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SG 88 (1/6-12/21) - Andrew Sagona's CFB Playoff National Championship experience; NBA & NHL COVID

Writer's picture: Sports GoofsSports Goofs

00:00:08 - 00:05:00

Dr ben weber dog. Oh writes what's up. Everybody says francisco joined by my good buddy's andrew in charleston. We welcome you to the eighty eighth episode of sports goose. Eighty eight lord gum man. We've been doing this anytime. How is this possible i. We're getting paid for this. Yeah how is any of this possible. What regardless we are here. And i have to read the spiel. This hippos. already messed this. Up epa epa the. I'm on some new is from new prescription meds. So i'm a little out of it right now. So there's gonna be some slurring and i had a burrito today so i don't know what was in the burrito either if i was able to do the show with elizabeth thought you got this though my petition group to dow change every episode of the epi st quarter little Miami logan there. This episode is brought to you by you our listeners. Supporters up part hero. If you like this podcast and wants to support the work we do. Please take just a few minutes to support us on pod hero. Not only can you support this podcast. But you can provide ongoing support for all of your favorite podcasts. Only a single five dollar and ninety nine cents per month subscription. Answer the question yes. We're using pot hero to support our favorite podcast to and for a limited time potter will donate an additional five dollars to our show behalf. When you join. Just make sure you use the link in our show description. Thank you for your support. Yeah oh man. This is going to be a feeling saucy today for sure. Nobody's claimed the battlefield three video game. I guess it's really hard to give away a ten year old video game on one specific platform but regardless yeah friday sauce with incas. Everybody just wants like a everybody complains about the callback with god forbid he tries a new game new. Ip request coupon it. So guys tommy's crow pie. Get your copy of battlefield. Three or on the battlefield. Or it's going into my backlog it's gonna go in You got like. I think maybe like a week more. Yeah one more episode longer to claim or not. It goes into my backlog and i'll play it five years from now man no. I'm actually getting busier at work. So that's that's the thing who boy boys. It's been a week and has been a week. Let's what games did you guys see over the week. I saw quite a few actual sporting events which is crazy to think about. But that's the reason we have this. Podcast i guess so. I guess i'll run the gamut of what i saw. I saw the heat versus wizards game before before they heat got struck down by cove. It and four. Saying there's like what eight guys available to play tonight against the seventy sixers according to our corresponding brother in arms. Jeremy shea also familiar for swinging a vicious right swing donate because now meyers letters out. We had only one tall white guy. I suppose to white guy. Oh man yeah. Everybody's everybody's down and we'll get into the nba. What the hell are they doing with the virus and you can donate to the fun by the way want to help us get vaccinated and stuff all right get a puts inject five g and tear bodies. So i saw that. I saw an actual college basketball game. I saw yukon versus the paul yesterday because it was the game that was on fox sports before the college football game last night. So i'm like. I guess i'll watch this. It was actually a pretty good game. The paul gave you kinda pretty good fight but they still lost in the end. You was twenty five ranked right now. Men's men's basketball right now. I saw three playoff games. We'll get into that later. I saw indie vs buffalo baltimore's tennessee. Sorry charles and chicago vs new orleans. Those three games that i saw and those are all the sporting events that i saw and i'm super happy this week because the national hockey league starts. Nhl tomorrow tomorrow. Hockey is here.

00:05:01 - 00:10:07

I think it's like one hundred sixteen days worth of hockey from tomorrow until whatever unless the virus does what it does. Which maybe so yeah. Yeah i'm excited about that. Why don't you guys. What did what did you guys see. What what did you watch charl. I watch a lot of football. And i'm saying this now i hit to the point of the age or my weekends are very valuable and i can't spend all my time watching. Nfl plastic danae wasilla time watching plus because a lot of them were just news. I watched the bills colts game. Very good game. I did not watch the either to file against which was the rams seahawks account felt. I knew it was gonna go from there and then idea maraj surprising the redskins game which earned was a lot. Better than what i was told. Let's highlights to anneke mike at shadow later spoilers. Nfl segment saturday. It was kinda day of reckoning Of course i watched Titans in baltimore. And i get to my single top but i'm right i like being right. You've been hurt sneakers. That's me and i watched the saints chicago game. And then there was. I watched the back and pittsburgh browns but there was there was a different game that caught my eye not sponsor so we go from there. I i is. This is a perfect way to to andrew. I abstained from washing college. Game but i feel like andrews is a lot cooler than i am so andrew games to chewed watch. Well i watch a lot of the saints. Bears game was a lot of fun especially with the nickelodeon integration. I'm sure we'll discuss that in a bit Let out i while sh- bit of the now i did see. The bills came a trumpeter ravens. Game before that And i i also saw last night's national championship game so cream okay. We wasn't just have a. How did you watch it. Andrew that the judges sin front of the couch like like we did know. I mattered act. I was seated in the southwest press box at hard rock ohio. That's a that's a flex their andrew a flex baby to you under to right you flex you flex man you flex. Yes for anyone. That didn't know which is probably anybody listening. I had the incredible honor of covering the game last night for cfp I started writing for them last year. Cover art of games to be clear. Though i am not the you beat writer. I guess they happen to be the closest school to me. And i was like okay. Alcober plus. It was a good way to kinda cut. My teeth will. Because i mean with with no offense to you know it's it's one thing if you're covering games ref. Fiu kind of a loaded mid tier conference usa in In our twenty thousand new stadium. It's another to kind of jump the big time and start covering the hurricanes in a sixty five thousand seat stadium mid-tier like kinda wanted to get my feet under me on sports writing That before everything went to shit year. I was planning on covering some gangs. Um as well but then stuff happened. So i was not planning on covering any games this year. But then my Editor came to me and said with your to cover the national championship. And i said fuck yeah boy. Offer camera army. Yeah kind of in the back of my mind hoping that he would ask me.

00:10:07 - 00:15:04

And i even have considered asking him. But i didn't for some reason. Then i he must have read my mind and we were lucky enough to get the approved. The accreditation not even lucky. We're not strike that from the record you want me to get it out of the podcast version. Never know leave this Read at cfp were. We're not lucky. This is the third year in a row that we've been accredited that we've been accredited to go to the national championship game. We covered the one out in herald. The forty niners play. Santa clara covered one last year new orleans and then this year. So it's it's no longer lock or anything or let's them giving their opportunity. We deserve to be here now and you know our reputation seems to be proceeding us because everyone we talked to everyone. I talked to her like. Yeah i'm looking forward to reading your article and stuff like that. So i know that was kind of a long tangent off to correct myself because yes i know you guys are doing some good work by the way your article is up already and there will be a linked to that in the description later on for the podcast version which should be available by tomorrow morning. So yeah so all right so let me. I guess because you are. We weren't there and we have questions and we of course want to know about the experience and everything like that. Because i mean you know. I've covered hockey games. But i was hoping to do the. Nhl all star game this year and that got ruined for me but you got the national championship. You man that is i mean. That's the pinnacle dude. I mean that is that is mount everest right there so so now you've been andrew loves the sport for new people. This is like andrew bread and butter. Right it's blood type right here. You know that's putting some. Ucf just died costs. apply out. People are making talk about chalupa. It's like up there but it's not like this. I served say this. I mean i'm glad i'm gonna say there and then i will explain. I'm glad that ucf was not in national championship this year. Any chance and health and talk back to my constant rants on on the college football playoff committee right by the way if somehow bill hancock or anyone from the cfp committee is listening in my. Do not reflect our cfe my personal views and they do reflect. Sports news. hordes all nothing baby or another So anyway i journalists in your school and francisco you've covered games. You have to be neutral. You have to be a journalist unless you're covering for a team to stay neutral. Yeah i've i mean look i cover the panthers. They know they are my team. I will i. I'll call them out when they are doing terribly. I will be the first person at the stanley cup parade when they do that whenever they win that thing. But yeah when you go to as an objective professional you. I mean i go and neutral colors. I were simple polo. Simple jacket simple pants. And i go from there and i cover the game. I do post game reports. And i am object. I am objective in my criticism with regards to that. I try not to get emotional with this. So i take my work journalists series. I don't think they could have been neutral. If you see was in. That game really looks now.

00:15:04 - 00:20:09

Why do you. I mean is it because of the the gravity of the the game itself. This is the moment signing moment for national championship. I saw on twitter online. I had some people are questioning. How do fans get up for this My that is well. They have nothing else left in their state. So i mean half of them have them probably auburn have them alabama so they have nothing else to look forward to cheer for in their state so this is their thing so this that's how they get up for it but that's all i can say about that but okay so you can't feel that it would have been really difficult if ucf was there for you. Imagine imagine if. And i'll i'll post hypothetical charles as well even though you said. I doubt i would be able to not be critical. Imagine is game seven of the world series cup final or i guess more assertive would be the super bowl. I think that would be more accurate right the national championship game. It's just a one off. Imagine being the frigging routes since the browns were had no jot this year. So imagine a or imagine being fan of your team and you have to cover that you can utilize even just this past year. When the heat went to the finals in that sense it just gets. We weren't expect or anything of that. Nature so i feel it. It's different. i guess. I think what interests me more as i get were andrews coming from because they are you getting any kind of residual paycheck out of it. You're more of a fan for the opportunity right at your so impassioned by your team that you take away. Let's see example being at that opportunity a couple years back about the opportunity to write about the chance. I can understand that That lot for my purposes. It like depends. Maybe i could be objective because i'm critical teams anyway. Herbal talk about last week. Gross i about why it was concerned about the baltimore ravens or even of the yankees maybe my militaristic wanting of success would exception probably me. I'll know if you'd be able to practice. What do you think. I think i would There's a certain mindset switch. Yeah i mean you just click it on you. Just turn it on it. Look these guys. We have the local guys that we follow here will manso and some of the other news. Newscasters news broadcasts. Whatever they they've grown up here to they've the now people. I mean jeremy tash a perfect example he grew up marlins fan but when we spoke to him he was just as objective and you know critical and in a professional manner of what the marlins need and what did he wasn't just i mean he did express his his his feelings. About how man. The marlins made the playoffs for the first time in seventeen years. And how how can you not be happy for that. But at the same time he was also his professional self when he spoke to us about team. So it's it's a personality literal neutral when it comes to my teams as well album is once you start like i work mutually breakdown on how. Ucf did in the boca raton bowl. This year i can break down. I can neutral about regular season games or less important quote unquote. You just feel right now if that was. Ucf let's say the place of ohio state. You would be so sad right now but currently no you'd be happy that they made it to the moment but like he would be able to enjoy the job i think easier you know to put feelings in his body in that sense. I think a something wants to run. This were andrew actually might be great at it if he lost the you know the clock is back here. A little bit You enjoy the sport. I think those people who do it for a living because of the fact that they enjoyed the sport because we all know that there's enjoy the fan base but by not enjoy the full The weather team they might.

