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SG 89 (1/13-19/21) w/ John Hartofilis: NFL Playoffs Round 2; Harden to Nets; NHL Season Starts

Writer's picture: Sports GoofsSports Goofs

00:00:23 - 00:05:00

Okay welcome everybody. To the eighty ninth episode of sports goofs joined by my good buddy charles. Andrew cannot be with us unfortunately tonight however we do have a pinch hitter in some sort of way we are welcoming john. Hart phyllis from gen z hoops john. Welcome to the show having excited about this all right so everybody welcome. It's been a week. Another week of sports things have happened at. Nfl divisional round nhl finally started their season nba. Massive trade went down. So things are happening. Things are happening. And we're gonna comment on them. So i usually start the show john. On what games did we watch over the last week because this is sports. We like watching sports. And i i'll list off what i saw Saw the heat pistons game last night. I was a good win. For the heat's is all the floor. Panthers home opener versus kogyo blackhawks to start the season. Panthers won that game. I i saw two. Nfl games los angeles rams versus the green bay packers. Because my boy. Aaron rodgers trying to shut up charles year and of course the baltimore ravens versus the buffalo bills. Those games that i saw that was able to sit down and watch. What about what about you. Charles would say man. Why is the nfl plow. So bad the question. I won't answer but i. I watched all sorts relevant except for the rams game because you might migrate. Believe that is overrated face. But i think it's because the crescendo is common. So i didn't want that one but i watched buffalo and baltimore in a very snooze kind of game which is kind of in the running fee of the nfl house. And then i did watch the sunday games with the chiefs and the browns which was very interesting to because everybody everybody just became a browns fat over the weekend admitted that patrick mahomes concussion. I was like oh you guys love crappy that he did this. And then the saints game. Everybody went from being drew. Brees fans who eight top a that night so that was interesting ended. Yesterday i watched brooklyn. And milwaukee i lost out brooklyn their shiny new toys than i was keeping live updates with the heat game with you. Go from there. And that's what i watched. Go into it. Didn't i don't know if i wasted a weekend. Range or beget as how. I look at sports view. Right how about you. Sit down and watch the games over the last week. Of course i. I saw a couple of the nfl playoff games. While i'm not the biggest fan it's always fun. Sodano watch a good game with a bunch of your friends thousand flying time and then in terms of basketball last night. I actually saw both the national. Tv games with the nets unbox which went down to the wire with katie hitting a ball. Both road games with michael shot to win the game. And then same thing. Over when the lakers play the warriors and steph curry hit hit and saint shot over over a with double between legs behind the move so both to really great ends the both announced the uae were kind of was leading for the and then they kind of made an interesting towards the end saw always fun to watch. I'm like okay. Well john local show. We're glad to have you here so we're going to introduce people to you These are audience you and and so you have your own podcast. Gen z hoops. And you have a lot of other things that you're juggling around and you are. You ready made us feel old. So you're in college right now so you're juggling a lot of those things but gives us instruction to yourself. Of course. I'm a junior college in new york city. I graduated from high school three years ago. Two and a half years ago i should. I can't hear myself that much but after graduating from xavier started coaching the freshman team there absolutely loved doing. That's the one thing that i mean. I'm blessed took away from me and the fact that we are having a season this year. But in the meantime during the quarantine. I tried to start as many issues as possible because before the pandemic through connection i'd xavier. I ended up actually visiting the nba office in secaucus and was told quite frankly resumes full of stuff everything to do with basketball. This is the nba ever work ever. You need to pablo this thing with basque to know that you're a freak because everyone here's a freak right. So how are you going to stand out so basically from march until the pre now ten months later. I've been trying to whatever i canceled.

00:05:00 - 00:10:02

Just okay what. Can i do in the basketball space right. And it's a lot of people will say how difficult it is. Tough really making them the sports industry. But it's really just about the biggest part of it so it started off with something that had nothing to do with sports. Actually in the first months where one of my best friend in college started a covid nineteen fundraiser called the making fund and through that we raise one hundred thousand dollars in about two months. Get faster than we thought we would. It was it was a group of over in the main core of fifty fifty students on college. Get small around the country but the total group whether it was donated donors people that were set up in their schools to do something closer to four to five hundred so that was a huge thing. But i thought to myself around june okay. I'm doing all these great things and helping other people's brains manage to do something for myself. I need to do something to better myself. And something that i can all quote unquote. So that's what kind of birth the podcast. And i started off a big fellows basketball and doing player to just show. I know the game but after realizing that. That's not the most fun thing ever people retiring me. I have good friends at home at the show is kind of boring. I pivoted to do interviews. And i could talk about kind of wanting to interfere making those fifty episodes in six months and even even four months almost because the first two months total about five episodes being that it was so hard to get started but once i really kick into gear on september those x. Four months was just. I was interviewing all these different people just by reaching out to thousands of people a day on unlinked dan our emails or cold emails web or whatever it might be. So that's really. How can i put on the door with the podcasting and then in terms of to give you complete story and things going to my work with extra performance. I'm a sales and marketing for them. It's a super small team of five people running a sports drink brand. That's invested in kind of quiet quiet. An investor in on the board of directors for us which is which is unique because rarely attached his. Name's anything so it's a super small team more. It's basically just the ceo the vp of brand development vp of financials and then me just because every morning trying to figure out how we're going to build this brand which is crazy and and being in something like that. Obviously normally as an intern you have a much smaller role. But it's really. I opening to me as to how you're not just coffee for people anything like that. You're actually in doing things now. Of course about sitting in meetings or making a big giant pitch decks investors and. It's real my eyes to it. I mean number one. I do a lot through that. Maybe more than tone sh- maybe should be doing normally do the experience i've taken from that and what it's kind of hopefully can do for you going. Forward is is immense. And that's what i hope for it. I'm so that's kind of where. I'm at now whether i'm tired of juggling x performance. The podcast the sports visit couple. I agree to mention too in the in the interest of time to not go into too much about the sports business. But that's another thing at baru that i tried to start over the last few months onto kind of bring that sports bigness because i'm an operations management major and there's no sports business major barracks. I'm trying to find a way to kind of get all these students. And i've been as quick as possible kind of build this network of of young people that wanna get into this industry because there's some people that want to do it me included and it's so tough to know where to start once you start it's easy i'm just starting. That's why getting into the industry's hard but for something but once you're on a roll your and that's what i hope to maybe help others. Also kind of can't stop myself by myself with that. Yeah no it's it's amazing. How because you're probably like ten years younger than i am right now but it's amazing how just wanting to do something and just doing it and then reaching out to people and then you'll eventually get somebody to notice and then give you the opportunity or you make the opportunities for yourself. So like for me. I i wasn't even hockey. When i was a kid or anything like that but i became interested when i was starting college and my sister was dating. He's not my brother-in-law he was hockey. And everything like that. And i was like okay. Then i started latching onto the team for the panthers and then like i started writing some articles about because i like to research in checkout history sports history that type of thing and eventually the the site founder of the estimations panthers site was like. Hey you know you write some pretty good thing. You get some nice clicks on our on our our website. And hey why don't you want to join the staff. Make sure and then next thing. You know. I'm i'm covering games. I'm sitting with the team. President talking about hockey and i'm like how did i even get here and it's been long running. I'm still doing it but it's something that's that's you just have to do it for yourself and you never know you just never know now making podcast with my good buddies and and we're talking to people in the industry which is amazing. Really amazing how our for it's amazing.

00:10:02 - 00:15:00

How how many there. There's so many sports media people out desert willing to just come on over sit. Down doesn't matter how big you are. you know. we're not. Dan lebatardshow those people like that. But they'll they'll give you the time if you're just a good person in the they might have connection to you so like we got our connections because andrew went to central florida and he reached out to these guys who went to central florida to run. You know covers the marlins covers the pacers and next you know we're talking to them on the show and and you're doing the same thing people that went to to savior and because i've noticed that a lot of people have connections to to to the city out there so it's just about doing it and figuring out in reaching out to people so so all right now. Your big thing is basketball. That's your goal rights eventually. I don't know what's what's your what's your end game here has to be a sports business. Create a sports business company or work for the nba. Or or who knows. Because there's there's lots of stories of people in sports right now. A case in point for panthers general manager. He grew up in wisconsin. Was the batboy for. The milwaukee brewers when they went to the world series then he went to yale and then he was on the hockey team and then he became a coach on that team and then he wits law school became an attorney. Start his own sports agency for years representing hockey players and then learning from scouts learning from from gm's and then next thing you know he's working for the the league team for the columbus blue jackets and then now he's the general manager. Nhl team so it's amazing. His journey from batboy in high school. It's a general manager of a major professional. sports seem. So is that something. You're you're aspiring to get to one hundred percent. I mean. I tried to take a lot of the advice. Gave dot gives gives and if you've ever heard him speak say to four year old fifty year olds urine. And i'm not going to say it but you're an effing kid right. That's what he always says. In terms of you're gonna live your life with medicine so many more times. Everyone thinks that you know if you have to have everything figured out by the time. Twenty two hundred twenty two. And i'd like to think that i'm doing an okay job at that. Were i know that. I'm pretty confident saying that. The rest of my life will have a lot to do with basketball just because of how obsessing over it with that being said though it could be the general gentlemanly just kind of like my end goal right now in terms of. That's the biggest thing i could do in this in the basketball world. I mean maybe can be in the commissioners of bigger goal maybe It really is just like that's kind of what everyone's dream job is. And when you talk to anyone you talk to someone. That's it's going into the sports industry. What what do you wanna do. I want to be an mba jam. But my whole thing is to think of like okay. It's not just that. I want to be a gm said. This is my steps to doing that right now. My hope would be for the next few years at least for the next few months even just to get this podcast really willing to wear gen z hoops. Which is what. I used to be fullest basketball. We've since we've rented to gen z hoops. I want turn into more of a network right. And i hired a team of in china where we are. There's a twelve inch whether they're doing editing or research or my division experts that are kind of giving breakdowns on their division one of six divisions every week. That's kind of growing now the next few weeks but in next few months i hope to give everyone their own show and kind of build that way so an but that's the thing that only will take six bonds. How would the six months after that or the year after that of the two years after that. That's where i'm hoping things come into place where okay. I'm i'm working for a team on doing stuff like that. And that's that's kind of where my my sites are now but in terms of has that the ultimate goal would of course be kind of reached. The pinnacle of that is is to be an a gym. But maybe once. I get to that point and i'm thirty and i i i've actually experienced. Maybe that i might want to do something else. Whether it's you know maybe coaching by tash. I enjoy now xavier. I'm not sure enjoyed at another level or at another at another institution. Because the reason i like it is is how comfortable and how how much. I just love being xavier. That's kind of while of coaching there. But maybe that's becomes a reality. And over the next few years why i ended up going towards that side or maybe the other thing that we were completely insane is the job i might hold in. Ten years might not even exist right now. People ten years ago that are working in social media right. Their jobs didn't exist in two thousand ten. Instagram came along. And all that stuff now there's actual jobs and people there's college classes for social media maybe fifteen years maija doesn't exist so i try to say mba gm right now because that's the big lofty goal. Everyone has and i think that okay. Why can't it be me. There's there's there's only thirty job it's incredibly competitive. But if i do everything right from the age of twenty to thirty or thirty five like that. Be me one day but it really really does. It really could change and and that the pathway of me getting there is is really just putting my all into these initiatives now and just kind of building off that because the industry but next to came from the making lemonade fund. Where there saw me saw the work.

