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SG 87: 2020 Year in Review (NHL, NBA, NFL, MLB, NCAA); Mumbai Indians; Jon Huber (Brodie Lee)

Writer's picture: Sports GoofsSports Goofs

00:00:29 - 00:05:01

Allo let me lower that on that. Okay what's up. what's up everybody. Hey happy twenty twenty one. The sports groups are back after our month. Long holiday break even though we did some stuff. In between that anyways i'm francisco and once again joined by my two buddies andrew charles from afar. I guys doing good. It's gonna be very interesting because you know twenty twenty one also means you know new surgery. Guess for charles. So we're gonna see if i'm gonna pop some stitches. You know during this whole thing. I wish we put money on it. But it's good. So if i sound a little muffled or more slow pace it's because i'm doing my best not to make my mouth into a river blood but who knows wretched guys away. It's very interesting. When i feel like the godfather michael braces john than he has that little stuff face before he goes to the little talion diner and then shoots up everybody. I hope you guys seen that. My co workers have not seen it. And i feel like they are disgraces. Andy which the godfather. I have seen that one okay. So you're a good credible human being. We appreciate that here. Yeah this episode is brought to you by us. Our listeners that support us on pot hero. If you like this podcast and wants support the work we do. Please take just a few minutes to support us on pod hero not only. Can you support this party. But you can provide ongoing support for all of your favorite podcasts. With a single five dollars ninety nine cents per month subscription and to answer your question yes. We're using potty and also support our favorite podcasts to and for a limited time pod hero will donate an additional five dollars to our show on your behalf when you join. Just make sure you use the link in our show description you for your support. We have sold out people. We've bought it. Yeah that's true we're actually buying and selling out. We're trying to cash in whenever we can but yeah yeah guys. It's quite a break. You know. I i got stuff. For christmas p- the backlog is is ever so dangerous as charles and andrew can attest. I am starting this endeavour to beat video games and We're also going to give away battlefield three code We're gonna have i'm going to say. Hey this is the secret word you tweet at us on our twitter account subscribe or follow us there and then you know you can get it if not i will keep the battlefield. Three code and it will be added to the massive backlog already from years of neglect of my video came catalog. Thank you law school for that by the way thank you. Oh man guys sports happened. I don't know if you guys saw anything at least in the last week or so. I have mean yeah we basically trying to recap an entire month and recap entire year. That's basically what we're doing this episode twenty twenty and but i mean the last week i've saw some stuff or at least over the break i saw stuff. I saw my beloved. Dolphins are eliminated from the playoffs. That's unfortunate. i saw the last game against buffalo bills. Basically we have our new buffalo overlords in the afc. East should be really scared. And i saw the jacksonville. Jaguars tried to be a competent football team for about three quarters. But then philip rivers didn't bring the choking gene from san diego apparently so the colts made the playoffs rather than my dolphins. I saw three basketball games last week. Saw unfortunately saab well actually just to basketball games. I saw the second of the of the bucks miami. He back to back. That was the good game. Compared to the first game people were panicked. People were panicking all the time with the he. I don't get it god. That's the first couple of weeks. Just calm calmer tits. Yeah then. I saw the dallas vs miami game. Yeah yeah the he but man.

00:05:01 - 00:10:04

They had a good game last game. So against oklahoma city. They're they're fine. We all know this is going to happen. They'll get it together. We'll be fourth third seed and then we'll turn on the playoffs. Just calm down. And then i saw some bowl games. I saw the car malleable. I don't there go there in lies. How much i cared about that bowl game but i watch it and then i saw the orange bowl or go buddy jimbo surprise. You watch that one. You don't have a stake in either of those teams. I was i was streaming ukulele. And that was the was the game in the background that i was watching a muzzle. I'm trying to watch more actual sports events. So that's why we're gonna have this fricken podcast and people are gonna listen to us than might as well watch sports for some reason. All right boys oh man this is. This is quite an endeavor to try and sum up two thousand and twenty. But that's what we're going to try and do at least the first half of the show and then we can talk about other stuff as well. So i don't know where do you wanna start. I know andrew. You got your championship your stanley cup championship. Yes sir that was the highlight right guy Yes sports wise. That was that was it. That was the can't really beat that. I've i've been waiting for for that for quite a long time. Twelve years and finally got it. I'm annoyed. I didn't get a chance to see it in person. You know blood i know. Okay well someday now you have the guess have the distinction that if the cup were around you would be able to touch it. I would assume. I i made a deal with myself that i would not touch the cup. I kinda like a hockey player. I would not touch the cup unless the lightning one came so close in the past but now we did it. I still. I don't know. I'm i'm still kind of in disbelief. Available dead even though it's been so long but it's it's just amazing you had the best year out of all of us fan base wise. You know this is basically a year in review vita tyler was andrew basically happy with life and francisco. Charles cry has gets lightning. Win a very dominant playoff everything you know. I would say some heartbreak. Some close games that scared you but you got some vengeance validation you may casuals like me watch and then even though the raised did not win not much your offseason cerebral to next week folks talk about maybe a little bit today talk about it but still going to the world series and being able to kind of be my personal hero to make sure that the houston astros succeed that must be bourbon andrew and then you know consider yourself a little bit as lampe fan. You're you're you're i guess i'm devos's tampa bay buccaneers. Even though i know that's not your full billion. But i have to kind of spend my story. You know they might be in contention to win the east because you know that that that field is not really there's a lot more pretenders in contenders there so we must be great to be in your shoes at charles and francisco kind like we don't talk about the nba. They're frauds. she'd i'm right at look. The he got unlucky. I would say. I don't know if it's the same level as the warriors versus raptor series. I'm just saying had our guys been totally healthy. That goes to seven games. Come on that does go to seven games. I feel like it would have. I feel like we had a healthy gore and bam. We get to seven games right that. That's how i feel about that regardless. Yeah charles. I do feel that sentiment that the darkest timeline was avoided last year. Especially because thanks to baseball because i we will over as before like we almost had the the houston astros versus the atlanta braves. At i totally was on board to go all in on houston and like i have joined the dark side guys. I have joined the dark side okay. Emperor palpitation has gotten to me. I have slaughtered the children. The children and i am ready to go They have pulled me out of the lava and put me in the suit. That's that's what that's what i was about to do. But thankfully atlanta did what atlanta did and choked and the raise.

00:10:04 - 00:15:06

Got it together for one game the very least so that. That's what i was I was happy about twenty twenty. I'll say this about the i. Guess the criticism about the teams. That did win last year. I guess the dodgers and lightning and people were saying they were mickey mouse championships. Or what have you. i don't know man. They were very hard. I maybe say the nba bubble. You know because the nba always has that overarching notion that you know. There's there's there might be some rigging and there's been rigging in the past. We know that all right. We do know that but baseball. No those guys are slightly longer. Playoff the fricken stanley cup. The nhl bubbles. How many overtime. Games of the lightning play android. I mean dear and and not just the overtime game but the amount of overtime that they played i just. I'll look it up. But i think off the top my head we had. I just wanted to know. I mean i had to in the in the star series. I'm just making the point at eight played. I don't know how much how much time i think we did. Seven six or seven. I'll double check that. But regardless they played hockey they played but just think of all the series and then all the overtimes on top of it. You can't say that. They had an easy. They didn't they didn't have it easy at all. So that was a weird thing with twenty. Twenty andy The first series was to overtime one of which was a five overtime. That was the first series against the blue jackets. There were two in the boston series. The second one went to double so so far that is six nine overtime periods through two rounds back to back overtime games in the islanders series. So yeah it was actually eight. I was i was pretty close. Thought it was a your lighter. Hedged my bet ballade so and there were three overtime periods in the islanders series and then three overtime period finals. That's three six. i think. Twelve total overtime periods. So four additional games. Wow worth up of overtime malone. Yeah that's that's insane but despite all of the trouble with the virus and you can donate fund. We do have a fund if anybody wants to help out the cdc and rolling out the vaccine you can. We have links. You'll find them somehow. Someway sports was able to get through. And we were able to get through to so man. I'm just glad that year is over. I think we all are Yeah paid some debts. That's how i look at it as save some light man a playoff. Oh yeah yeah backlog list the paranoia about getting the c is terrified of course but those first couple of months of the pandemic near like let me just pop on sixteen games. That's my highlight wrestling. Suffered of course sports suffer in course but you know you find little things. I didn't hate it but Twenty twenty one hopefully You know. I kinda do miss being able to go to that sporting event as well so that's as which is hit that solo. But you know what we all want. Yeah i I mean the florida. Panthers will let people in i think the he led a very few amount of people in. I don't know if or when i will make that decision to be like you know what. I just wanna go to frigging hockey game. But we'll see. Yeah that makes twenty twenty. Did i did use it for an opportunity. Yeah save on gas for sure. I wasn't traveling as much and going from place to place in court and all that stuff so that was good then. I started to start beating video games towards the end of that year. You know did a whole thing with marlins tired like got into that. That was that bad either and we did a whole slew of fake major league baseball games while everything was shut down to keep this this sinking ship afloat and then over the last month or so.

00:15:07 - 00:20:06

The ship suddenly started floating for us. So i was happy about that. Twenty twenty for the show ended on a very high note. For all of y'all out there so Thank you to all of you. Hey high you doing. How's it going. You're you're definitely probably gonna watch the world juniors on certain about actually no. He told me that he does not watch. The really interesting wasn't expecting that he's a very interesting reason for it i will. I will say that much. i'll explain. So yeah the world juniors championships for hockey or happenings. And we have i mean. The the quintessential rivalry right the usa versus canada. Just the way it should be i. All i know is the florida. Panthers are very happy with the final because both goalies on both teams are their draft picks their prospects. Which is it's crazy that this is happening. The panthers have been pretty horrible with goalie prospects and now they have two of them and i guess it's central berta along was hired. That's they've put a bigger emphasis on goaltending and especially has been after paying surrogate brodsky. A ton of money and not having a great year from him so that also factors into that. But that's looking for as looking nice for sure then. Pro football hall of fame came out with their lists the finalists. There's some there's some definite no brainers on there and there's some guys probably deserve to get in there and haven't gotten in there and you know i don't know somebody better vote them in because they deserve to get in there for sure before we go any further. I want to get the sad part out of the way now so we have the rest of the episode to recover. You will all right i. I told francisco that. I wanted to do kind of in memoriam shitty year. So if you'll allow me. I'm looking at a an article here. 'cause i've lost track of how many sports world passed away but i'll just go through really quick and it's in it's in chronological order. Not you know. Who's better than anyone else. So david stern who was commissioner the nba. Wow how did. I forget that. He passed away he. He passed away literally ear ago on january. First wow so well. He didn't pass wait year ago past ten years ago. The way this year went so him. Don larsen asked away on the same day. Arson of course notable for pitching the only perfect game in mlb his perfect playoff game a perfect game in the playoffs. Gladdock record myself there. And i was just about to get there well. Rocky johnson dwayne the rock johnson. Father passed away on the fifteenth january. Of course koby castaway all. Yeah twenty six. And i was there in los angeles that are goo from ground for that one. Yeah we had people from cnn nbc asking for us to give them credit. I'm like okay. Sure well like i said guys. We're the marianas trench sports media and eventually the big eventually whale carcass does float down to the bottom. So when we when francisco says the marianas trench. He doesn't mean that we're stooping so low. He means that we that no one else is interesting. Come on now. People want to go down there. James cameron loves to come down here a but i don't like we're stooping to like we're not. We're not gotcha on brand for us. Come on now. we're not god you we're not. Tm with t. m. c. We're not gonna stoop so low as to olsen terrible could say as. I'm glad we're not skip bayless a colin coward. That's all i can say amen to that. Tom dempsey passed away on april fourth. Tom dempsey key kicked the then record. Longest sixty three yard. Feelable back in the seventies. I think six actually did a whole espy. Nation will now secret base Whole video on him. 'cause the nfl made a rule change because he was born without toes on his right foot is kicking flight so they may rule saying basically can't have like a flat shoe anymore because that's what he wore alkaline.