00:20:09 - 00:25:03

I enjoy the actual sport you get. I wanna say that. Their casualties per se. But i love baseball. But why should the house. I watch the kansas city royals Yeah kansas city royals pitcher pirates. It's right now between that and you're watching paint dry. They feel like. I know what my aunt of the wild which is just beautiful So i get that i mean. Andrew loves college. Maybe the whole thing is they are a subjected to a twenty eight. Quaint oss really anything. Go switch the mode and say hey i to be. Andrew knows themselves better at sense so but you love that sport now now are do so. Tell us about the experience If you want to divulge into it like you got there and how was because this is a this is a spectacle right. This as much as the virus has affected the the amounts of spectacle. That could happen. It was still a spectacle so how was the spectacle of the national championship game. Stephen ross putting the money over at hard rock stadium to make it a really great venue now. Ever since the marlins left it's been one of the premier sporting destinations now. How was the spectacle of the national championship in person. How well all on it. If you didn't see the drop in person who read who had been coma for past year and didn't know anything about what it wouldn't we can place obviously the sound a bit low that she is a crowd one while but no you wouldn't have been able to tell because the crowd is still really loud especially the alabama fans they were. They were much louder than their numbers would suggest air play the only difference is you'd see the people wearing masks but the often all in unfortunately don't get the marching bands which is a huge part of any game What they did the tweeted. Did something really cool where the they had. I'm not sure if it was prerecorded or live streamed. I don't know what the the million dollar band which is alabama's band and the their am band in the land which is oh excuse. Performed the national anthem And they also performed well not the nationally they perform pregame shows and they performed halftime shows remotely and it was played on the video screens. You can't really call them jumbotrons. They're so small for them to write By which that was a really nice touch it brought a bit of normalcy again. Yeah the downside is you don't get you. Don't hear them playing in between play things like such a huge part of college football. I think it's it's underrated by some y scorer. No when alabama one they had the confetti cannons actually. Let me. let me show off some of the photos that you sent us. So i guess we'll have to describe it for podcast listeners. So i did send us some photos that he did take of his experience. They are from outside the stadium and and on the field after the Pre or post game ceremonies. I see a couple of pins there that you also posted from the National championship and our cfp and photos of the stadiums of panoramas of the crowd. So this is all looking well. Nice and good little commemorative cup and of course The celebration afterwards.

00:25:04 - 00:30:00

So this is so andrew. How would you rate the miami dolphins for putting on this show taptic. Now every day were really good. Role with the broaden outside security company and all that stuff so it was all done by. Cfp But they did a fantastic job Everyone is wearing masks. There were hand sanitizing stations everywhere the pretty much all contact contactless You know they didn't even when it came to the souvenir refills which it was fifteen dollars a souvenir cut but it was really worth it because as you know me francisco. I like me some collectible cops. Yeah yeah and i see on the screen On the someone the photos they had this yet They showed the screen of ohio. State band playing. So that's example sample of what you were saying So they did the. Cfp you the vague. They all did a great rates job. And you know. Obviously i was sorry. I'm still recovering. Were you taking my meds. So how about that. Listen what tiny to get home. Yesterday i got home at rob. We use it after four. Am dear oh. My good- raises go credibility l. Accomplishment you know my ass is getting in bed at one latest you know it can be my wedding after party at if it's one or two. Cinderella is going to have her pumpkin patch. Show can add. Because i was thinking. Because i'm like when i do a panther's game i probably get out at like midnight after i write up all my stuff i was like i was assuming it's game end. Yeah wow a lord. We'll the game and didn't end in earnest until probably close to. I wasn't keeping track of time Right you have the whole game ceremony. Which takes twenty spent a good amount of time. You know staying back in writing up kind of outline of the article And more than that. I spent more time. Because i wasn't allowed down on the field during the game. They do to covert protocol. I said it I heard and whatever arm. We've already been suspended by youtube a while back now. Eight doesn't matter anymore. At this point parlor we are on. It's real yeah. We haven't been banned from the oregon is inciting you to read this man's heredity be mad. for real own. He worked hard for a to. He stayed up late for it Yeah you unless you were actually with the organization you either were the press box or you're on the field that was it. There was no Like last year. When i when i covered as a photographer I mean they were. They were a little bit more lax about field coming up to the press box. Generally they kind of wanted to keep it separate. But you know i was.

00:30:00 - 00:35:08

I was able to go up. Because i needed to help the rider with a tech issue. these he was using my computer. Implicit also gave me the opportunity to upload some of my pictures. Since i was starting to run out of room on the st card but here it was just absolutely no. You are not going on the field. Sorry which understandable in you want to try and limit cross contamination in that regard. And i say cross can cam nation. That's probably a bad word for it. mixing of groups if that makes sense avoiding cooties correct who we should start calling cooties. Oh yeah you can added that kuti's the virus whatever whatever. It is the cv. We've had so many backstreet boys world tour that was stolen of course but As i say so. Yeah after the game You know once once all the pomp and circumstance that ended and everything cleared out. The i guess. The the security guard guarding the feel went away. There was nowhere. Near so's i as i was heading out. I said let me try. Because i left the press box probably look at two. Am and then went down to the field that i was. I was property out on the field for at least thirty minutes of photos down there too and that that's just the best pictures i had selenium more hot on. So so wait. So you've been on a major league baseball playing field now. An nfl playing field anna hockey surface. So you've you've got three. You just need to get on the nba surface. That's that's all we need. We need to get andrew on the court for the sport he cares about the least well. You have any streaking. Aspirations andrew mechanize arena. Say this. I don't really count the count. Nfl or mlb. Let me say this. The mlb one is because it wasn't used for mlb purpose. I mean technically yes. I have been on. Mlb an nfl nhl service but the nfl surface is not used for nfl and the mlb surface was not used grandma or be if that makes sense. Yeah no i get it but still your stopdown their dream though you you were watching you watching it from respective our lord and savior. Derrick jeeter would transit right now so don't take away from us andrew lead on the nfl. That was the same place where go- cabrera took roger clemens deep to right fielder and the world series see. That's a good question. He said francisco. You know much more vow layout a that i do. Where was i sitting in relation to hold when the marlins were okay. It all depends on hold on. Let me see south west corner so okay. I don't know if you can see the twitch screen but do you see it. Let me think. It's whatever photo that i have here. That's in the corner there. The thing is i can't because they covered up the dolphins Retired numbers in ring of honor. Because if i could see where. Dan marino is placed. Then that's right field. And that's where i know where you're at because they have the flags up there like the state flag florida and the us. I don't know where the dolphins moved there after they. I'm sure i could figure it out. But i don't have time for that for now but i'll tell you later i'll tell you later when i figured out nowhere anywhere. He repeated if you know if i could come her an nfl errol and wonder if the marlins would give us media credentials.

00:35:10 - 00:40:00

Oh i mean you could you could. Actually i mean you could write it up and you can look. We can look into it if you want. Maybe we've got to credential writers on our stat that's true. It's i mean you you never know you never know what will look into it. You check out our if you wanna see all the her all right so now. Let's that somebody dropped that know. Okay regardless I guess people andrew can you hear me. I can hear. Okay charles dropped. So he's gone so he'll he'll be back all right. Well we'll we'll we'll continue here without him and he'll he'll pop back into worry he's back. Welcome back charles. It's a connection loss. I was going on suggestion for a statement until the Computer opening okay. So we haven't talked anything about the gay and rightfully so because man talk about the game man talking about the game. Because i am right. And i will always take the five minutes of charles's right about doing your petty petty going to be even onto my h Exactly as it is. I'll help also more played way. I was talking about the national championship game. You're you are ready for that one aren't you. Yeah no. I'm talking about this one where the game. You're we both knew those i- i- andrew. I watched it mainly. Because i was hoping to see you the field because i was kind of like part of me was looking for you but i'm like i don't know if you'll be on the field or whatever but i. I was looking at the corner by because those playing batman at the same time but like once we got to the half. I'm like ooh. I'll keep the game on but i am not paying attention to that from the out. So how was. I know the alabama fans were psych nods of but how was i guess the atmosphere in the neutral zone the press box. The people were just like a blow out was. Was that the sentimentality. It was just like oh these ohio state guy frauds. We were off of. Ron k smith was doing fontaine is the was. This year's heisman winner the first wide receiver to winston president howard. Nine hundred ninety one It was nothing short of unbelievable where he was able to do it. Every in the had diving catches he had guy racked up two hundred fifteen receiving yards in one. Half one half he. He came out of the game injured. He your dislocated his finger early in the third quarter so he didn't play the rest of the game. We didn't play the second half. But he had a twelve receptions which is a a game not just not just half a game. bcs cfp record. So he had the most receptions of anyone going back to nineteen ninety eight which is the first year that the bcs happen. He had the most catches his routine receiving yards dream or the most half and most in a single half and he was seven yards away from setting the game record for any. Cfp game yet. Every dolphins fan right now wants them to pick them at number three if he's going to be available at that spot i don't know who's number two but the jets right. He's definitely going to the jets. Oh god justin fields did not help that. Determination devante is presumably orange. Mack jones i think propelled himself to being a top five because even though we know he's unseasoned throwing like five touchdowns or what three hundred as something yards in a big time game like that. That's how mark sanchez got it. When he had like the foreign jobs.