00:15:00 - 00:20:01

I was doing video evidence and said you know what you'd be great for this next opportunity. The podcast is building up on itself. And hopefully that'll do something with the nba. Through that process in connection from. Before i mean all kind of build on each other and if i just keep on worrying about where i am now as opposed to like a lot of people are going to be caught up in saying ask for a job in a skip those steps in know all the theme is the gm spot. I'm worried about right now. How can i do this my ability because that's what's going to be recognized by the people in those spots for sharp. Yeah yeah because it can be daunting to say okay. Nba gm then all the steps. You have to get to to to to become that. It can be daunting but it's okay. If i focus on what. I can control now than i can. I can get their little by little and chip away at it. So let me let me ask you about your show. So gen z hoops. He said it was originally called big fellows basketball. When did you start. So i started. This was an idea my head for for over two years before this. I was a freshman in college and my my best friend called jessica who started making lemonade fun as well. He added up a show coach. One hundred twenty cents actually chained to the transgenders podcast at sixteen years old. He was having on mark. Cuban jack dorsey adam. Schefter these huge guests and the reason he happened was because he was relentless in the same thing. I'm doing now and cold. Emailing and the people jack dorsey the store with him was he went on jack. Dorsey twitter live in two thousand sixteen and spammed him. Saying i'm six podcasts. A thousand times. John dorsey twitter's saying look. How do we set this up. My friend jesse took a flight with his with his mother because he was sixteen at the time from new york to statal washington to meet with jack dorsey so he would always tell me about the and the i'm saying talking about my friend so much because he always tell me stories freshman year and say do you gotta start shell. You're you're you're gonna jennifer enthusiastic. You're passionate this. And i was always hesitant because it scary right. What are people going gonna think about. My show is going to. I'm not going to get jack dorsey on the first day. So my shows not going to be as you know it's gonna it's not gonna be as good right. Those are always things that in my head and it prevented me from starting for over a year and a half. The pinnacle of it was we went to go. See the bucks. Play the nets through the through some of the things that it was like academy which another basketball initiative. But we're seeing understands all the players coming and all the kids and the parents are going crazy over christmas dana brook lopez and all of a sudden comes out and i made a comment to my friend. Jesse say wow. Wouldn't it be cool. If i went up to him and said hey coach coach putin jose. I'm a eighteen year old high school basketball coach. I love this. Play out of the time out in the second quarter you know. Maybe i showed him some of my work and he offered me a job right. Wouldn't that be cool. If if i looked at me and said or you can ask to come on your podcast and i was like wow. It's really that that makes so much it's not like it's not just show it's a it's a. It's an elegant tool. It's it's basically a walking resume or walking business. Call yourself to say. Hey look i. I record all these episodes so even men know even after that moment it took me a few months to get started where i needed a global pandemic to smack in the face of your time. You better do something where i think we all that. A lot of people took different initiatives during the pandemic as far as what they wanted to do. And podcast a lot of our podcast. And you know we're doing the same thing. Of course. I'm not doing this for any sort of we do this for fun. This this is our our way of unwinding from our careers were attorneys. And so we we use this as a form of something get away from from our normal day-to-day type stuff. But i also like the grind of doing this. I mean i've been doing this. I was in highschool to this. I love creating media and things like that. So it's just matter of of doing it and putting on the show but it's really interesting. Starting up these podcasts and ring about data reading about you know burning outs. Reading about people can't even keep go past the seventh episode. And you you've done fifty we've done eighty nine regardless of look it's a grind. It is a grind. You have to grind. There's no other way there's not going to be some magical fairy unless you unless you have the connection of all connections to to start your show and i got. I got mark cuban. I got lebron james on our first episode and you got one hundred thousand people listening to you on day one. That's not going to happen for most everybody. So i think we love the evolution to because when the pandemic started i think our initial reaction was how the hell were cancelled time right because sports though combo. So of that was daunting that we've all of us have been able to respectively find a way and i will say this both of your points. It's not just the grind. I love how it's kinda causes. The thing outside the box francisco has kind of been our or key guy and find different avenues. You got us a website now. I wrote walk on thirty one years old.

00:20:01 - 00:25:00

I don't like the right anything. That's not legal. I hate ryan legal. The idea you shape that creativity and think about. Can i get this guests. Can i get back. Guest is such a great feeling because even though you have fifty fifties huge and after fifty you could still think about how to get sixty and seventy and you'll be thinking these new ways it's a great tribute to kind of get to that point and still be fresh in the midst of ya. Think of what you've able to cover especially if you're a big sports rent for basketball you had a bubble season and now you have the new season that might lisa of oak sees it so this these ideas warping your brand. That will get more people on there. You know you might get the liaison. The political the representative the publicist. Whoever you know. Maybe your connections working with brad to what does that land you to put that out there. It was like it reminds me a lot when i was cold calling for my first internship when i was living right defined legal job so i basically put in. Some numbers looked at the. Google is at hand on one free attorney or free intern coming into the whatever they said. Yep and you learn for that way so it's like you're opening yourself to other people and also your out. What your rate is. I love that so john. So when with your exact first episode when when did you first published then. Yup so my goal was the making the money stopped in. May my fault. I'm start this podcast. The hard deadline myself june twentieth. Because i turned twenty on june twenty four last year of twelve. Twenty twenty. Okay so my hope. I'm going to no matter no matter what if the if the first episode sucks. I'm posting an episode on june twentieth. That's my goal. Because i was i went through five or to get on my logos and stuff. I was mixed. My intro was good. And all that and i was i was research but i said if i keep on pushing this. There's no way this is ever going to happen. So this is a hard deadline. And what do you know like the last three or four days. I was like okay. I really need to get this thing to happen. And that's and that's why i really started. Get moving right where. I was actually really going as hard as i could to get everything. Set up to for that launch date. I launched with three episodes the first day. But what i realize what i mean. I had six episodes over the course of two months because it was so difficult to won't whether reaching out the people or just kind of figured on my own i had on it was the first episode was episode of just me secondhand. My best friend. Jessie are obviously right. He came on. And then the next one i friends. That had a podcast. Then it was one of my childhood coaches and that's really all. I had for almost two months to show for it and it was. It was an episode six. That's essentially used to the episodes where people quit. Because i've read. That was well where a lot of people can't get past that there was a time in in july. Were i thought okay. Wow everyone is made. Fun of for the podcast. All big fellas basketball. I'd go to the park and golf dunkin. Everyone's like oh big fella basketball right and it's hard to get through that point board. I realized what okay. I'm not giving up on this. If i reach out to thousand people. I'm going to get one and the i guess i had on so my start date about two months later on august around august. Twenty eight when i got on coleman heirs who someone maybe no one. No no no. He's he's a small basketball youtube trainer without now. He's at three hundred thousand subscribers grand scheme of things. He's not a the biggest. he's not drew halen. Who was on episode. Fifty right culminates is much smaller as a twenty one year old trainer. But he's someone. I was watching for three years. I was he for some some high came up on my plate. Pedroia was seventeen. Try off my high school team. And i thought okay wild like he's someone i thought was uncomfortable. And now he's responsible and giving me this on a podcast together patron into allenstein. Who turned into the bone collector. Howard beck turned into the tommy sheppard. Who now who's the most recent one. Well african xavier gob in terms of other cold and stuff. I would say the kelly oubre kelly away seniors coming on next week. Like why am i talking to. Kelly oubre juniors dad like. How does that even happen. That's that's not normal. I got solid people do but it's by the fact of okay. I reached out to everyone. I possibly could and people started spreading the word out to where kelly oubre as that happened because i had an interview with dan hughes and then someone else what integral dan hughes new kelly. Oubre senior while and said. Hey look. I think kelly would be mr mr mr senior. The great guests for your show awesome like that doesn't happen if i don't have shoes on completely unrelated to like there's no connection there there've been guests that have come on. It's it's interesting. 'cause everyone kind of assumed that. Because i had tommy sheppard on my show that i'm gonna look for the next year right or something like that happened. But that's not even how it works like. I've had like time shippers. He's he's one of the people on my show. That could hire me yesterday if he wanted to write. If you if you wanted to be like oh let me give. John any probably wants but obviously that didn't habit but you'd be surprised at how many other smaller guest's have helped pantelic selami career way faster or or away more in the short time i've known them there's someone that knowing excited over like no one.

00:25:00 - 00:30:01

No one get excited over over them. But they're the ones that are helping out the most. It's kind of crazy to think about of the way networking works. Once you actually go full on experiencing kind of figuring it out it's it's insane. Yeah yeah same thing for our show and and really. I think there should be when you're doing something like this when you're doing something on your own and and you're honestly you're putting yourself out there. We're all putting ourselves out there. One of the one of the biggest fears that people have. It was always like that that stat. It's like okay. it's it's number. One is death number two is like public speaking or something like that. Those are like the top two things people. Fear the most. And it really. That's something that you'll learn to public speaking as a college class way back in the day. So it's something that you kind of have to get over in order to be doing things like this. I mean we're attorneys and we have to speak in front of judges and things like that so he can. You can't be afraid when you have. Somebody's life on the line so really doing. This is all right. Let's just talk about sports and even if we don't really know anything we're gonna talk about it anyways and if we don't know anything we could bring somebody on who does know something and ask them and they can teach us about something new. So it's interesting. You said something. We're making fun of you for that one. it's like. Wow you put yourself out there if anything you should be commended for they should be is like it's it's being brave out there and then and then once it starts rolling once you start seeing some modicum of success once you see that that you're trending upwards then it's like okay. I've got something going here. I don't know how long it's going to take. I don't know how long i'm going to be able to do this. But i'm gonna enjoy the ride for now. We're gonna see where it takes us and that's kind of what we're doing with this show where raw we're along for the ride and we're enjoying it right now and it's amazing that you did that during the pandemic and people were trying to find things to do. Heck we were trying to find things to talk about for like we did. like twelve. Had the two three months. I'm just you know me saying innate wrestling. I think big big joe front seat their meet minute. We literally have. We literally had an episode. We're we're like let's just hop on wikipedia. Click on the first sports related article. And we'll go down a rabbit hole and see where it takes us for two hours. So it's it's amazing what you can do trying to put on a show and i love the creativity aspect to it. I don't know if you if you kinda get that dopamine head of of creating something you or trying to come up with something new like okay. What what angle can we do. Here what can i do now. That out to the biggest dopamine hit that no one can understand why it happens to me is when i get a notification from lincoln on my phone i have a different down for it and whenever that happens everyone. That's with me sees in my face lights up. It's like okay. Who's this because sometimes sometimes okay open it up and it's someone like my post that someone. Maybe it's completely obscure that. I don't know their name. Connect connection request but other times. It's like okay. Drew hailing except mike connection request. I i. I don't know george murison. When he did that. I was shocked. It's like oh my god. He's you know the guy who only played in a video game before is now going to have a conversation with me. I'm so it's kind of those moments that just kind of give me and there's some it's funny. There's some people on lincoln that like. I'm not sure if they run on accounts. But i've had spencer spencer namely i think he's very active on it. He just hasn't come the he just hasn't responded but like i was expensive. This is crazy like the guys like that. I can't even describe the dopamine rush. Get from that feeling of excitement. Getting getting notification for sharp. Yeah okay john. So what are you a huge basketball fan. Wh what teams do you follow. Sports do you follow me. Have you grown up playing and things like that. I mean i grew up. playing baseball. Played it in high school. And then i i told you about how how i got into hockey so for me. I guess introduction to whoever's listening to this right now south florida teams. Miami marlins for baseball. Florida panthers obviously hockey. I'm watching the hockey game on the side right now because i need to keep tabs on them miami dolphins unfortunately for football and miami heat for basketball which has been great for me over the last few years and then what's college. Florida state got a masters at florida. Atlantic and nfl. But thorn states my main college team with regards anything really. They're doing great football basketball baseball. Whatever mom for them. And then charles charles. How about you just kind of take it from the top new york yankees fantastic titans fan which was always a fun story. Long story short heading into football until much later life. Would i always kinda liked that. Grit that see mcnair georgia's can bring into and of course we have curse the freak bring into it so now i was around. I would say a six seven but not the die hard and live closer to the tampa areas of the bucket kylie secondary team. But it's not a team. I would advocate because james. Because tom like those are like the.

