched. There is a nostalgia attachment than you feel. Live matt if you're elected so great by religion turtles rafael. Even though i love all of the page turco is not my original. But she's a babe even with. Og april near forgot her name right now. It's such a shave juliet. But it'll come to me at some point by loved him. I even saw the the nasty movies. I came megan fox. I wasn't crazy about the problem with the ones that came up. Michael bay's actually liked the two-run kind of stupid but the human extra Silly movies but i always have any even that like samurai the turtles in jerusalem when the best. Sabrina has plunged. If i had children. God forbid we put their on the world. My last name is such a hard name to kind of put. Name sue for baby children but i recognize. I realized that three you donatella through michelangelo three at rabbi other republic dictator which heart favorite. What you're having too many girlfriends. I've added that we argued about it but it was just still perfect so it's been like a year and a half six. Am i watched the first two seasons about five years ago but on hulu if had been watching it as i work out. 'cause my watch my working out. Binge was breaking badge. Radio everything so i can watch out camino but i i picked it up and i went straight until i went started season. Two so season one's good. It's the typical intro season. Two very good. He's three slow. I'm not big fantasies of three because they take the whole. Go to the o.'neil estates in the woods. Season four was excellent. That's why i'm sponsoring right now. Season for the back nine. Those final five six episodes were just fantastic for me. Who wants that. Adult storage of storyline in sub turtle humor coming into a man. I love the turtle because they got super shredder in there. Ed or something like nine years later super Okay yeah. I remember the second team and see when the inside among superstar. Who's not number one is essentially like shrek you'll splinter. I'm just saying that right now. Not once or twice. But that's where season three comes into before but the next episode doesn't screw out. Bordering appeals sky. What is go at they lodge. The assaults capital take notes. Holy crap those who are turtles casey. Eh was like psychic powers. It slowly developed go and may take allow of the boston rocks any shell and his fight other rooftop with fire. Everybody is olympic separately. Ocher go into it. I'm just sitting there. Because i have an affinity and love me some good old. Japanese movies samurai movies yoko so she was love. They did playstation. Wrap up of how many hours tagging sixty seven. I'm not proud. But i take it Even the wrath was my favorite newly ought to be guy fellows Beautiful and we got to season five. Now they're just kinda doing details of ninja turtles Turtles or just like little story arcs. It was just perfect and anybody angry ice bowl that bid of the information. It came out twelve show nearly four years ago. Just wash there on a new series at this moment at which. I'm not gonna watch that within hours. I have thoroughly enjoyed it because it looks childish. Pitch religious well-grounded nikolai has a. They have a very good way of kind of doing a show. That shot of i. There's a lot of adult overtones in there and case boy. Avatar i never watched lahser vendor. It was after my time and then he came on netflix Six months ago Give it a try man. You like anime. Do this uncounted kitson's whiny and hey buddy at those very good. I don't have perfect By those Has just been a good enjoyment. So if you want to get into that mix were there is i mean really if this was what i wanted to be that greediness than we see. People beheaded all the time. But you're not gonna get down and kiss show consult ruling kids show so it's that adult on a connection of all phases of my life. It seems that way between young girls. Because i watch two thousand three shows. I think that was bad. At that was just a little different. I played noobs like the even two thousand seventeen tiba is so i feel like there's always like lincoln. Zelda always come back at the same time period resurrection. There's always give you the ninja turtles and charles. So tnt on hulu right now the only cnc from two thousand twelve nothing new. It's go watch it. I think it's great. It's fantastic season. Four really just kept me so grammy. Because they're in space and then they go back to handle some stuff like a lot promo code. What else cowabunga. Nice very good very good.