00:40:00 - 00:45:03

The rose bowl. If you if you want me to be specific which i can because i believe he had thirty six for forty five so he was. I think at eighty percent accuracy for the game or four hundred sixty four yards and five touchdowns yet. That's that that's top material. Whether or not he is actually a top five tau and there is a difference between a top talent in top five pick because a lot of becomes necessity not to mention and it's also this small sample sons. He's a senior. So this is last year short of him deciding to use the the Waiver go and get paid. I'm just saying it's he has the option because because of the virus he'd be allowed an additional year eligibility of year. Yeah at this point. What more do you need to do right. But this only season as a starter because it was his Jalen hurts then. It was too so he. He never had the starting gate till this year but he he made the most of he set the fps record for completion percentage in a career or season. I think and the can't remember. But he had a seventy seven point four percent completion rate. I mean i'm looking at the draft order to connected altogether. I mean we know drivers presumably in jacksonville. The jets i think are and be like no rather have a talents in devante smith and if we suck we can get next year's batch guys out there the to state of tragedy because we only have right so yeah who's to say getting other jones fields wilson. Everything's didn't make that team better if he's still throwing it to garbage bouchard perriman robbie at nairobi's on the panthers who's the one who i'm thinking of i wish around that They signed big money over to at the check. Real quick but It's chris hogan is even so flame more. You is so afraid is not sure who you mean. He's james inquiring jamison crowder. Oh denzel mims. When he was coming out believe baylor. I mean what would you rather take devante smith. You can ride the high tell. But here's the thing. There's going to be a mass exodus of quarterbacks this year you might be able to run the gambit on a matt stafford they martine may be g becomes available. All these things that come into play other other talent. Because you know that one talent is gonna make you build your franchise because we're running back. You need so much. Getting be one reason why sam darnold psyche was injury prone because offensive line was just or mack jones because justice field stats just and it's not like i mean what i can't tell you. The last ohio state guide was. Actually i mean what a cartel jones and come out of it I swear there was another one that i don't really file much except for my By they don't transition quarterbacks that well coming into but just in fields wasn't necessarily bringing in much of the game in in the big game gets a defense that seem more ready especially in a year or criticism from fans itself that weren't licking the boots of any kind of big ten Team so you could easily have jones. And i don't think he's going my elkins but that'd be silly over there but he can go to atlanta. I like matt Matt ryan but matt ryan's expendable f forty two one million dollars or how much money the cincinnati but philly. Maybe i think that'd be silly. But detroit at seven so he leaves a surefire top ten probably guaranteed. Because you know what miami they might just trade out the top. If they're not going right now right now. I mean the only thing. The dolphins are focused. Dolphins focusing on is. Are they gonna stick with two or are they going to go for for shawn watson. I yeah i. I have a comment there. I have a comment. Their dna join haskins. Was the other one area. Forgot him because he's not on average a team i am.

00:45:05 - 00:50:04

I'm this is that we're even having discussion of is still the guy he played one fucking season. And you're all hard blame. The cardinals objected. Let's blame the card astros in kawamori. What is getting cuyler. Murray get you do else. Because what they want to enforce rosen day to day go francisco. You are the you're on the you're on the the standard. The cardinals I i think it worked out for them. They got a good quarterback but one quarterback is not a team make so an-an-and very competitive division like that. It's not enough not enough with seattle in los angeles and a healthy san francisco out. They josh rosen. Been given a chance. I don't even know if he's ever going to get a chance he's been screwed over. Both of his stops. Dolphins fans are just pathetic. Man they are worth offense on. They worse than heat fans to be honest with regards to the panic buttons and all that stuff and i know it's been four billion years since dan marino retired. But let me be honest. Your guys and i know this isn't a perfect analogy because the nfl's a multi billion dollar entity. I if all of the made a mistake in the first year all were fired for being slavery sub are Not as much salary man. Yeah well that's the thing. Well okay. we're not so. I give you guys my assessment of the dolphins situation. Because i'm the only one that actually cares about the team. Even though it always sounds like that. I hate the team but i do. I hate the dolphins. And i like them at the same time. You hate them. 'cause you up yeah and vice versa. So i thought two was fine. He didn't fricken. Blow me out of the water all right. We weren't making. I don't even to what's to a tigers. Whatever you wanna call the the t shirt that we can make out of that. We were making henry handy's to twist the twist the tour tug. I've no idea but regards. We weren't doing those t shirts. because he wasn't blowing out of the water blowing us. In general so i thought he was fine. The whole like ryan fitzpatrick coming in for like two games to to know To to relieve pitch for him it worked out in one of the games and almost worked out in two of the games. Now is fine too. I get that the buffalo loss at the end really stung but that buffalo team is a good team. Even though charles wished he had faced that good team because they were susceptible to losing and i saw that playoff game. And i'm like ooh man. The colts almost got him. The colts got him. But oh man. I think to us fine if we i would i. I do want to shawn watson. I will say this we get the shawn watson. I will be very happy. I'll be very happy. I'm sure the dolphins will gladly pay for four shawn watson. I don't blame to offer this. I just blame dolphins fans for being so effing desperate that they can't appreciate what did in the short time that he was playing. Half half of the fan base loves them. Half the fan base hates them either way he sold like the third most jerseys and the nfl this year. So it's it's tough attacked bipolar disorder and they are bipolar with regard to their love and hate for to I get your criticism manager. It's unfair to him. And i think it's unfair to them too. I think it is. It's very unfair to him. He did a good job for a rookie for rookie in games extent three. Yeah i mean she's man was the last time the dolphins had that chad pennington It's been a while It's been a long while we had to play since we had decent enough quarterback play on hillary ryan tannehill. Tannehill was good but he just had a horrible coaches now. Joe philbin and adam gays just adding dolphins.

00:50:04 - 00:55:03

Can we talk about them anymore. I don't want to talk about them right. Let's get away from this. Let's let's get away all right. So we swear. He's a dolphins fan. Yeah a man. That was the game right. Andrew is that all your thoughts anything else that stands out to you before move on. We're basically our in the show. And i don't wanna take time because i get out. The game was so boring. He is still trying. He's still long as lead from it. It's lord I could talk for two hours. I could take up this whole show talking about it. But i don't wanna do that because we have other stuff to discuss a leave it there. That's fine i'll Let's get one small segments out of the way the ones that was planning to do last episode. But i didn't get a chance to andrew. I think we can thank you for this one. What the heck was a little bit retarded that popped in real quick. That's not. We're not gonna have guitar girls like that for a segment even though that would be a cool thing. But i don't know how to program that into this. And i think that's a feature on on this thing but let's Let's let's go here Where is the graphic. I rarely team. So guys. marley teams. There are four thousand of them across the us of a and we do our best to try and highlight them. Give them a spotlight from places that too and full farm wide them you may never heard of and we may not have heard of and we just want to learn about them and give them a shout out but andrew ruined talked about this one. It's the pensacola blue wa. Who's liu so the the blue wa whose they are based out of pensacola florida. They are currently the minor league. Affiliate of my beloved miami marlins and that just became a thing because rob manfred is destroy. Marley baseball butts and required teams realign and minor league. Baseball has been shrunk down because of it regardless. We're here now and we're going to get these guys spotlight because they actually follow us on twitter. Thanks andrew so they were established on my aunt well because the marlins had made the announcement that day were kind of basically national signing day in a way for for minor league teams where the all announced in major league teams announce who their affiliates. Yeah the u. w. f. argonauts are up in pensacola. And so they they may be major. He's made their announcements. And the marlins chose pensacola to be the new home of their double a affiliate. Now in pensacola. So that's where we're at with regards to bluewater who's they were established in two thousand and twelve but the team has history that dates back even further than that they were previously the carolina mud cats from nine hundred ninety one hundred twenty twelve. Although the carolina mud cats still exists because of some weird arrangement. It's minor league baseball. They can do what they want they. They still exist as a low a team in the carolina league so they're their previously the wa who were mud cats than before that they were the columbus white sox flash astros slash mud cats from very nice nineteen sixty nine to one thousand nine hundred and they were previously the columbus or the or i guess the charleston savannah lynchburg and evansville white sox from nineteen fifty. Nine hundred. sixty eight of team has has moved around quite a few ties with. They finally have settled in pensacola since twenty twelve. They play in the southern league. Aa they were previously the marley affiliates of the cincinnati reds and the minnesota twins. They wanna a championship in two thousand and seventeen as far as notable alumni billy hamilton billy hamilton store one hundred fifty five basis in two thousand twelve while playing for them. Which is the most by any professional baseball player at any level in the world. Well i can't say it's in the world but it might be in the world so he stole one hundred and fifty five bases in one season.

00:55:05 - 01:00:10

That's it. This is ricky henderson and do that. Anderson was doing stuff at major league level. But still that's a lot of pieces and man that is insane. That dude is fast Lewis casteel the pitcher for the reds amir. Garrett's that's another one you just a lot of cincinnati reds here. Michael lorenzen tyler maladies all all these guys played in two thousand twenty so sal romano if you're a reds fan you'll recognize these is robert stevenson next senzo just jesse winker tucker barnhart and a recess aquino as far as twins are concerned. Alex kirilov luis rojas really jeffers randy. Dobnak and cody stash. So those are some of the twins that were formerly blue wa. who's some trivia. Here's so their owner in twenty ten used to own a team. Called pensacola pelicans. There were one of the independent league teams. And he sold that team to a team outnumber real texas then. He used that money to buy the carolina mud cats who we talked about previously. But not before this is this is part of the craziness that happened here. Getting the kinston indians to move out of their city in zevulon to to move out of their city in kinston on over to zevulon north carolina. Which is where the caroline carolina mud. Cats used to play so that that team could become the new carolina mud cats and then he had to pay the mobile bay bears to move to pensacola to become the blue wa. Who is because it was in mobile alabama territory. So he paid about two million dollars. Have all of this done. And utah kingdom Yeah that's kingdom hearts level style Story right there and the blue Whose name came out of a fan contest. So that's pretty cool and they are also currently co owned by bubba watson since two thousand fifteen they play out in admiral fetterman field in pensacola florida capacity of five thousand thirty eight. And you guys were on the money. Freddie and andrew because yes the west florida argonauts dupleix their division two college football and they were the two thousand. Nineteen national champions. Yes sir so. that's the pensacola. Blue wa who's at. I will chop this up and put this on twitter so that they know that we love them. He maybe they'll send us one of those hats or something. I don't know that'd be pretty cool. The san with other friends about us on our twitter just four to seven and one eighth or seven hundred quarter. You're saying just measure my okay so there you go all right guys. We're at the halfway point. So that means it's time for a word from our non sponsors people places things concepts what have you. We want to shout the mount. We do not get paid unless you click on our amazon links for certain things that we mentioned on this show in which case we might get a little that but regardless we'd like you pay just wanna shout out some things and show them that we love him. I guess i'll start because i do have a fish. Themed non sponsor so guys. I've been losing weight. I've been struggling but fighting. I'm winning the fight and little by little. It's it's it's been it's been going well for me. I've been doing really well. Except for today when i just. I just went hammer on this burrito. But i have to give a shoutout to rainbow. Trout steelhead trout. That's by non sponsor the species of fish. Because i man. I've gotten this meal You can get him at your local supermarket where you still had trout. And i just stick it in my for at some that nice seasoning. Kinda give it a rub. Nice rub on that on that. Fantastic fish nice and pink. I'm sure surely add food coloring too because it's usually gray watch adam ruins entertaining and you won't wanna eat fish ever again. But i still love fish. I'll eat tons of fish. I don't care how much mercury is in my system i'll feel like the t. One thousand from terminator two. When i do fish sometimes but man. I love this man this is. This is some of the good stuff all i just stuck got in there about twenty minutes at three hundred seventy degrees here moving around you flip it over a little bit and yeah you're the set back in there maybe.