00:20:06 - 00:25:05

Yeah stamp the baseball hall of fame just lost a ton of people. I know towards jackson ronald jars. Hank steinbrenner who was the eldest son of words. How how irony that bird. Yeah don shula. Yeah yeah especially down here or jerry. Sloan jerry slew passed away to dear lord. He he was. He's the low in another theory. What jerry west now jerry. Sloan is retired and chicago with the bulls and of course the utah jazz. Melo's malone stockton teams. Pat dye was head coach at auburn. I and this article is leaving out so many. Tom seaver knows reasons. Yeah there was. There was a string of a couple of days where baseball this lost a ton of people. It was actually september second. Was tom seaver. Four days later six was lou. Yeah then gale sayers. Oh awesome markets and bob gibson was if they won on october second. Whitey ford writing from september on the baseball hall of fame was just decimated. So whitey ford on the nine. October ninth joe morgan. Two days later on the hours a specified for that one man didn't see joe. Morgan play but man sunday night baseball. John miller and joe morgan. I i don't know man that was. That was a dream team right there. Now this one you guys may not know about. But i certainly do travis roy. I'm i'm i'm no that the knows him. I know it. I would be surprised if he did. Know travis roy back. He was a player at the u. Hockey player and he was paralyzed from the neck down. Eleven seconds into his first collegiate chef but he came at huge. He was a motivational speaker afterward. Huge huge advocate and he actually created or helped push something. I forget what it's called but it's basically the equivalent of warning track for hockey. Think it's called a look away line basically it's a strip of colored ice. It's orange that joe's proximate lately six feet away from the boards like kinda the equivalent of a warning track. Where if you see that is basically. You're safe to be checked if you are within that orange area anything further than that and it gets a bit dangerous so it's kind of a warning to both people don't hit somebody who's beyond that all morning maradona november twenty fifth phil. Niekro day another baseball. Good lord i i don't know I guess morbidly fitting that there was a you know the baseball hall of fame canceled their inductions for twenty twenty and then i would assume they would be able to find a way to get twenty twenty one class but you'll have to classes coming in at the same time to replace these guys one out. Replace them you know. Y'all know what i mean just the beginning. I'm like oh man. I forgot this. This happened but it's so much. Oh well is that it could find other articles. But i think that's a mersa you be you or freddie can think of anyone else that i missed but not could you. A whole episode only passed away. Let's try and turn this around right right. that's one one get out of the way early. So the bumper. The the bummer. Our subject is out of the way. I wanna go to one of our first segments the first segment of the year. I special little thing and andrew. I think we're gonna need your help for this all right now. Then we have a segment called called on swine uncultured swine where we look at international teams the world. We're the goose were. We're trying to be cultured here and but we try our best to learn about other things in lately. We've been playing it safe. We're actually since we started this playing it safe. Canadian football teams Japanese korean baseball teams.

00:25:05 - 00:30:02

Where we haven't gone chewy outside of the realm where we're like. Yeah we even know that this sport existed or these teams existed. So i decided guys we need to satiate a new a new section of our audience that newly came into our realm right. It's not just about the russians anymore. All right we're going to go to india for this one and phantoms guys. We'll take anybody. Yeah are our hollywood by indians. And these are actual indians. Not indians like the cleveland indians. Who are now going to change their name. So these and they're in india and they are comprised of people who are indian. So i guess they can call themselves themselves so weird bit of thing but it's that they're just kong themselves themselves so i guess it's like the houston texans in a way but the mumbai indians. That is who we are highlighting. They were established in two thousand eight. They play in the indian premier league which is a league comprised of cricket teams yes cricket. That's where that's okay. That's were going here. Not named jimmy lays dome so mumbai indians they play in the indian premier league which was established. I think in two thousand and seven and the first season was in two thousand eight and they are. I guess the new york yankees of cricket in india. They've won five championships most recently last year. In two thousand and twenty they have also won. I think Club championships where i just like in soccer where you have club teams from around the world. And they'll face each other. I r a trophy or cupper championship. So the they've won two of those their last one was in two thousand and thirteen facing off against international club teams. I don't know any notable roster. Because i don't know who any of these guys are. I'm sorry the captain by rohe's sharma and mahela. I going put you these names. Andrew jayawardene was appointed the head coach before two thousand seventeen. He's got a championship already. So there you go i should. I should call my friend is he. He knows quite a bit about cricket. I should've called him on the show. Can maybe i can. We'll wrangle when we can wrangle them in another episode. We like let's get something from the experts. But a bit of trivia here. Their chief rival are the chennai super kings. Now that's a name for sports same They're not just the kings all right. We got the los angeles kings the sacramento kings. Now we have the super kings here all right they. They're they're basically it's red sox yankees the two teams have faced each other the most In the indian premier li history the two most successful franchises in that league and ni- the super kings. They have a winning record against every team in the league except for the mumbai indians. That is the rivalry that is going on over there. The indians play at think. It's called man. Wankhede stadium i. I don't know if i'm pronouncing that correctly or not or wang yue handke's nothing l if they do have a baseball team in at any point in the future. I think that should be the name. The winky yankees which is located in the city of mumbai it was opened in nineteen seventy four holds about thirty three thousand one hundred eight people it has hosted three world cups including the two thousand eleven championship cop or whatever were india beat sri lanka and was the first team I team to ever win on their home turf in cricket world cup history. There you go. that's that's the mumbai indians. everybody. I don't know if you want to jump into learning a bit about cricket andrew. I guess we could do. Well kirk me that my friend might be willing to come on. I'm going to defer so we'll we'll defer to sometime later this season we will have somebody sit down and be like all right. So why do they wear those funny helmets. And we'll We'll figure it out. We'll figure it out from there. Why is the stick flat. Why is everybody running around in circles.

00:30:02 - 00:35:02

I have no idea so But of course cricket many would say are i guess it is. It historically was the inspiration for baseball. So maybe there will be some things that will translate and we'll finally get it when somebody can sit down and explain it to us us uncultured swine. So that's uncultured swine the first one for two thousand and twenty one. Those guys feel a little more cultured Yeah yeah i feel what they. They missed opportunity by not calling team by mumbo. I mean you know maybe this is just my my commonalities by bollywood's cooler by his dance. I'm just saying wrong with it. Mambo mambo sounds awesome. Yeah then you have linked vegas's your everybody coming to the cricket field your mom looking. Okay all right. I guess we could move on wjr boy. I guess i'll throw out some nhl news. Because i'm trying to get back into hockey like i used to with the panthers. I wrote an article on litterbox cats and it will be published. I guess some time this week so that would be fun but Yeah hockey news. We'll do some of that. So let's do that hockey all right so because of the virus. Something's changed of course. The winter classic was canceled. This all star game was cancelled here in florida. Which is unfortunate for us. 'cause we could have seen some of the festivities the san jose sharks because they play in santa clara county have been kicked out of the county because they're not allowing any contact sports whatsoever. It's the reason. Why the san francisco forty niners playing arizona. So the sharks have moved to arizona and are doing their training camp and sharing with the arizona coyotes for the time being. They're going to be on the road to start out the season. I think like their first eight games and they will see what will happen from their allowed. Back in i think the cow palace which is somewhere outside of san francisco. I think that county hasn't banned because the warriors are still playing in san francisco. So i don't think that county still hasn't banned contact sports so they may play up there or are of the of the oracle arena in oakland. Still can have a sheet of ice but they could always play back there. And hey a throwback to the california golden seals which would be kind of fun to see too. But that's what's going on with the sharks as far as some retirements that did happen ryan. Callahan retired andrew. So he's he retired. Alex teen retired. Got a cup with saint louis. Some sad news henrik. Lung quests as At taps required but it seems like the end of the road is near. Yeah this was probably the most. I guess unfortunate news with regards these older players that that are mentioning here. Quest of course hasn't won a stanley cup. Went to the final twenty fourteen with the rangers with rangers forever and finally his time with new york has ended. he's he signed with the caps butts. I heart condition as basically put his entire career in jeopardy. But at this point. I don't feel like he. He needs to prove anything more to us or anybody else in hockey. He's a hall of famer. I i believe so. He won a gold medal with sweden. Back in two thousand and six. He's he's got the numbers Basically the staple of the new york rangers all those years past decade. And a half. And i see it just like with chris bosh when he had the the blood clot issue. There's nothing more free to prove. I know he wanted that stanley cup. We all wanted him to get a stanley cup but for me it. He played for the cup at least once in his career. So that is enough for me. And he should just think about the rest of his life and he's going to do he's going to do really well. He's really personable is really lock is going to be fine. Our post playing career for sure. So that's that's a bit of sad news Some of these older guys. I just focus on the older players because it was kind of interesting today.

00:35:02 - 00:40:00

Chara is not in boston anymore. He's off to washington affected by have the oldest average team oldest like average age of any seems like it manages. They're filling up with a ton of old guys. Lundquist has gone now. But yikes yes. Chara off off to dc and the joe thornton leave san jose finally and is off toronto because sure toronto is going to be the place where you win. The cup said nobody. So joe thornton. Try and i don't know he has a retired yet. He hasn't retired. I think he shaved his beard. So that's another loss in twenty twenty. I guess oh and some really interesting us. So we had the winter. Classic back did get cancelled however the nhl is going to replace sets in some way with two other games that we played out in lake. Tahoe so to outdoor games out there. The boston bruins will face off against the colorado avalanche and the philadelphia. Fires will face off against the vegas golden knights so the golden knights will get their first outdoor game and yet the tampa bay lightning won. The cup won two cups of one of the best fan bases in hockey and have yet to host outdoor game or be in an outdoor game so nhl and your horrible marketing nbc sports. You guys suck course affiliate bassem surprising. It puts chicago in this. So that's any us. I wanted to get out of the way and i. I'm glad hockey's coming back. We'll be back next week with that january thirteenth l. Be all all excited to once again. Be frustrated florida panthers hockey. I you want a twenty twenty one francisco prediction and andrew of everybody looks not resolutions. But you know i. It signed up. Put the chips on the table baby. Okay well given that we had a shortened offseason. There was movement. But i don't think anything that significant that i- tampa bay's pretty much for the most part kept the team intact. So that's yeah. I mentioned and conspiracy theory. Well let me let me give some background here. So the good news is we won the stanley cup. This was really the last year to do it because we were as urinate tree calls it. You're coming up against salary. Cap hill a lot of our guys. Were coming with new contracts right. Yeah that's why they're to be last year or this year anyway so won the cup thankfully so we had to get rid of a couple players under cap. We traded brayden burn cedric podcasts. To on awas in return for two players who are on long term injured. Reserve lt tr. The thing about l. tr is that if a player is on their their salary does not count toward the salary cap. And i think lt are is sixty days minima if i remember correctly so that was able to get rid of two contracts allah says you guys signed mikhail. Sergachev resigned erkki. He deserves his money right. But in a bit of theater sweet news i guess the keita kucherov requires not season ending because he could be back for the play offs but he went on l. Tr surgery hip surgery and that helps because all of a sudden he's nine million dollar contracts. Finland is going to get the bronze medal russia. We apologize to our russian audience. They hate when i stream video games by the way but really. Oh yeah when on my personal channel like because i was playing doom and as i especially suck at fps so i play fps. As as if. I'm playing metal gear which is not the way you should be playing the way but yeah they absolutely hate it when i put her on google translate. Oh man the things they say to me. And so every now.