01:10:03 - 01:15:00

You wanna go up next andrew. Well okay i will go all right gentlemen. So new year's resolutions at a few of them. I'm doing all right right with the weight loss. Don't young at. I'm trying to lose ten pounds this coming month in february. I did well the last month. I'm fine man it is. It is a log once you get past. I fifteen pounds after that. It's like ooh my body does not wanna let go but that's a whole different thing. Another resolution online video games. Lots of video games being beating a lot of video games currently in the toughest yet metal gear solid five. Oh boy it is. It's going to take me a while. That's gonna take me a month or so just to be his. I am taking my sweet old time. But i am trying to be other games in between luckily those those games super nintendo games those classic ones. You get them out of the way pretty quickly. All of this requires planning. This is the first time. I've ever tried to plan my video game. Playtime because i as much as i am a man out there is part of the adult this there and i have to be an adult and i have a job and and have to do things and i can't just play video games all the time like i said when i was a kid or a teenager so it requires planning and i've been using this very handy website. How long to be dot com. That is my non sponsor for today. Folks how long to be dot com. They have pretty much every single video game ever made in their catalogue here just yet type it in. Let's let's let's put a good one out there. I played a little bit of this on the emulator couple of days ago just to have that little nice nostalgia him metro prime. What am i most favorite games of all time. Mets right prime great game thou fourteen hours long if you've never played it so they they have all the categories here you create your own profile. You start adding the video games that you want to add there and they have different categories. They have People who are currently playing it so you can you can mark what category you want them to go in one thousand five hundred people have it in their backlog. Those people need to get going on that because this is a classic game that that s- is an absolute joy to play through ninety one replacing. Anyone are replaying this game because it is it is man. I love this game. Three percent retired. Three percent of people are no longer playing this game. And what the hell's wrong with them. You have to play this game again. Every once in a while few years ninety percent ratings so you can rate the games after you're done with them a new. Give your thoughts on them as well and one thousand three hundred people who are using this site have beaten the game that probably a higher number but Yeah and then they have different. When you beat the game you can add how much time it took. You beat the game. And that's how they create this website in an aggregate all of the scores and and play times of everybody. So you get an average for a game that you have not beaten Game that you've you've gotten you're like man. I don't know if. I want to play this because it might take forever. This gives you an idea. People have beaten the main story of military prime fourteen hours long but main story. Plus extras fifteen and a half hours. Long of you play some of the the extra stuff they are. I don't know what more extra stuff in metro prime i mean there are some metric fusion stuff. If you hook it up to your gameboy advance But that that's that's a different thing that's not an extra storyline and incompletions. If you one hundred percent the game takes about eight and a half hours long and then all styles fifteen and a half hours long. So that's that's how they do it. And then you see how people play you can even sort it. By consul people plan to emulate it. People played the original on the gamecube. People played the in the trilogy for the we. And the release of the trilogy on the we you. So that's that's how people have been playing this game. So you got all of that and my backlog is about two hundred games long so it's not going to go down very quickly. An amazon keeps giving me free games.

01:15:01 - 01:20:06

So that's gonna be a problem. But i'm hoping to get my goal for the year. I have like thirty. Six percent of my overall games are in the backlog at i haven't beaten. I'm hoping to get that down to twenty five percent. If i get it down to twenty five percent i have. I have accomplished something in in the year. That would be massive accomplishment but there are lots of little games and right now. It's it's i have high tier games military games low tier games tears of the games. I like under two hours. Then you have the ones that are plus five to five to like twenty hours long those games and then you've got the big ones you gotta those big. Rpg's the witcher metal gear solid anything like that which is going to be fifty plus hours long and and you just kind of have to. You have to make a commitment to it. Charles's did that with breath. wild. And i'm doing that with metal gear solid five so doing odyssey right. Yeah that's the squeeze on cnn. I'm no. I have no shame. I will play games on easy mode. I'll play games is with cheat codes. I'll play games with video. Walk throughs. I don't care it doesn't matter to me. I just wanna beat them. Get them out of the wake and i be twenty one in the last month so doing good promo code Mine on sponsor is the new york times crossword puzzle. Yes new york times is has the notorious crossword puzzles. I don't play those. But running competition with the other are. Cfe mas in something that they call that new york times called minis which are significantly smaller there at most five by five puzzles usually smaller because they have little chunk taken out. That's a lot of fun. I usually can finish them in under a minute really. The the difficulty varies from day to day. But i think the quickest. I've done one was in twelve seconds. Yeah you anyone dropping. In for the first time it was going to be seriously confused. Sports stretch of sports. Yeah welcome welcome wanting more. Welcome to the abyss. We'll rock bottom. Please enjoy the sulfur volcanoes. So yeah that that's my non sponsor is the new york times crossword puzzle app promo code. I don't know crosswords why not i. I'm not really good usually with you're not good with words as we're doing the crossword right. I'm not good with coming up with promo codes. Yeah i had an easy one. So it's okay you can't be cowabunga. Own damn catchphrase. All right folks. it's not just about the non sponsors out there. Sometimes we have to give a shout out to the real sponsors. That help us here at sports us. I'm going to tell you about this one. It is anchor. If you haven't heard about anchor is the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain first off. It's free great for you. Great for me. Great for anchor. There's creation tools that allow you to record. Edit your podcast right from your phone or your computer. I've used it on both of my computer. And my phone easy to use. I love it. Anchor will distribute your podcast for you. So it can be heard on spotify apple podcasts. And many more for those of you. Listen to sports gives you know were on a wide variety of platforms. We cast a wide net and anchor is one of the services that helps us do that. You can make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership. It's everything you need to make a podcast in one place. Which is why. I love it. One stop shop for everything that i need. Download the free anchor app or go to inker dot. Fm to get started our new now what we should enter the cave. That's what i was going to throw it out too because we are. We're at our thirty three minutes at good enough time to close at the end of the show the other segments gonna roll over to to next week anyways and all predictions do you wanna touch on net and it. Doesn't tom brady rig number twenty. I mean honestly. I don't really care who wins. Either way trash jimmy butler. No no because then next nike having a great game in all i want him to absolutely ravage me if that happens so no no.