01:00:10 - 01:05:03

Another five minutes he wanted a little nice crispiness that skin off your pull it out and then i added it to my that. Was my fish tacos. Charles that was my fish tacos that i mentioned to you in the during the week. And that's that's the fish that i use steelhead trout Some lettuce cheese tomatoes soft-shell taco man. I feel i'm going to buy some this week. I'm going to buy some more this week. I'm on a fish. Kick right now so i might have another species of fish next week. Regardless you can't go wrong steelhead trout. We're trying to protect them. They live out in the pacific northwest. We're trying to protect them trying to keep them away from those invasive species so you can go out and probably donate some charities out there some foundations to help them. I'm sure there's there's some fish farms that are trying to hatch them as well domestically but still trump man get yourself some fish. I have promo code mercury. I'll go. Because i think i went last last nine i was. I was going to go to the low hanging fruit but escrow one and only time will be able to do this. Might on sponsor is a mix of our. Cfp hard rock stadium. The college football playoff organization. the j w marriott marquee in beautiful brick. Oh florida anyone and everyone who was associated with this year's national championship game Security ushers concession workers. All y'all i'm just going to show off the j w marriott because he did send us a couple of pictures and as a pretty swanky. Venue is a very sneaky menu For the reason. I bring them up is because that was the Hotel the media hotel. That was kind of the ground base For media in anyone associated with this. I didn't stay there unfortunately. 'cause i can't afford two hundred fifty dollars a night for a hotel But i spent a few hours there a mini bowling alley. They had a pool table air. Hockey amazing. The foretells is all around as i And as a matter of fact this where francisco and is one l. First year law school bears was held adding that one l. What about you charles. I don't i- i rage against the machine andrew. I do not support the machine. That is i law and everything they try to tell as important about life which is alive but now it looks nice okay so it was my one l. I love the outright pessimism that came out of me and charles. I'm sorry. I went to the i with the three. All bears is to one next to carolina. L. house or something. Yeah i tempted not even to go to get sworn in with josh. Go tell you how much i had hatred towards the institutional yet i have parents i'll have to do is go to a notary. Save myself as i was late. Because it's charles so he's always late the big stuff but but yeah Everyone associated with this. It was an experience of a lifetime. That i will never forget and It was it was a dream. Come true and considering the circumstances of this year It couldn't it couldn't have been any better So that's that's my group.

01:05:03 - 01:10:01

Non sponsor is is the college football playoff anyone associated with a thank you to everyone for such a great experience. And i'm promo code. Oh wait what was your promo code for instance if mercury mercury promo code criminal code Roll tide stinks. Y- yeah i know. Yeah i'm a fan. But you know who am i to joseph mad who am i. I'm up so boys as we know. I am on day. Twelve of having my wasn t food. I can speak better now which is great. I definitely will tell you. I went work two days too early. Because what i did get back to work. I'm actually you know as we talk and we talked for about eight hours a day of living so we get a little medicine and stuff like that. But i couldn't do certain things. I enjoy doing it. I can work out. You know my workouts are typically like you. Don't our how to our as long as stress out that hatred out that. Ptsd being f. i you golden panthers. They say we're not even golden panthers anymore. It's just back to panthers or are we just short yet either now. I don't care if i could get up for my money. So i had to keep myself occupied. In a twenty twenty was the year of cutting the fact law games that were under thirty hours of except for yugoslav sheba twenty twenty one acknowledgement that. The remaining a backlog is ridiculously huge. Like you'd you know. Donald trump gift huge kind of so. What did i start my twenty twenty one with a religious end. My twenty twenty goto. It francis carino's i started celebrate lyles legends while i have popped sixty hours into it. I'm only compelling myself to go to the now. But i gotta say if you get a switch because if you can't get a ps five guys you can't get an xbox a series Call i really wish. They changed her name. I wanted to be immature on. Call the xbox sex but you know we're a you know we're good. We're good people here side won't do it but that is your your your killer app of a game right there. It is came out twenty also for the we youtube so Backwards go from there. But it is the core definition of what a open straw action game is. It's different than your conventional other zelda games because some people don't like legends allegations because Dungeon ebays or gungeon based this one. It's really there is your main dungeons your shrines. Yet like hundred shrines. You have the floor. Divined beasts which playoff as their own doges. Something's amazing it reminds me a lot of shadow of the colossus. Go onto this big mojo and try to saw the Within stories liking. Let's you go from the memories. And one thing i was telling the group chat lasts. I was i to get the memories. it's parliament in class. Let's do it with darby. Dragons and frescoed line is though he was like no you. Don't get the factor. I wanna fight the dragon. This is i was just exploring of six. And i was up at the mountain and her breathing. Compel go into it. I think i was there to get a memory. By larry new eastgate and i went a little bit earlier like man. I haven't explored this region at all. I will say this. You might not explore death in full but it does give you things to explore in those regions. The excuse siege seek out. This is on the east side of the past. The mouth of read the named the mouse fully. But i haven't touched it. only man. I guess i go. And then i had already the ice armor block out everything and then i'm just near this point like i wanna go see this out and then i hear we're breathing. I'm like what here the change. Like a mike. What is this. And then i get to see this big old dragon and mind you. This is not monster hunters which we got talking about steve. We're going to get monster hunters rise. Because i'm super tempted because it looks like a mixture of the good kind of owner which i didn't like too much louis but that's a different story but Three but then putting into a little bit of higher awards into it. Then i got to like paraglider and shoot a corrupted dragons eyeballs. I was already citing the but now that needed to attend your investment you can easily fit hundred dollars. I don't want to spend too much under hours. 'cause i'm so close to the end probably five hours to memories of have gannon so i know i matt but i can easily revisit. But it is that several game for the xbox. There was halo for playstation. There was there was so many that came resistance and charted kills on.

01:10:01 - 01:15:00

Ps four their own The last of us but that was actually end. Ps three something about like the star Regardless what it is. I it was an i know guys i should probably give. These guys are damer tax. Play with us. I can just ignore them to go. Hey let's go play these guys like i don't care about on. Were air but it is. Just what the investment and yes. Unfortunately nintendo never drops splices but it's on sale. Now i think all across the board and every sites for like fifty forty dollars at is really worth your time because you can't force yourself to be all everything under you can't speed run it. They say you can't who's really missing out never really feels stale. And i'm very excited. Is one of those game sewer. If i had an amount of time a year from now i probably revisit because the essential exploration sent combat sense of good things is just fantastic. So breath awhile alleged. i have not played With the prequel all age climbing. Actually i was actually a pass not saucer so we gotta series got the thumbs us promo code pink. Dominoes zelda equal. I wanna get out of high school. I want to get out of high. I wanna explore new lands. I'm dari thing. Yeah i was gonna say fingers crossed that they can release that this year by the you know what's in the calendar year. This is like the third zelda game recommended because i did link's awakening Last year around march. Because i was part of my thing it was fine and you guys climate. Now we got a while. Yeah yeah watch. They're going to release awkward at time. Or one of those games. So i have no idea regardless. Yeah this is really good game and there is the so you haven't even gotten to. You haven't even paid for the dnc. So that's like that's all the things that deal sales. It is the perfect thing for the show because right now and legends background. My switchblade doom. Because i was doing. I was playing the switch on the front. Yeah but like doing the champions valid. All right i'll just. Hey the twenty bucks play there. You can always get into any point in time. That's still haven't plan to get into the deal. See 'cause i kinda sorta got into it but never really got into it super deep at that he needed life like you. But now that i'm on a roll beating games Might look back into who knows okay. So that's not sponsors everybody. So let's let's head back to the main portion. Let's is bang energy drinks and ethical skedaddle. line pie. Skedaddle i mean i feel like i should have radical skedaddle. Have you tried it for. I am not about energy drinks. I just can't i can't. It is just too much for me. I barely drink. I don't even drink coffee. So it's even my thing boy so it's it's in his fridge right now and he's expecting skittles flavor oh dear lord taco bell and their stuff to they got some flavors all right so. Nfl playoffs happened. We had some good games. All right folks. it's not just about the non sponsors out there sometimes. We have to give a shout to the real sponsors that help us here at sports news. I'm gonna tell you about this one. It is anchor. If you have heard about anchor is the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain first off. It's free great for you. Great for me. Great for anchor. There's creation tools that allow you to record. And edit your podcast right from your phone or your computer. I've used it on both of my computer and my phone easy to use. I love it. Anchor will destroy your podcast for you. So it can be heard on spotify apple podcasts. And many more for those of you listen to sports you know were on a wide variety of platforms. We cast a wide net and anchor is one of the services that helps us do that. You can make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership. It's everything you need to make a podcast in one place. Which is why. I love it. One stop shop for everything that i need. Download the free anchor app or go to anchor dot. Fm to get started which. I'm glad that we add some good games. We had some blowouts.