00:30:01 - 00:35:08

Oh the cool. Cool guys that read sodium before that statements. Okay football college football the you and it's weird because i feel i never went to university of miami but living in miami i you know for what three or four years of my life and being part of that culture in south florida prior to that kind of gravitate towards after you for my bachelors and the big names we have is alfred morris ads in now single singletary. But you know at that time go. Actively they're andrew hopefully get to see to one day. John is a diehard. Ucf fan like lives breathes. It probably knows everybody in their name and then of course basketball is the miami heat really is just a. We've been enjoy it even though we don't talk about the finals but it had happened will accept a one day. That's kind of like muscled in hockey. I mean it's weird. Like i enjoy the sport but because it's not on my tv. So much i can't follow into it in some other sides of rustling guys can tell you that ridiculous. I know it's fake it's beautiful it's scripted. I do like me some boxing but right now it's kinda like the downturn boxing because the pandemic would also promoters mess up everything that i'm trying to for to frolic a new program trying to get back into other combat sports. Ufc but guy really. Don't like with dana. White does have time so this is more on my end. What i what. I like how much john for sure so growing up in new york. I mean even never seen a competitive knicks team other than twenty thirteen tom. It's sad i know twenty people. Ask me all of your knicks fan. You remember the nineties as ing much. James dolan owned the new york knicks and the new york rangers. They're such polar opposites as far as how their organizations are run. He doesn't he doesn't touch the rangers. Like i honestly think doesn't care about them. You just because the moneymaker msg and they do all right. They do fine. They're they're they're okay. But he's man with the knicks. It is just a completely different story. Yup i could. Oh my god it's bad and the one bright spot ahead of my childhood porzingis and now it's taken away from me as well and i was at the game when it happened because of my affinity for jaanus and of course the injury was pushing donnas thing got hurt. It's i. I could talk about that in. Mice got crying. If i do so. I'm gonna stop right there but in terms of my fan i mean really it's an nixon net and i'm not gonna i'm not gonna hate the nets also also a bunch of their games being the nearby that they have a competitive team. They are fun. Arena fun atmosphere. I do like both teams. I would take the knicks over them just because of the history there and being from queens and all that and all that and of course my my upbringing but in terms of like the nba fan who had filed the most. It has to be the milwaukee bucks because of your honest but it has nothing to do with milwaukee. I nothing to the city. If he leaves. I leave it kind of similar to how many people treated kind of lebron but it's more of a personal thing with janas based on having minimum bunch of times to a bunch of greek initiatives and his brothers. Everything he there's just a lot more kind of attachment there with janas but those kind to follow in bat in the on the basketball side of things and just kind of outside of that. I might try to follow. It's weird because as as much as i've always loved the nba. It's impossible to watch thirty games. So i feel like i mean now hopefully become much more knowledgeable fan because i'm working with all the division experts i mentioned earlier and kind of just. I'm learning so much by actually following every single team every single week so hopefully be able to hopefully in the next few weeks. I'll be able to say that. I follow more team than just those three but those kind of main ones now. It's amazing how because we've had some college football writers on our show. It's amazing how all up to but it's amazing. How much because they they're so they're specialized in in covering college. Football were sirius. Xm or or what have you. But they consume of those sports and how it's amazing like cover hockey. But it's the florida panthers and i. I have perot knowledge of every other team out there. They're major players things like that. And i'm watching. What goes out trade and things like that but people who are sports media insiders in the industry they consume so much sports and shameless plug to andrew because our own andrew is on the top national championship. Game for as a what credential writer for young. Yeah for read it and joe he. He really fits that mold for die. Hard for the sport to me. You know that of that expertise. I'm just saying that that people who dedicate themselves to a certain sport and you listen to them all time The same thing. John they watch a lot so it's not just a oh. I just know about my certain team. You know it if you're willing to sit down and watch the detroit pistons versus the new york knicks and you can get something out of that then.

00:35:08 - 00:40:01

You're you are dedicated to your your craft and john. I know new coach. Or you said kotex you played as well zooming. What was it that you played at xavier. It's interesting everyone kind of thinks the based on like where i am. Now that i played four years of high school. I was really really good. I was. I started playing bass when i was like thirteen. Fourteen years old so it was really new to me. Cut from the freshman. Jv and varsity teams freshman sophomore and junior year respectively. So i made it at this thing. And i was kind of a huge moment for me. It's probably the semi. i'll never forget an always remember. And that's kind of why. I was asked to come back and coach and released to the middle school. I'm sorry use the grind since middle school. If you you grind you made the you made the the varsity tiven senior year. Wow that's definitely something that i'm never like everyone kinda like i was in high school care about it so much that is there was nothing that i've ever done. I think i will do that. Felt so impossible it. Some of the people understand a forum but that was really just the biggest thing for me but that was kind of my experience of going leading up to this in terms of my playing sprint. And that's kind of comes in. Coaching xavier's dream the moment. I was asked to do what i jumped at the chance. And i've loved every second of it since then being part of its historic high school program the history behind everything that comes along with it. I just love every moment. I whether it's the parents. The other coaches of schooler the faculty members of school south become the way i the way i feel when i enter the building and also the way other people kind of react to me it. Just something that i. i can't replace anywhere else. I just love everything about it this year. And that's kind of my whole. Here's the background we play. I don't want to. I talk about it too much because it's not too extensive but my senior year was something that it was memorable for me of course and i mean for the people that watch it happen. They always they bring it up for me a lot of times. But it's not something that i that i did enough to really talk about it too much. You never had a us. The thought process of i know you do gm but you never wanna be on and we always say grand stage because we should never ourselves at respirators. You don't wanna be nba coach. Kaz brad stevens. His story was accounted and then one day just walked off with a hey teach resulting and through that time that grind. That's how we got there. We got to so that you have one thing but what about even just con- calling some exit nodes being a guy conditioning coach. Even every you know when your team wins a onnell's everybody on that sat. One sunny aspirated battery entertained. That thought process from your coaching them. Beyond of course that's something that would be entertaining to me. It's just the thought process to me. And kind of at least now focused on the managerial side of the front office side is that i love coaching and i love coaching xavier. It's just i should say. I love coaching xavier. Because of what. I said in terms of how much i love just being in that that jim the fact that i had those experiences of getting cut from the team's thinking i never be a part of the program. Now i'm i'm a member of the family forever like sure what would have been great play four years there. Yes but this year i would have completed my fourth season in total three coaching. One playing and i know i'm going to have a lot more. Those going forward to that to me is kind of every instead. Jimmy was think of and six out to me. So that's why i love doing it. Their coach at the next level would be would be would be fun. It'd be great and it summarises. I i could enjoy. But that the the reason i think. I focused so much on the on things other than coaching. Because i feel like that's just kind of where i i'd have more more passion for outside of it like coaching. I is really something that i think is unique. In terms of the reason i love it is because debut for me. Okay so yeah so. It's more of a personal passion project. Mean now now project personal passion initiative for you. Coaching for your your high school team place. That that you. I mean you literally grew up bat. It's more of a sentimental thing than anything else for now at least for now. It's something. I'll never leave nothing. I don't think any other even. Nba is much of an auditor. As would be to work there and stuff. And i would be over the moon to do that in terms of the sentimental having my in my heart like walking in there every day i be excited for sure. There's different kind of aid is typical to explain just feeling fulfillment. When i'm walking. I walk into xavier. that is just. I'm not sure that i'll go away for a long time. So okay all right. Well let's talk about some actual sports news. That happened over the last week. So we're gonna talk a little about the nba and huge trade. Went down so huge huge understanding. So we're we're down here in miami and of course every single miami heat fan.

00:40:01 - 00:45:02

Thanks every single. Major player in the nba is gonna be playing for our team because of the culture and things like that. And everybody's already photoshop. Miami heat jerseys. On on jaanus anthony davis and bradley beal and james harden. We didn't land james harden were. He's off to your words out their new york city brooklyn and that went down and charles. You have thoughts. Well hardly would fit because this is not a me culture. It's a week culture and miami. All right i'm saying out there. Yeah i think. I texted you when that trae dallas adot brooklyn to win. Because i'm that person that you know the cut the cloth james. Alright we know he's excellent we know he's a perennial scoring champion. A perennial mvp candidate. But he's not even the best player on a team right now it's going to be katie show for a while and you look at kind of what they gave up on is not a lot with it. Gave a few cares. Little jared allen's gone right put away first round picks. They have money to spend but i've seen james harden And i think john if you can agree this impressive as well. There's a difference between player live and seeing that player present. no mine. don't get raw. James going miami movie hypocritically elliott. But it's. it's the same thing you know two years ago. We don't want that but this is going to be the guy who's going to put thirty points this season. He's going to be in the top three conversation at the top three in scoring and then he's in go five twenty in a playoff game. Then he's going to go cold in fourth quarter. What you really need that shot. And he's going to bring that dribbling. I watched yesterday yesterday's game with brooklyn start finish man and he wasn't drilling crazy. It's able to drop like thirty points. You went or twenty six months. I think look stats fully. I don't remember it fully by remember. I was like okay. He's looking good there but you have his personality coming in you. Got steve nash. Who is a rookie head coach. Coming into it. You got katie. Who has the say all eyes on me. Because it's been a bit of an out of it and i just don't know if that's going to jail for the remaining three years maybe 'cause i believe that's the remainder contract. Do i think brooklyn really lost by giving up. Calvert and jared allen at -sarily you need somebody the back of the andre jordan so losing that kinda hurts gear slimmer unfortunately has a mass is kidney. So he's going to be out for a while. I think the other teams come out. But i'm not too crazy about the heart rate because after nine years of being league ten years and being lee. You know what you're getting. You're good excellent. Excellent shooter defensive okay. Racism flags kind of ups above on assistant rebounds assuming that the kind of first of all round but is this something. We're really missing out on all hypocrisy. Because we didn't get we you get out of it but i don't think it's going to be the propelling that a lot of teams get going to be or a lot of financing. Be for the in the east granted though they play in east Schedule and you know there's durant there might be able to kind of gelin loa better. I don't know how the teams kyrie's around 'cause now you're really have questions who's can get that last shot who's gonna be fishing offense. You know who's going to be that guy because the ball unless national smart. I says egos aside. Let's do it how we got to o'casey to the finals. Years ago having kevin durant said James harden look more natural handling the ball being the guy A big area generally hot kyri great human being a pain in the ass as a player and you saw how. He kind of created a fracture in that schism. In cleveland and in boston. Who as i can have in brooklyn so it's even one of those getting a guy who might be better in production for your team might cause other issues with the other guys there because if you put a whole bunch of prima donnas not to say that katie's Those verner counts on twitter. We know kyrie's position we know. Hardens is basically kind of wore fat. Sue to get trade out from houston was up spray. They'll have a spo over there. Francisco fit. Because i do you know t over there can calm combat out unfortunately just has rj barrett even though what was on there. Now he's doing pretty good. Let's just my thoughts are on brooklyn hardens kinda like my long renzo pent-up frustration. That i have to watch casey. Aqua try shoot and kendrick nunn You look at brooklyn known critic good game last night right komo now i feel like is it ted from scrubs like why are. They deserve to be happy. Petty was john. What do you feel. yeah from. I think maybe a. I'm still biased. In a different way maybe so. A different buys perspective in terms of not a bitter fan. But maybe an over hyped fan being from the area.