00:40:00 - 00:45:03

Every time i start my streams regardless of video game i go the russians are going to hate this so your music. Yeah aright yes. Lightning have a good chance. I really do To because of those reasons andrew. They didn't lose the big pieces. And i guess it was because of the shortened offseason way things worked out. Oh and actually the high totally forgot about this. The heisman trophy was just awarded to devante. Smith hey i wide receiver in forever. Alabama wins again. How how exciting. Everybody echoing sentiments from our bowl. Extravaganza will regions like. We are not for this football playoff. But we'll get to that again later on you know what scares me in the nhl. The colorado avalanche team stacked not man. Joe sakic everything he touches turns to gold really seriously all right i. I don't know if there's a a an innuendo thing that charles come up with sakic's name but he should come up with one because he probably deserves whatever fondling of his sack for sure. Because he's he's done well as a player he's doing well as an executive and iago coloration it be the second suck esque team. I'm just very fond obliteration. Sometimes so and then you can call the second suck steps. Meyer shirts bottle. Yeah yeah we got a nice one with andrew on there for sure is so yeah the avalanche. That's if i'm going to choose a western conference team it is that one. Yeah colorado bay fricking they. They're like the lightning the last few seasons where it's like. They are so close to just finally getting through and and winning this cup the they've been building towards it for so long and i i feel like there the next one like they need to be the next one given how they've constructed a team and everything about it and i can't find anybody on that team that i dislike which is always nice to say for your hockey team in some way but i guess the lightning had that reputation to where you have other teams like boston and stuff for like there's asshole and this team we know for sure it's a boss of courses deuce it just jumping get really quick. Devante smith is the first wide receiver to win since nineteen ninety one. And i think that was Desmond howard what i was saying the first one in forever forever ever for epa avenue is forever know forever forever. Yeah i was like. Hey i know stuff i i should know self scoring run trivia. But considering you're you're going to be doing a big thing next week for sure announce it but non on and i'll go. I'll keep it a surprise for monday. Okay folks you'll see it on the socials for sure. We will definitely be tweeting stuff out all right so charles. If i'm gonna put my money on any team this season the colorado avalanche so just to put it out there right. Yeah so yeah. Yeah so okay. We are at fifty minutes. So i can get another small segment out of the way. If you guys want right. No i i'd rather go to you. Go girl that's right folks who we highlight women in sports all right and We had some very significant glass ceilings. That were broken last year in twenty twenty. If there is any sort of there are there are. There are few positives of twenty twenty. But that was one of them. That was one of the women. Sports were breaking glass ceilings in the executive world and in the on the playing field andrew for sure. So this time. Around though i feel like highlighting We're gonna continue with the hockey team in a world. Juniors and stuff like that and and i wanted to continue this this hockey thing here. I don't think we've well. We have highlighted a woman hockey before. Although i if i may this is the most recent.

00:45:03 - 00:50:03

This actually happened yesterday. Wanna give a shout out uncle smith. Y'all hear about that boston. Red sox coach right. Yes yes yes yes. She is going to be the first black woman to coach in the minor leagues. I believe she's going to be based out of fort myers. So in sunny fort myers she will be based at the team's player development facility in fort myers social probably position late. Yeah probably working with the i. Guess the the rookie league gulf coast league down here. Most likely yeah. Probably and i guess the minor leagues still up in the air. So maybe a lot of prospects will just be hanging out in fort myers use the the training facilities there the woman. I'm wondering if he's director of baseball operations at case western reserve from two thousand thirteen. Seventeen in assisting coach at the university of dallas two twenty eighteen. She also previously had internships with the rangers in the res- in their baseball operations department. So this is someone who knows her shit. Yeah for sure okay. So that's that's the first one. I guess the double double whammy here. So i also have here. Bridget let cats. She plays four team canada. She played college hockey at minnesota duluth. She's a defense woman. I guess. I guess that's the technical. The real the right term read defense woman. She's from the matiz community in mallard manitoba. That is a first nations community native native canadians as their the caught up there in the in the great white north played for. I guess back when this league was up. I think the canadian women's hockey league. She played for the calgary inferno but as far as the significance for her trivia. I she's the first first nations woman to play for team canada as she made the team back in two thousand and fifteen so far in her cell lewd to use salute. You andrew overran. I unfortunately have very loud sneezes on it. there's nothing i can do about it. Yeah so She's won two silver medals and one bronze medal h f row championships and she has won a silver in the two thousand eighteen olympic games and she has had to deal with her fair share of racism up in canada. And i'm gonna use this moment to be a little patty because it is also on brand for us back. A few years ago. I wrote an article about how a lot of northern americans and canadians dislike the southern hockey teams and people who live in warm climates. That like hockey. And one of the reasons i threw out there was like i think a few of them are little racist. And they'll like that the brown and black people and the people from other countries there. I threw that out there. I threw it out there and a lot of canadians. Got pissed off at me on the socials. I still stand by my word because she has had to deal with that. Racism being called a dirty indian. Go back to the reserve. All right she dealt with that when she was a kid and all through her life so all right canada you. It's not all. I know you guys only have one road and your world is basically the wizard of oz accordance south park. But it's all it's not all patine and tim hortons up there all right so and you have sodomy in nova scotia so so so anyways i can't really work. We're starting off the year like this. We already talked about the dead people. I could talk about this the dominant regenerate right anyways bridget. Regardless you have come through a lot to reach the highest level especially i mean come on. It's usa versus canada. Those are the top two programs in the world for regardless in hockey. Okay men and women. So you're part of that amazing rivalry and on this team. So you go girl. Yeah good with sodomy right anyways. That's newfoundland oh yeah thanks. Thanks thanks. I live iceland medically thinking new found glory.

00:50:03 - 00:55:01

Now i just want to get my wrong figure skateboards oh yeah. That's right. how god man. Yeah using charles thousand. Yeah i remember that moved not new. Newfound land yeah. You know if it sounds different. Ryan for way i'm right. I love that. We're throwing canada on the under the bus today. Well it's on brand right. It's also braille and also usa versus canada. Tonight all right. We're gonna throw canada on the bus except for bridget. Cat a patriotic. Yeah all right Boys we're getting towards the halfway point. You know what that means It is a word from our non sponsors people places things concepts. What have you that we've been enjoying. Maybe even longer than the last week maybe over the last month or so because we've been gone for a bit and well over the break. I put together five compilations of our pass non sponsors so if you're on whatever podcast app and believe me. We're pretty much. Every podcast app match up their slide into your dms. Now that's how far reaches. Yeah i don so on their. We're on somewhere. You will find us or we will find you regardless you can listen to our pass. Non sponsors all our past promo code all of our pass ramblings on and you can look on our website. We added links. If you wanna buy some stuff that we mentioned on the show you can click on our links. It'll help us out to okay once again. Adding to the whole selling out thing that we've been doing and so that's a bit of announcement there but regardless a word from mars is. These people aren't paying us to promote them. We just like to talk about it. So i don't know who wants to start. We had the holiday break. We got stuff and my backlog is going to be ever-growing because my family and charles decided hey we should give money to spend on his switch but who wants to start. Y'all into my question to this is we're doing the award later rate because yeah we'll do our goof awards later on mostly blencoe gentleman so i'll tell you the so guys. I'm going back to working remotely or renovating the office. Cubicles buildings and stuff like that. So i have to look back. And say hey. What am i doing bringing a laptop at all and works until my new laptop. I new laptop. It's my personal Commun- about eight but it has the vents at the bottom. And usually i just have you know. I put my laptop on my bed with the vans at the wild lawyers afforded like overheating and stuff like that and then i was like all right. I have a little tv. Let's try. because i live in shanty. And i don't have you know a full office but we'll go from. There hurts the wrestle russell on his flavors and if i don't wanna bring my work in which we go vote your that work we're good a know Put on tv trickle. Like man betray the possibility building arthritis carpal tunnel and then also blown up my fantastic new laptop at making my life easier for work to do to our titians pigeons multilateral i decided to invest in a top stab hell to the now all i went on amazon are other overlords said so much. We're not censor them yet. But i went on amazon. I got myself a nice fancy a laptop stand for like eight dollars. There's so many that's not even fair to Sell sponsor cheapest thing available but you can get like thirty dollar one. Forty ones are religious out there but for me this just kind of alleviated a little bit so for my personal laptop The ntsb find a blob. I mean we're looking at right now. Few of them. I got my flight eight dollars price and quality and i got more for plastic with a rubber linings in there so keeps in place and you can play around with the angle of degree me. I don't really go that far up because psychopath it's not like these long nails choir is out with the simple but the helps out not kind of like lick my risk down completely like i'm being a pump. Marry that i know mine was learning like seventy nine nine nine franscisco but it also just helps up too because in court. Tv lunch tray is very much. What i'm sitting now my gaming church nearby midsection so you know. I don't want court to see like my towel hanging.

00:55:01 - 01:00:06

I wanted to see. Enter it has zoom day and age. You have to look professional. I don't want to see my pop collection. That's out there showing. Just god knows what you. Happy gilmore an book. Well why don't i think that's mine right there. The whole horizon aren't they twelve nine nine. Maybe gone so but they're all very similar but what i do is with that laptop with the stand. It actually elevates a little bit more makes. It seem like they see more my neck my face. They don't seem you know with leftover. They don't see the box of tissues. It's fantastic you really say as we protect me so i think a good investment. I think it's cheap. I recommend for anybody if they have a laptop that has vents on the bottom. Or if they you know they get let go. Because i'm not you guys but typing all day who hurts my risk coming into it so very big very happy i. It's one of those adult purchases have been making and it's weird but you know it was a big fan of those summer lasts till i got my my tyra by ten. Be of but very big on it. Did there's the riot them you see what works into it. I won't sheep. Because i'm cheap but actually sufficient works the one i got hold up to i think fifteen jews horizontally have right to elevate higher. I don't eat that weird person who gets like it's one that's the size of three year olds. Why but It's been so good. I think it might be able work with my old laptop that had like seventeen inches of horizontal With coming into it. But i have it right now. We're doing a show because it's putting my bet it's actually pretty mellow i have my. Tv trio have the the stan on there. And it's good. If i did like if i had a gaming laptop i think will be perfect. Don't but it allows me to kind of function better do more. So big fan Laptop stand you know. Whatever is because it's not one of those things where i say. Hey you should buy this. You just get the concept of that idea and there and the promo code. I would say Just say promo code carl. That works interesting next. Go oh you want me to go all right all right guys so we had the holiday break. We had all types of stuff we had. You know the people giving and stuff like that. Even though i know a lot of people didn't have the same means that they could have an enormous here but we all tried to make the best of the holiday season. And i tried to make the best of that so i try to make sure that i had all my bases covered the guards all my friends and loved ones for sure. And it's kind of funny that you mentioned this charles because by non sponsor amazon even technically we could be making money off of them. If you click on the feelings. But i basically used amazon for pretty much everything with my holiday shopping. Last year i was not gonna set. Foot inside of the spoils that are the malls here miami. I'm not gonna do it amazon. You could put everything in gift. Wrap just click five dollars more ossoff itself. It took care of everything for all my family members. Every single person that i needed to short sweet. Simple everything's on here and i. We've we've hired them before. So i'm not gonna spend too much time on them but i just want to say amazon man. They made the holiday shopping. Easy for me and jeff. Basil's will be overlord someday. We all know this. So promo code bald headed overlord vessels slick. You can't turn this guy off man you all right. Andrew i europe did you use a year. It's been a while. But it. I i honestly need for once. Well no no. No no i am going to do. A jewel non sponsor if you will actually a quad non sponsor all claude on sponsor. I will go in chronological order. I is one of the mods. We do a secret. Santa every year and my request for the year was a hat from the mods main university and in this case he is from the university of new mexico. So i got this really cool wall with an old school logo louis logo on it.