01:15:01 - 01:20:03

the pittsburgh steelers were frauds. We knew they were frauds. We knew they were frauds. At eleven and now everybody knew they. Were you know. Urinating trees complete meltdown was fun to watch that he posted earlier today. Like the the the the best bits of his mental state deteriorating funny to watch today but yeah the steelers were fraud. The browns it was. It was like watching that. That kid beating up the school yard bully and one william all these years all his time and it's like oh he's been billion since since kindergarten fifth grade does he gets hits that growth spurt and boehm. Oh finally i wanna watch all right. So let's get into a charleston. Let's get into it chronologically or all right. Let's well okay. Well let's do the. We'll go preface the afc so we'll we already talked about the browns and the steelers. I was just man that was fun but to touch that like they ought browns almost rounded. That's almost yeah. That was concerned after the second half after the first half happened. I'm like oh this whole podcast. Season we because francisco ni- afc people right and you gotta think you you got screwed over by myself much but we were just for lack of better word. Stroke it out to mike. Tomlin space showing some Doesn't dictate that as a robot. Eight's a few rumor last year Laid open accountable. Labat's on alum mason rudolph you jewish schuster. Tiktok you're you're twenty three twenty four years old and grow tundra. Postmates deal pop. Dow's use my code and you can. You can get whatever randy randy moss. Mooning which. I don't really think to begin with answering on my logo like those are fighting words bad going on there. It was nice. And then you know what's also gonna see jars. I like jarvis premadasa times but the man he has assumed that leadership role and i like nature cream heisman better organization which is really hard to say surprising so that was good been done. It feels like he's done. You don't throw picks you had four touchdown. This ain't madden. We don't care about that. put you behind light. Twenty seven to begin with man. James conner things done or at least being a third is he was ineffective to. It's james conner. Does a first clarityafter recognizes. Sufficiency is and i mean. Here's the thing about the browns. I kind of lost stress in the little bit before joke audio. It's they wanna play with players on the reserve list four I forgot what we cuties. And they didn't have their head coach. And here's the thing. This is a head coach who is his for season so a size of bill. Belichick's out. everybody knows the standards and practices. A what you need to do their this. Kevin stefanski kosheh the earth. It's not for brian flores. I think flora's misses out because once the house that he didn't. But it's here's definite ski you know. Just basically grew everything to alexan- pell their offensive coordinator and it was just a perfectly played call. Baker you know is shown up and everybody denudes baker log in stature misbehavior but he slayed axel the season. And you can't say uber conservative. All they do is run. The all the guy has like twenty seven touchdowns to about twelve picks at upper echelon stuff is going on here so big us. And that's what i'll say about that. There but big ben dunne retire. Yeah there's there's going to be an exodus of players quarterbacks author you can easily replace them. Steelers need to go into a new era. It's time it is time. If this doesn't show it to you then nothing well all right so first playoff game the afc because this we have to cover this one because it goes to your point for the second game buffalo versus indianapolis. I saw that entire game and man and was that a good game that was philip rivers. Last stand wow. I mean if you get screwed over if he if he does retire that's a good one to retire on. It's a good one retire on you. Don't want the dan marino final game. You don't want that. This is if he's going to go out and live his life on his on his ranch with his twelve kids.

01:20:04 - 01:25:01

Then bats the one go out on. He played valiantly they had one last final shot. I don't know what more you could want from a final career game aside from winning and of course and buffalo man. You guys showed everything that charles pointed out was favorable. If the times. I played them to every single point. I i guess i was fooled because i. I saw the bills from the perspective of how what they did to the. Afc's they swept the afc. They won every game against everybody. Well then of course. I'm like i. I had to refocus and rethink man me the years. He was kind of trash. The patriots were trash. The nets were super trashed and the dolphins just weren't good enough. We won ten games but not good enough. I didn't realize buffalo's holes. I didn't realize that there were things. That could be exploited like that i was i was recently bias. I guess from what the bills did to the dolphins in that final game but the colts and they play like this all year play close played. Just frigging hot. Just make they were there. They're just not an easy team to play against. Never make it easy and the bills saw that it was only until the end of the game. They started pulling away a little bit even then it was. It was a couple of misfield goal. Yeah missed version. Yeah the forfeit down. Yup i don't blame frank right for going for it to be honest because you play to win. You can't expect a kicker who's actually been pretty consistent with broad rigo blankenship to miss something that could have been makeable. Yeah because if he makes it to tie game and we have a different story what might have happened so that that was a close call now buffalo for in my eyes. I'm like. Ooh i don't know they don't look so hot. Especially who who who their matchup. They racing baltimore yet. They're getting baltimore whoo that's and now jacket that quick strike. There's no so yeah. so charles. Lamar jackson put his team on his shoulders. And burn. i like being right. 'cause i told you guys i was like one. The only few 'cause there is even espn analysts were like. Oh you don't watch all. I told you they were the hottest team coming into it right. They won six in a row. They figured out what they are supposed to do. Stock with this whole let's pad the stats passing. Let that fellow or his legs. Let them utilize. Jk dobbins and gus edwards yes. We had the lead with ten zeroes. Lease me nothing. Especially when you get the in. I corps those leads me a lot more third or fourth quarter mad because your offense is going to slow down. They stopped the ball because when we met them the first round this season they didn't have claes campbell they didn't have a yarmuk outlay et cetera for once they have guys 'cause they were a detriment to the kuti list is they got cooties man it just wasn't there and it's not as if we are receivers did well. It was that one one carry forty seven yards. And that's our big because we have not had the pressure. We tried mic beasley salvage. Go right i get that. We tried Daily cloudy injuries happen. Whatever when you're not gonna miss it. I think we had some guys malcolm butler lease played. Well as is. If we i mean mark andrews picked up some stuff that hurt me a lot but is not like we'd let hollywood brown willie snead and all that late stories. It was as expected and you can hear thing about game. Plan you game plan so much if you don't have those pieces there's finds just that big run is really screwed over and there's two things i kind of want to comment on is that i don't disagree with rebels decision to punts for it on fourth down when it was like eight minutes left. If you have faith is your team's gonna stop because everybody thinks they're coach. Everybody thinks they could play the game until it shows that they can't do it right. It changes cleave. Raymond will be on that team next year. You are just he so they didn't call that as pi because he ran in the marcus. Peters and the thing is it was a guy who was five steps ahead of where he should be in his mind completes the actions. And there's some things are just kind of like inexcusable. Because we're cleave raymond really does it.

01:25:01 - 01:30:04

Sometimes i think got three touchdowns last year. He's not really a great rob runner. The speed isn't necessarily kind of tiny he's more of a return met. Do not be there next year. I'm not the guy who says. Hey burn the burn. The jerseys idle put very terrible things on twitter of racial slattery. Waste dump pantsuit. But that's one thing. I hate about it when you look at a team that loses and you see derogatory comments micro at the game. On thirty years i lost. Let's move on do things. I think you're an echo oath but the whole thing that's the it was a slip anything it would have been on the money from tannehill at if he look he caught it. It would continue the drive and was hoping for was drive down. In i know might rebel. You would have gone for two and we wanna either lost on the two or one on two. And i would live by that but you slipping help. Some people said oh you had to. Aj brown he was wide. Open tannehill to do it you probably. It was such probably a quick tannehill hill that it was an instant if they went to brown first and then he said there's been coverage it hurt what i was right mckay with baltimore. Listen every all we were low and five. They were loaned five. You know with the only thing that made it seem that we are actually better than we were awarded home. Field advantage on a very archaic ranking of divisions and conference number x the afc. Was that good or anybody at ten wins on equal footing to the teams. That alone wins e-voting buffalo s. Twelve they only. That doesn't see that anybody has equal footing with is considered the and the reason. Why because they're only gonna healthier kansas like next week. The afc games like par for the course the browns game by other be good surprisingly good mike people out because they're also getting think clyde edwards helaire back so that's just another dimension but man like you would wanna watch buffalo baltimore their storylines written right there about guys in the same draft same. Same kind of megan. You know rusting running quarterbacks with the difference in that game to give predictions by guess after lisa's. Afc the nfc is the idea that on they have more of a running game baltimore. Even you take away lamar jackson. Jk dobbins second round picks up hundred eighty dollars this season Golden touch on any mark. Ingram has appearance now. Where offload lost. Zack moss who had broken ankle. I believe it's dempsey Fau gals we love them singles area. But they don't show load for him and then who's your tj age assigned allante freeman block. So that'll be interesting. I will say though is on the. Afc games all washable. Have see was just punch snooze irs. Yeah i only watched one of them and it was the the bears in the saints one. And even then i didn't watch the nickelodeon version of its because i don't have nickelodeon wish i did. Is i think that would have made it more interesting. But yeah i only saw that game and even then by by the halftime they okay the saints are just gonna. The bears didn't belong here. I really didn't. I was just. We're done with this and that goes to show why the seven although it's kind of a waste the old man. Bill is going to be interesting to watch. I think brees was number three. And i don't really know why. Want to because you think it should be clear cut but the saints. I feel it's kind of one of those resting on your laurels. Kind of feeling because you played chicago. Who is good for all for one quarter i mean. I don't think it'll be that way though. This is the third time against the division opponent. They will be up for it but they hurt brady. You know who knows because for what it's worth you get spanked twice. You didn't make a game. Plan adjustments the second game. Bruce arians i tell you what's going to happen there. And you don't even have mike evans closer capacity compared to some other so i will probably be the most watched game compared to who else is playing out in some green bay and what. I'm going blank gentleman. It's going to be green bay. And whoever is it playing the remainder of it because multitasking not so see. Green bay and the rams and lasagna. Say right now. I need the ram to valdai every cracking i have been saying to seize for real foods. I can't live with it. And the rams defense is solid. I think jalen ramsey can put her down davante adams. What can you do of allen. Lazard what can you do with a mercedes lewis and robert onion and then i even know the remaining wideouts even justify what can you do. What aaron donald. Who will eat off a jared val ear who just got resigned though.