00:45:03 - 00:50:07

But i mean it kind of similar. Would you said i mean it was. It was funny when you said about how different player live. I told you. I just before we went on air. I was only fifteen when it happened. But i have got james harden before one on one. It did not end well for me but he has. That story is a good one for sure. And i talk about my. My father became best friends with mrs hardin and that night they she was he came over. We were playing five on five. He jumped into the game. She was watching. My dad went over and said oh you're such a great guy and they just hit it off and then she was from new and had them print out a longest distance camp reform. Really sweet lady so hope. Maybe she's at a game in in brooklyn over the next few months and maybe obviously with no fans but maybe she'll recognize me. My dad who knows that's always just a little fun side. But in terms of what i think about the trade. I think it's great for both sides. I mean houston got a lot out of it for player. That obviously is great. Interest is james harden is. He was so disgruntled. Where if you had a if you haven't contract gave them a little bit more power but they still were in the best position available to get the picture they got out of it to and a couple of real solid peas not keep them at least a little bit competitive at some great some great pieces some great pieces getting getting guys ago a depot and stuff and of course a treasure trove of of picks. Now those pixie great will be twenty twenty. Three picks be really good. Probably not because. Then that's gonna be you know fighting for those who want to be lower first round picks but those twenty seven picks if hardening katie. If this thing doesn't it could really work out if one thing. I wanna make sure that. I'm kind of the mindset of winning one championships. A huge people. Tell me that if they don't if they don't win at least only went to. They failed which. I think is ridiculous if you win if you win one champion be. It's a huge deal especially from a maybe from a player's perspective more on k. d. Or man if sean sean mariano in the championship sharks job. Yeah just just. Historically the nba has had so few of those teams win actual title. Just one itself. I mean look the dallas mavericks with the dirt dirt. Bits gayer. they won one. they won. just won't exactly and it was. Just you know. The miami heat is everybody choking in that series but it was it just one they just one one the raptors just one and look regardless of how they got there with how many injuries the warriors had they still got the one. And that's something that is huge the backup for that trade everything with the coin. Tomatoes and trade if that trade mrs. schott the four boundaries on the rim. We're talking very different. Messiah messiah jury smarter basketball mind. Boggling goes in and out no but that that changes our perception of him if that if that shot goes out okay. Wow the kuwabara was a total disaster. How could you trade a player. D'amato rosen who wanted to sign long term in toronto for a guy that left after one year but ended up winning it and now massage genius and it's the risk actually paid off so it's crazy. Nothing's going back into work out. But that's kind of the big business that we're in in terms of how it's very results driven and how things can be completed. If someone's control jaanus for example right. They lost that game three in toronto in double overtime on a random player in the book. Blood another free. Throw whoever whoever it is makes one more free throw in on two different occasions and they win that game three. Oh and i'd like to think up three. Oh they'd hopefully close the mountain in toronto. The toronto played you could make the argument. That still went on a but going up three whole different. So maybe the bucks in the that series then they go up against the pleader warriors team. Maybe the bucks series to now being the best player in the world when as opposed to that because some guys miss some free throws talk about him being a playoff choker. It's it's crazy. How that narrative can that can can change somebody. That has nothing to do with them. Which i think about a lot because it's crazy how that works but in terms of the heart and trade they want. It's a colossal success because it's so difficult to win one championship espec- especially in the current climate emmy awards so competitive. Where if you look at the the standings i would say there's like twenty six playoff teams may look at like this team can make the playoffs. This team can be the play. There's very few that you would say that. I have no shit chance making the playoffs. I feel like. I'm just thinking about this in terms of market share in the new york city media market because the brooklyn nets are. I guess you could have. The analogy of the lakers and the clippers and the clippers are just trying to win one. They're just trying to get that one because giving that one legitimizes them in the los angeles area because they've been there for almost forty years now. How many years now. And they've been in los angeles and they don't have any sort of modicum success until recently until recently until like the last ten or so years and the brooklyn nets won championships in the the julius erving and things like that but it was the move over to the nba.

00:50:08 - 00:55:01

And they just they don't they don't have that one they're they're just trying to get that one and they and they can be something much bigger in that city and you can probably talk about a more john as far as like the the dichotomy of knicks and nets guards of people in new york but the nets have had a chance to be the team of new york and that sort of way i mean. They went to two finals earlier in two thousand. Lots of the lakers. And the spurs you know who who could talk to those those teams but now they're gone for there. They just need that one. they just need. That one doesn't reminds you guys at two thousand fourteen because this is not brooklyn first. Big shot trade approach players. That's rate was a disaster for what you gotta remember how the hype was extend. I honestly there's definitely a big difference jazz over the hill k. G. and paul pierce in this no what they were resting on. Joe johnson darren williams brook lopez break into the whole point. Is you can have talent together. And i understand that this is a completely different genetic makeup. But you've seen those big moves a see how to plan out. And what i've noticed is that after the first two years the patients button runs out new owner understandably so jarring has been around for a bit. Do i think they have the right guys. Obviously but you've kind of seen that it's kind of like a see saw you've had your opportunities in the kid time wet big on a bad set of contract the aging is that was pure send garnett and now you have some guys that i kind of consider you. Have you have two players or injury right. And i know everybody hates that word because it feels like a cop out of predictability of a of a team season but it is no kyri can't fully stay throughout the you know seat katie's look fantastic. Come back from every injury no mankind. We have hard and whole kind of getting there. But i wouldn't. I know older probably gonna place our top three. I throw out twenty four team because it just what i think of because of courses them like it's coming full circle right. You want every team to succeed when they're throwing all that money. Sure your team. I think brooklyn's likable as as a city and a team and everything that. But i can't feel that i can go put my wick to the visit in the east. But it's a great great transition for a city that kinda needs also bam based on needs it because as francisco mentioned Maybe that one titles can legitimize everything they've done. That was failures in the past and hopefully putting successes for the future i would say in terms of that brooklyn nets dichotomy with the knicks. It's much better spot. I would hold on. The clippers would be game at number one. The lakers have sixteen to the next two and people wanna talk about how. The knicks are being knicks fan. I it's kind of heresy that i'm saying this. But everyone talks about the next historic franchise when there's so many teams even more titles than them or not even just titles but historically well of in decades outside of the seventy s and ninety s. It's tough to say nix. Were incredibly competitive at any other decade whether it's the last twenty years a good good chunks of the eighties. There's a lot of the could. I've i've mentioned this before. I get a lot of hate for saying that. But there's a lot of teams whether you want to talk about the warriors spurs bulls. That have had much longer more championships. Or maybe even more a long period of time. It's always being relevant. That being the case because the lakers obviously have been relevant. Every single decade like a very relevant in every single decade but and the clippers also have been much less relevant than that's the nets at least have had trip to the finals. They've they've they've made moves if had marquee players up until recently. All the clippers had their greatest players of all time are blake griffin. Chris paul bob bob mcadoo. He played one for the buffalo braves. That's how he was. Yeah exactly so bob mcadoo and then who else out. Elton brand maybe it. It's really difficult to clippers are compared to the nets who at least okay. Even though it's day they could say they have joined julius irving you can talk about draws and petrified. You could talk about jason kidd of course one of the best pictures of all time vince carter. There's there's the nets have a little more than the clippers and the nets that mimics a whole. Lot less than the lakers. But that's still you are right in saying that they win that one championship and it changes things a lot. Because i would say it's already close for the nixon. The nets in terms of there's a lot of people in the new york area that are nets fans because of the way the next have been. It's and it's not just so much that they're losing games. It's kind of how they're losing. The knicks are losing in a way. That's making you feel like they're never going to stop losing because their their processes a losing. Gus and there's also pr nightmare behind it too. Exactly next man.

00:55:01 - 01:00:14

And that's all this pot go to a next game is experience. Unlike any other na- it's a square garden. It's kind of the environment of the bright lights. Being in new york city is different than being in on fly on fly on atlantic avenue in brooklyn that being said though when you're at a nets game does a lot more a lot. There's so much younger much more energetic vibes with whether it's the music being played they do have somethings training in there in the in in their favorite ma the most the biggest part of that is having a very competitive team and stars. That are very cool. Like it's not like they have it all stars. That are quiet. They don't have as much as i love. These guys a much. More quiet star like a nikolay obituary leonard. They have james harden kadian kyrenia most energetic and exciting players in the league whether it's because of the shootings abilities or the way they way they speak or the way to handle them something in whatever way the way they walk on the court they have a swagger them. Most of the players don't have so that's kind of what the brooklyn's holy on in terms of that brooklyn pride that all that stuff if they win if this if this works at a in terms of actual the trade works out if we're gonna talk about both maybe the fit in terms of what china's for their spacing i. I'm not show how we look when he goes into the my. I can't speak on that. of course i'm not. I'm not i'm not. I'm not an mba level co anything like that. But what he's doing now when you're seeing the alpers katie's have last two games. He's playing well all season but his most efficient scoring games and his outbursts have come in those last two unsurprisingly. Because having jim told him the court he's just the in terms of the gravity that he has a on defenses. It's opened things up for like an someone. That's already effortless score. It's even getting even easier for saint joe harrison and hopefully having those three star players that can also face the floor. We'll make things easier for other guys as well so it'll be very plays out. I think it's it's great for them. Can they compete with the lakers. Who have one through eight nine of the deepest team in the league and have to have one of two of the best players in the league. It's tough. I'm not sure if they can. I'm so maybe that's that's what starts with a championship but if that's what it is isolated they'll be very very competitive and a lot of fun to watch and will definitely change the narrative obama here in new york. Okay all right. We're coming up on the halfway point of the show about an hour. And so jon i guess he said you're going to give us give us a like an hour or so but close you out altro here. John hart affiliate everybody thank you for coming onto the show by the way it's been quite pleasure or it's been a. It's been a blast. Yeah it's been really fun conversation actually and give us not working. We catch you everything. You've got twitter Everything gen z hoops. Obviously but what else. What else can we catch you. On of course so for any of listening into this podcast you can follow me on instagram. And the j. J. dot h. a. r. t. Twenty one so that everyone there for everyone interested in the sports side of things you can follow me at. Gen z hoops on inch. I'm on. i'm obviously very active on instagram twitter posts. But i'm active their lincoln's my biggest thing if you want to connect with me and and whether it's a business perspective or anything like that. Lincoln is where i'm most active. And most i post the most transparent arlington. If there's any if anyone the let's get in touch like my dm's. I answer absolutely everything on instagram lincoln on the youtube channel apps for gen z hoops. We're all video content. Goes up really out on every platform apple podcasts spotify there's on distribution platforms in india japan just to have the rest of your purposes. So you really find the podcast anywhere and connected me on really anything. So we'd love to show with all of you and thank you both so much had me on all right john thank you. We appreciate you charles. We're at the halfway point. So you know what that means. They absolutely brooklyn plex. Call it martellus real boy halfway part. Yeah it is the halfway point. We all know that means it is time for. We're from non sponsors people places things contest. What have you that. We have been enjoying over the last week rolling have to. I guess this week because andrew is not with us today. But i guess i actually 'cause i gotta start had something in my head and i lost to an honorary for andrew that sense we gotta keep his at three always come into it. Sign on sponsor. John how come in with us today. That's something andrew would say. I'll keep that going. You know good interesting concept like people talk basketball for actually know the analytics as opposed to just shoot the ball but cat type francisco. The reason why i had to go to life is about comfort. And we'll we'll go with something. That's very near and dear to my rate so i haven't taken out not too long as he guys. Now i feel like you should preference that every show and i have not been able to have the delicacies of what i want to eat in life super suppressant when i can't do it because all been having All have been having has been like soup.