01:00:07 - 01:05:01

I should have shown that off when we Popeye hat today but grabs so at the first the second is will the second and third or the gentleman. I'm speaking to the evening i got lovely amazon gift card from charles and i got a autism. The picture to you charles francisco. Got me a souvenir. One of those mini souvenir bats of the orlando rays back in nineteen ninety eight lost. And it's a many baseball bat with the orlando rays logo on it. And then the last is my sister who got me. Tulsa tulsa golden hurricane hat so lot of wonderful sports memorabilia. Lots of wonderful stuff coming in this year in the holidays sign. I'm very thankful for everyone. Promo code stuff. Cool stuff and cool beans. Thank you andrew that you're going to make individual promo codes for me and charles is we've had you as a non sponsor before which if you had put in the promo code andrew would literally do anything that you told them to do. You had your chance. You had a chance all right charles. Giving derrick henry. Many many henry handy's this past season. Two thousand two thousand one for each yard all right folks. It's not just about the non sponsors out there. Sometimes we have to give a shout out to the real sponsors. That help us here at sports. I'm going to tell you about this one. It is anchor. If you haven't heard about anchor is the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain first off. It's free great for you. Great for me. Great for anchor. There's creation tools that allow you to record. And edit your podcast right from your phone or your computer. I've used it on both of my computer. And my phone easy to use. I love it. Anchor will distribute your podcast for you. So it can be heard on spotify apple podcasts. And many more for those of you to sports gives you know were on a wide variety of platforms. We cast a wide net and anchor is one of the services that helps us do that. You can make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership. It's everything you need to make a podcast in one place. Which is why. I love it. One stop shop for everything that i need. Download the free anchor app or go to anchor dot. Fm to get started so there you go all right so that's that's the word from our non sponsor so we're are into the second half of the show and where do we go from here boys because i still i have other segments plan but we can always create an open ended discussion for anything else. I mean the nba kinda starting. There's not really much talk about their right charlton. It is kelly. I mean as far as like the phoenix suns. Starting off pretty hot. Let's just let's just attack. Let's talk of keep culture and then let's tack it onto the the season itself. So if you want i go. Let's go. let's go we already. We talk with basketball. It's the games folks into the nba season. It is a shortage season. I think they're doing it. Has how many games are we getting out. But not the full always seventy two. I don't think it's. I think they locked up that much. So this season looking into it end you know. I think it's silly to kind of say to be the espn nba fox. Sports qualifiers make you. Just do the gotcha news. What they think. These predictions are just ridiculous. But there's things that come with combat. We have a lot coaching. Hires that kind of come into chicago. You have the rockets. James hardrock top sibito new york. You have doc rivers over in philly and then you have the clippers. So it's very interesting to see how they mesh because for me looking into the season it's really just kind of say contents pretend contenders and pretenders and the things that we kind of speak to as league in the. We'll talk about it for the heat. You wanna kinda look into is that.

01:05:01 - 01:10:00

What is your tempered expectations. Knowing that a good close to half but not fully half a league is going on shore duress comparative the other half and what those advantages look like and i. I'm very curious. I think brennan brennan roku was with follow him on twitter. Follow us on. And we'll forget him on soon enough because there was some big news out of indianapolis whole nc double a. Happened there for basketball. That's pretty cool and patients are starting pretty all right. Fantastic follow francisco Jr and then all the other stuff that we do on social media. That's my shot by finding interesting because you know sometimes there's like we wait until closer trade deadline to have the big trades coming out. But i feel like this is the horses or come out running and there's some teams that i don't think there's a margin for error to just get these new superstars chill together and just i wanna see what the panic switch looks like. That's what i'm interested in from the Look at houston. They're two and three. John walls already out a couple games. I think there was covered reasons. You have markets cousins. You have james harden just being complete dick for lack of better word instance who six have no viable player. There papa wants derrick rose. I never thought i say that. And when we talk about the. I'll tell you why i say that. And then you have the overreactions or people were saying. Oh lose the seventy sixers are won't Congratulations you're just making observations. That been for the last eight years where the man can build consistency in the season. But you can get bouncing that first round and then there are the surprising. learn magic. because i don't think highly of seed clip me look on live with the sixers. Look their their schedules. I haven't page. okay. They beat washington to start out the season. Then they beat the next but then he they lost to the cavs. So there's already. They beat toronto patrols. Not doing hot right now. They beat orlando orlando starting off pretty. Well we're going to try and make andrew care about basketball this year and the the magic's hotstar to seasons in a good way to get documents that's because the pressure points of teams that were said to be consistent to be contenders like toronto for example bala to finish southall francisco. I just two more than the. They swept the back to back against the charlotte hornets. Who are also trying to guess. Gordon hayward they're now so there's some like you said there's some gelling that still needs to happen with these teams. We'll see what happens a month in which with this so we're very compact scheduled for sure which brings a lapointe to six one. I'm expecting these traits of send up super early because of the toronto raptors if they go one rappers thank. It wasn't t i just see. I know drake is all in there but you know. Aren't they tampa bay raptors right now. That's true they technically. Are you blame. Tampa it's crappy water for For making them feel bad playing but at one in five have a high price guy. So there's something that you need to consider one of the reasons. Why i would definitely say that. You're gonna see the triggers being pulled early and out of panic and fear if your team is tanking wife. You're not working with as much money in the salary cap across all sports. you're limited funds. Do you want to pay all these guys. If you see the writing on the wall you know so here you are toronto raptors at one in five like. Oh we still. Fred van fleet that we just resigned. Okay but what are we doing about newbie. What are we doing about kyle. Lowry what are we doing about all these guys and translates because look the same thing golden state i three games they lose visit doesn't the herbal out four and three but that Kelly oubre who is brick tenuous with the the bad scheduling. The we don't know how. Cv is going to affect Years ago and we know we're getting compact seasons at now for the nba. It's a season half of loss marketing. And they lost not even because damn man. It might be a burden to. Just cancel the season at the sec. But they went and have playoffs about that playoff revenue or they could justify jacking up prices. So damn high and then you know. Tv up houston who signed everybody in their mother. Aside from james harden not want to be there it will now. You're losing out. Maybe if you're religious tank in. I don't even remember who their coaches i know it was. I think charlotte is named memorable. Because i haven't learned to know is named. Maybe wanna get rid of this up. So i think there's going to be that that not overreaction. Because you don't mind if you're going to sell guy a guy you're going to buy you build with your team is whether or not it's about getting the right guy is that's why debate on but if you wanna do fire seldom faisal personally speaking houston blow up because hardened warning play the other day he went like five or seventeen. That's the problem that we lose the windows closed.

01:10:00 - 01:15:02

They missed they missed the window. And then you have like the wizard to five for. They're playing and i love ross. Press wasn't a nice guy last year to me. But i love him being a You for lack of better word spurned. Ex-lover from katie. You because the guy did what three triple doubles seasons. Back to back to back basketball. You can really appreciate the individual dynamics achievements but voters make those decisions like chicago bulls. You're probably he will billy donovan. It's gonna be growing pains. Do you wanna pay all these guys. Got otto porter jr. yet to decide what you can do about lowering market can do also this the time the cell so i'm interested in that season i watched a few games but like you said it's not the biggest thing but i want to kind of attack now because what i love about basketball season band god damn they just sweep things on the road that misstatements that they make oh the in italy crow either. I love making people crocus. I'll eat my own crow and the other thing. I like the comments on the overreaction of a fan base in this is where we come into the miami heat or dear lord inexpensive wrong. This isn't like the nfl where you lose the first four games and really done. You're like i for the record that i is done. I honestly don't understand every year. This happens we know. The heat. The heat i would say notoriously start off. Slow say feels like that's been the trend. The last three seasons. And i don't understand what's the worry were in the eastern conference that already helps us as as we know. This isn't a bad team. We know we got new pieces that those guys have to get into the fold. We know erik spoelstra. Does he even have a set rotation tation to like the last day of the season so he tinkers he moved things around. We still have some guys that. Are we have tyler herro who still has to develop a defensive game and things like that duncan robinson to we we we obam getting better and we know jimmy butler. He's gonna have. Were gonna sit him down when we need to. I mean he had to sit early on already in the season. But we're not gonna play them out their dog him and make him you know we're not. This isn't run by tom. Tippett all right this. This doesn't really matter this first month. They can go five hundred. And i'll be like that's fine. I'm i'm cool. As long as they get the rotations as long as they get one or two wins. They got their wins already. They'd be they beat the bucks already and that was without jimmy and And you you can see like they have some issues there. Avalon turnover issues lately. That's been concerning a little bit but even then it's like that's just being sloppy once again. They didn't have the long preseason like they normally do and Shorter training camp. So things are a little wonky. There guys are gonna take a bit to get warmed up to game shape for the most part and once again. The heat were in the finals so they might have. They have less rest than everybody except the lakers. So that might be factored in as well. I'm not worried. But a lot of people here in south florida miami. Y'all need to calm down man really for sure my rant into just make that brief. Keeping with the lakers. A lot of people on that team aren't there in the finals last year. it was. What caruso lebron day is of your other guys. That will bunch of new are going to help carry that fatigue. That comes into it but fans wanna panic if you really think that losing three games is it right. Now go watch. Nfl that's where it's acting serious because right now we're even try watching baseball dear lord. Oh god right right now three. So i don't get this over anything. It's not like you have in common coach. Only leagues were. That really matters is in the nhl especially if you have a team that we know is like a bubble team that's probably an eight seed whatever and the nfl. That's it and for me like the only two teams three say okay. They're done this far detroit's definitely because there barrett and want derrick. Rose tell you why. Any derrick rose. We struggled in the second. Half about gordon on that bench. Right throws healthy ish. I don't know if we can take the contract by look at everything. I still feel that we need a good like guard to kind of build up in there. He played with dogs. He aided in chicago so you know he has that hustle and people might be saying. We'll charles come on now. We don't want that. Tell me why because the guys averaging like fifteen points a game mind you stats at seven games of the season me. Nothing but he was coming along last year.

01:15:02 - 01:20:00

You know detroit's getting flip. He's had some bright spots and other places. Minnesota he had some bright spots is he still serviceable. And i think what people need to understand. Just as i think is important hockey. This is where all bringing andrew. Your second line has to be sustainable. Your bench stable and sponsor is that guy's i got fifteen on the rosser Might use twelve so like that. Rotation it's about matchups about speeds everything. So i want him. Maybe they'll cut him. I don't know but detroit's could be pleading cash. The only other teams. I know that are going up. I think toronto really bad. Because i guess getting rid of marcus all hurt a lot more than you thought because what they have is i think. Aron baynes is their Their starting center. And here's the thing that that's not well. That's just a barely rotation guy and they seem out of place. I think you're doing the problem. That was problem. The faster relying on kyle lowry to make shots. And he's not conscious new. Then i would say the only other team but they they put themselves in the position is oklahoma They're two and four really no Talent and you do need talent To go from there people need talking trash about the warriors. That's consistent steve. Kerr's legit legitimate coach. She can say hey. Get stars the win. But you're there's plenty coaches doc rivers who had stars legitimate superstars that couldn't even gal second round was only there and in the only other team i kinda want say beyond look out on the most infinite thing we're doing like prediction and stuff like that. I don't believe that hype and brooklyn us their trash. But i'm looking at a tally right now. Man like portland a full healthy season in full healthy. Cj mccollum they'll trade a few guys in there. I think they got an kanter back. they'll probably flip out hassan whiteside. Get some trade exception out of do it. Because there's gonna be somebody who takes us on you. Know my love of the damian lillard big at the him we all love you know. Do not do not sell because it'll be that team. If they're at a locie puts you to fight on and phoenix. I'm not i wasn't about it. I remember we were talking about him. I just because. I'm not a devon booker guy when you were the primary guy ballhandling scorer. Guess what you're gonna do your score and chris. What kind of crystal are you're getting because if you just wanna feel journals a field that's fine also. I would hope that the point. Because i mean i think chris will be doing exactly what he did in oklahoma city that same role and that really should be his role at this point in his career and young team based the same sort situation. What with the santen. Probably a little more talent. Of course the thunder blew it up for a ton of draft pick so you know and on the development side right now but Well it's the first week and the sons are in the western conference so they're gonna have a tougher time whereas i mean we talked about this off air. One good week in eastern conference is good enough to make the playoffs. So get ready. Andrew more orlando basketball reading waiting. All right is that okay. That's our nba. Talk right that many more primary things that popped out these. I first week and a half of the regular season but okay. So let's see. I wanted to go to. We talked about that. Well we're here football. Let's talk about football right. We wanted to college or nfl first. Because we're doing that. I have read rank. We can do the nfl right because the playoffs happened or plows are going to happen now. All the seeds are there. We can do a little prediction thing and then we can move on to college and preview or review. Whatever happened in the bull. Even though we kind of sort of previewed everything the bowl extravaganza. We can kind of do a. Hey this is what happened since then tampa thing so. I owe fantasy update. Let's do it. let's do the fantasy up. They all right. Who are getting the final base os and kisses on the lips. Well i got. I finished in third which is not have bad for my first year. Plenty of thanks to freddie for being You know the voice in my ear helping me out. All season is very much. Appreciated me about this. So my original name at my file that was called cujo right so that was it. Because i was all yeller and then i became. I changed my name to the pets because my opponent in the championship in have camera.