01:30:04 - 01:35:01

He just played for eliminated. Colts interesting right because on practice squad that he can do which is kind of a falsity. Because that's how you get taken advantage of very intriguing so like i need justified. The problem is jared. Goff does not be still my heart that much however does he seem hard. You let cam akers do. It is green. Bay's defense can be able to hold up. 'cause cooper cop and robert fluids are scrubs so very interesting comment but i gotta do it man. I got pulled that sneaky. I've been talking to aaron rodgers. Trash multi long. Okay all right and domestic issues on the saints. The i think just blow they. They almost lost to taylor anneke. Yeah think that zone so okay. It's the revenge game. The rams the saints would have the opportunity for revenge from thirteen years ago. This all like juicy storylines do we need another l. a. team winning. I don't think they went. You know you all if leads. The result of drew brees versus patrick mahomes drew brees versus basically al-gharbieh guard. On for brady's the homes that are brees was mahomes granted player by some miracle island or jackson. Yeah we just described the browns washington just full the wringer and there. Yeah oh boy still about that. It would be okay at baker drew. Because you have small sized quarterbacks yeah what would you call the opposite. The super bowl. You just call small ball. Yeah trademark it trademarking t shirt out of it and get sued up all right. Yeah that's then that's pretty much the the review and the preview of last week all right boys throughout some new stuff here. I guess We didn't talk about baseball. For cisco indoor traded from cleveland to the new york mets new york mets are now have an actual owner. That has money now. Wasn't ripped off by bernie madoff so they got money to spend and they are willing to deal in china make their team competitive in the nfl. East which man does not bode. Well for my marlins unless we pull off something and get like. Wilson contrasts something from the cubs which shoes and talks right now or andrew. Benintendi is another one. That's been thrown around from boston. Contextual yeah. You're the guy from boston. Which i think would be good. Yeah both are gets for us. Is we need a catch or everybody stopped talking about jt. Real muto i think he may have overpriced himself and nobody's signing him right now but we'll save He might actually have to sign a one by yeah he might even have to sign a one year deal someplace and and play for his contract like that. Bryce mccann or brian mccann striking. Yeah probably something like that okay. So that's baseball stuff spring training next month and there's really nothing much more to talk about from their andrews asleep. I bet right now we call this show thought he was asleep. Nba nhl have covid concerns. Right now cudi concerns. The boris stuff. Bad no knows either way. There's some issues. there's big issues miami. He has barely not even half team on the floor. The nba's talking about expanding the rosters to nineteen which is probably something. I should have done earlier in the season given that major league baseball did that which i mean rob manfred did something better than adam. Silver can't believe that l. the he are they are down only by three right now against the sixers. That is okay now by five. Are the sixers fully staffed. I have no idea and really. That's that's basically why. I can you can ask about any. Nba game. right now are the team. Is the team fully staffed at the moment there's been outbreaks in the nba is currently thinking about suspending. The season for like two weeks just to get players to. I don't know. Yeah get over it.

01:35:01 - 01:40:00

I have no idea or just get it. It's like the sixers are staff. They have embiid and simmons playing And any rain so it's like okay. So he has close whereas just some highlights of the game duncan robinson once again putting his all. You need to pay me. Yeah four thousand threes. Yup he's coming into it I if anything. I this is good to see. Were precious has taken us because my precious was one of those picks i liked if i think he would have been a good utility man and his stat line. He's played twenty four minutes. Seven rebounds points only three hundred know two personal fouls a block. Hey that's good guys you got some is going to be a sober guy. She's not really. I think i know what his role is. Whether or not spo knows is a different story but spelled never knows anybody drawl until you earn your role why certain men who were loved last year are now into the abyss which is country not trade a at this point. So what are we doing nba. Now they're trying to say. Oh player shouldn't fist-bump each other before. And after the game or have you mean. It doesn't matter nobody follows. Anything actually penalized your guys ruins the sort of glow. Don't take seventy seconds of their paycheck. If i read the right like when you're making foot a million dollars a year and these guys were penalizing it. Yeah i don't know if. I hate on kyri for celebrating a birthday because we all just came from the holidays. Yeah we that. I think it okay say. Msa this once. I think it's nonsensical to expect people to defection around those that they love especially if they you know if they had to be around their families not taking rich family and i don't think siblings necessarily an extended family. You can try to justify what you're my sister has my nephew. That's the closeness of it. It's different than you know. Certain people just go until the club again chicken wings. Hit the guys go guys. Now make those messages of it because there's a completely in this regard or maybe you should hindsight's twenty twenty but the common sense approach was not to do the season so quickly around christmas time and new year's when there was a gathering and they literally tip off next week. You would not have that that that that's one and also they're trying to compact seventy two games into the season. Seventy two games then. He chose doing fifty six. It seems like a reasonable amount of games. I'm surprised the nba decided to pack in that much money's loss other way the gary bettman the nhl who the dallas stars had an outbreak. And they're not playing the panthers this week because of that. So the panthers opener is delayed but bettman was like yeah. The losses are in the billions right now for us so it's just is what it is and the nhl could have suspicious. Said we're not playing because it would have cost less money to not play but decided well the players wanna play the fans. Want us to play. We're gonna play but the nhl has at least been reasonable enough to have a shortened schedule and they wait until after the new year's and we're to see we're going to see the the struggle right now for the nhl but nba. I'm very surprised especially given how well they did the bubble last last year. I'm not l tell you why. There's a difference between last year when players actually wanna complete that from contractual purposes. Because the money get the plows as in your contract right now. Get up production at the year. You finish the season in the bubble completing it at. Oh you got x. amount points regained. You get the also you get the credentials diseases different. I think there's a lot more resistance players probably by men and kyri who area anti lebron i mean. I'm anti the whole ito the round kind of thing you know but i'm not against some of the whole thing. I don't want these people to tell me what to do not to do kind of thing. I don't blame him on that one i can get. You probably spoke. Here's the to the players have actually had a pseudo offseason to think about him with the roles are maybe they do feel like it'd be taking advantage from the owners of baskets. It's not as if the owners are going to be tougher from the nets. Not really at the biggest risky does have to go to. All the players are the ones who have the condition at the dude this out to do that. And then they have to get penalized if they don't follow protocol but it's anybody in traffic second by doing this or that.

01:40:00 - 01:45:00

They're gonna see that they're probably gonna be better word and they are. They're going to be the scapegoat. So you know as the players. Yeah had that resistance about rage out whatever you talk to your union our. It's just it's crazy. The he have like seven players and they're playing the game. I just i find it ridiculous. Why are why are we pissed off. That's the thing to the team that probably needs the most rest this season and we're gonna get peed on like we're the cleveland brown of the nfl. Because we're not the baltimore ravens. That's for sure we're not getting. Our games are usually scheduled for sunday pushed through a monday tuesday wednesday thing. Well that's my issue with like. Why are you doing that once again. Rob man for doing something right compared to adam silver major league baseball. The marlins got sick and ton couple. Teams had some whatever's and mainly baseball. Basically just okay. We'll reworked schedule will postpone this. Push that and they made it so that was time in the schedule to do so and there was a way of doing so with the the seven inning doubleheaders and things like that. They found a way to work it out. Nba a like the pack. Too many games in two short of time and not just that but unnecessarily. So yeah. there's a common sense thing. go on here. You're not necessarily having fans this season. So i do not forsee television. Dot espn primarily. In some abc's files are really going to be a holy affected if you can't hold onto your obligation because they're still going to be able to broadcast the game if anything they don't want you to have a bear protocol so they can make big money off of the rating it. Oh that's the problem. You're not gonna get fans this season. You're really not. And if you do is not until the back end or stretch out and isolate so you lost revenue there but if you don't have games cancelled if you have exposure if you let the edwards kit from many do his thing and be shown and you let the Which falsehoood is because there's so many of these areas leeann not leeann is liangelo angelo. Lorenzo lonzo lorenzo. Yeah no earth lonzo. there's a mellow mellow. Yeah there's there's too many is. I'm sorry all i know is there's lonzo who gets too much of it for being the lower end up entree miller and then with the lamelo. But you know it if you don't have games gasoline were. You're going to get your revenue from merchandise. Sam you tnt an espn or not going to say oh code. You have to do this game on january fourteenth because you have an obligation man. They got movies outta lawsuits broadcast. It's fine but if you put to be cancelled what's going on. So it's the kid icarus concept getting too close the sun and that also is just. It just wasn't planned properly. The only thing they gave us a what a good protocol was was all like. We have a whole schedule and schedule the schedule. We'll give you the schedule really. Oh okay that sounds like or you know by the way we pooped her pants. Leave retail the paper. That's feels and they are the ones game pooh-poohed on just doesn't make sense and even even the way the schedule was laid out doesn't make sense either. I think we've had one was back to back with milwaukee but or two or two points out behind. Yeah i'm seeing the the score on the on the scorecard by but The nhl has their scheduled laid out like this the teams either at home and they have a homestand. And you're gonna get the teams that are coming in to travel to play against you and it's it's two game series almost like baseball two game series. They're here for two games. Then they're out now. The team comes in two games in a row. And then you go on the road and you play the game someplace else and you move out you template move out then you come back home. That made the most sense to me. I'm surprised the nba didn't just do that all right. We're going to face the books. These are two games or facing the bucks and after that we don't see them ever again. I'm surprised it wasn't that way. But yup they put their pants so here we are all right so I can get a couple things out the way. We got like five more minutes before we had to the final part of the show Yeah of sounds beat ripped out of the podcast version for sure. Yeah we talked about any child talked about nba. And i guess i can do one small segment before we get charles couple more minutes to prepare for his segment. Let's go with. Let's go with.

01:45:00 - 01:50:00

Let's hall y'all. Let's do that. So i thought that something the graphic that i wanted to go. Let's all y'all we highlight minor league or now minor league. Gosh darn of famers hall of famers throughout sports. And i think this one was appropriate because he just recently passed away. And it's another good one for baseball that they've lost in the last calendar year tommy lasorda hall of fame manager from the los angeles dodgers. He played for the brooklyn dodgers. This man was aside from vin. Scully this man was the law was the dodgers. This man was the dodgers and he's probably one of the one of the greatest characters in baseball history. Yeah just just some legendary things that that he has been a part of some world series rings fee fighting the philly fanatic. All around fun guy funny guy and it seemed like it's almost envious of los angeles dodgers fans. This is very few teams. Have like guys like that just like. That's the guy you know. The dolphins have the don shula. You know the the dodgers had tommy lasorda. He was basically like they're don shula duke coach k. The patriots bill belichick. Would you say. Joe torry charles with the yankees. I would say. Billy more than billy martin. How he did win some rings on again off again like you. Don't mind me of joe. I don't think there was a lot of drama jo the way that was more like what's the main say. I'm just saying guys that like. Are you think of them. That's you instantly. Think of the team that they were associated with see. Here's a fun part park. Nine thousand nine hundred. I was born. I reference billy martin. Obviously is my. I don't think our up. Generations will reference. Joe torre known generations would reference joe torry. Yeah it's weird. I can't agree if it but yes because of the records yeah bye thank you know who gets more the classified until he does cashman. Yeah tory i mean. That's actually a deep dive. I would probably want to do in baseball. And how much what relevancy is. But that's that's a good topic. I should remember to listen to at some point right. Regardless diguise these the people of their organization and tommy lasorda loved the dodgers so much and he is going to be on his epitaph. Probably something about the dodgers probably going to be on there and we'll see how the dodgers honor his memory coming up in twenty twenty one. They're already defending world champion. So they kind of got everything out of the way and twenty twenty. They give him one last championship to to see in his lifetime. So there you go tommy lasorda. That's that's my hall of famer. There's not much more. I can say man that dude the duda just like i can't think of the dodgers when without him. I just can't all right charles. You ready about billy martin stats. And i think it's because he was a player for the yanks world. Now we'll get job you love. Let's do it. Welcome everybody our weekly true plex cage with charles now as we know wrestling is scripted to dance. It's ballet. it is if the stories of men and women chase titles chase legacy it is story. I was just trying to beat the holy. How each other last week. Who went down to what wrestling. I guess we kinda mean to the community when tragedy strikes concern. I can promise you. Even though i have been for my screen. Watching burly matches rugby on ringing. Lonner or eight w or w network which has necessarily show. I'm not ready yet. We already to move forward with things. i know. that's a little bit out there unusual promos. But i don't remember what i last week. So here we go was. I hopped up on drugs. Not necessarily by can speak. Even though i gotta say damn good on. Wbz for allowing their people to orchestrate on their network a fool three hour like lou cars best matches us what his name was in Wwe in also everything else. can i come into. You're still hearing some loving. That comes in from the community and seeing how people are affected but life goes forward as his wrestling. Let's going on in january boys at things as i kind of mentioned last week.