01:20:06 - 01:25:01

That's we leave. We leave man crush monday alone right. That's that's what move onto the next week a players of the week. Nba nuclear joe kitchen. James harden there. You go that's my mba stuff. There you go all right. Nhl panthers a great right now blah blah blah blah. Labou all right you go girl compliments. It's okay we yeah we think i want. Give me a couple of minutes for you. Go girl because i wanted to discuss. We have the isabel up coming up this week. Oh okay then do it. Filling discuss okay. Let's let's let's do them all right so user reason so abell for anyone who doesn't know is the is the championship trophy for the national women's hockey league the n. w. l. it is named after the daughter of it is named after lady. Isabel gas hardy. Who was the daughter of lord stanley. Frederick stanley i should say sixteenth earl of darby. Who is the namesake for the nhl 's stanley cup. First warded and twenty sixteen. This season is kinda funky out twenty twenty. That was last year. yeah right. That's what confused me. Yeah that's what i'm saying like. They wouldn't announce this thing with nbc. Sports it was canceled right now. That would suck. And it's like it's like the like the south park being and it's gone so what they're doing the twenty twenty one though this week. Our k- yeah. That's so boston won. In two thousand sixteen buffalo and seventeen eighteen was by the new york rivers and minnesota one in two thousand nine hundred and so they are defending champions so the league has six teams but two teams have withdrawn which means a normally how it goes is. There's kind of like a plan and the top four teams go through to the semifinals and then two teams are eliminated but because two teams have opted out. Which are the connecticut whale and the rivers. If i remember correctly so okay. So i was right. So was the rivers and the whale are outs. So the remaining teams are the boston. Pride the minnesota whitecaps the beauts and the toronto six. i forget. What city is abuse or in buffalo buffalo beauts. Thank you so the pride of boston. Boston will play. Minnesota in the semi-final buffalo play. Toronto in the semi-final winner of those goes onto the final. Those games will be played. The semis are on thursday and finals on friday will be aired on nbc s n. And they will be coming to you. Live from the historic herb brooks arena in lake placid new york which is famously known for the nineteen eighty. Miracle on ice has the name of her so for anyone who wants some professional hockey this weekend where a championship is on the line. Head over the soon to be departed and c. n. b. c. n. four some and for n. w. h. l. Isabel cops action. It'll be it'll be interesting to see who will take on the trophy this year. All right there you go and actually the games if you live outside the us. Or or i guess you could watch it on twitch to. I don't know i don't know how nbc's gonna have it on a bill they'll block it on twitch but it will be available elsewhere. We're of course you can get one of those. Vpn get around what the way. It's you'll find it. There are ways to watch it. Which is and. It's a good thing you get. You get a a women's hockey game on a national scale for i know what is essentially a dying channel but but it apparently be one of the last few significant things. Nbc sports will be broadcast in their final year. All right well he got the stanley cup. Coming up to the the last few the last few right they'll have that and then some other stuff so yeah the games in the us. Okay all right well. let's charles shall we perfect 'cause i just finished his painting as we all. I did fish whatever. Does everybody your weekly triplex. The cage with charles i remember wrestling is not faking.