01:00:15 - 01:05:00

I tried with solids a little bit too early. very sad weeks savoie time for sure but today man. I'm like are losing weight. Catta got a pack on pounds so the other day you know i feel like i should do like five queens to keep to this one today because one of the payoff. Yesterday i have a barbecue and chinese food and low crispy good tasting onto crispy but crispy enough general tau has been sliced. The poor was great. But today i was like i those leftovers for what we had for breakfast. I think i've done it before but what you think you're great can give commended the one thing. They will get some ice cream and like allies. I like scream. But i i don't pick out ice cream. I got attack probably about three to five pounds man. I went after. I came back from court today at eleven twelve. Am i got twelve of the most beautiful down on of my life. Jupiter's love them so much. I got three but vary whereas whereas at jupiter like planet is big as hell and i'm does pretty big too. I got me a bigger doesn't the fam- can have some as well but he also pat. Got three boston creams three raspberries. We got three glazed. Three stronger sprinkles. I can't do the sprinkles yet. They'll get into popularity had to tomorrow at. Don't show off thinking about that now on the remaining leftover chinese food and still daham noda notes. That weight off specialties. Would they also make a excellent maple bacon bar i've had. What is that sandwich with the dots and the bacon and the eggs. I don't even know that's new to me. I didn't even see. But i want that on needs that i've had the regular breakfast. It's pretty good but now that they may get into the big chain of the bacon. I'm gonna get this against guys. I will bring us into the office. Look look at this election day. Lord yeah. I mean it's ridiculous. They have like reese's peanut butter. The butter crunch is excellent. The figures the chocolate bananas so good. They make an excellent lemon drop that they have available on thursdays night. Never seen the go. But damn into. I want that lemon drop their crawlers. Even good it kind of lame to me. Not favorite That glazed majolica kit kat. It's just so good now. Pay the fifteen dollars. I don't care some people. Can people like baskin robbins. Is they the dunkin best. Obviously i can't get into it man doug donuts. It's like a my load here. This shit is my heiser. Excuse my french but it is so good. 'cause donuts are special to me fluffy. I'll like big. I like flavorful. I love them all the way through. This is what i've been wanting for nineteen days and today i got Hurt my mouth. Just a little bit was a worth the pain. Absolutely what i do and again you know. So jupiter donuts my first non sponsor promo code just glorious man boy important you no. I love donuts. I rarely eat donuts because of you know doughnuts man. I don't have almost lost. Twenty pounds now so i can't i can't relapse right now man. I'm halfway to my goal at this point often like three pounds. Exhaust was is like soup and stuff like that. Like i got. I got to be a little bit of fiqh boy and i knew. I don't wanna get like ray that way with the fast food greece that the healthiest thing. Man yeah oh boy everytime i because every once in a while like stomach virus or whatever you know we all get stomach viruses every once in a while. And you know we're we're we're just spewing things out from every orifice but you lose you lose about a few pounds when you get one of those and it's always nice. Get regain that back. Yeah that's that's that's the best part of the recovery arm and lose three pounds of just eating this. Yeah man yeah breakfast lunch and dinner plan. I'm a stock out. Twelve guy. I'll probably plan is to get like eight out of twelve and i'll die happy. The sugar ocean. But there's three meals a day. Plus a snack employs got it. It's worth it after. Nine hundred as at is worth it. I i don't want any after effects on the gum line. Anything like that.

01:05:00 - 01:10:08

I wanna do it right but you know sometimes you i. I know what depression feels like impression is just seeing everybody at the house will get a pizza. And you can't have that so yeah. I'll go specialty. Orders can look at that. Oh all right man. Yeah definitely not anything like that. My non sponsor goes to the the apple. Watch apple watch something out there already. Sold out to apple wants before or shouted out the iphone before. But just watch look. I was never watched guy growing up. There was wasn't into probably the last watch. Those was into was the ones that i got. Burger king win. Loss depart came out. I got the whole set to by the way. Got the whole set. My favorite ones the one with the the loss raptor. I i want. That was a great one but yeah never watched. Guide never never jewelry guy either. No no necklaces. No no bracelets no no earrings. No nothing like that. No blame blame for me right. Gold grill but you know i apple watch came. I wasn't even into it. I wasn't even going to get it but come christmas time. I get gifted to myself. I'll watch. I don't wear these things. I don't like things on my wrist. Or anything. Like that and series three comes out and i get that one gifted for christmas. Fear is one. i'm. I'm still wearing right now and i gotta tell you man smartwatches of any kind. I can't. I can't talk about the ones from all the other companies. I've talked about this one. What a convenience. What a what is like you would think it's convenient. It's like okay tells the time no they. They had the commercial. This is just tell the time it gives you all your notifications and reminders. And things like that and i can't tell you even being in court. How easy that is you can. Just look at the watch because you could be on the phone people. Look at you weird like the lawyers on the phone. He's not paying attention to the law in front of you can hop over to the watch and look like a sophisticated unity and it's like yes. The sun is at this position at this hour. Yes but it's been so convenient for me looked lately because i've been taking these new prescription meds. I've been knocking out in the afternoon. Knocked out before the show actually and that's a genetic thing either because my dad always gets home from work and takes a nap so that just might be me becoming an old man. Yeah maybe were just old. Yeah that could just be me becoming an old man but The watch when i knock out watch is still on my wrist and the watch rumbles rumbles. It shakes it vibrates and so usually i'll get a notification. Might just be charles sending me another wrestling gif. And i wake up with cool. Yeah that was actually. That was a really nice thing and people are like all that should be in a video game. You're never going to get that and wwe twenty on time for that. There's too much crunch anyways. And it wakes me up and look. I've been you utilizing the reminders feature a ton lately a ton because i realized that i forget a lot of things and i need to remind myself of things so before i forget the thing i would like. Hey siri remind me to. I don't know pick up a milk accidentally. Actually listen to these anyways and at nine o'clock whatever and pops up on my watch like hey remember. Get that milk. I guess the milk and i go and do so. It's been working law for me for work my working a lot for me for normal life. Hey do laundry pick up this. Pick up that by this by that. And i can't tell you the convenience there's all the other ga- gizmos and gadgets like someone like they have like ekg monitor. I know what. I'm going to have a heart attack. Don't worry watch to remind me of that. But the exercise thing that's another big thing i've been losing weight lost almost twenty pounds now and it keeps track of the running in the skating that i've been doing and how much i've been losing. And that's that's something. I like to keep track of because once you start getting into it you become a junkie learning about the stats that you're you're thrown out there and how many miles you're running. How your cadence your pace all that type of stuff. It's it's great. I use the map. My run the app that i use for for exercise so that that's always great to utilize as well so Smartwatches in general but the apple.

01:10:08 - 01:15:01

Watch for myself. That's that's only a throw as non sponsor promo code alzheimer's. 'cause i'm getting old with an i. Guess i'll go with the honorary third even though probably won't for you andrew for you if you ever. If you're listening what we may find you so i have to twenty twenty one to what i've been doing. Twenty twenty which was kicking the backlog beaten up a little bit of game backlog. I just recently finished for the wild last week. Some around excellent game towns ratio liked the ending. The ending was pretty. Yeah and i what complete. I had to get all the memories i was to be sufficient and i want the second one and i want it now. I hate myself away in three years that you would on my other buddies. We're right in. I admit that. I should. I wait so long to do it. And he didn't even take that much time. I loved it but life goes on as do all the gaming so this new year. I was like all right my back. Always kinda beefy. Delta was about sixty five hours Knowing side missions because oh so close to the end like god. Let's just finish it right. But i'll get back into like mary off. People and go billtown leader. Ed from point but said if we're gonna do this what are we going to play because after this might be assassin's creed odyssey eighty hours from Do we want to go from one game to know the game. And i said charles you have a lot of doubt will content that you need to be. That aren't fighting games. Yeah so what do i get. Well probably you kids like wanna vision and all that stuff in the mcu. Got me a little nostalgic. I remember that i have. These spiderman said Dlc i picked it up like eight months ago. Africa got about it because i also picked control. Dlc and all this other deal see. Because i don't really. I'm pretty judicious when i buy deal see. I don't like it being a tack on with a bad story or anything like that so i wake of goes on sale and hope i play because i've had fought for dc the entire season pass having touchable the fall for the different story that i probably need more time to talk about about why. It's not as good as great as everybody says it is. But it's addictive to for mindsets. But i played. I beat over the weekend yesterday by madison I loved it. It was so good is not better than the actual node should be better than the actual game but it brought me back into the web mechanics about me. Back the slinging around new york Today's like our tribute show to the city of new york. I guess the year. John everything else talked about brooklyn I got like ten dollars and you can get not just the deal so you can go to the game of the year addition. They're they're pretty cheap now. But you got to continue the story as peter parker as he deals with black catsuit Hammerhead i think it's a good kind of set because for christmas i got spire miles morales which i heard like twelve hours. This deal see to beat without ten so it was kind of good little Appetizer now i kind of want to jump into miles. Kinda don't these are my jump in like our age upton twelve hours but are we doing the same theme of this story but it connects it. Bridges can spoilers for those who have played but spun. I was one of those game of the year contenders for me. Beat up by god of war. Because i think god will attach better but i thoroughly enjoy getting back to revisit because it's one of those few games itself that i kind of want to replay again dedicate those thirty hours. Use the new game. Plus you can utilize all the cool suits did emissions. I mean the downside of the deal was too many screwball missions. And that's one of the video game villains. But i really like how they took a no-name hammerhead whoever merged with ami series in the comics. Because you've voted racists comics but it wasn't really prominent. I i was like why. Don't they use tombstone instead. Whatever but it worked out pretty well. Combats fluid very much like arkham unfortunately you francisco. You don't have a playstation which far macerata may become available. Ps now does. I highly recommend that you play this game. Because as the fluidity of arkham asylum and that kind of gameplay combats slowing around new york with hours in listen to j jonah jameson on his off gas is he doesn't work with more on honor spoiler or he still work. They're ready to do so. I don't know i. I just replay everything but it's good. It's endearing like my favorite. Peter parker as well. Because i don't like six old peter parker. That's what the medium has put on because allen. I like twenty three year. Old boy of peter parker trying to figure things out of what he can be with. You know as a man as a young man becoming it fully situated man and everything that goes to hell rodham how econ. I can motivate so marble spire marble. Dlc sitting there were sleeps. go get it spend money.

01:15:01 - 01:20:10

It's worth it if you had a die like one game this year going to buy that allows you to buy breath Tastic promo code spidey senses already. That i don't have playstation spent all the money on the pc. And i'm actually playing games. Finally i almost gave it to cyber hook by the way sarah fantastic game but i kinda played four hours of it and i'm still not done but it's man that's that's a game that hasn't reported anything else Because i think definitely run on. The switch could definitely run on the definitely. Ps four and the xbox one and the new generation consoles and definitely a game that i could see being a vr game. First person licensing rights for bit know is alive. It's a it's an indie game. I would assume. I think in any game. I got a free amazon. Sheesh you know what screw threads quadruple non sponsors. Let's go come on now. I'm going to do the cyber hook you got to. I got to sarah video games for john. Wolford injure there you go. Yeah yeah exactly. So cyber-hunt here let me Let me just go to the steam pager. Show it off there. But if you have amazon prime. I think it's still free. You have to go and get it now. The really good game Man you hooked on it. Oh i played it for four hours straight on the i haven't been to yet But yeah man this is you know what it is. It's first person it's got that eighty s kind of vibe to it with the you can see the trailer here actually got a trailer going on the background. It's got the eighties vibe to it's very tron like in in a way but it's I don't know if anybody remembers buying a commando. Of course i made by ana commanded remastered. Yeah exactly or even metro even metric as you know. Santa's has a grappling beam. It's basically that but hey do you wanna speed run levels like that. So you're you're watching it now and yet you can go fast but this the the main character goes fast. Like gotta go fast. The yeah just seeing the leaderboards. It's amazing people are finishing these levels with that with the time that they're showing there but the game allows for a lot of freedom and creativity. So you have all these platforms here you can see i guess all described for the podcast these solid platforms there and you can grapple onto them and pull yourself in and trying to reverse a levels in this you know big platforming landscape so platforming speed running There's some shooting mechanics in there too. But it's not really that that that in-depth there's only one level i've encountered that had enemies in it aside from that but the beauty of this is you can slow down time for like a short amount of like maybe like ten seconds which allows you the the time to figure out where you are at plan out what you're going to latch onto next and then go from there so that that's part of the beauty of it. Of course it reminds me of mirror's edge. Yeah that's another. That's an yeah kind of parkhurst thing is just hooking. Yeah it's exactly. There's some levels you'll have like these death Spaces that you can't land on them. We're also it's game over yet to start over from the beginning but it is just the thrill of the first person perspective too. I think if this was like third person game. I probably wouldn't be feeling that throw but it's it's the first person perspective you get a lot of creativity you can make up for your mistakes. You can kind of move around the levels as you please for the most part which allows for a lot of creativity and i i that and also yeah for now a limited time but if not it's on all the major Downloadable pc platform steam. It's seem. It's on god. It's i don't know what other ones and i gotta tell you. Man i fifteen bucks. I played it for four hours. I don't think i'm even close to being done is probably i think maybe i'm probably like four hours of game play and that's me just trying to beat levels and not really trying to get aim for high scores or anything like that. Yeah fifteen bucks. I i could see if it's anything that definitely get it because wiscon- dropped ted's my safe all i got malay game.