01:20:00 - 01:25:03

And like i was in pet ban put on fifty six points and because of al camera i cannot touch take away thirty of those points out. Kamera got out the fifty six. I would want but i just retire cowboy contact plus one hundred bucks of it. It was good. You know i team. Unfortunately matt saffir getting hurt when i'm starting The andrea swift and help out because he was dynamic with him out there. But you know the best does yes on the you day shawn watson. Big vessels really should be like the mvp. But we don't want to give it to allen. Derrick henry vessels dimming vessels justin jackson even though he didn't really help me as much as the final game. Fourteen points for being but final taking the draft. It'd be cost since week three for me. Big vessels baltimore ravens. Defense you kinda get the vessels union blow up get the those are the guys who are consistently. There might defenses when you play matchups. I feel like there's one other person. The missing on january saw darren waller. How can i forget baby. You were my favorite traffic euro wall. And even though i'm writing off sunset knowing i'm retired guy. Let's not across the law. I hope you're every round the first and then you know there we go from there. Dude dude had himself at year. One hundred yards nine touchdowns hundred and something catches really. Just kinda feel revolutionizing know what issue due out the trout's kelsey was traps kelsey trump's kelsey. It wasn't like that dependable to a team. The way that oakland was because if kelsey is having a bad game well you know. There's all these other weapons that they can have your kansas city for fourth them in oakland man. If he wasn't there. Henry roelant edwardson. Derek carr gonna throw through. So you're big ups on your. Darren waller we love you and andrew has sent me fred rank so the i would assume as the final one of the regular season. Freddie has the new orleans saints as the number one seed here followed by the buffalo bills. And i've already accepted our buffalo bill overlords early in the afc east the kansas city chiefs at number three the green bay packers who i would assume charleston doesn't even at number four the tampa bay buccaneers and number five the seattle seahawks number six the los angeles rams of los angeles and number seven the baltimore ravens a number eight the pittsburgh steelers who are godawful team Our number nine and charles titans at number ten in the colts had number eleven. And then the other playoff teams. The bears aren't number fourteen. The browns aren't number seventeen and the football team is at number twenty one and my beloved dolphins finish at number twelve are not in the playoffs. Because twenty twenty wasn't fair for the dolphins lay some happy about the marlins in the in the heat and don't talk to me about the panthers and the seminoles don't talk about them all right so there you go on the jaguars win the tank bowl. Everybody adam gates doesn't is unemployed so yeah oh man boy ho boy. So playoffs are gonna start. Gosh man this is. This is kind of exciting. I will be cheering hard for your titans charles. Because i like me ryan tannehill. I love the bro. The bro love he and derrick henry having right now they. They tweeted at each other today. It was sweet. It was so sweet. So wholesome you just love it you just love it all right man. I'm just freddie. Adam gates is are even have to put on the gift. We all know what the gift looks like with. The adam gates is. Yeah charles how do you feel your titans are gonna fair. I know that you wanted then to not win the division. Because i don't wanna say this nicely you pick that choice and baltimore. Sue hot ran out. They realized that seem that they have to be. Because you're going to be running with jk dobbins who shown how you're going to be running with lamar jackson who shone up. They understand that it's easy touchdowns it's about scoring the score and then hitting people the mouth being versatile we. I know we have suspect corners. That's always the problem i am.

01:25:03 - 01:30:00

This is just me. Apparently the only person there. But and josh allen ten to melt a little bit and we played them they play candidate loss. All this other stuff. I think we matched up robusta. Because you don't have zack. Moss is not going to put terror in my heart except for being goal. Devin singletary a love him. I was is not put that. And then it's just really gonna be the josh allen so so okay you have stefan who antastic gave davis. Just don't let the bomb plain simple towards dolphin span. He towards thank game all right screw. Ucf yeah right. But they got cole beasley and john. Brown beaufort kind of injured on like this is opportunistic. I think we could punch them a little bit are twins shootouts. We can score points but it just depends the game that might able wants to putting. It's either going to be that kind of like shootout punch in the mouth. 'cause that's the problem you have bad defense like pass rushing whatsoever except for maybe a big man but because the beasley didn't pan out cloudy panel. We have nobody kinda rush that guy so if you just not cover who you have to cover. It was your team lord. Yeah we forgot But it's concerning but if you know that they're just gonna try to pass a lot in the run sparingly. That's an advantage. I would say compared to like. Are you going to be able to contain any mobile quarterback you could be able to contain a running back. Who's a rookie. Was finding a group. And i understand what you're saying but should eat twice within calendar year and i would say because nothing the only thing that you would hope for is that the weather's kinda funky has the hips but if he keeps getting you know if he gets every get hit maybe not maybe something. A little more moves more bowel movements for sure. Yeah yeah right. But here's the thing is josh allen really. That's that's area or josh allen beneficiary of having a better system better players and then for most just Is he just the best quarterback buffalo has had in. that's where there are they legitimate. I can't say okay so you wanna vision at the. Afc is kind of prompted little bit go from there is not a guy that sold but i would give them. I don't think we are going to be Baltimore and we're gonna get back. So that was kind of thing that if i ate crow on be fantastic but i think we're gonna baltimore come in a slap in the face and then they're gonna play whoever in buffalo. I forgot who they get seating they get. Who's the we. Yeah we'll get we'll let let's go over the match ups and we can. We can briefly talk about them. Little by little but saw that's Tennessee vs baltimore so we talked about that. We've got the indianapolis colts versus the buffalo bills. Yeah indianapolis outdoors in buffalo carry. That ball had yards. So yeah. that's not gonna look good for them. You have the chicago let's see chicago. Bears new orleans saints. Gotcha game straight up the los angeles rams versus the seattle seahawks. Most all. they don't even have a real rival and like they're in the same division. I mean it should be a good one should be good. One says that division was pretty close for the most part for the most part. I mean i'm more excited for cleveland. Steelers oh that one's going to be flaw. That was the one that was gonna pick next because oh that was of course the steelers fricken were trash to not win vs cleveland till the dolphins get in. But because of that. I want cleveland a win because f the steelers because of that. Fdr's after mall them all right so but yeah that's gonna be a fun fun game. Ooh that is a i. I'm definitely gonna watch that one for sure but cova on that team coach. So let's that advantage current it. Yeah yeah that's true Then we have. Tom brady versus the football team. What's up crimes again. We just like tickling. Tom's deflate a ball so much we ask.

01:30:00 - 01:35:06

Give him a primetime. Yeah like things young team game. I mean it's really. The only way people are going to wanna watch the football team right if it's time. Well let's let's watch it. I'll pull for that seven nineteen. Yeah oh yeah i mean. Don't you ever view magin the buccaneers. Because i think they had the longest playoff drought until this happened. But the the buccaneers all this time they finally put together. This bruce arians they get tom. Brady get gronk. They get all the finally put together the team and then they lose to a team that man the worst team to ever make the playoffs. Maybe i'm not even sure. At least from i think the saints twenty seven saints were bit words. What regardless this is not a good football team and not from a division and man. I don't know and and they're on the road which is which is so crazy with this. They're on the road but yeah because it's a prime time i'll probably gonna watch it. I'll probably be streaming something. And i'll probably have it on the side of my leg. See what goes down So i i yeah out of all these games the one i definitely really do wanna watch. Is pittsburgh cleveland bats. That's really fun that man. I don't have any collections. Who's going to win the super bowl. It's telecommute it's fair yet fair season. 'cause it's anybody's played. I just know who. I want to play itself because you mentioned buffalo. We had them into snow. Derrick henry runs no tennessee. It's a little bit fairweather. So i don't know but listen if we fantastic but afc who your favorites. Are kansas buffalo. Pittsburgh guys. I can't say for sure. No no no pittsburgh's there. That's a fraudulent record that they have. We all know this. There's no way that they're they're that good. There's no way there was no reason that they should have started the season that long undefeated. There's no why out walked out. And i am kind of of the opinion for whatever reason that i feel like the saints. Bear game is a gotcha game. 'cause even though Mitchell trubisky is not excellent. You know they got blown out by green bay there for them. Their season starts today more this so i. It's easy for them. Because i look at the same. Some kamara is going to be out for the playoffs. The you're gonna relying on What's his face murray. I don't even know what my yeah. I don't even know if michael thomas guys so we to take some hill procedures again. They're care bone sufficient so they might be lacking. Yes you panthers fantastic. it's the panthers. That's a team that doesn't want to walk left and right and they're also like davis and no cmc. So i'm saying the bears have won like games that we for all of us like. Why are they even here. So yeah that does seem like the the mo for the bears to sneak in a victory and upset because that would be the end we use finally say it's time please read. I don't know i. I feel like he would. I mean he has nothing more enough to prove agrees reportedly expected to retire after. Nfl seizing thank nbc broadcasting role. Oh he's gonna get paid. That's what he wants. He wants that. Tony romo money dude. If he's half if he knowing based on the truly tony romo is fantastic as a commentator. I can only imagine how good your worries would be. While i mean he was jason witten. That was awful. I mean we we. We could always have one of those. That would be funny but yeah no for sure. True if you if you need a little holdover tweeden The the end of this year when you start your nbc gig. We're open. we'd love to have you on the show. Yeah for sure We just you you to the facebook group and And you can.

01:35:06 - 01:40:04

You can harnessed your craft here for sure. You can deal with technical difficulties. You'll have a lovely russian and indian audience to talk to. That's that's going to be what we can offer you. We love taco bell if you can get them in as a sponsor i know you have a. I know you could pull strings. That's all we ask for. Drew brees is if you can get us the taco bell sponsorship seriously. That's all we ask for. You could take would named the show after you. You'll be the drew brees show presented by taco bell and we we are totally fine with selling out like not use screw it drew brees show sponsored by taco bell taco bell show sponsored by taco breeze. Guerande oh yes. Okay man all right. Let's so that's the nfl. Let's let's move onto college now. Yes indeed so andrew. We had our bowl extravaganza prior to christmas. That was fun. Glad you got a ton of people to join us show. I a lot of fun. Yeah i was like man. I don't even know how everything they didn't fall apart with all people on the show but with it somehow st everything held together the duct tape in the glue held the show together and well ever since. Then we've had bowl games of course cancellations and whatnot. And all his thing about whether teams are motivated to play against each other and dan mullen with four thousand excuses for why the gators don't suck but they do so they got the evening chicken man. Amazing i orgasm. That was oh man i was. I was boy. I was lathering myself in gravy after that one. Well any any bowl games that stood out to you or anybody else. I mean i told you the ones that i saw which were theory too. Well i mean the one that stood out to me. The most well view fisticuffs mississippi state. Come on first off college. Football committee the college football playoff committee. Fuck you. i'm giving a middle finger right now. That's on brand. Because the most watched of the year six games surprise surprise was the one involving cincinnati. I'm disappointed with cincinnati. By the way. And i'll get to the atma second. Okay all this bullshit about. Oh gee five teeth. Sorry a nod autonomous power a non thomas. Five t I know i've seen. That's a weird new. Pc term It's the more accurate term. Because they're they're the other conferences actually just call the five because they do whatever the hell they want. Spite saying power five makes it seem more like whatever just for ease. I'll call chief five. But i- i submit my objection to that term. But i digress all the shit about oh they couldn't they can't hang with the big boys. There will be no ratings bull shit. Look what happened to clemson in the wall now when we get goofy awards. Oh boy davo they got a living delights kicked out of them and i loved every second of all the the score was not nearly as made it. Look a lot closer. That actually was in the score. Made it look pretty good. Relatively speaking not even close. I watched that game Wally was monning and dealing with the dealing with the fords of people that were doing insane.