01:25:01 - 01:30:01

Scripted is a fight is a staged fight shirt but story about madden. Won't be the holy hell of each other men and women chasing champion then been chasing glory any ways face major form and you're chasing glory folks because last Sunday or this sunday just as the royal rumble. What do we know about the rural thirty men. Thirty women enter last person standing over top road eliminations. Every night seconds those people come out of one to lacerra. Standing guaranteed title shot wrestlemainia. Screwy stuff coming in. We have a suspicion. Let's talk about that. What else was going on the wrestling this weekend. New japan new beginnings title match championship Tallahassee challenging. She'll take my dude what else is going on. Not too much anywhere else right now at the moment because we already knew charleston spent lot of time talking about the segment. We are already news. Royal rumble two. Let's get loaded at new japan. I'll do a little piece of aew. I'll watch this week at the beach. Freak going on this wednesday on dynamites may mess. I know that's happening. They're going to do jon. Moxley pack in bray phoenix verses Kenny omega in the club or the club they want to call it. The iterations of good brothers in there in a six man tag team match going on. They're still doing that. Joint brand cross. They might bring over into new japan Because we mentioned jocks why she showed up at new japan strong. The us show that they have challenged challenged us early but beat up. Kenta can't has a briefcase for guarantee. United states title shot because new. Japan has the us championship there at eight months ago. Moxley because virus and travel restrictions has not been able to go defend that town new japan but instead of stripping off of him they're going to be doing something else with just going to let him hold at title and delayed even stripped once already Staph infection so they just gave it lance archer and all this other nonsense presenting because now we might be crossbreeding not to platforms for three platforms impact wrestling japan and eighty. W do we go bigger. We try to include. nl w major league wrestling. I haven't talked about them. But there's a good wrestler include jacob fat to. I'm a big fan. Selena really ails l. a. parka park junior. You know those some call backs right on top of few other people there. How far is this reached that they wanna go for. I don't know let's the bring them back to new japan. And the new beginnings pay per view. They had won main title. Shot one singles title shot going. Because they're gonna do other pay per view events including kota bucci versus anada for the gwp and it agustin's anyway championship. I'm sick of the double belts guys. I hate it i like. I like a titles. Having a fine of placement bay card lower made card kobina event tag titles. The double belts not working. I don't think you can reunify or you can unify the intercontinental title and the heavyweight championship. Because there's so much prestige both titles that you lose out on the title but the roadway heavyweight championship. I haven't washed it fully cooks. I know it was banging between the ace hiroshi takahashi known for his high end finisher the low high flow. A high lifelock correctly. Forgive me i barely say my own name as why enjoy play the games patriots named as russian i. He played like doing this to me. But ashey forty-six still face a new japan along with cosmic okada on top of your other people go out there from the number of low background about him. He is a several time winter. I can never say right. Visit the gp heavyweight championship the intercontinental championship g. One climax winner does known for being mr russell king of alongside Never challenged the ever open weight title now. The never open weight title if i had a bring into. Wb component of it is even if even though japan has a us championship title. I would say like the relevance of it not counting the wbz tattoo has which is currently on bobby lashley dominating. Any of the moxie has the us championship in new fan is just the level of prestige which you do because last couple challengers in the last couple of champions have really kind of solidified as a working title a brutal titled fan yet shindo guy you had before him was not the king boy scary man that would beat the hell out of you Just because he wants to love that kind of nasty. Tell me idiot. Single had prior as well to minoru nordenham She had it go to Just a long line at the brutal guys Pitbull we respect love five with read. Beat the hell out of you but hashi never held out a tunnel. I believe came into existence. Two thousand.

01:30:02 - 01:35:04

Don't quote me on it. There's actually a never acronym it's like new era balance all the stuff that goes. Don't ask me to testify to it. I don't know right but it's definitely something that has built some great matches and from what i saw on the highlights. It was a banger. She don't takagi. Ed harris you have this kind of chemistry that came into it. Even the promos mind. You don't speak japanese. Who i watch the pros. That close catching on but hiroshi just goes like he's like you've made me find passion in wrestling again. It's like i love you. I have confessed my feelings to you. I want to have as match of you. Chicago and all his smirk is like unfortunately. I don't feel the same way for you like this historical. I love i. They're just sitting in the rain. Like six Great The way they kinda did that back and forth. The match was good. It ends with hip. Taj in high flow onto shingo loading about shingle. Because i was on a tour. Last week i talked about last week propping up this match. I was watching a lot of his. Pwg stuff his stuff. The guys are so cool. He's known as the last dragon more dragon and so it is all finishers. Called last dragon is so the halley driver going to lay drop onto so about it. His whole entire speaks japanese. He comes out with like a dragon. Japanese love the japanese love south relating their culture. For sure. And listen go. Unlike those sushila was like like their game of the year basically it was almost mine. And even though. I won't go as far as you span was saying peony shingo. You're good man dude. You're good man. He lost at titles. Non hiroshi greater car is challenging for it now because definitely about new japan. You don't have really number one. Contender matches you. Just kinda step up the new few By the next challenger post-match it's kind of formulaic whatever There's more self combination. Codes eventually. Gonna go i wanna or do I want do cuzco cod up. What are we going to continue to From rustling their former chaos stablemates. Now the not much doing of anything. I think kota kasich is probably gonna look at code Coated the rub lucille. All that stuff. i know we'll offer was going gets forgive me because i cannot pronounce names saito. She only other nature. I'm so bad at it at doesn't help that. The new japan doesn't have all the time english commentators. Broadcasters on going hooked on phonics japanese wrestler edition. Come on man. I watched like all hundred fifty dragon ball super like subbed. Why can't i just say a name. What is this. But i digress. All in all i mash becomes available. I did like the highlights of it going good job. I don't think you need the title but at some point you completely alexi. Bigger news bigger. Thoreau rumble happened sunday. You guys i had a fun pleasure just to kinda watch it with my buddies in a group chat. We have to back in the day thursday. rules i came into it. I regretted that the next day. But i was able to work in function human thing but then i realized on thirty one years old. I thought it was a good paper. I really like to go into the whole. Dave meltzer mindset and giving stars ratings sometimes a pay per view to watch. Don't watch it to skip a few matches. I think something that you watch start to finish. It was a smaller car was like three and a half hours long. They moved the women's tag team championship onto the pre show so was charlotte and oscar defending their tag titles against the former champion. Sny jackson baiser. I'll say right now. I don't care about the tag team up women's division. Not because i'm against it is because vince has not done anything with it. In the almost two years of it being existence dash gets a prominence in the fact that it can't get any story law on that raw or smackdown or even because that tell us defend across all brides issue. It'd be defended. Why because annex t is doing desi a classic dusty classic is. It's basically a tag team tournament. Whoever wins guaranteed title shot at whatever division. tag team. Champions is there so an exterior has the mid version of the women's version but there's the annex team but they don't do enough to cross rant it that should cross right because with the Virus you're not all the road traveling so you can have people appear on the show. They tried a little bit but lucite. But what happened in that match was charlotte. Rick flers back. i don't understand it right now. They have him with Lacey evans who's is now tormenting charlotte. I guess they're trying to this whole like. Oh you know if daddy now like fully. I don't know why rigs trying to go against charlotte. Consider the fact that in the beginning of her career he was just helping all the time but whatever they want do Explain out care. I wasn't really invested in that match. Anyway everybody did their parks but led to lacey screwing over charlotte oscar and shayna in iowa. Okay fine effected. I'm all monday. Because oscar is the women's rally championship they tried to get number one contenders match for the tag titles.