01:20:10 - 01:25:02

Yeah there's always sales isn't always going to be. There's there's a you can get. There's a demo right. Now try it out for yourself. It's definitely going to be if it's my jam simply your jam promo code cyber detroit. Whatever whatever metro. Because i i love the grappling hook mechanic and metro prime in all the metro prime games one two and three especially three because at the we remote. And you could you jerk people henry handy everybody if you wanna get t of t shirts ten seasons but yeah you can the mechanic with the none checking. Pull off the armor or shields from enemies in metric prime. Oh man i hope metric prime for has stuff like that with the the switch joy cons anyways. Yeah man this. we're oh man. This game was fun man. This game is really fun. Definitely please port this to to all the other consoles by the way whoever made this Graffiti games there. You go all right folks. it's not just about the non sponsors out there. Sometimes we have to give a shout out to the real sponsors that help us here at sports. Skews i'm going to tell you about this one. It is anchor. If you haven't heard about anchor is the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain first off. It's free great for you. Great for me. Great for anchor. There's creation tools that allow you to record. And edit your podcast right from your phone or your computer. I've used it on both of my computer and my phone easy to use. I love it anchor. Distribute your podcast for you. So it can be heard on spotify apple podcasts. And many more for those of you. Listen to sports. Goes you know we're on a wide variety of platforms. We cast a wide net and anchor is one of the services that helps us do that. You can make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership. It's everything you need to make a podcast in one place. Which is why. I love it. One stop shop for everything that i need. Download the free anchor or go to inker dot f. m. to get started all right. We'll charles remove on nfl playoffs. Let's get to it. Let's do it so yeah. Let's let's start first game baltimore vs buffalo man. What the office may play these teams. That were not fill. It wasn't even like blah. It wasn't it wasn't snowing wasn't any of that. It wasn't any of that stuff. It was just like nobody woke up to play that day and seem like except maybe the defense is. I'm not even sure of the defenses to be honest to a degree. I'll say start a little bit because we look how Lamar jackson kind of as with a running. But we already knew. A little bit baltimore's weakness. But i feel ashamed that that's the team that i lost to her. They did not look anything like the team. But the thing is the you know before the ravens got onto that hot streak in year. Maybe it was just that they they finally got cold. They weren't playing that well it very consistent before they on the hot street that was. Is that baltimore that you saw there and buffalo. Kinda played like the team that we be forty to sixteen. Yeah we wasn't that it'd be down on the dolphins. It's a team. That looked to reliant on josh allen. And i know he say that but you really felt it because devin singletary can really get going. I think there was really embedded. Try anything with tj yeldan or the newly signed devante freeman to kind of get anything out there. Stefan dixon animal. Yeah but that was glowing coverage and listen and get it. I understand drinking the rain right now. Or just chugging you guys up kick at something because we already know steph on digs. Was the leader. Most receptions the twelve hundred yards as well like fourteen touchdowns in addition to it and yes. Yeah like hundred yards. Everything came into it without coverage a fly route. Yeah out of all the things. Because i like seeing the. Nfl app has these great insights on the game and really the only way that they could talk about what onto. Because there's not much else positive to talk about from that game.

01:25:04 - 01:30:03

I mean own defensive battles are going on because of the weather that you have. It was just really like if felt like everybody was tired. And i'm tired of these football games. Where no one shows up Thing and i understand i understand. I am just demanding so much of what my entertainment is but my weekends are valuable and to make not just one but two of my weekends. Just full of duds or felt like duds is kinda almost thought accepted me. This is why i was talking about with my buddy. We hung out friday or no sunday. And i said you know my thing about football is especially with the show. I'll wash it know what's going on and everything like that but you know that's three hours of my life professionals at and i don't necessarily want to lose almost eight hours a day watching something that's going. Bring me minimum joy. I can watch the casual games to is why this why i game when i watched these cakes. Yeah but i didn't want to make that set approach. The i think last week with the Which one was this news. I had to watch the pack mistake very very area. That was just terrible and the watching. This game was just the nfc games. Were better. even though i didn't watch the second and then what was the other. Afc gabe so we talked about earlier. Gliding odds city Browns candy so everybody's a browns fan. Now we betray can't catch wins one championship after the fifty years of sucking has the most humble head coach. Who is the head coach. Wore the little damn a welder mask. And you saw blue errol's browns we now. Hey kansas city cleveland browns. I've noticed that because now it's like oh. Kansas city's the big bad team. That's the people they're like. They're the patriots. No i mean they can. Patrick mahomes the new star. And everybody loves andy reid. Nobody's hating on him. But now it's like. Oh yeah kennedy's too powerful going. Be them as i'm like. This is only the second year of since you saw the highness. Come out man. When mahomes went doubt. I was bare teeth young young really like kansas city. You just like last year that it was tom brady. Well guess what folks you're gonna get hit and tenfold by kids might get like well. I don't know worst case scenario for a lot of people on. Nfl maybe but yeah. I didn't watch the kc game All this was that chad henny is still alive. I didn't know that starting afc championship game because even though they say mahomes clear if the nfl really cares about concussion protocol she used to want to jeopardize at young man's health rain though start. The loss will be justified thousand predictions. If you lose our chattan any nobody would believe you. I i i hi ho man i i have a feeling he's gonna play i have a i. Don't i think he he will want to play. We all know that where it's a five hundred million dollar man man sheesh. But he's he's sitting there he's got he cradle that legacy. You know everybody wants that legacy already got the money. Now it's about that legacy and oh get that. The jordan flew game. Everybody wants one of those. Like the the patrick mahomes back from concussion game. I don't know that. I feel like he's gonna play beal. It say oh man of crazy though mahomes. Concussion jackson got the concussion to screw thing. At least you have chat any. And i know people like Upside that that's better than tyler. Huntley coming in there and that offense just went to crap right after. But you know all saying can't city. If you sort chad henny and you lose no one is going to put asterix on your fantastic season where they went thirteen in one fourteen into. There's going to be a lot of all you're gonna get is a lot of grief if you lose you start. Bombs can have all the perfect game. But no one's gonna remember the heroes like that just saying and onto the nfc. So matt rogers listen. He's failing at the biggest stage is what i would love because not.

01:30:03 - 01:35:01

I couldn't do it because it's just what the at three touchdowns two passing one rushing to ninety six ers twelve gains two hundred and fifty plus yards and two touchdowns passes second most all time with joe montana. Aaron was hurt. There's no cooper know and it was a good defense that he faced doing that. You know the rams gave up the the least amount of passing touchdowns this year so you know is that cam akers the only rams to show up so you know what cam akers was the guy i was counting fantasy football bite interest rates but i remember him putting a little bit low logo that That beaten on us it was planning for. Fsu will you reply so you know. I think highly of jim. I forget that we have stream elements even sponsors. You guys can see jamal. Murray and the nuggets host the oklahoma city thunder is at nine pm action. Unless that's on a sponsor we now have twitter updates from nba nhl. You incase. there's breaking news or anything that happens on the show we can be like. Oh you know. I kinda like that. Look i've been put this on the record. I have never said the era trash. I just think he's overweight. And it comes into a lot of it because if he so great if he's that fantastic or is that other reagan. I know what you're saying. Charleston full that what. He's got the one you players. Don't get one come on now. I know you've got the same on his brad johnson and don't but still present company right but this is where i gotta tell people because i think started this. There was a lot of excuses that kind of came into it. But this people forget that hackers team was super dominant. it's not as if they all want the hell hound year. They won the super bowl. They went fifteen women. The next year they lost the giants the window was there. Aga say has the windows closed now where you just have great success of quarterback but doesn't mean you have great team productions. Yes the defense is scarier because spent money on real teams because they had thomson route and yes the jordan valley better players now. He's actually got a boy. Better coach mccarthy to sucks. I don't. I don't know man i'm on. I'm not the whole amount of michael foreman because molo butthurt because he was our coordinator. If you guys want coordinators go reach houses blogs websites right yeah. Yeah charles's music now. Well listen i say this. If if the petty godzilla out there that supports me. And i guess i have to sacrifice a goat over the weekend but think about this. Why would i not be validated in everything i've been saying about overrated and can't really just win as the way that you think he's gonna win if he loses. Tom brady this weekend. The ultimate there's no way i can say the phase knowing that. There's a hard minutes lying saying that. Aaron rodgers overrated. I can't do that. Tom brady imagine the smuggle a gun because they did move wealth already and also guess what is coming back. Stock joe aging. This is going to be really interesting man because okay okay the other game. Yeah the old man bull. We have reasons done bird transition to the game. Yeah no he's he the that's that's the way he's going out good for good. He didn't have like dan marino implosion but yeah it is time we all the big news afterwards and with the kids and whatever he was like yeah go go go. Make your millions of dollars in the booth. You'll be fine there but it's time inside you have. He's got nothing. More to prove is going to hall of fame. He's got his rang. Save new orleans franchise. What else can you do all right. He's going to have a statue out there. It's it's it's all it's all well good artist. Though new orleans did not plan to say what you will about drafting jordan love but in case something happens whatsoever got somebody that tastes jamus james jim when you're dealing they might bring them back the jails. Are you hope that carolina cuts teddy be. That's a possibility. Matt rhule's not saying now in there already. Yeah and he played the best with them. Yeah that's rookie. Knows the the system and everything like that. That's the long game it's like you're letting your men get paid at. Because he had a bad season gets cut by the panthers. You can underpay.

01:35:02 - 01:40:00

Mickey lummus get it done but they one thing. I've always said of one. It's time to get rid of quarterback. And i guess this is. The gm fire became a gm. I would be cheap. But i'm logical admitted. A quarterback cost a third of your salary. Cap is the minute you really get rid of them. Unless he's a generational talent. It's not like we're getting day. Shawn watson s the problem with them old quarterbacks they end up costing you a lot of cash that you are not going to have the pittsburgh steelers mind you is a one year deal but they like reworked some stuff. Look how much drew put them in a cast. A cash free help you know salary cap. Hell by all the times on the more money was eating thirty forty mil coming into it s lot of cabbage ashort at now. Now you're without though because you can always pay for that back. Pay for that guys that he thinks can contribute and it's just not their own. Yeah no one's going to have to figure out some options sheesh james out there yet teddy bridgewater cam maybe even know camps. Going to be if i have you. Predictions cam is going to be a backup in philadelphia because it's still don't think carson is going to be there. I think that relationships irreparable even if they filed with abbas vilis can see some suitors. Because we don't know. Philip rivers is coming back. But you know frank reich coached carson wentz. There's a and appealed there. And i don't think carson's that guy were philly can say no to you know i don't think they would say no to any I'll tell you right now. Elite to the dish lots going. Stop reading the gotcha news. stop it. Stop reading the atoms analogous savary nash reports where they go and they say oh. Hey sources said this is really the last time the nfl we not the nba. Where a star forces himself out there last quarterback i can recall that put himself out was carson palmer when he was with cincinnati bengals and he was like on a retired. I'm retired. you don't wanna go to that team. And what do they do. They train oaken. I still i don't know if i like carson palmer not just say that right now because i remember kind of thinking how fahey was when he does interview like a week after he got. Sent to oakland's like it's amazing. Two weeks guys retired quarterback now franchise guy at work. You don't have that's what he said. Go find it. I remember is a few day. Shaw twenty five hundred plus million dollars contract with one hundred five guaranteed five years. Yes still dry and set you back. But if you're gonna kinda compl- i guess it's a deeper philosophy but it's going to be the biggest offseason news. I guess that's why we're talking about now. Aside from the presumed matchups in the moment. Is that okay. So knicks his area. Wasn't you weren't consulted about him be hired. There might be some more behind the scenes stuff. I don't know how much is not like a player. I think necessarily contribute to a hiring of a gm a coach absolutely one hundred percent agree but a gm. That's different kind. And i'm not saying that. They sean signs Wisely intelligent will plays division. I love. I would love to have him on my team but he is generational and houston is not stupid enough to give away a. He was generational. The mummy step the field so i read the stories about him. Go to miami. i left. they don't want to be is to not special to might be service of all. You might develop. I think miami actually gave weapons of different story. But they know what they're getting. The guy was a rookie who was projected to break like thirty touchdowns of forty five yards in egypt towards the end and i'd need the equivalent of the herschel walker trade in order to get him out of houston right now absolutely. Anything is the balls on his court. He has a no trade. 'cause i must be traded. I don't think he would enforce it. Because you know if i was like okay. We're gonna put you in a who. You're the patriots. Watch find the head. No capital gains in weapons there. You know it's interesting. Say but doing live right now would be like a black hole for them just as an example so he's not going anywhere started with that logic. It's not happening. But it's amazing because you have somebody who's twenty-five looming around dying houston to bring it all back together you have young guys. Afc and then you have the old guys no matter what we're gonna have a us over the age of thirty five. Yeah that's that's what i like about. The new garvers is old guard right. Now if you have any teeth miracle and it's all different styles of play to appreciate most not. Yeah you have to the mcas two guys but Jot out runs much more. Yeah i mean like steaming. And i kinda hell says my front yard.