01:40:05 - 01:45:03

by the way yes it was targeting. I don't care what anyone says. That was targeting deserve to be jackson. If anyone watching the game they'll know exactly what you're referring to. I get it be you but with just go along with my rent. I appreciate the distinction scout. Sqi yet scou- ski whose defense defense layer line through hockey thing in there basically did a spear on Justin fields except his head went into his ribs That's that's the best way to describe it charles. You probably have the imagery when talking about right. Now we're not the cage shipped. So i don't think that's a spear i think that was a mating call while but it's something that that call targeting call is as much as to protect fields which he probably grow a rib on that or something. 'cause he was not the same after that he couldn't even get on a free thing exercise bike so apparently they like shot him up with anglers or something. I don't know owns and probably were his own. All that jazz. I really i. I hold a disagree with ryan day. The head coach Li- certainly bothered with the you know me He left him out for the entire game. You know when the game was to three possessions clear Made absolutely no sense to me. The game was the game was in the bag and you select him out there to potentially injured salt more. I was really not a fan of that but anyway going back to my initial. You can't tell me that. Cincinnati would do any worse or would be blowed out any worse than cleansing. Just got the shit kicked out of them or notre dame for that matter. The the score made notre dame look a lot better than they really were alabama. Took it easy on them if they wanted to. They could put up forty plus points but instead they held themselves. They l. themselves in check to near as thirty one points or something but going back to the actual cincinnati. Eight should have won that game. I'm disappointed with them. I am i that is solely on blewett. Your fricken blewett. The i i was just getting tonight. The i acted time. I was angry with fickle since ice head coach because he stood a pass play on third in short But upon further review he not sure on fickle for not telling the quarterback or the quarterback nights just getting a little bit to jump be but state left twelve of the twenty. Two seconds on the clock earned the whole. Burn the whole game clock down before snapping the ball those twenty two seconds won the game for georgia. Basically they had a they had. I think i would have cut their time in half maybe more and then so if they did the twenty if they if they eat off those twenty two seconds or let's say twenty seconds or eighteen seconds because you wanna be a little bit conservative and leave like two seconds on the play clocks. You don't get a delay of game just to be saved. So let's say eighteen twenty. We'll say twenty seconds. Eat up those twenty seconds and then you run the ball as opposed to a pass. Play on third down if you do all of that you win. Because the past when incomplete which stops the clock the worst thing that could have happened. The the worst thing that could have happened is what did happen.

01:45:03 - 01:50:05

It is a stop short. Its fourth down so they have to punt but you can burn off another forty seconds getting ready for the pun putting them at worst at their twenty yard line if it goes out of bounds for touchback worst. Then that's case scenario you get a for. They have no timeouts. Fairmont georgia wasted. Had run out of time outs. So there's nothing they can do. So i i guess. I'm a semi expert in college football but certainly not in game plan or what not. Even i knew that if you've done just one of those two things if you even if you burn the clock and you know that's a that's a terrible move even if you burn out the bird Even if you leave those precious seconds on the clock like that you are still not completely screwed if you do that. Run play at burns. Forty something seconds off the clock at worst but instead they leave those twenty seconds on the clock and they threw an incomplete. Pass they lou. They listen i i i. I don't like to say you know we should have won that game because you never know if you should have won the game you should have won the game you as cliche as it sounds. You play every single second. There's no moral victories for winning fifty nine minutes and thirty seconds of the game. You have to be on top when that's when those sixty minutes over. Cincinnati should've won that game. Lewis and no i feel bad for cincinnati because no. They're a good team. They are very good team but their laws gives more ammunition to the anti g. Five people because like you see. They can't him hang with the big boys all that bullshit and it's that's not true. It's the exact opposite the g. fives are now. I think dotting five hundred against the the power five teams in these years six polls Three three houston one. Ucf won the you. I know but this is the crew. This is the this is the same conference that said that they auburn wasn't motivated when they were playing. Ucf twenty seven t bleed me. The logical thing is to say cincy was legit but they will find any excuse to discount a group of five. We all know which conference that is. It's the sec. It's all those they're the worst. They are the worst by sooner. Thank you in the bottom of my heart when florida was getting curb stops. I guess they got run over by the sooner schooner. Let's but andrew. That wasn't the twenty twenty you f team. According to dan mullen. That was the same team. That was the twenty twenty one ford. A florida has amazingly started off the year owned one. Unbelievable crazy and be you. I hope you understand what it means. I'm not saying. That's i speaking the as a as a power five fanatic. Who like. i said we'll find any excuse. Discount five but anyway the oklahoma fans were chanting as e c s. e. c. Which was amazing. I loved it all. God i loved it. is as everyone may or may not know that's kind of the rallying cry. I are for the sec fans. I think we're on the same page here. Excellent we're we we all understand. It's stupid and i'm so glad i'm so glad that the oklahoma fans call them out on that shit especially the the fans and or alumni of teams that you know.

01:50:05 - 01:55:02

Suck in the sec. Right for vanderbilt fan you should it be chanting anything unless you're cheering for your baseball team. That's part of like the only team that they have. I don't even know how the college basketball teams doing. But regardless your trash in football and you know your trash. Tennessee is a dead program. You know you're dead program sorry to my brother-in-law but mississippi state l. ole miss l. o. L. i mean god man. You guys are lucky taxation and join you anyways andrew. Move on this rant. If nothing that we haven't had the sentiments that we haven't expressed on this show before definitely expressed during the bowl extravaganza. We were all just kind of like. This is the football playoff final but cincinnati. I will leave you with this. You blue it's and it's your. It's your own fault and it's supposed to be the atlanta slash georgia team that chokes. That is the narrative. And you're screwed it up right. Yeah you could a kept the. Go on the falcons the braves the hawk zone even matter georgia the georgia bulldogs. We all know they choke to it was supposed to keep going man. God no. i'm lumping the entire state together. View all of them. All of the georgia teams every single one of them. He does not like that actually like atlanta the city all right. They have good chicken wings at the strip clubs and they have a fantastic aquarium. They have well sharks. I can't fault anybody for having. We'll sharks all right boys. I don't think i'll be able to get all the salt segments that i had planned. But that's fine. I i don't we can roll them over to the next episode Think we hit pretty much everything else. Baseball is not really much news. Going on for the most part. And i'll i'll move everything on to the next episode. I won't go through everything here. let's get to. Should we do the cages. Should we do the goof awards. It's up to you charles. I think awards are always final. So yeah because you're you're going to talk about something heavy. And i want us and on a high note for sure. Let's let's head on over to the cage all let me just save this game real quick psyching weekly likes the cage Charles i understand the fact i was not weekly. We'll you know what they're our plan. Simple but you know was not lying here. Wrestling what is wrestling. It is a stage fight. It's dance it's ballet is poetry in motion is men and women chasing after championships. It is men and women trying to be the holy to prove themselves. And get blood feuds anything like that. It's just sometimes a good time then. Sometimes it's really a kick in the balls and that's the only way it can say it's been lost. Spokes law. things were happening. I'm kind of keep it brief to talk about something every year in there. So what we know. Eight w new world champion. Kenny omega beat jon. Moxley is now your aid. Ambien match was not that good. I watched it. People need to get off that he was like three to five at best schmooze e ending because from that match came the announcement that tna in aew. We're going to be doing crossover work together okay. Fine when talk by a unicycle highlight into it New japan last night had wrestle kingdom. Fifteen i heard it was excellent. I have not watched a lot of wrestle or new japan because they were severely affected by the situation plus was very big on evil being denied over the double championships but it was a two night. Event Koto bushy mr g. One climax winter finally got the titles. He beat neidl on night one and defended successfully against j on night to. I don't like things coming at the effect of naito. You know if you see the whole thing. If he was a he'll in coda was a good guy because code is a good guy. Then it's fine but there was necessarily pay off. I was concerned that jay white was gonna win the double belts but it didn't happen. Thankfully i watched some matches. I heard okada wall spray was i will watch it to make that serve nation. I heard j white. Who i'm not sold on but i can get why. Some people are his metric. Obuchi was Comments questions.

01:55:02 - 02:00:03

I about the book netapp in new japan. They have a new stable. Let's go out spray Great karn jeff. Cobb called the empire. If you have everybody legitimately lose the biggest pay per view of the year. Are they supposed to get over as a stable. Because you knew japan's very stable esque. It's very focused on stables yet. The polo club over novelists hip on you have actually said that better with no wisdom teeth. gunning club. It makes no sense to me but new japan is doing something that i think. They need to focus on which is create new stars. Code is thirty eight nine thirty nine takahashi's like forty four minorities Mentioned each time. We talk about new japan. You gotta figure it out man because if this is it this is all you got. You'll be relevant for a couple of years down the line so keep onto it. With new japan known for to give like a little culture swine tiller segment stiff style wrestling. Bettering psychology not good with the entertainment aspect. You talked about them getting a weekly deal. I don't wanna watch stuff on the on the tv. I'll just watch the pay per views man or utilites whereas wwe might get my blood pumping and boy in our time guys. It did get my blood. Pumping roman reigns is a gift. Kevin owens is a gift. I have absolutely loved their feud they had imagined. Tlc that was tlc match tables and chairs and it was just beautiful. It was basically sex on wheels. I don't know how to describe it. I love kevin owens. I think she's very much the And i really wish. Vince would just pull the trigger on him and give him that big push to have him be the one who officially beats roman but i just love what he they told the story they have. History roman as universal champion needs. Help is delicious. And they're continuing few. They had a match on smackdown after. Tlc in steel cage at once again. Jay helped out And then they're probably going to have a last man standing match on royal rumble. We'll talk more about that. Also be more vocal and more sticky live or talking to on that point There's some things are laying there happening. Goldberg vacuous xiaojie. Drew mcintyre. I'm laughing because i don't like drew with the belt. He won the title again from randy. Orton i i don't know if i gave us that. Update regular burn. Fina live longer on that. Yeah so it's like a lot of things. In their digress. For the problem. Is you know wrestling. You don't look into the past move forward but goldberg drew. Mcintyre is what i tell my paralegal that drew is not a draws champion. Drew is not at shaw as a face. I think he'd be better than dominik cocky. He'll i liked drew. I like him as a face. But the minute vince goes into goldberg bowed that examined. How do we know is around this time last year. twenty twenty. That's how you you know what was worse you guys. Cv or bill rabin fien at the saudi arabia showed the universal championship. I know my answer. I mean look on that screen. You have young fit beautiful. Young man and drew mcintyre look in the part. And you have this guy who looks like he's still is a weekend warrior on his motorcycle trying to pick up them twenty five year old broads at the bar saying you know. Come with me if you wanna live race fairly nice guy. There's a rumors in the diabetes. Take to offer room. But the fact that we're going to get this matt and the promo made no sense when he was like my doctor bucking But the promo made no says like you're disrespecting the old guys like radio literally killed like every legend a couple months ago. He beat up ric layer. He beat christian. He be the big show but drew came out there. It's like a logical writing. But everytime vince panicky goes alleged. Because vince negree stars. The problem is the guys that could be. The new stars are not guys that he likes guys at aaa. She likes him. What do we know just because you're dating my daughter. A marriage married family. Doesn't mean you have common sense annexed teasing good tomorrow night. As new year's evil kyle riley finn valley part to that was my match of the year. I'll give you guys more A complete list as going on there. But it's a lot of excitement commensurate. Tlc was fine. I liked it rumbles. A couple of weeks. I don't think we must have any other pay per views aid New japan russia keenum. But what is wrestling folks. It community brings a lot a lot of people it brings in weird lawyers. Not trying to talk about podcast. It brings a part you know the people who basically are just kind of blue collar working it brings part young kids who have the same that Of he said lawyer it brings a lot of people men and women kids who enjoy it for the merchandise for the storyline for juicy soap robert dramas for the bs ing on the internet. Because if you thought he fans rabat at the games you should really see how the internet areas russ results community of wrestlers that bitch you go support and what happened last week and i was just a spot it was i find out that brody clark and w real name john haubert died. I was hanging out for my friend.