01:50:00 - 01:55:01

New japan crowns. Some champions right the royal rumbles coming up january thirty first boy is ready. Because i really have no idea. Who's you know where this year. I knew drew. Mcintyre was top-five can have that capability. But i don't know who's gonna who or at least a top. I don't really have an idea who's gonna do this here. Impact wrestling is interesting. Mike is impact wrestling is cross with all elite wrestling in. This is where we're going to start with right during my time. There was the invasion don callous. A vp of impact wrestling helped kenny omega when the championship this led a cross brand. Touting that's going on very similar to how ring of honor. New japan did a couple years ago. New japan might beyond this. Let's see out fully sure Both teams alcorn tease with both organizations. Get some exposure better exposure. I would say even though awa close. I would say impact out of the water in ratings because thanks i think impact is on access tv in pluto and have a twitch channel. Eight of you is on tnt very different kind. I know but there's gonna be that cross pay per view this week. Hard to kill. You're gonna have a new receving of the card right now. So it's been a while since we talked about it and have it on the screen here so since we talked about impact wrestling Main pay-per-view but they're gonna have the knockouts championship garage former. Wbz exte- servers asya dockery. She held the impact. Calcium ship alongside lorena gale k. Maria impact x division championship manic. Also known as t. j. p. Who used the kruse away in. Wbz versus chris. bay zhou They're doing the ring back. The impacts knockout tactic championship knockouts tag titles are the knockout. Division is the women's division plato. some women's divisions of the ring back these all titles curonian touch steel versus having nevada is probably not kiera hogan tasha seals old role. Also rule six man tag match okay. I'm just going to skip that era. Gone that far. Wire massacre match eddie edwards in san callahan. Let's again renewing arrived. That's been around for like five years and then this is where the crossover comes in guys. You have kenny omega doc. Gallows in carl anderson. Who are the. Us kenny omega. As a w you will also be a you know the big show five star mash man will take like six hundred. Hang on dave meltzer ratings. But he's the champion dot gals carlson formerly luke gallows in cars and wb. They also russell new japan were they part part of the bullet club which is still part in new japan. See how it's all coming together. Gallows anderson Kenny was a leader. So there was an invasion happened on dynamite because it was Rafer phoenix versus mega for the awa championship. They had a pretty darn good match. There was this better. Talk about the second but There was like upbeat down. The kind of came down and ray phoenix car. Deaf triangle penthouse. Sarah mail or whatever they call them they used to be the junior and then they change us amazon. Either memorize it and and I almost call him novel. You'll be pack. We used to be the former novel in. Wbz their deaf triangle kulekhani name right but they were getting beat down. They weren't there to help phoenix dean. Ambrose who is now jon. Moxley came out to get revenge. Because was the former awa champion was help out outrage phoenix. And he had like the bar. I was gonna beat the hell. I can't look a smug canucks now. Photograph and then came carlson. And then doc gallows the good brothers coming up with new japan stuff and they beat him down and i wanted to to sweets and then came the young bucks. The vp's the tag team champions eight supposed to be boys right and will they do the bad guys back together. The altered the sweet stuff. Not necessarily what i want her need at the young book. Shoulda kinda like drew lying onto their territory. But there's a long building story that comes into it so articles this weekend. I believe that's probably gonna be your main event with the revitalize Lacob in japan. That might be an informational session to help to go. One day. I get my notes out. Because i j league. He might leave. He was the current later. He was a switch layer within. There's evil who turned on tetsuya naito. When he was in granada's palm you see on tv stanford at allied vision. I have this story is out. There might be a bigger story a bigger picture coming into it. But that's what's going on. Impact a rene w we kinda mentioned a little bit of what's happened there dynamite. Try to get back into return to form after everything happened the week prior As we know that was the brodie lee tribute show that was to dynamite ago. Last week was kind of returned to form while they still acknowledge brody's passing. I don't recall dark overhead eight matches but they kind of kept that cargo bike reference brody slow builds because right now and this is my concern would bring in two promotions together. Can you build.

01:55:01 - 02:00:01

Individual stories are not related to this because right now now you have in groups the main championship and the tag team championships right. How are you going to be with the other footing. Because right now you're tnt titles can be defended tomorrow on new year smash with Wwl cage are you can give us more to connery. Right is going to be more self communist. I'm going to interfere there. And here's my concern to aws still kinda raw a high on wb pun in there. So if you bring in more salvage guys from tina. Tina does more salvage guys. They have good quality rustler's if they outshine the talent that you have the power. How are you helping your brand her sin for some people are vanilla attacked russell's highly of them and so the teams like you a hybrid to the acclaimed Evenson the dark order. Guys are trying to get back into the swing of things of gallows and anderson and getting more of your tv testing team. You times under is the kind of the wb problem. I don't want goldberg on my screen whatsoever. But if he does that comes with some expense. Like i didn't want dominic mysterious to get anything because they comes. The quality of the team of the other guys are trying to get there. Were you doing there so interesting. How their long do crossing. Because they haven't talked about it right and maybe they're trying to bring a third brand new japan. But what are you going to accomplish. audit how. How long is this going to be. How do you end it when you bring the when kennedy loses his title which vice question is can be short which might be a problem because jerry wonda belfer maryland. I think moxy how that for a long time partially because of the kuti's but everything else you can give kenny a short run because someone's going to screw over them crown new champion house. This can lead to adam hangman. Page out because they because there's rumors. So here's the brody was a leader dark order. We don't have a successive leader. I mean ironically or not ironically but practically should be able to know. But you know they've been trying to recruit added page elitist. adam page. Who used to be kenny's former tag team partner that rejecting champions related eight months leading dark order revitalize not being evil cults anymore but just cowboys doing cowboy shit as they say against kenny omega and his new band of buddies or his old band buddies. The bullet club As good long term booking date that pay because not only are they rival factions there boys and remember and i mentioned this muslim months ago before we went on a little highest windbreak the storyline between hangman and kenny hangman. Do break up. Kenya's like go f yourself. They met in the qualifiers. Ito can beat a decent match. Needed twelve more minutes. I watched the whole thing All these things together you got to give you. The pay was the pay for it. Feasibly speaking his boys are always going to be helping him in this cross brand. He can't have that title for as long as he probably deserves. So i'm interested in seeing her that big news whether it's in japan but you know what the art has shaped up yet so i. I really can't not comment on except for sonata going against coded should be very interesting for the doubles out. They gotta do something about breaking the double times. I don't know what they're gonna do. They need to do it. I'm done with it sicko to belts 'cause right now you're in connell title has lost any kind of prestige now comes the never open weight title. Which is great anyway. I mean she will take years one of the most fantastic wrestles out there. I was watching his highlights against jeff. Cobb he's reportedly going gets hiroshi tallahassee. I guess it's just A if anything that should be good stiff harding match. I still got send you guys. Some highlights from new japan. Because i got what the differences are between that but going to a one things that has affected e w w e there has been the kunis outbreak w champion drew mcintyre. Guys he has the kuti's this is big concern. Because even though i'm calling right now goldberg was going to beat him at the royal rumble man and might be more so of a real thing now right last night. Raleigh did w for a lot of players. They're probably gonna do the same thing and smack Out there this is just a terribly terribly terrible thing to happen because they get there. That's that's funny There's five of reasons why can come up in there but the royal rumble. The bring fans in probably afraid of any kind of infestation a massive outbreak but now the wrestlers again Attested when he could do you might as well just like put on pause and rerun some old attitude era. Stop or to best of everybody loves best thumbs. You can wash through our best as out of that tops. The best of our non sponsors for us works drew mcintyre getting cooties. Doesn't vote. Because i don't want bert when you because everytime vince panics. When the ratings are down boom comes like legend with a title change. They run against College football last night.