01:35:04 - 01:40:05

So oscar likes winning charlotte. Once again got distracted left the match go be lazy leaving oscars yourself so again oscar. He'll turn on. The love is going to be chefs kissed because obstacle pasta being pushed down. You guys have been proponent of so can you have her in charlotte wrestlemainia at each other and have oscar with get thin of winning. Because it's has not tightening but bigger things are happening boys because i have a couple of matches. So golden mcintyre lavigne's gobert researcher back. It was like six minutes gobert back. Oh the ring is a. He's very sweaty man sweaty like measles eating you know new taco bell menu. I don't even think they gave him his entrance. The match didn't really fully start. It started with like it's great so goldberg tries to hit drew drew. Does the spirit goldberg at that at because we had pets. Because i'm like all right. Golden legis ripta's bad off. Get it done because last time seeing slot at the saudi arabia matches paper abuse the theme loss. I'm just rate. Hey my life They tried to make physical. Gobert was coming in these weird shorts kind of very brock asner esque. It's not goldberg's tire. We didn't get to see the android stagnating custom self hitting a door bins. Probably told not to than he does and then he tried a jackhammer drew. Drew's a big man. You can even see that photo druce humongous. He's like six five to forty all muscle man. His balls probably heavier than anything goldberg relented and he had to look into jackhammer and he couldn't complete Fully because drew landed awkwardly to me look like because it's more like he'll first so they try to make it like this whole tough physical thing and then it was over. Drew would like to claymores and it was done and it was like a shell respect. I'm dropped the title and the problem is now. We're gonna have drew in shame as i really don't want to be dominion match. Because i like drew. I think it would be better as a heel champion as easy to spear move stealing. There's all over could do. He'd even you'd like to spears. I think but he was always when he was already sweaty right here. It was sweating like me that taco bell menu the other day when i was getting taken lupu it was fantastic. But you're ruining drew's credibility as a champion because this is the second run as the. Wb champion lost the title for like a minute. Randy gained it back yet. Sphere from the barricade was just to make it seem like drew was dying. I just i don't like how is it that you're gonna tell me that. Drew has a credible rain when he could go against guy who barely on the ring for six minutes. It doesn't even though he's alleged in bear is a hall of famer he can't go. It's not like a certain other hala favor who showed over the rural. We're not gonna get a gets himself. you're excited. Great women's championship match It was fine. I think they're prior matches. He also was better. But i think it was good. Feud concluded on good for sasha. She retained she's gonna feed on what happens. Wwe universe championship. Roman reigns kevin's part three. This is where got little bit phone. Drink a drink going on there because me and my buddies if if you guys want to see what buildings is. Drink games are yogurt. Ucf come to custody thrill it will show. It is because it was a last man standing match. You know we did boys. You have to drink for every count that comes in. And here's a standard. The last man standing matches you know they start with the whole one three so for anybody who has evolved. Wrestling's i explain you win. If your opponent can't get up to their two feet by counter plain simple right. You had the update. So the whole process of you're seeing this reverie wide to counting and they'll start that spot immediately like oh god my liver and then there was a lot of like bowl like eight to nine counts like i'm gonna die. I am not twenty two anymore. Why am i doing this but you get to the buying your enjoy great. The match itself was very good up until yet but there was some crazy sequences that are coming in. That my semis over self was like what is happening. Kevin got ran over by golf cart. So that was great. It was just kind of remind me that debate mogo right here like it was whistled the backstage arena again. Does it was a perfect caption because he just gets by the gulf car. Like what is this. i loved it. 'cause it's too then for the last two months who have history together trying to beat the holy. How each other. That's kind of how you do it. And there is an with these. Last man standing matches are a lot of matches themselves. There's always going to be spots. So you had that weird delays okay. We'll let certain things passed. But there was a point where always had roman catholic down and he went on. You raised a foregone. I thought he was gonna put the forklift on roman to win. I was like so excited. Because he though i know romo is gonna win. The best thing about wrestling is when you believe it when you believe that the impossible is going to happen and was a pardon me that thought at owens was gonna win and lead.