01:40:00 - 01:45:06

I kind of see it. Because i remember his at the kosher with a paid thing was two thousand three to four aby time was running and gonna do everything can just put in that same back. Then you have brady is. It's the cast of weapons because he played against new orleans. Either because Marshall lattimore was kinda but he can't cover everybody right And they have garden. Johnson was the other one and then you have air rogers who really just him. Davante adams davante adams shut down. You know i mean it was as a as ing aspiring but Yeah be weary of that too. So i wanna see with that kind of leases to and i hate to say it but you know who. I want this outcome out to tom. I won't eat. I wanna be tom in buffalo. At what greater story than the menace. Because who was the happiest people. When tom brady signed with the buccaneers. Everybody needs don't you everybody you to but it was mostly the bills right. Yeah is there have been one of the only few actually gets the playoffs. Like twice out of like fifteen twenty years and they go get. Why don't you love your role to be tolerant terms at us up one more time i i want that i want by by one of my best. Friends is a huge bills. Fan is almost sorry by need to see this. I mean the buccaneers against buffalo. Like a horrible horrible villain. It's that phrase on on your best day on my worst day you've never catch me and that would be the wrong. You know what it's like it's like cloud and steph. Roth doesn't matter what game cloud ed the next several like here. Because here's a matt brady. Winds wouldn't buffalo wouldn't that be the most special super bowl win for buffalo one. They been to dance floor times. Never closed out but what greater way to pull that off then go against a man who deprived you of all those super bowls who got all his ripples without once injured division. Waxed poetically where you had to deal with. Jp las men and trent edwards and frigging ryan fitzpatrick and drew bledsoe a patriot scrub coming into. You had to go through all these guy. And i could list mush more bills because they have had halls just says. Many horrible quarterback says the dolphins at the jets. Are everybody in the afc east. Everybody sees pretty much. I mean the jets. Get away with it a little bit because even though they had some opportunities jets. Yeah they have. Those two seasons with rex ryan and and sanchez. But yeah panicked a little bit too but yeah so it just kinda comes in but man after after everything that they've kinda come from and what they do and they get it done with jim kelly. That's last yet. What great way to solidify josh allen. Success vent have that. Tom brady or how the statue room right away. But how great also be stop loss how. It wasn't bill belichick. Tom brady the entire time. Our love that. I okay all right. So that's the nfl. Let me get one of the small segments out of the way and then we can On over the cage to close it out all right okay. So let me see. What can we work with here. I get that. Not the non sponsors. Let's go culture swine. Uncultured swansea always a good choice because even now we talk a little bit about what we think we know but we have. The educator got smarter cells up boys and girls. I decided to dip right back into that. That india population there that we now have so. We're gonna do another cricket team or yeah exactly exactly right. The eighteen country strong. We're doing the. I hope i'm going to pronounce his right. The rajasthan royals are. They also have royals team out there. They went with the alliteration. Unlike the last team which was very upsetting. I forgot what was the name of indian. Yeah i i. I don't know if i said the moon by measures of whom by monsters or something like that but the lobby does that. Yeah yeah so the royals get it. They understand then. Got the the basically almost the same color scheme as the kansas city royals. They're blue gold white. So roseanne royals establish two thousand eight playing the indian premier league.

01:45:07 - 01:50:01

They won one championship. The inaugural championship of the premier league in two thousand eight. Funny thing was. They were the underdog that entire season or nobody had them winning that championship or eight championship that season. But lo and behold they win the first one ever. That's only one they've got But they've run into a bit of trouble in their time as a as a team back in two thousand and ten the bcc which is india's cricket governing body. They expelled the team from the league. But the royals appealed they remained in the league. While the appeal was going on and ultimately a court didn't move the the bcci dropped tirelessly and they remain but then they received a two year ban in two thousand fifteen the owner was doing some sketchy things and lo and behold. He is banned for life from the league. Jeez yeah it was a thing. I don't know it had something to do with like Like like bids on the. I don't know something about ownership of the team itself. I was like those sort of insider trading. I have no idea something like that. You've called the mets. I may have no idea. I try to look it up. Honestly i honestly try to figure out what what it was. But i couldn't figure it out. They had a two thousand and thirteen betting scandals. And there's another thing there are they okay. That was part of it too. That was part of but there was some sketches stuff with the owner there too so some betting some some things like that never good when bedding is involved in the league so that that's what happened there and they play at probably going to butcher this name. So why man. Singh stadium cricket stadium in. Well you said it was confident. Yeah yeah so why months. Sing the saint part man saying whatever. The cricket stadium in jaipur rajasthan india seats about thirty thousand people open in the very nice year of nineteen sixty nine. That's all. I can say about that stadium. They hosted one test and nineteen. Odi is i have no idea what those are. I think the test is like a test match between india pakistan those those those are perennial rivals in sports and in life. Yeah you can read. All about that later. On on your all. The time about the hostilities between india pakistan. Get into it. you won't get into it either. Charles we're not gonna touch that. We are uncultured swine and we know our place so we won't get into that and that's all i can say registan royals and that's you know. Yeah do you or walkout. Music is royals missing. You're giving all of these teams different songs on dammit man. The panthers are losing right now. All right well in charles. Let's let's close out. The show shall we. Let's get to it. Welcome everybody your weekly drink. Flex a cage with charles couple things. Real reseda introductions first time users wrestling is not fake it is scripted it is a stage fight is a dance ballet. It is a story of men and women chasing transient ships out for blood. China prove themselves improve who they are and to succeed also beat the holy hell out of each other now. It's kind of a quiet time wrestling world for charles. Yes and no you ask the charles It is it's wbz time right. Yes so you can watching right. No because the problem is what's coming up the royal rumble starts next week. We're gonna do this show a little bit differently because it kind of quiet. All my own little learn go for uncultured swine royal rumble. What do we know about it. Because i always do. Men's and women's thirty vannatter of the men's respective royal rumble. Thirty women enter the respectable for their thing. You know they go by the entries after couple. What i think ninety seconds or so than bringing more people are raised three minutes to counter fun. But whoever's the last person standing gets a championship shot at wrestlemainia now mind you the last couple royal rumble winners have been wanted were deflated. Or they're they're they're they're carrying things kinda gone because certain things cv happens. Drew mcintyre one blasio's royal rumble.

01:50:01 - 01:55:01

You want against brock leser at mania be brock lesser Winner of the whims row. Charlotte flare wanna challenge annex t championship from ray ripley berea. You'll see that happen lot. I always say that royal rumbles the beginning of the reset set really so if you have your holiday midseason finale that comes into it for tv shows. That's why we signed the royal court wrestlemanias reset the beginning of the new season So we have some pretty interesting leading into that but we'll again the royal rumble. I really don't know what i have no idea. This is one of those Years were partially because of the baron roster has been going on because a c. b. it. You can put in. Some of miller's vince by hostages cast weight onto somebody that might be or just eh predictable thing that comes into it so you the aj siles. Rainy awarded is burnt facing all cause fun. Storyline there do you may get. It was just like this everything that's happening where people would just declare to be entered into the royal and then you have other people were like. Oh yeah i have to have a match to prove it. I don't know. I can't even give you any predictions. I don't even know who's gonna win the women's and it's kind of exciting 'cause normally i know who like the last five years or another five. I know like the last five people i might say has a chance. Last year's royal rumble. I knew drew was probably because we're pushing him a little bit but then they had surprised like edge roman race was. He's always kind of westlb's be in this your white. Because he's the champion even the defending his title against giving all it's more than a second but the royal rumble comes alive credibility. It's almost like having having the mvp but it's something that if you had bill. A character will learn goof session syphon. Being a guy gets your title shot. It's something that you're referencing. He's won the rogle x. Amount sides he's missed aurora rebel. It's stuff like that if the moniker that you build into it the most wins for a royal rumble With rashawn sean had to. I think sean got back to that. Ninety five ninety six and allows you to kind of have an easy bill to wrestlemainia issues can be kind of interesting. Because if. I don't know who's gonna win. Vince probably gonna win. And that's concerning all intensive purposes. I haven't prediction though. And i'll give you full roster of who might be of what i assume like myself i but i think they're gonna try the well again with keithly and give them that opportunity. But we might get keith lee at he'll essentially between him andrew because him andrew had a good match legends. Night watch because Every time it's legend site. I changed the channel because that's just me. I'm sick of all wrestlers stealing the spotlight from new stars. So that why. That's why absolutely furious. Goldberg of all people is having a deputy championship against drew mcintyre. And here's the thing. It's pure fifty fifty. I think foreseeably goldberg could win. 'cause he beat the fame last year at a random. Saudi arabia pay per view and then dropped the belt to braun. Strowman because cv. But you vince. Vaughn put goldberg vs roman reigns in the master spears concept which makes sense goldberg. Doesn't you with the spear pens with the damn jackhammer. So we have gobert. Resist drew at sarah your cv. The ratings on raw have been low francisco. They've been under two million since like drew's been champion. No one's really gonna say because a cpa people are going to say because of probably drew being the main guy and you look at drew. He's a strong guy has looking. He's gotten better mike. He looks like he could. Beat you up vince man. He always attributed those championships to end the ratings. Those ratings are down. Maybe it's you and they look at goldberg. Goldberg is everybody knows streak. Everybody knows his ex people. Forget the fact that he try to break the undertaker's Saudi arabia pay per view event. That they have because he's fifty something in all very well built. He's one of those guys that looks like he'd beat the hell out of me but events does more probably your old. Yeah you know. It doesn't mean his gable wrestler. But there's a strong possibility that scares me. Rumbles carried thirty four so i might be a week to prime onto it but here we are in the conversation. So let's talk about the focus. W i really don't have much on aid of your new japan. Also like a little bit of that impact in their car for a second. But would you have is like roman reigns real care show. Smackdown has been fantastic this year. And you have roman reigns was supposed to against adam pearce. Who is a figure head in the wb. And then he's telling him unless roman only give you one last chance back out this. You don't want this roman in his huber's like i want you. I want you to last man standing match so the old swerve came around is that we will get nakimora idea. But came to be a kevin owens Nephew they're going to be a last man. Sow a challenging and their matches have been stellar. Their matchy was beautiful because roman headed cheat to win their match in the end.