02:00:03 - 02:05:01

Say brody died. Mike flood like go onto my slice brutally dies whatever. No one knows what the issue was. Apparently was at the mayo clinic for the last. Two months and i was despondent. This was a guy who is saw the talent big man working to you guys heard me talk about an off and on the show debuted on. Aws i wanted to be booked to the moon. You know then. So right out cody. Because i was calling you out and stuff. I like you. I remember Several shows back. I said oh he won the title from you and he drove you triple yet. if i'm believing. This is in relation to what happened to his physical condition. My bad but it hit me so damn hard because he was really just getting that second life comey into it I think the equivalent. For how i would feel as has died for for the miami marlins it just hit add up and it was weird because you really support somebody who is. It's not like i hate to say it. You guys wrestling's not rail per se create a whole pusher thing. Everything in sports. If you get your opportunity and you craft the bed you crap the bed. You can be gifted in all way shape or form. But if you're into quote brodie who said on his pocket or podcast interview with jericho if you're trying to appease an audience of one you're gonna make it. This is a guy who didn't will harper family or the white family as we carpeted. Wbz he should have the wrestlemainia match at a with him. Randy and brian triple threat It didn't happen principal trigger. I don't know why he was able to come back. Lead the darker who has stared on being the elite. the little webcast show that they have Before their shows during the weekdays mondays but also the ring he had a couple of exceptional matches. He was really coming in second. Chance nocco luggage. I'm not here to speculate what it was. I don't really care. Debt doesn't come away from it. I felt that i felt really sad. I felt like despondent. You guys and one of the things. I i i was like. I wasn't gonna cry but one of the things i did was out on twitter like every day because i follow on twitter. Rustler's i don't really watch. I don't really follow sports personalities of a fall low-tar follow you guys or whatever but hearing these stories from all and i'm not talking about guys who were just. Wb aid of uwb the indies. They were all just pouring into these positive stories and then i was just assess a bit monday night. Raw was the trivia gonna look like and. Some people gave crap on vince for just putting a little picture of him saying jon huber in whatever it is daybreak day death but not doing more to it. Yes it's a business. That wasn't one of his chosen. People is not like it was pat perez There is an employee so he put Let the rutgers do things they won things. I got me up a little bit. That i was not okay was executor. Woods doing the His finisher he did his time and then his little disclose line knocked it out and then come st had their thing and then awa we're gonna tribute show and i'm like i'm not ready for this. I'm gonna watch every bit of it because this was a guy personally Almost a month. But i like all aspects of sees interview seem really humble. You get to know him by by watching a little weird stuff not just the wrestler but like the interviews with their life after that trivia ship messed me up at my god so they had his daughter his faction going in their winning their matches. Everybody stealing doing things had little john. Silver all five seven very much. So do disclose Kid there that's killed me so because we have a family comedian. S a child. That's his dad is dead around normal. Ride there's another child. I remember in the interviews. Heuberger going saying how he loves it because he wants to be good family man. That was all other. It wasn't wrestler. I father second. They abu ghraib. Father was and i think i said a couple of weeks ago last time we did show what the expectations for any better. What i do better as a person so weird that you look on the outside in and hear such positive things about somebody like you know maybe maybe go from the percentage you follow is a role model. The weirdest offer guy who just like a greasy person. The trivia shows so much lance archer dressed up as luke harper s. Ir rohan came in eric. Red beard indies a caveman announced to of help out his friends with a message. And then you know. They did their trip So much but at the very end was like the old fifty five. Tom waits playing as like a mixture of and they had like instagram photos of hoover was family than even with the wwe people. So that's saying something because you know vance videos in the dark one and let me tell you the difference. Put some humor in this. Tony kahn had all of cooper's factions brody section. Dark owner win. Vince mcmahon day roman reigns really cancer. Everybody had dean. Ambrose nuts at rollins.

02:05:01 - 02:10:00

I would've felt that all the dark order loss if it was a wbz thing ha Though but will kill me with his son's a little bit mask the mask bit part of his group. You'll see a couple of masses thing. They gave his kid. Tnt championship that his dad wanted like yours or retiring designed your last night persons suite. They had interfered. Imagine hit 'em j. f. I love jail. 'cause you know what he did. He flipped a little kid off. He's a he'll he'll take so you don't put on twitter afterwards it i love it. Yeah you know because brody arrested wrestler so don't break cave don't do stuff like that but will kill me. Man was he gave tony. Kahn gave his son early. Junior hoover's boots and he put middle of the ring and they put the ban on you guys gonna put in putting the boots up man put in the ring. It's done it's over with that. i was just. I was a thirty one year. Old man single liquor into me. Calming it out. So wrestling is a bonding experience. Real wrestling is more than a scripted. Fights radio wrestling at the end of the day. it's attachment it's a healthy attachment. It's outlet is love is a passion for me and this hits me more because when you know you guys know one niche dies when flare goes on. Be sad but players like old. This was someone who is forty one on thirty one ten years old than me. Who personally. I like to see him achieve success. I enjoyed it. I saw him alive in. Its differently you know. You appreciate the character work because there's something about wrestling that i think i attribute that i feel connection to about being more and that's the grind and that's a struggle. Because before i could become a lawyer i was lost. I had to put my nose into those books. And i had to get the grades and i had to try to pay anything out and then i told that that wasn't enough and then i had to go and get bar stiff. What are rip. What a ponzi scheme. But i trust myself. And i said i'm do it and i'm not going to have an audience of one. Tell me. I can't be nothing. And i went and got it and i go from there. And there's a wrestler who's doing rustling at bingo halls wrestling in rochester. New york wrestling like to an audience of ten. But you know that you have to do it because you believe in yourself in that drive and you end up getting those grades you end up paying those on. You end up getting that meaningless championship on the big time. And then you end up finding yourself and do your own thing on the other big time because it's about self works so i don't know maybe that's psychological metaphysical therapeutic connection to it. But that's maybe why. I'm connected to it. That's why it's attachment free. Wrestling is great. Sometimes wrestling community at damn wrestling can be said so john. Hct looper brodie lee recipes to your family. You have a great community because everybody's head said great things and i can't stress more because i feel like it would damn that nice words i've said but also not say enough of what it feels for in there but i will say. Is this on this prospect before we awards view love people. Tell you if you value people tell you value. If you have your wisdom teeth removes think about getting that. Wendy's baked on short dog. You know what. I'm going to get. Because i got i lost. Some white men have agreements chicken intimate putting and my tummy was really upset today. Because i had to take some higher harris tylenol and mighty fine things pop. But i hate it so you know these things breakfast bacon for breakfast you know get a muscle saga and there was on that i'm gonna eat. Some pizza is beautiful. Charles very beautiful very beautiful words all right boys. Well we're getting towards the end of the show but because it's a twenty twenty year in review retrospective. I think it is appropriate that we should have some awards. Right away really. There's not going to be much. I feel like we should have a real. Mvp of the year. A goon of the maybe even a non sponsor of the year. We're not going to go to deeper. This isn't the espy's we're going to have all these categories. We didn't really think about it. That much. to be honest right. Charles is getting his teeth. Pulled out andrew over here. China not kill the floor. Board of bar examiners and And i was trying to conquer the taco bell chalupa which i did and was probably the most significant thing that i compost in the last month owned by the way. The ford aboard of bar. Examiners if if you're listening in on this. I don't mean that.

02:10:00 - 02:15:02

I literally want to kill you. I'm just very frustrated with you all. I wanted to kill them. When i was doing the exam so i could say oreo deathly stares at them during the exam. I i didn't have to say a single word. They knew they. They still have control over me until thirty days. After i pass bar so thing and jay will always have control to the thing and don't worry okay. Well let's let's go on guys so i don't know if you guys have thought about it but do you guys have a real. Mvp of the year and it doesn't even have to be about sports. It can just be you know wherever i go with. This then goes with it andrew. It was i for many weeks. I listed them as my real. Mvp By i'm gonna say it again. I'm just gonna wind it up for the entire year. Frontline workers healthcare workers grocery store workers workers anyone on the frontline. Anyone that is an essential worker. You have kept society running for the past nine months now I've we've been in. Florida has been in quarantine officially since i think april first but realistically speaking it's been about since mid march We're coming up on nine months here that we've been in quarantine and society would have collapsed without you. At this point it would have collapsed several months ago. It wasn't for you and you know we're kind of coming toward the end of the tunnel with the vaccines now here But that's gonna take a while. It's probably going to be by the summer when it's it's widely available by knoll. Do not get enough credit even with those seven pm. Claps that you got a that was just lip service I won't say anymore. Because i could go on for for thirty minutes talking about it but you guys are truly the real. Mvp's of the year. You're always the realty. Ps but none more so than this year at you know. I stopped saying that every week unfortunately But this this remember that. I haven't forgotten about you while i think we there. That's going to be the winner. You know i. I will throw nominee out there anyways regardless right. I know that no one's gonna come even close to them. But i still wanted to throw that out there and i have a couple of others but i'll let you guys throw some in as well. Our was real. I mean mine is probably going to go to the The delivery workers and people that were just giving just going out there in the world truck drivers and the uber eats people the postmates. The people the amazon people people at the post office all those people handling all of our things while we were all stuck inside. Yeah man a lot of people. Don't think about them and they handled some just precious cargo for all of us. Food water are entertainment for sure in. United states are election ballots as well. They handled all those and I know for sure that. I told you guys about my amazon thing. I gosh mandalay. People that were out there just delivering everything to us and making sure that everything can keep running while we are stuck inside for the most part and so the the that's my nominee for. I know where you're gonna go with it. Andrew and these are mine. These are my. Because i. I can't i don't know how much money is spent on. Door dash and postmates and amazon. And who knows what else in your post office and All of that all of those services and all those people that behind everything so Delivery people those are my real. Mvp's of the year. I really don't have any audie. Because it just kind of overstated he and his big thing.

02:15:02 - 02:20:00

You can't necessarily try to bring it into a sport profession to be like. Oh you're repeat if anything. I said a lot about mark. Cuban if i had make it sports related because him try and take care of is players his people his employees allante. Wasn't there's an agenda i can be very cryptic about it but i just there you know for the year is just. I guess it's humanity being married a good way supposedly human beings being decent people jerry but I agree with you guys on your savings okay. So that's our a real. Mvp of the year live. I think it's unanimous all the medical staff Just all of those people andrew and that's war. If i may go ahead. I'll get a little bit into the into sports. Try to touch on sports bid but everyone this year who helped to push social change to who made who did their part to try. Make our society just that much better on the sports side. You've got lewis hamilton All of the sports leagues really but really kind of the linchpin was the milwaukee bucks. Everyone out there as as awful year is that was. That was a major own and You know hopefully the that trend that movement doesn't die with twenty twenty and it continues on add some long lasting change finally thumbs up all right so now we've done real peace. What about the goon of the year. Who's who's a specially do she. Oh in twenty twenty four. Do we have some people. So charles you through devo davos sweaty. Good old devil swinney Yeah twenty twenty one just being that because it is completely i mean them the nc double a. but it goes into depth because he's really sucked into that backwards hillbilly mindset. How treat these young men and of the women to on campus. Everybody had a cv everybody eu. Cancel he'd want to do anything at a lot at big trash-talk he got his comeuppance but just because they got to come up and says mean as you get away from this. There's other stuff to fact that he's dabo. Sweeney go mandal clarksville deb. Oh you're that guy who probably calls yourself jimmy. When you're fifty five james james come on get together. no jimmy. Usually as h goes up chucky in sub charles. Come on you just everson stay one. He's kind of slowly. Kind being unlikable in college football and saying something because many of my college coaches yeah i. It's surprising you he. I like nick sabin. Better than devil. Swinney i agree with you there. I mean big sabin is people hate him like bill belichick as he so successful a good dude. I mean look. His husky was doing draft. Picks him out for sure and nick. Sabin has worn luigi before. that's right. There is a photo evidence of nick. Sabin wearing a luigi. I mean you have to have a soul. If you're doing that our think will swing. He has a soul. I really don't. I played doom maternal. I think i saw him in the game. Are they all i think dabble swinney will. He's the type of person that will stab you in the back. The chance that he gets to move up in this world ease. He is definitely that type of person. I mean case in point. This is a man who whole lot. I'm forty three million dollars year. And this is a guy who said if athletes start getting paid. He's out he's not gonna nfl like oh.