01:40:06 - 01:45:01

It was so good so yet. This is one of the spots that coming up with john tucker meltdown saying but he's on top of the forklift and any does like a swan time off the before lift and lands autumn. It was crazy i was like. Oh this is great. Because one big ben so gravity is not as kind compared to my noodle self i was jumping out of it to the already kind of beat up because even though you're taking these spots and you can have all the padding the world it hurts. It could be dangerous. We saw what happened in matt. Hardy sammy guevara remember. Met clear cut got knocked. The hell out there was no point of return. They still match still angry about that. Tony kahn so falls on twitter at dr gabriel Sports use go do that stuff. The ending of the match ruined everything for this because they botched it a it was great. Had it where he had rains. Handcuffed at the very bottom of like this barricade and roman could get on his feet and the rest county it to like a nine cow ends about having. So let's do the best. He'll he grabs the referee shoves the referee against like like the medal knocks referee at the stop. The cow air like water. Fantastic thing romans a. He'll he's opportunities. Afraid of owens about lose but they botched in botch was paul. Heyman was supposed to help. Get the handcuffs off on the barricade. He couldn't get it off in time. So you have this weird like twenty second delay between the other us. Coming up at kevin was standing there. Like what the hell's going on. Of course they go away from not looking but it took a long time and then the other comes out and then wrong. Just grabs owens in the guillotine and chokes him out and that's it doesn't make the tank out there was no j. so they said he has the virus or he has an entry. They haven't confirmed it. I think it looked good. For owens or for rome into wayne. I guess as clean as possible. Even though you had to hurt the ref did not get to the ten count but hey he's a he'll guys are supposed to do those things. The match was great up until that. Screw up because these two are pros. Eben in this for longtime so much call audible. They should add owens trying to continue hitting a rains have raised a low blow on it or something like that something to distract it to give it time or even have aiming of i dunno so it kind of took away the essence. Their tlc match was better but for what it was. I enjoyed it as botch finishes happened. Royal rebel thi- was go with the women's women's was the best royal rumble tonight. bianca bella. That's just going to start it. She went she came in at number three or four. She has some history bailey. Not a lot of like one person domination going on because last year i think. Hurry nyah. jackson. Both made the respect of debuts were limiting like they had had said that they tied for The record in mind you. The woman's rural has a limited existence for about three or four years. I think this is year three that they did it. so and oscar. Yes this year. Three they found the formula. It was good. They brought in some legends rebels. And back up jillian hall. Who was around. The time i wasn't watching wrestling came in but had to quick research. A new she was it was interesting. going from there i liked it a lot carmelo. Even though she had a title match she came in. She was quickly limited. There some storylines. I wish i kinda continue. Few is like lacey evans. This is the one thing. I'll get about the rural. You two are feuding for months. And they do this with everybody and then some of you have been feuding for weeks or days for months you see each other in the rumble match but you only beat each other up like fifteen seconds to go to the next person i want you like. You are my soul target. I hate you so much i need. You eliminate because you getting title wrestlemainia with sick in my soul that kind of ferocity and that it bothered me. They ended up charlotte lacey. They didn't do that ball events once they don't do that for years. Ky-ko the price because that gives the believability but this was very good. It came down to bianca and ray readily rarely was my prediction Last week win house like feeling really good about combat wrestling. Just hire me. They had like this tour to force back and forth for either woman could eliminate Belair finally eliminating ray ripley. I thought it was great the way they kinda did. Even though no one really stood out as a dominator you gotta majid raya kenneth. Fourteen bianca came in at three. So she looks like the iron will now. She gets guaranteed title. Shot for titles are wrestlemainia. They have decided. That's going to be behind the scenes. But really i think she do. Sasha you should have a be saucer you can allow should have a. He'll turn she's been face for a bit. And then you can let bianca put herself over by beating somebody who is regarded as one of the best women wrestlers in the current generation. Coming from the original four horsewoman of sasha becky bailey and charlotte right whereas in raw. I really really go with osc attorney. He'll oscar challenging or facing charlotte and then having from resume from a couple years ago where the street was broken into charlotte.