01:55:01 - 02:00:04

The cage on smackdown after christmas was stellar. I think it was for news either. New year's day of highly touted was diller was beautiful roma cheat. My concern is this. I believe the match is gonna be excellent. It comes full circle. We were wrestling comes full circle with me for years ago. Roman reigns and kevin owens met at royal rumble for cannons universal championship. Right and chris jericho w now was put in a shark cage hanging above and an ended with roman or kevin. Owens had help because braun strowman came out of nowhere just like put roman through table. Thus helping owens reclaim his champion shipping and keep it. You're going to have it four years later. You're gonna get the same story result. It's amazing i know owns is going to lose. I don't think. Vince has the balls to pull that trigger. Even though i think he should because owen should be the end game because how they've done. This feud how owens has put himself out there if feels like a new c. boston and that's what they really kind of neat because even though you can create new talent. Would you're saying you always create new talent but you can always create a evolution or a rebirth of a character. I would say you know just one of those things you know the undertaker Kinda weird connection just the way. The mindsets are wrestling. Skills are different. Steven or steve as his old india's seven washington Owens even does stunner man like you could have it. Because what greater. Way to bring down the franchise with someone who's the anti franchise. I don't think vince is going do. I can be last man standing match. But i think the resulting be someone from four years ago because somebody is not going to be j. romans cousin who comes out in helps Roman wins last man standing match. It will probably be jimmy. The other cousin who's a twin Tax usos they'll be back at full strength and you can run that ali summerslam. But i'm i'm amazed at it mirrors like that's great. I think it was all incidental or maybe even says plan. The rest of the card is kind of underdeveloped. I'm figuring that randy in the fiend are going to go on to mania which is fine because full story comes to a closer all comes full circle because bray and randy when against each other at a maniac a couple of years back about three years ago for wb championship alabi no title but you can always have it back and put i always like getting his credibility getting its role. I like him. Succeeding could be. One chefs gets the women's titles. I don't think i've really kind of been put out there. Sasha's going against. I don't know who is going to utilize oscar just merged title. Same thing with the smackdown tag team championships. Raw tag team championships. Riddle and bobby lashley. Entertains me cracks me up. It's stupid. I like it but right now is not really the time where i watched all raw because when i talked about the royal rumble bill. Lacking you're not bringing in a lot of blood. Feuds matt not bringing title feuds right now the only are invested are obviously the fiend and randy but we know that can go pass or a rumble. But we kind of know what's going to happen is that brazed gonna come back. As being character and probably screw radio ver- rubble that's a national building to a bigger storyline. At the at me basically romania any other store care about is roman and owens because with drew. It's just kind of been like i'm gonna beach Bu would like some of death. Because i can't watch that i have to watch that. That's what's terrible and you know. I will text you end. Andrew gorgeous beat this. I'll be crying because i do. Every time there's a crazy reaction over and other happy worlds news san. They're still setting everything to new beginnings everything task slow right now by bullied their paper. He was january. Thirtieth i expect sonata and coded put on match. Everything is weird. I don't know how i feel about shingo. Takagi versus hero. She taught how she for the open championship. I think should be a banger. But when we do with the ace man. I think it's time to kind of make him into a bad guy. Twenty years in the business. You're allowed to do that or at least have challenged up to it gets on the going on there. There's some history and makoto roy. Tag team couple months ago when they were trying to go for the world tag team classics. But i'm interested to see what they're doing there i. I'm trying to figure out what they're going to do with the bullet club finance very relevant everything. We're about to talk about so. The bullet club to learn a segment is a stable. Created from new. Japan originalist valor princeton over. There On an but is also in. W and came up with carl anderson and then include a lotta other guys that Styles senate kenny. Omega was the young buck Hanged patriots senate. Adam cole wasn't so many people are in the club is like you know the joke. Stiffler that kind of joke about like american pie but now the leader of blue j. Why is supposedly leaving kensington. Quotation marks Really that's storylines of work because remember who joined bully club evil wouldn't even do won the championships loss.

02:00:04 - 02:05:08

Of course bacteria united but it happens right but then we have our j white who was not successful when he challenged kota Fifteen so maybe this is actually a real store delta less destroy the stable from with it era. Tried a couple of years back about your change to the day when tomasson allow Fail then haiku people because he's relates of course Called the calm. They're not the oh. Jeez the cops on the oggi's but the cleaning crew or whatever. There was on the company. Because i thought about but not think about but basically taken out the denway. So now they're bringing navy the whole like j. white versus evil story Do something to resolve the political but then we took a very interesting turn because last wednesday remember high talked about kenny omega and the young bucks and then call in luke gallows the good brothers and how they're all together Last wednesday was interesting because in. Aew world it was supposed to be kenny omega teaming up with the young bucks ago against whoever whatever you know go from on to beat up some dudes because the young turn iligan. They going left rights like flipping a coin of good guy. Bad guy arocca. Goethe's good by the way she said Issue still pit bulls like fantastic low like forty years. Beat the hell out of all of us bringing it back as i've gone tangent here but at the end of dynamite. What happens is it wasn't a young bugs that come out. Kenny has enter standing. Gals come out books. Like what the hell Hard to kill tna or impacts pay per view. It was the main event. Kenny omega in the good brothers teamed up to go against rich swann moose and then chris saving because alex shelley was outside could have motor city machine. Guns and kenny was coming out with an orange bullet club's shirt so right now you have eight of you. Impact and possibly new japan thaddeus in the ideas of this cross brand rivalry and i talked about with the pitfalls could be last week but it's a continuation of it now. I like the idea that it was kind of a swerve that the young bucks might be joining with kenny. And and the good brothers is now by position to the young bucks or your aid of detecting champions going against the brothers. Who are your impact. Boral tactic champions. So i like. That idea doesn't seem to me now. It's going to be kind of like a smoldering of youth versus what's cool Believe program has let their wrestlers grow while redoing. New japan does what if we fractured all. And we have like eight. Multi organizational allegiance like a proxy war for ship of the local is probably the most invested that other people will be outside the wwe or casual fan base unlike obeys fire. I like the idea of it. Because i like me some any w you know i watch. It sometimes. beat out on because it's there but eighties putting a little bit better show than Enforce the They're going to celebrate his birthday. On what say which is good. I like things that make me feel a little girl in this world right. open-heart mix. It feels like the grinch. It's growing not three times as big but like two times. Dupay cody follow us on twitter at job. F fj o jr. charles a true We know we ought it. And he kingston still gift. It was on rene packwood's Podcast oral sessions. She's the wife of jon moxley. She used to be a former Everything wb except for wrestler but the interviews backstage on the announced booth. I was very interesting. She did a good little long interview with eddie kings in my mind to send that to you guys. It's like three minutes to get a brief snippets fantasy with those characters. Look like but eight of us interesting. They're still working on the dark order. I dunno of hangman. Page is gonna join Bill that story. I don't know if everybody at the brain trust at his over eight wants to make her still heels when they have better things faces. So it's all just interesting. We'll be watching wrestling of course but as a good right now not yet because what happens when you got the slow seasons. 'cause mania is really when it's going to pick up what we know about mania in the royal rumble. Rural milk only have one winner per division women's. When he gonna do with all the frigate titles that you have deputy right. Only one person can challenge universal or the world championship. Can you build better stories for the opposite side. And that's all i got for you. Okay all right then. Well i think that's it for us for this edition of the show. Charles agree. Yeah we we had a great guest on john. Hart affiliates the all wanna job one of them. Gen z hoops and andrew. Hope you're having a lot of fun out there or have you on with us again next week and Guess we will sign out from here.

02:05:10 - 02:10:16

We've got an actual facebook charles before we before we leave someone who will the bro. I don't know if he asked me. Who will win the royal rumble by russia silva. I'm gonna take as when so. It's tough like i said. They haven't allah build pandemics Baron with the barren rossa. But if i had to predict. I think they're going to if i had to give one name. I go keith. Lee and i think they're gonna do is he'll keithly because him drew already had that match on legends night it was very good. The problem with the keith lee characters inconsistent as hell but just like they did drew last year. You can build credibility and three months if you have a guy be medicine. Beat everybody gets lee. Came onto the main roster round backlash time which was what september beat randy. Orton did nothing with it. Had a title shot lost. They're not going to do the whole mid card rise to the level when us or intercontinental championship. They get to a main title. I think vince is gonna kinda hot. shot at. Because someone's take that off drew. He's had it for basically eleven months right except for that three weeks. He lost randy at helena sell. He's had it and it just hasn't worked rates. I have not been invested too. I think i would like drew as a heel champion. He'll get his opportunity. One of my other friends says seth rollins by deaths to hokey not ready yet right. Because i know. Vincent eventually want he'll roman versus face steph. But we're not there yet if anything. Let's built that or it could be daniel bryan bryan roman have a lotta history together. I feel like it's a. It's a little bit of a baited switch. Because they arrive in saying. Yeah obviously what could take room today. Have history in the fan. Base loves Brian but here's the thing. We don't have the fan base right now. There's no life crowds. We can't get that emotion. So i think vince will wanna try shiny new toy instead of doing something that he rather have people around us right. As my logic granted might be best business. But wouldn't you also love he. I think about this for people who didn't like roman reigns because he was very unlikable for many years as go because he minutes proved on a lot because he wasn't the indies guy. But wouldn't it be great to have people and i loved it. O'brien he's probably top. Two best russell. Other technical wrestling submission wrestling all that stuff to go against roman into get up alliterate. 'cause the heat that you get as a heel is so important but also. Here's the thing about the hand brian. I think he's kinda done winning. The big ones. I think he wants to put over the new guys as why he lay on his back for a year and change ago as it is backward nakimora and he losses his ro on friday. Last friday and cesaro is criminally underrated. Zarro follower show. I love your circle. Great wrestle fantastic wrestler always kinda pivoted as tagging guy. Can't even get a singles push because it's it's being foreign. I feel vince doesn't like to take that. Chance of the can't speak that well Be perfect in. My opinion is fine. He's good but. Brian laid on his back doubt build new stars. What is the message of dune. If you're putting that as aurora a winter so my prediction if i give you two yes i would say chiefly maybe challenges roman said drew as it gets worse because you don't have to specifically challenged that you win on your brand avent goes smackdown anything or it could be dan bryan and we'll see what comes to that but as long as the story is good because we gotta make him into a monster again they make him to do. This was the guy who have not one but two championships in annex t at the same talk over american champion had a great run and he had the title of carrying crosses backed by the way and i love it but then you have down bryant who he knows. He's on his last legs. He's saying they can go back to being a part timer. He's gonna work on creative so baby you wanna give him one last shot but what you accomplish in having him win the royal rebel. Just a win at mania get did that before in a triple threat between randy orton. Batista him. i think it was wrestlemainia. Twenty eight but i got back into great you wrestle twice that though. So what are you doing given the rocas not like who challenged rock couple years in a row in it's not like who is mr back-back i believe failed the first time or did he beat psychosis I gotta get it's too much wrestling Or go against the iron man match against hard. 'cause area had that built in his brief gamay could work for the story. So keith lee meghan to juggernaut. But where do you consciously dan. O'brien spent build all these new stars by giving he's already has wrestlemania moment out the gate -ccomplish much if anything gonna give somebody wrestlemainia moment who has short time in his career yields. Aj styles and he's only got two years left contract. He's gonna retire afterwards. He's forty three Put who did to get you know the one who got caught the guy the finish irvine Because up so high on image ridiculous and i think to capitalize him to give him his roma win and give him his main event.

02:10:17 - 02:12:21

doesn't suck because he put on the best match for shane. And that mania his match with shinsegei was fine but not the best that they can do so give something and image rory. Few didn't they had great. Tlc match you can continue with their or you can have him revisit against roman if anything because really. It doesn't matter about guys being out brands for short amount. I'm just making mash up. That's really what i got for you. Qualify it can compete the rumble old. He could but he got hurt. The triceps story. He hurt his triceps. Backlash from we don't know if he's cleared yet. But if you did it it would be good. But it's not fully set yet because here's the thing. I think vince would keep that injury. Mum of when he's going to be recovered by. I do think edge. We get a wrestlemainia match but triceps. You're usually out seven and nine months. Yeah ex Is also do you want to give him a title. I might give to goldberg all but the difference is because goldberg you only contracted for a couple of times a year so you can give him a title in short distance of time because when he want al. Keep at this. Because it'd be still goldberg. Be kevin owens at faslane right one universal championship the only other match prior that besides entering the rumble and being eliminated by undertaker was brock at survivor series in the ninety second match so he wins at royal rumble. When's that fast. Lane loses the broncos at that wrestlemainia it's short timeframe for story purpose. Minces sadly smarter than the average bear when it comes to that okay all right so an extended cage there at the end thousand dollars on nice. We got some questions they for throwing those questions out to our guru in your charles and we're out though that's we're two plus hours see everybody. We'll see you for next week's episode number ninety. We're almost there almost one hundred almost chow.

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