02:00:01 - 02:05:04

They came out with their one point. Eight million one point eight million dollars. One point eight million viewers. Now as low as i anticipated by things because it was a blowout was i was expecting it to be a big middle finger. Because it's bama it's bama and its awhile state that could be a demographic Not so much there royal rumble. It's building. don't know who's gonna win that really let out that title card that much all. I really recall right. Now is goldberg drew. Maybe lashley in riddle. But who knows what they're doing. They're they're the tag team. Titles smackdown describing detecting champions finally with dolph ziggler and bobby ru which the dirty dogs against street profits. Which i'm happy for. Because i was done with the prophets Problem with i saw the nfc days building up. I saw my person but they held the titles too long. There was not enough Contenders i'm saying Guide unify the tag titles. You can do. It is fine and then when the time comes. Break it up again. We hope full roster can't do anymore. I don't know what the hell's going on with the intercontinental title. Biggie is the champion but now they're trying to be like oh maybe he'll go to royal rumble. I feel like he's still feeling sammy. Bay sammy's zane going. Apollo crews and also other stuff coming out like what you want. Tell me what you want you know. I don't want you to bastardize biggie. Because of the fact that you wanna give him a false. Push you kobe. Kobe taymor gangly even have to break up the new day. For mid kartana events put the blue title on that man shoulders because roman reigns right. Now fellows is doing work because the flood match aspic confirmed fully. They did from jingle right but so smacked out was delicious for charles because they were having a gauntlet match to determine who is going to be the new number one contender for the royal rumble for our tribal chief. Not just mytravel chief. Y'all struggled chief of reading your purse. Champion roman reigns it was a match consistent. Barren cormon savvy zane Shinsegei nakimora daniel bryan and adam pearce. Whose on appears to say. Time to learn adam. Pearce day former india wrestler. Who is a multi believe. Five-time nwa Alliance heavyweight champion. I know a little of. It's not like i watch Last anything i saw was him in ring of honor actually watches retirement match in ring of honor against hangman. Page so good job. Adam pearce said unpaid so that but hidden adam pages go out. It's just weird ops guys. You know there's a lot of too many ounces world But so he's been in onscreen authority figure what his real position is being producer. When your producer. You're really using the matches your helping build spots the whole decor that so it was a gotland match and it was interesting. The highlighted was shinsuke nakimora. Who was very big not bad Push on the main roster. But vince kills everything i love. I hate you. So shinsegae's push died out. He flowers amid cardi was recently attracting. Campuses already was golic. Pull it on a parade goes against baron approved ago shell with dale branca day ryan was gonna win and it'd be standard ryan. So what happens you like. You're you're like all match. It's gonna kill adam pearce. We're going to shift game vs roman might my genitals. They take off of it. Why because the interaction between those two warships gay and roman at the royal rumble. About three years ago was a twenty eight thousand. Two thousand seventeen because nakimora roller last two guys and shinsegei eliminated roman. Get his shot at wrestlemania gets. Aj south their story here. Let's do the return ships. Gay face will get the theme back. I do love his and best thing happened. Jeff and roman come out shinsegae's like all battered and they come out escorting appears appears as wannabe there. He's selling us well and what happens. Jay and roman attacks shin. Beat the hell out of him and then knock out pierce pierce on top of it so piercing at the three count. It's like the ultimate job. Roman not wanna face. Anybody really gets a Managerial person to be forced into the match because he knows it's an easy when was beat up the guy because the promos great. I'll send you the problem is like are you calling me stupid. Are you calling. Vince mcmahon. stupid i insisted. But thank you for saying these words that are out there and then he just puts his guy in a metal. He can beat him up and he doesn't see the next contender each so good. I don't understand how smackdown can have this awesome stuff and there's raw flowery. It's the same crane of people and this guy. I don't know if you see the common here. And this is why smackdown creative or always that one shining light in the wwe. Shinsuke put on a clinic last night. And i hope that they're consistent as push this time around looking for. Its when he's gotten store. Moving forward doesn't remember everything's creative and creative doesn't recognize talent because when you have an audience of one and he's got the earmuffs on you're screwed and probably events. He looks at shin. he's a centric. he's not big but he's tall can speaking that i think he can.

02:05:04 - 02:10:06

But they probably limited Munoz well-versed or fluent as been slice because vince Here's education three years ago mcmahon floor in foreigners you're that guy rethink the iron sheik came from man. Mr fuji stuff like that. Vince love services because he's backwards set right now. I'll say it again guys backwards by really kind of something great and it's good but to end under snow. Xt match the week. They had a new year's evil and that they had the whole card they had damien preece. A killer crosses carrying cross on just going by his original main such a match. They might call they disgruntled about how they're gonna call him up that measure so good and i don't understand fans because ability carrying across eyelid. Believe he'll homer i look damien hill. Probably murder me but before he errs me. He's probably gonna ask to see if i have a light of her cigarettes. So there's a kind of it is frightening human be. Yes ira is. I distinctly remember who that person is and you know what you must be up just He's so he ends up going into this great match coming into it. And i'm going on the twitter and everybody's like oh you bury damian but you go for for cross. My cross was undefeated before he had a shoulder injury he beat. Who is unstoppable. How're you supposed to build a monster. lose all time. What better way to get him to go back to claim to fame in order to beat somebody. Who's now suto big in annex t. I wouldn't call it I still think he has the opportunity. Get that main title that he needs. But it's there you got to do it. That a couple of matches recall gonzalez verses on ray. Ripley was excellent last woman standing. You're really putting the rub to ready to be the one who just look at that map. Look at i. Don't wanna fight that you'd think he's leader the aryan race when apparently he's a central american and twitter and he's like i do his exact words i would take a letter fight with i've got five leatherbarrow recalls but this was a game like what is this makes me feel connected with lows l. media. Well i'm a wise guys. I feel a connection. Except i need steroids and need to grow like a foot and a half to look at shave. My head But people just hate to hate sometimes because not every big man could be sue breath like now. He's like a destroyer. Suplex machine hard strikes on choke you off. But it's not like he's gonna do a shooting star. Fresh do a fraudulent. Gotta do to help a suicide. Cognacs stations but ray ripley recall gonzales. Fantastic shots kiss because and i will compile less. I'll probably give me like two weeks to shows. I'll give you my best of twenty twenty. Yeah yeah like. What i do is fight through. Tens are always debatable. Always john but my match of the year last year was in valor. Colorado takeover was wednesday cairo. Finale part you guys. If you're talking about general feelings i will tell you that you might as well just my house could be a sperm bank. It was just are too. I enjoyed it thoroughly. Different story. fif- about legitimate broke his jaw in their first fight and storytelling that they had was finn was rhetoric not just to defend his title to break. Kyle's jaw and so there was a segment where kyle bit the teeth. Because he's getting stretched out in a full nelson but just a typical stretch and then he. He was detained for being able to grab the rope. So using his feet Bit the road of his teeth at the ropes in a play. The whole thing out and you felt like kyle could do it except the jaw kept bothering him. What was called trying to hurt shoulder and even for the job again the match which is great and it was commercial free as well. I love that. I wish they'd do it more often. Commercial fruit they can't as a proceeds. So the match ends because Finn i almost on prints because he is a gb club. See how it all comes together. He's the one that created the bullet club with carson. One other person that was. Oh gee was it. Tom allow Thomas there's too many times in there. He used to be called princeton In new japan so it messes with me. Sometimes i think israel as frugal and i laugh a little bit. Lord of the rings hobbit often five ten but all back. I my son but he beats kyle age modified saturn but then he hopes the jaw a little bit in cost tap and i loved it. I love it so much because we have wrestling. That is hard hitting impact we arresting. The has a shot athletism. We wrestling that. Let you do character build character being cocky angry determined resilient and then also creating a story and there's multiple fastest destroy go back into like professor t one days but storytelling ring like targeting this syndrome.

02:10:06 - 02:15:01

Target that injury in your head getting you. Angry kind thing is just chefs and that's all free. This week in a very long cage. That was longer than expected. Righty okay Good job charles. One more thing. I guess we even have a graphic for this. I don't even have a graphic for it. I just wanted to rattle off the the real- mvp's that we did have as one of them was wrestling related for you. Very true I guess i'll leave that out real quick then probably goes my segment and unit as you can go from there So my real. Mvp is aside from all lara. Such healthcare workers lots of managers. Better at it than i am giving montage eighty w because brodie lee's son is his birthday was over the weeks of cody and a few. Dr golden guys took him to disneyworld and i was like my heart. It weeps weeps hard but it's one of those happy because it shows that people do care. There is a community very nice. Very sweet disappear. I'm like you ever ever be kinda like still despondent. You have to keep looking at stuff. That's how i feel but you know to be that kind of familiarity for somebody who lost something and then they're there for them to know that they're there ought so good so good owner chef. Yeah that's a good one very good Let's see we had two more are actually just one more the one that you had mentioned. I didn't have anybody else but Bill belichick belgium bill belichick because he is not going to accept. The presidential medal of freedom is that does that the mental freedom. I think we had a segment about this. Then we like we. Would we give to our own medal of freedom. We were the president thing was like maybe a couple years back now so he's not doing that for very obvious. Reasons bill belichick at. I don't know if i like this. Bill belichick this this bill. Belichick has a soul ballot. Check version of him his him and his dog. Like oh my goodness. I just want to give them a hug. He's in the subway commercial. He's actually kind of funny in it. I have no idea what a man twenty twenty was quite a year. Okay yeah bibliotheque there you go and gottlieb's goons have goons graphic. I have to add the. It's adam silver adam silver. Yeah that's a good one for gerry. Adam silver yeah. That's a good one for me Offer you well. I had tony de. He's it. Tony de ngelo was impressive. Scale forty five seconds left before you kidding me. They were down by like my god. They could win this game. Oh wow you be. But i'll do the dx crotch shot an man oh man all will. I am going to pop on twitter and not let one eighteen. Oh man okay. So yeah tony angelo. He's off twitter because he is a boy. I don't even know how to describe this. andrew. I don't know if you're still there or not but asleep thinking did follows ya regardless you really need some sleep dude. I'm just been listening patiently. Okay tony angelo. Goon right in big goon gigantic. Good rare hockey goon a rare their goons in hockey but not in that sense that we're talking about this is this is a someone deserves to be called off of the ice for for what he thinks and things like that but i mean there's a i don't want to get into it but y'all can get into it. We're just going to mention them. He's a gun resumes. He's a good but it's very very rare for hockey players. Even talk about this type of stuff. I never very normally very reserved with regards any sort of opinions about themselves. And what have you but Yeah tony angelo. Ura play new york city. That's not going to offer you at all. Oh boy as not going to bode well at offer you. So yeah tony angelo. And i'm going to give another one to alabama fans because you guys yes. You did win another national championship. Act like you've been there before.

02:15:02 - 02:16:48

Please really i mean well charles. What was it like with the fifth yankees championship. Two thousand nine. That was more that was that was good. Well as feel good one. Ann mckee matsui finally got his you to do the the mets won. Yeah was pure one hundred percent Johnny rocket crotch strap. Yeah yeah out like right up well regardless alabama fans you guys. We'll see what happens in a couple of weeks is going to be better housing some virus vaccines you guys believing in them. Takes them all into you. Go alabama fans with three point three seconds role of it. Oh man they tied it up on my actually. I might actually watch that overtime after this after ice while editing the show. Okay we're gonna end here. We're at two hours. Fifteen minutes and andrew tired. I'm tired charles. Probably tired and we all have stuff to do tomorrow. So folks. that's that's the end of our eighth episode sports. We'll see you guys next week. Four number eighty nine. We will another milestone by that point. I'll tell that to the guys off air and you'll have a good one take care. Everyone join the world order.

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