01:45:01 - 01:50:04

She couldn't beat her solidify. That let the hilter come. Let it go a measurable buddy this heart. I didn't know who the winners remember. My predation was either. Who's going to be keith Usually not there. Why the virus so that might have been hard subject to change. This was at first year cut last year. You kind of knew drew was gonna win but there could have been other people. This was a while really didn't have expectation i did live through. The dark horse was going to be. I was like i edge winning it. Guess what it. Because that's a real hall of famer who can go in when it out as opposed to goldberg who Jokes that was going to be entering. So here's the thing that. I learned the theme. Basically was this royal rumble ironman. I won't because bianca beller came at number three. She won edge came in at number one and e one and he last started as him. And randy orton. I wasn't crazy about that. Because how dare you a rivalry especially since was edges returns having triceps surgery. And you're going to start off this sub rivalry that randy housing nobis feuding with brave brave kind of data the burn lion. Whatever wrestling's weird soap opera. You guys how it is operatives who get shot in come back for new face. That's game baby that the star of the game but this one was enjoyable. It was by the book sued degree but is still enjoy ability. You had a couple of legends. Come out you had hurricane but you know that my heart Jalen because even though edge won the royal rumble Last year it came back right because he had been offered. Binders will guess who came back at number twenty four s read. You wanna jump in on this jumping on it. I can talk about this one. Because i was added to shake because like edgy christian at tag team andrew i did. 'cause christian came back from injuries because the last time we saw wrestle he gets even with vehicles come in was when he was going to radio rise revenge for edges defeat backlash at the end. He was punted. Edge has the neck injuries christian had suffered. I believe a concussion. He was allowed to come into protocol his lot of shape a couple months ago but then and twenty four you hear his music amonte know what he's in there he's wrestling and in heaven edge. See each other edges looking like he's about to cry. Christians like labral back even if they knew. I'm sure they did but the mob became they hugged. And then there's me you guys with guys texting the fathers sounds like what the hell are you. Christ alive. I kinda felt that andrew you've been on the whole edge schram for a full twelve month calendar. Let's get your opinion what you saw in christian how about hedge winning the royal rumble. Look at total. I i know wrestling. It's fake but it's an art acting by it was. It was good to see that you know. I still think it's not necessarily a great idea that he's still wrestling Because how old is he. What forty five. Forty six forty seven so he you know he's still got a whole life ahead of them and i hope he doesn't get too seriously injured but it was good to see you know he came back and you know he's he's getting the recognition he deserves. And you know he's regardless of what happens at wrestlemainia you know. He's kinda going out on top. He was i think it was his third A royal rumble win. Second second And he's one of just a select few. That's gone belda bell as it were So i'm i'm glad that they're giving him some lovecraft now but i think the best part was seeing him reunite with question. I see the look in edges is. He's a very good actor. I've leaned over the over the years He's very emotive with his face and he really is. He can sell emotion he can sell the story really well and i got that impression from him. Ear inn down embrace man. I got little clemson watching that That was awesome to see and was that they were able to kind of team up a little bit Get the get the tag team going back again. And what people need to understand because you mentioned about lie. They will come back and concerns the app. This isn't a blood they are genetically made for. This is what they inspired you. 'cause wrestling's carney right. When you're the circus you love being the circus. Same thing. I would say for players in sport. They don't want to deal with life. After not being heart of the sport this is why they might become coordinators and coaches said income the wrestling so they always on that opportunity especially when injury deprives you of everything what happened edge.