02:20:02 - 02:25:10

What a douche. It's it's beyond tone. It's no. I used to have respect for him because mainly because he was the quote unquote underdog back at the beginning of all this. Their meteoric rise You know i it was like finally someone can beat alabama But now it's just. I just hate it on everybody in the the we all hate them. We we all want them to go down. Sec do the chant no way we are actively cheering for the day that clemson falls apart. That's why i mean admittedly. It's i would have preferred new york. Take out the four teams this year Because it's just it's so boring this year with the college. Football playoff mean. The ohio states the only relative outsider. Because they haven't been in several years but it's always dabble dabble asshole. I'll throw mine out there. Rob manfred an old favourite. Come on andrew right you. You were going there but we could we can. Don't worry we can tag team with this rob manfred. Y'all know. I didn't do it for this episode but and i should do it next episode because there is a minor league team that you have to highlight next episode regardless i do a segment pretty much almost every week called better no minor league team and we have been learning about minor league teams from all across here Places that we never heard of before and we're learning about them when we go out these teams places and people and that's been fine and it's been cool rob manfred mann. What kind of a year is you have. Oh man did you screw up in so many ways that i am trying to remember everything. Y'all remember when the houston astros. Were the biggest worry for us. And like that was the way that rob for started not punishing the houston astros for cheating. Win the world series in twenty seventeen and probably win afterwards from their rob manfred calling the world series trophy a piece of metal and that that wouldn't be enough to suffice to to make to fix everything with regards to the houston astros even though that is literally what we want as the spongebob name. That's what we've been waiting for looking at the at the grill. And he's just walking. He just wants us to crabby patties. that's exactly what we want. That's all we ask for. Just nullify the two thousand seventeen world series. You didn't have to give it to the yankees you have to give it the dodgers okay. That was how things started for him. But then the virus game and the virus shutdown everything shut down major league. Baseball forced us me to broadcast major league baseball games without the express written consent of major league baseball. But i did it anyways and the plan to return major league baseball had the chance to return i and they eventually did amongst the the four major pro sports in north america but he flubbed up the negotiations with the players. Thousand what happened there. Barack manfred wasn't done no going back to the minor league thing radford aside. You know what we don't need all these minor league teams in a major. I'm sure the major league teams were also trying to save money because there's a lot of issues with the guards. The minor leagues and paying players in those guys are getting paid. Basically minimum wage to play in the minors. They're not getting those big giant contract there. Those a lot of myrlie players are working second jobs in the offseason in order to make ends meet in all of these Small places in a across the country and major league teams and this is an a hole. This wasn't a virus Thing that prompted major league baseball to completely got the mile and having a lot of teams basically praying that they would retain affiliation with major league teams in order to to sustain themselves.

02:25:11 - 02:30:01

Now this was something in the works. This is something. Rob manfred was pushing towards and it's sad man. We've learned about teams on that segment but are no minor league team for for the teams. That are ancient. They've been in the communities since early. Nineteen hundreds nineteen twenties thirties forties fifties and small communities. That this is the only team that's there. They might have a college team and things like that but it's nothing major. Nothing nothing nearby. That's that's of the major four pro sports this this. These are mildly towns but they do love their teams and and a lot of our favorite players played in these small places and he got that so not only that a lot of people lose their jobs. Miley teams didn't play last year because of the virus but now a lot of people are not gonna have any job because of the team's not having any affiliation or they have to scramble to create independently eggs and we don't know how feasible that's going to be for a lot of teams so Rob manfred mann. You and you keep continuing to do missteps along the way it hasn't ended and i think i think it's pretty Not maybe not unanimous but ninety percent of major maybe will hire of baseball fans out there. Don't you and don't want you be the commissioner of baseball and don't want you to be a steward of the game so you are my goon of the year nominee. Ed jew agrees with me wholeheartedly. All right well if those are only two and there were other goons out there. They're probably stir so many more. I mean you had athletes that took in money. That didn't need to take money from the government programs. You know like tom brady. And a few other guys that you know That weren't struggling during the bars. There's plenty of examples out there. But i don't know who to give it to guys was was dab I feel like we complain about. Rob manfred the most of anybody. I forgot about honestly but keeping in mind manfred. Dabo is just more or less. I hate kids with america. I have been kids like michael. I hate players. I hate fans everything you know. so i- majority of wise is fine. But i'm not against manfred either. I think matters a good choice. Yeah as far as sports related guys feel like he's he's definitely up there man. I think baseball worse the winner baseball got worse because of of of some of the things that he did and We talk with jeremy tash about the changes and stuff to the game. That's but that's all you know. Surface level stuff and. that's all opinionated. These are the things that raptors legitimate concerns that he failed to properly address. So all right. Rob manfred congratulations. You are the goon of the year. We will send you What's the care of. What's what's the package. What's the what's the prize bag that he gets. And i we we should give them a like a miniature world series trophy junk. Yeah we'll make it out of aluminum. Can we'll fort will will forge it. Yeah okay as far as the real. Mvp's all of you get to lupus. That's your that's your prize package. All the real. Mvp's out there that we of the year all of you get your lupus go to your local taco bell. We cannot pay for unfortunately my pay. One francisco's giveaway for about three. Oh yeah that's right. Gosh man i forgot. Well this'll be on a podcast version. I guess but yeah if you if you want battlefield. Three co just Diem us on twitter. Follow us on twitter at sports underscore goofs and just be like i want battlefield three code. Whoever claims the first wins. And it's the pc version and you have to have an ea origin account. So you might have to sell your soul.

02:30:03 - 02:35:03

But that's the only version. So it's not the xbox. Ps four version. It's the p. c. e. origin version. If not it will go into my backlog. And i will probably play in ten years from now okay. Our employees at nine years ago so our boys now the non sponsor of the year we we highlighted a ton of stuff. People places things that we liked. And and i'm not gosh man. Is there one. That's unanimous do. we have separate ones. Do we have our own. We can nominate okay. Well let me do mine. I'll do mine to start alright. Mine is going to go to anchor. Fm mainly because they are one of the reasons why our show is trending in the right direction. Allowed us a lot of flexibility and freedom to Go out towards the masses and spread the word of the goofs. It's been quite a ride. The last two months. Thanks to anchor allowing us to have this platform We we have our video streaming. Of course that's what we're doing right now. According live but afterwards i edit it and put it in podcast form so y'all can listen to it on the go and anchors been ban. They've been great about this man. This is fun. This is fun with the the the and we're getting paid. And and they make it easy to spread the word of the goofs so anchor. You're the reason why there is a goof world order now and is about like fifteen or so countries. Why now so again. They're folks we're getting there right. You hear that. Russia you're not alone. So that's that's that's my my not sponsor the year sponsors just jabra. The have like i at my headphones. Mice onis they instead. Oughta go through the endeavour constantly getting them. What have you the job or seventy five. T allow me to kind of communicate court when after zoom talk in them right now go out long runs ongoing six mile runs. You know law stuff. I swell up picking and it water resistance. The sound quality is very good at answering his calls. While enough you know reasonably priced my opinion black friday. Go buy them there for like one. Forty five treat yourself. People rose five t elite. That's what i got the elite the elites. While i'm gonna i'm gonna cheat a little bit But i cheat all the time when it comes to non sponsors but so what. What else do what's in your room. What are you looking at. Well i i have to three actually My nonsense minority chronic is u2. I'm doubling up here today because well for one thing. You guys are a lot of fun to be around even remotely we are. I still remember Not last year twenty. Nineteen when we got that. Want the opportunity to go out onto the ice. Ebit's are doing the show with you. Guys really help sane. It's a fun way to kind of blow off. Amy tweet worley. You guys have kind of been my block. If you will and stabilizing force going through this bar shit and you know francis goes home. It helped me out today. You win some stuff. charles inadvertently. He gave me a boost severity. When we're talking about Clawing your way up through the bar. Prep thing and you guys just in alongside me this whole time. I truly cannot appreciate it. Thank you enough. I almost thought you said youtube. They suspended us in twenty twenty. You're thinking i mean sure. Okay thank you as a robot. I guess i'm going to go way back to the beginning of year action.

02:35:04 - 02:40:03

And i'm going to go with renfro. Renslow is a is the digital scale that my sister got a last. I have a renfro scale. There you go. That has gained a lot of weight back recently. Thank you holidays. Thank you but the the the biggest difference. I think for this past year when it comes to weight loss compared to all the other times in the past that i've tried i mean i mean to to eighty one. I think i've made it down pounds back in twenty eighteen but gained it all back in the basically Twenty nine hundred. But i don't know something about the renzo are no no. No i mean. I love the renfro real. Mvp of my weight. Loss's actually been my fitness dispel. Very good app. Now that i'm thinking about it very good apple tried new or whatever tried all these things before but for some reason. My fitness pal has been. The one finally helped me get on track to keep track of things that i think is made a huge difference so really To is under armour who runs it might actually unarmored. Doesn't own it anymore. Oh really babe i. I used the same app so They announced that. I think they sold it to somebody else so they do not own it anymore. They still have the under armor will go online. I guess they haven't updated it yet but yeah but Yeah thank you to. Whoever currently owns my goodness powell and thank you to my business value. You made a huge difference in my life this year. And i can't thank you enough for my my non sponsors. A real tug at heartstrings. Can't give it to ourselves all right. Well if we can't give it to ourselves that we should just give taco bell wouldn't just give it to taco bell fine. You know it's fine you. The individual wants their own individual stuff. Like you get vessels for me showbiz from francisco when you the hugs from andrew. Because he's five but whatever but we can never go wrong clock. Belqas you boy is craving. I don't know what i'd be mad. That is absolute torture that you can't have solid food. I was like the workout plan. Because i had shooter alcohol at ten days because christmas was hard man because it was just like bad eating and then my liver like hey. Can we talk. Like i'm in right now. I'm like us eleboration. Now we're good tacking on ten years. Okay so you've got an update here. So my fitness pal was sold in october And it was bought by francisco partners no relation to me because i do not have that kind of money or else would not be a lawyer right now. So yeah all right that has nothing to do with. Maybe you as yeah all right. Okay so yeah taco bell because you have been the the apple of our i or tacos of our i for quite a while. I conquered your chiluba. I will be doing the crunch rap supreme next. That's my next conquest. You guys and still boys one of these days. Bliss was pushed into First week of march. When i finish the finish the bar at boca and get our get ourselves taco bell. Yeah joint there. Oh i forgot. We have an only fans. Oh yes ellis. also something. We did over the last month. If you want to see video of by conquest of the taco bell chalupa and making it for myself and it is on our only fans account.

02:40:04 - 02:41:34

I don't know what the minimum amount of money was sent to. But if you are just tired of all the tits and asks on onlyfans could come on over to the sports goose. Only fans and joy tacos to we do cameo so respect. Unless you're bronx exactly so they go guys. Well i think we can end the show here. it's well. This is one of our longest show. I will edit it down to probably be shorter in the podcast version up hopefully by tomorrow morning if you are getting into this well season five. That was fun. S- underway ladies and gentlemen so we will see you guys next week. I don't have much more to say. We talked a lot by by everyone. You talk about get an icing here in the face off. We'll be back at the other end base off to the right of the nap.

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