01:50:05 - 01:55:01

He won the tato wrestlemania about nine years ago and then he had relinquished the next day. Because the broken i caught up to a christian everyone got his one batch guy. Concussion had ended. It was legitimate where they go from here. We don't i mean i know christian is on a part time schedule. It's interesting to see what they did. They actually have a real few ready. Wants him in the phoenix a couple months. I'm down for you a stat. Tv anyway but for edged the question is true. does he. Face is going to be dramatic w championship or is it. Roman reigns universal championship. All size twenty roman. I think it's better story to tell with roman both have the same damn finishing move. Which is the spear. You can make a little weird master. A gimmick but i think you have a better story coming into it because roman his whole thing is being that mafioso boss the head of the table the tribal achieve and you have somebody who is alleged trying to reclaim his his at the table. You can have that inner frustration. Reeser bring christian it for fun with it whereas withdrew had last night came raw. But it was kind of like that break-up speech of like dude. I'm just not into you. You'll know what i'm gonna make that decision. Which means he's obviously not going to russell him and i don't match edge is gonna go next face. Valor like a good batch It seems more. There's always on shameless and drew mcintyre to get to mania which is fine but i have. It's weird but you need a believability and wrestling. And i have a hard time believing that as could be. Drew mcintyre nathan rowe rights. I think part of that is because drew right now. Every defense he had has been successful with. No cheating at roman has cheated his way to win multiple times against his own cousin when he was him in jail going against each other. Multiple times with kevin nolan's at were else's subsequent challenge is going to be carved stories help and one of the things that i saw the community because we petty right. If you thought he fans rapetti you should watch you should be like wrestling. Fans tweets like You know. Vince can't make new stars egging to have him to the this old guy at the title as opposed the new guy. I care really who wins the rubble to agree. As long as i get a main event worthy match edge was the right guy to get there. Because yeah i said daniel bryan was probably gonna win. I don't think dan ryan was the right guy that was just. You have to take your obser- saint keith lee. What was my condition about. Keith lee saying for two weeks. I need a. He'll keep the he'll hilter that has to come in. You have to set up properly so as it was sort of makes himself guy comes back nine years after not being a russell. He had to relinquish a title. Granted the world heavyweight championship is no arkan existence. But he's going to something you can eat armed it ironman belda belt. And he's going against he's gonna walk out awesome as jetties going against who better than the guy who used as the face of the company. It's it's fine Drama drew. I don't think it worked. But so what do you want ricochet ricochet. He should always is doing nothing. He's been on made event which is like the dark show. That's on hulu. At least you want him to just miraculously win the rumble. You've got to build it off right. Even edge was injured last couple months. What was his last radio oregon. There you go ready doesn't separate from the loss of the royal rumble. In address last night it was bad because the rush owed on edge. But he's got three months to get into shape on too much really. But you have to that story and i gotta tell you now to part of the reason why i want edge and roman is because i ninety percent certain romans going to win big some kind of done with champions not retaining the titles at wrestlemania because it makes it predictable at the person who is the royal rumble is guaranteed to win the championship. At if it's felt like the last couple of years. I think the only time there was a tire retention for the maytals counting the mid carlisle tagging times or anything like that was when brock beat roman at wrestlemainia bloodied and then he lost to roman at summerslam. Because i think they just had to make some sexy right but the last couple of years. It was by kofi. Beat brian. becky be a rhonda in charlotte unify in the triple threat. Match last year Broch goldberg loss to boss roman was last replacement roman reigns. You're fighting champion. Let them let your mate. Heavyweights retained towel. Drew can lose a belt because it's been twelve months man and every person he's challenged has not really come up to south of even being made worthy truthfully w champ has lowered itself grandeur but robens kind of on the up and up so build the best stories because ricochet as great. Ob see him the heavily picture for the main title. There isn't a you can't just propel a random guy just because you like it if it doesn't fit make sets there's a better story here so people can complain what they want.

01:55:02 - 01:56:54

The new talent needs to happen. They call team. Preschool call a. That's great hopefully. Vince does something within the said. Screw them up because if not he's just an associate bad buddy buddy showed up and i gotta tell you i hate this. I hate to say this. But when he performed booker. T. booker t. I can't get the damn song on my head and have you ever had a hat song in your head. You have to listen to it. So gets out of your head booker. T. by pony four times. I don't like them now. Let's get the mike pence fashion music. But i don't think had listen to it and it's not out yet. It's like a fever. I just can't shake down. You've got by this a cage. Yeah yeah it was something s on tweets. Yeah he was there and he was there last night to on raw crisis we're going to get With bad babbling versus ms morrison. His wrestlemania is also a spectacle. So that's when you're allow those kind of entertainers shot because it skirts entrance. We'll do it for money going to get him a whole cross people do. Yeah okay. well guys as it's for this week's edition of sports goose. We'll see you guys next week. Floor number ninety two. That's it for me. I got nothing else to say guys so my back care call and washington will get the man advantage. He used his stick as a weapon. And that's a no no penalty. Miller says check into the corner. Johansen gathers it in leads it across do oats.

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